Magma plumbing systems underlying subduction zone volcanoes extend from the mantle through the overlying crust and facilitate protracted fractional crystallisation, assimilation, and mixing, which frequently obscures a clear view of mantle source compositions. In order to see through this crustal noise, we present intracrystal Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS) δ18O values in clinopyroxene from Merapi, Kelut, Batur, and Agung volcanoes in the Sunda arc, Indonesia, under which the thickness of the crust decreases from ca. 30 km at Merapi to ≤20 km at Agung. Here we show that mean clinopyroxene δ18O values decrease concomitantly with crustal thickness and that lavas from Agung possess mantle-like He-Sr-Nd-Pb isotope ratios and clinopyroxene mean equilibrium melt δ18O values of 5.7 ‰ (±0.2 1 SD) indistinguishable from the δ18O range for Mid Ocean Ridge Basalt (MORB). The oxygen isotope composition of the mantle underlying the East Sunda Arc is therefore largely unaffected by subduction-driven metasomatism and may thus represent a sediment-poor arc end-member.Shearing along subduction zones, laboratory experiments on analogue faults, and sliding along glacier beds are all associated with aseismic and co-seismic slip. In this study, an ocean-bottom seismometer is deployed near the terminus of a Greenlandic tidewater glacier, effectively insulating the signal from the extremely noisy surface seismic wavefield. Continuous, tide-modulated tremor related to ice speed is recorded at the bed of the glacier. When noise interference (for example, due to strong winds) is low, the tremor is also confirmed via analysis of seismic waveforms from surface stations. The signal resembles the tectonic tremor commonly observed during slow-earthquake events in subduction zones. We propose that the glacier sliding velocity can be retrieved from the observed seismic noise. LY2584702 Our approach may open new opportunities for monitoring calving-front processes in one of the most difficult-to-access cryospheric environments.Chemical descriptors encode the physicochemical and structural properties of small molecules, and they are at the core of chemoinformatics. The broad release of bioactivity data has prompted enriched representations of compounds, reaching beyond chemical structures and capturing their known biological properties. Unfortunately, bioactivity descriptors are not available for most small molecules, which limits their applicability to a few thousand well characterized compounds. Here we present a collection of deep neural networks able to infer bioactivity signatures for any compound of interest, even when little or no experimental information is available for them. Our signaturizers relate to bioactivities of 25 different types (including target profiles, cellular response and clinical outcomes) and can be used as drop-in replacements for chemical descriptors in day-to-day chemoinformatics tasks. Indeed, we illustrate how inferred bioactivity signatures are useful to navigate the chemical space in a biologically relevant manner, unveiling higher-order organization in natural product collections, and to enrich mostly uncharacterized chemical libraries for activity against the drug-orphan target Snail1. Moreover, we implement a battery of signature-activity relationship (SigAR) models and show a substantial improvement in performance, with respect to chemistry-based classifiers, across a series of biophysics and physiology activity prediction benchmarks.STAT1α is a key transcription factor driving pro-inflammatory responses in macrophages. We found that the interferon gamma (IFNγ)-regulated transcriptional program in macrophages is controlled by ADP-ribosylation (ADPRylation) of STAT1α, a post-translational modification resulting in the site-specific covalent attachment of ADP-ribose moieties. PARP-1, the major nuclear poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP), supports IFNγ-stimulated enhancer formation by regulating the genome-wide binding and IFNγ-dependent transcriptional activation of STAT1α. It does so by ADPRylating STAT1α on specific residues in its DNA-binding domain (DBD) and transcription activation (TA) domain. ADPRylation of the DBD controls STAT1α binding to its cognate DNA elements, whereas ADPRylation of the TA domain regulates enhancer activation by modulating STAT1α phosphorylation and p300 acetyltransferase activity. Loss of ADPRylation at either site leads to diminished IFNγ-dependent transcription and downstream pro-inflammatory responses. We conclude that PARP-1-mediated ADPRylation of STAT1α drives distinct enhancer activation mechanisms and is a critical regulator of inflammatory responses in macrophages.Quantum-mechanical methods are used for understanding molecular interactions throughout the natural sciences. Quantum diffusion Monte Carlo (DMC) and coupled cluster with single, double, and perturbative triple excitations [CCSD(T)] are state-of-the-art trusted wavefunction methods that have been shown to yield accurate interaction energies for small organic molecules. These methods provide valuable reference information for widely-used semi-empirical and machine learning potentials, especially where experimental information is scarce. However, agreement for systems beyond small molecules is a crucial remaining milestone for cementing the benchmark accuracy of these methods. We show that CCSD(T) and DMC interaction energies are not consistent for a set of polarizable supramolecules. Whilst there is agreement for some of the complexes, in a few key systems disagreements of up to 8 kcal mol-1 remain. These findings thus indicate that more caution is required when aiming at reproducible non-covalent interactions between extended molecules.There is considerable evidence that the superconducting state of Sr2RuO4 breaks time reversal symmetry. In the experiments showing time reversal symmetry breaking, its onset temperature, TTRSB, is generally found to match the critical temperature, Tc, within resolution. In combination with evidence for even parity, this result has led to consideration of a dxz ± idyz order parameter. The degeneracy of the two components of this order parameter is protected by symmetry, yielding TTRSB = Tc, but it has a hard-to-explain horizontal line node at kz = 0. Therefore, s ± id and d ± ig order parameters are also under consideration. These avoid the horizontal line node, but require tuning to obtain TTRSB ≈ Tc. To obtain evidence distinguishing these two possible scenarios (of symmetry-protected versus accidental degeneracy), we employ zero-field muon spin rotation/relaxation to study pure Sr2RuO4 under hydrostatic pressure, and Sr1.98La0.02RuO4 at zero pressure. Both hydrostatic pressure and La substitution alter Tc without lifting the tetragonal lattice symmetry, so if the degeneracy is symmetry-protected, TTRSB should track changes in Tc, while if it is accidental, these transition temperatures should generally separate.