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To analyze potential (in)compatibilities of intravenous drugs based on the scheduling prepared by the nursing team.

historic cohort (retrospective) with 110 adults in critical units. Intravenous medications were identified concomitantly, whose pairs were analyzed for (in) compatibility using the screening system Trissel's™ 2 Compatibility IV-Micromedex 2.0. Parametric and non-parametric statistic were used according to the nature of the variable.

565 pairs of drugs were identified. Of these, 44.9% were compatible; and 8.8%, potentially incompatible. Most potentially incompatible pairs involved substances with alkaline pH such as phenytoin (32%) and sodium bicarbonate (8%) and weak acids such as midazolam (12%) and dobutamine (6%), which could result in precipitate formation.

almost half of the mixtures simultaneously administrated was compatible, which indirectly reflects in the organized work between the nursing team and the clinical pharmaceutic in the discussions and decisions related to time scheduling.

almost half of the mixtures simultaneously administrated was compatible, which indirectly reflects in the organized work between the nursing team and the clinical pharmaceutic in the discussions and decisions related to time scheduling.

to analyze comprehensiveness elements in Primary Care in Brazil, between 2012 and 2018, considering preventive and assistance aspects, pointing out advances and obstacles to its improvement in different contexts.

a retrospective longitudinal study using data from the Brazilian National Program for Improving Access and Quality in Primary Care. 15,378 teams were selected that participated in both 1st and 3rd cycles of the program.

improvements were found in the prevalence of teams that ensure preventive and assistance care for priority groups, who develop promotion actions, offer essential procedures, including oral health, carry out home visits, receive support from Extended Family Health and Primary Care Center, offer integrative and complementary practices and develop intersectoral actions.

there has been an improvement in comprehensiveness in Primary Health services, but problems remain that still need to be faced for their improvement.

there has been an improvement in comprehensiveness in Primary Health services, but problems remain that still need to be faced for their improvement.

to investigate the biological activities of interest to the health of Jatropha multifida plant species in published scientific literature.

this is an integrative review, with searches between May and June 2019, using the descriptors, combined through the Boolean operator AND, Jatropha multifida, anti-infective agents, wound healing, cytotoxicity and antioxidants, in LILACS, BDENF, MEDLINE, SciFinder, Web of Science and Scopus databases and in the virtual libraries SciELO and ScienceDirect.

twelve publications were retrieved that showed nine biological activities. The antioxidant activity was reported in 04 (33.33%) studies; antimicrobial and anticancer, addressed by 03 (25%) and 02 (16.66%); anti-inflammatory, anti-melanin deposition, healing, antiophidic, purgative and anti-influenza, seen in 01 (8.33%) each.

although scarce, the published scientific production highlights the biological potential of J. multifida and supports the need for further studies.

although scarce, the published scientific production highlights the biological potential of J. multifida and supports the need for further studies.

Report the implementation of integrative and complementary practices in a Nursing course at a federal university in the fields of teaching, research and extension.

As a reference, the concept of nursing care anchored in the integrality and the avant-garde legacy of Florence Nightingale was used. The report is structured in two topics the first describes the experience itself, and the second brings a critical reflection about the limits, achievements and challenges.

The interaction of integrative practices in nursing and its insertion in teaching, research and extension corroborate holistic care, favor the construction of scientific knowledge in the area and potentially requalify professional training.

The insertion of integrative and complementary practices in nursing education can contribute to the consolidation of an integral model of care in SUS towards access and comprehensiveness.

The insertion of integrative and complementary practices in nursing education can contribute to the consolidation of an integral model of care in SUS towards access and comprehensiveness.

Identify nurse's learning needs to be related to the reception with risk classification of spontaneous demand in Primary Health Care.

Quality study including 15 nurses from Primary Health Care through participatory observation, application of semi-structured instrument, focus group, and of thematic content analysis.

80% of nurses never used the risk classification protocol in Primary Health Care. Knowledge gaps involving clinical aspects of care; protocol management, and the nurse's role; and the historic, structural and cultural contradictions of the care model were confirmed.

The recognition of learning needs for nurses that work in Primary Health Care implies in the construction or improvement of knowledge in order to develop, along with the health team, a risk classification of spontaneous demand, which requires a change in the education and continuity of their qualification for work and at work.

The recognition of learning needs for nurses that work in Primary Health Care implies in the construction or improvement of knowledge in order to develop, along with the health team, a risk classification of spontaneous demand, which requires a change in the education and continuity of their qualification for work and at work.

to assess the impact of the implementation of a managed sepsis protocol on quality indicators of treatment for septic patients in an emergency department of a university hospital.

an observational epidemiological study involving septic patients. The study was divided into two phases, pre-intervention and intervention, resulting from the implementation of the managed sepsis protocol. The study variables included sepsis treatment quality indicators. The results were statistically analyzed using the program Epi InfoTM.

the study sample included 631 patients, 95 from pre-intervention phase and 536 from intervention phases. Implementing the protocol increased patients' chances of receiving the recommended treatment by 14 times. Implementing the protocol reduced the hospitalization period by 6 days (p <0.001) and decreased mortality (p <0.001).

this study showed that implementing the managed protocol had an impact on the improvement of sepsis treatment quality indicators.

this study showed that implementing the managed protocol had an impact on the improvement of sepsis treatment quality indicators.

to identify the dominant dimensions of the authentic leadership of nurses in a private hospital network and to verify the association with job satisfaction and accreditation.

cross-sectional, analytical study carried out in 11 hospitals with 282 nurses, of which 94 were leaders and 188 were led. Participants answered the Authentic Leardership Questionnaire and the Job Satisfaction Survey.

there was a significant difference between the assessment of leaders and followers in all dimensions of the Authentic Leardership Questionnaire. Regarding the association of authentic leadership and job satisfaction, a significant positive moderate correlation was found among the employees. In hospitals accredited by the Joint Commission International, leaders were perceived as more transparent by their subordinates.

there was correlation between authentic leadership and job satisfaction and authentic leadership and the accreditation model among the subordinates.

there was correlation between authentic leadership and job satisfaction and authentic leadership and the accreditation model among the subordinates.

To identify the potential and the limits of the actions of the nursing team in the Primary Health Care for the Health of the Indigenous.

This is a quantitative study guided by the Theory of Practical Intervention of Nursing and Collective Health. 230 nursing professionals participated, responding to an instrument about the frequency of the actions carried out in assistance, management, teaching, and research.

168 nursing technicians and 62 nurses participated. As strengths, 80% participated in the assistance most of the time. Stand out 90.3% and 71% of nurses carried out nursing consultations and house visits, respectively. As a limitation, the involvement in education and research is small. Only 2% of the interviewees carried out scientific researches, reflecting the need to broaden and qualify care and improve the use of traditional practices, overcoming the biomedical model.

Nursing assistance is essential in the modification and monitoring of the epidemiological profile of indigenous populations, and its results allow for the planning of quality actions.

Nursing assistance is essential in the modification and monitoring of the epidemiological profile of indigenous populations, and its results allow for the planning of quality actions.

to analyze the nurse's educational practice in Family Health Strategy.

descriptive study with a qualitative approach, whose data production used the World Café group technique, in two meetings, with 26 nurses of a health district of Manaus-AM. The technique used was Categorial-Thematic Content Analysis.

the study generated two units of analysis Political and Organizational Configuration of Educational Work at ESF and Operational Configuration of Educational Work at ESF, revealing the necessary (re)configurations in co-management, in the centrality of the subject for the planning of educational work, and in (re)pactuation between the management of services and training institutions to overcome contradictions in the implementation of National Policies on Permanent Education and Basic Health Care.

the configuration of nurses' educational practice at ESF works toward interactions, organized to respond to health policies, incorporating creativity in doing, but facing numerous obstacles.

the configuration of nurses' educational practice at ESF works toward interactions, organized to respond to health policies, incorporating creativity in doing, but facing numerous obstacles.

to characterize publications about palliative care and communication, with an emphasis on the approaches addressed, disseminated in online journals.

it is a scope review, in which the mnemonic strategy Problem, Concept and Context was used, based on database research. The sample consisted of 86 publications.

most publications were written in the English language, published in the journal BMC Palliative Care, and with level of evidence IV. As for the approaches approached, the following stand out Importance of communication in palliative care; Breaking the bad news in palliative care; Training professionals/staff to communicate in palliative care; and Communication strategies in palliative care.

the review made it possible to map a significant number of publications on palliative care and communication. It is recommended to produce new studies with better scientific evidence that guide the assistance of health professionals.

the review made it possible to map a significant number of publications on palliative care and communication.

Autoři článku: Magnussenharris3859 (Egholm Hogan)