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While immigrant parents exhibit remarkable resilience in dealing with the pandemic-related meso and macro-levels restrictions, funding and programs are urgently needed to support them in addressing the impact of these at the micro level.Uptake of maternal health services (MHS) have been shown to improve maternal health outcomes. In Nigeria, the maternal outcomes are classified among the poorest worldwide, despite the provision of free MHS to all pregnant women by many Nigerian state governments. The work was aimed at exploring the barriers to the uptake of MHS, from the perspectives of both women and health care professionals (HCP) in Eku Town of Delta State Nigeria, in order to gain a better understanding on views of MHS, and to guide future interventions, effective programs and policy strategies. Using an interpretivist and social constructivist epistemology approach, a qualitative study using 13 in-depth interviews were conducted. Seven women and six HCPs were recruited using purposive and snowballing sampling methods. Thematic content analysis was applied to the data. Three themes emerged. (1) Perspectives to free MHS. The majority of women preferred non-skilled Traditional Birth Attendants (TBAs) over the hospital heath service, as TBAs were viewed as more caring; with orthodox practice not being socially, culturally and religiously friendly. (2) Barriers to utilization HCPs saw the barriers to hospital MHS as misconceptions by the women; the women mentioned the negative attitude of the HCPs and deficits in the free MHS scheme. selleck chemicals (3) Enhancing utilization HCPs stated that improved uptake of MHS required synergy between the community, government/hospital management through awareness, cultural/religious sensitivity, and HCP/TBA training. For the women, a change of HCPs hostile attitude and provision of more conducive hospital environment was required. There are a number of supply and demand factors that influence HCPs and women's perspectives of the uptake of MHS. Interventions and policies need to address both factors with the aim of improving the access and uptake of MHS in Nigeria.COVID-19 is caused by SARS-CoV-2, which originated in Wuhan, Hubei province, Central China, in December 2019 and since then has spread rapidly, resulting in a severe pandemic. The infected patient presents with varying non-specific symptoms requiring an accurate and rapid diagnostic tool to detect SARS-CoV-2. This is followed by effective patient isolation and early treatment initiation ranging from supportive therapy to specific drugs such as corticosteroids, antiviral agents, antibiotics, and the recently introduced convalescent plasma. The development of an efficient vaccine has been an on-going challenge by various nations and research companies. A literature search was conducted in early December 2020 in all the major databases such as Medline/PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus and Google Scholar search engines. The findings are discussed in three main thematic areas namely diagnostic approaches, therapeutic options, and potential vaccines in various phases of development. Therefore, an effective and economical vaccine remains the only retort to combat COVID-19 successfully to save millions of lives during this pandemic. However, there is a great scope for further research in discovering cost-effective and safer therapeutics, vaccines and strategies to ensure equitable access to COVID-19 prevention and treatment services.

The COVID-19 pandemic (caused by SARS-CoV-2) has introduced significant challenges for accurate prediction of population morbidity and mortality by traditional variable-based methods of estimation. Challenges to modelling include inadequate viral physiology comprehension and fluctuating definitions of positivity between national-to-international data. This paper proposes that accurate forecasting of COVID-19 caseload may be best preformed non-parametrically, by vector autoregression (VAR) of verifiable data regionally.

A non-linear VAR model across 7 major demographically representative New York City (NYC) metropolitan region counties was constructed using verifiable daily COVID-19 caseload data March 12-July 23, 2020. Through association of observed case trends with a series of (county-specific) data-driven dynamic interdependencies (lagged values), a systematically non-assumptive approximation of VAR representation for COVID-19 patterns to-date and prospective upcoming trends was produced.

Modified VAble-assumption projections, regionally-founded VAR modelling may substantially improve projection of short-term community disease burden, reduce potential for biostatistical error, as well as better model epidemiological effects resultant from intervention. Predictive VAR extrapolation of existing public health data at an interdependent regional scale may improve accuracy of current pandemic burden prognoses.

Community health workers (CHWs) are essential providers of integrated care for people in low-resourced settings with a high burden from noncommunicable diseases (NCDs).

The purpose of this study was to evaluate a CHW training program in rural Malawi integrating blood pressure (BP) monitoring into rehabilitation care.

This was a retrospective cross-sectional study. The participants were a convenience sample of home-based palliative care CHWs at the local hospital (

= 59). Data collected included a written pre- and post-knowledge test, skills competency checklist and a post-training program survey. Descriptive frequencies and paired

-tests (

= 0.05) were used for quantitative analyses. Themes in narrative responses in the post-training survey were analyzed qualitatively.

Participant knowledge regarding BP monitoring procedures improved significantly on the post-test (M = 8.24, SD = 1.654) compared to the pre-test (M = 6.59, SD = 1.683), Z (49) = -5.569, p < 0.001. The pre-and post-tests were scored 0-10 points. All participants demonstrated competency in 100% of the skills. Participants reported the lack of transportation, teamwork and resources as barriers to their work. They reported trainings and opportunities to collaborate as facilitators to their work.

This study demonstrated the effectiveness of a training program for CHWs which integrated BP monitoring with rehabilitation care for people with NCDs. This retention of knowledge and application to clinical practice serve as strong indicators of the feasibility and sustainability of the CHW training and care delivery program in resource-limited settings.

Our findings help demonstrate that training CHWs can be an effective way to help bridge the gap in health care access for people with disabilities in resource-limited countries.

Our findings help demonstrate that training CHWs can be an effective way to help bridge the gap in health care access for people with disabilities in resource-limited countries.

Periodontal diseases (PD) seem to appear today as predictors of some cardiovascular diseases (CVD). There is a lack of data on the oral health among Cameroonian military population, and its relationship with CVD.

Investigate on the link between oral health of Cameroonian military from the Ngaoundéré garrison and their cardiovascular risk profile.

A cross-sectional study at the Fifth Military Sector Health Center in Ngaoundéré was conducted. General health parameters assessment was done according to the World Health Organization STEPS manual for surveillance of risk factors for non-communicable chronic diseases and the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test. The periodontal status was assessed using Dutch Periodontal Screening Index.

Two hundred and five participants who were officers and non-commissioned officers (aged 47 ± 08 and 32 ± 08 years respectively), with 86.4% of men were included. Smoking was associated to periodontitis (OR = 4.44 [1.73-11.43], p = 0.0031). Quality of oral hygiene was associated to high cardiovascular risk profile, poor/good (OR = 3.96 [1.07-14.57], p = 0.0386) and medium/good (OR = 3.44 [1.11-10.66], p = 0.0322).

Lifestyle as tobacco consumption and poor oral hygiene were associated to CVD among military, and this call for change.

Lifestyle as tobacco consumption and poor oral hygiene were associated to CVD among military, and this call for change.Psychological distress is a generic term which refers to "feeling of emotional strain" that affects our normal mental and physical functioning. The aim of this study is to investigate the psychological distress perceived by the Pakistani students living in quarantine and to determine risk and protective factors, including knowledge of COVD-19, among this population. It is a descriptive cross-sectional study conducted from February to May 2020. Students enrolled at different colleges and universities of Pakistan participated in this survey. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) is computed for comparing knowledge scores of participants having different levels of psychological distress. A total of 937 participants completed the survey questionnaire, with slightly more male respondents (60.6%) than female (39.4%). The average age of survey participants is 22.0 years (SD = 3.01), with majority (76.2%) belonging to urban areas. The mean COVID-19 knowledge score is 8.91 (SD = 1.69, range 1-12), suggesting an overall 74.25% precision rate for this knowledge test for individual participant. The participants scored least knowledge regarding the disease transmission, showing a percentage correctness of only 40%. Majority of the participants (57.3%) are likely to be well, while others (42.7%) have shown symptoms of mental distress. The analysis reveals that participants with moderate mental distress (M = 8.81, SD = 2.37) and those with severe mental distress (M = 8.75, SD = 2.69) scored lower than participants who were likely to be well (M = 9.49, SD = 1.71). Our study concludes that a higher knowledge base regarding the disease will help to mitigate distress levels. Our study suggests that in order to deal with this pandemic effectively, the knowledge regarding COVID-19 should be properly conveyed to general public. It is need of the hour to address mental issues of the population aggressively along with providing awareness about COVID-19.

Many civil liberties organizations have raised concerns that substandard medical care in United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detention facilities have led to preventable deaths. The 2018 Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Bill required ICE to make public all reports regarding in-custody deaths within 90 days beginning in Fiscal Year (FY) 2018. Accordingly, ICE has released death reports following each in-custody death since April of 2018. This study describes characteristics of deaths among individuals in ICE detention following the FY2018 mandate.

Data was extracted from death reports published by ICE following the FY2018 mandate. Causes of death were categorized as suicide or medical, and medical deaths as COVID-19-related or not. Characteristics were compared between medical and suicide deaths, and among medical deaths between COVID-19-related and non-COVID-19-related deaths. Additionally, death rates per person-year and per 100,000 admissions were calculated for FY2018, 2019, and 2020 using methods from prior work evaluating deaths among detained immigrants in the United States.

Autoři článku: Macmillanmacleod0253 (Outzen Munck)