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© 2019 The Author(s).This study aims at developing a vehicle dynamic simulator using combined CarSim and MATLAB/Simulink software packages loaded with the performance curves and characteristics of an internal combustion engine to optimize the effects of steering control on the energy consumption of an internal combustion engine vehicle. The simulator consists of modules for the engine, transmission, vehicle dynamic load, energy management strategy, and driving patterns. The goal of this research is to develop an advanced Steer By Wire (SBW) system. As the vehicle is turning, the repeatable turning or oversteer might occur due to several factors 1. The path is narrow or the road curvature is high; 2. The insufficient designs of turning radius; 3. The driver's choice for turning paths; 4. Human operation factor (slow or fast operating steering wheel that the vehicle is unable to follow the route). Hence, under various steering sensitivity, vehicle speed, and turning radius, we searched the optimal operation parameters globally that the vehicle might save the maximal energy under the safety concerns. The results will be provided as the reference for the drivers or directly be integrated for the SBW under the semi-automatic driving mode. The results of optimal steering control show that as the turning radius is 40m and vehicle speed is 70 km/h, the maximal energy consumption improvement is 42.72%. If the optimal vehicle speed is considered, the improvement can be even larger. The vehicle model was built based on the real vehicle parameters which can further be employed for the real transportation system. © 2019 The Author(s).In this attempt, in order to obtain high-quality NLO crystal, organic compound; 3-(3,4-Dihydroxyphenyl)-L-Alanine crystal was fabricated. The organic-composite crystal was characterized by crystallographic and spectroscopic tools. The NLO supported parameters like crystal lattice (orthorhombic) and space group (P212121) examined and validated by XRD examination. The SHG test was carried out and SHG efficiency was calculated that1.29 and 1.35 times greater than solid KDP crystal. The laser damage threshold energy density was determined to be 14.51 GW/cm2. By the application of mulliken charge assignment, multiple dielectric cavities were found in crystal material which is able to process the high degree of birefringence gradient. The oscillating chemical potential movement was observed by examining chemical shift, among the core carbons of hexagonal ring and bridge carbons of chain. The chemical softness insists the binding viability of further ligand groups. The π and δ-conjugated interactive complex orbitals recognized on molecular site and participation in optical active mechanism was identified. UV-Visible transmission characteristics of crystal were studied and UV-Visible absorption on degenerate energy states was noted and its band gap energy was estimated. The CT complex of the present case was acknowledged to be COOH group and it causing crystal properties of current organic composite. The hyperactive polarizability was determined as 1775.05 × 10-33 esu and it was found to be five times greater than thiourea. The depletion energy between highly electrophilic zones and protonic zones was estimated to be ±5.241 e 2 causing permanent dielectric characteristics for the title organic composite. The non-superposable on the molecular mirror image was displayed and thereby optical ability was validated. © 2019 The Author(s).An earthquake struck the eastern part of Japan on March 11, 2011. The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant was severely damaged by the earthquake and subsequent tsunami, leading to the emission of large amounts of radioactive pollutants, including 134Cs and 137Cs, into the environment. From August 23 to September 1 in 2011, and from August 27 to September 4 in 2013, we collected samples of animals, plants, fungi and lichens from Svalbard, Norway and measured the radioactivity of 134Cs and 137Cs contained in the samples. Though no radioactivity of 134Cs, which has a half-life of approximately 2 years, was observed, radioactivity of 137Cs, which has a half-life of approximately 30 years, was observed in some samples of lichens and fungi. We failed to detect the radioactivity of 134Cs in any of the samples we collected, therefore, it was impossible to say clearly that the radioactivity is derived from Fukushima or not. Nevertheless, the radioactivity data documented in this report are a useful reference for the future surveys of radioactivity within the Arctic. © 2019 The Author(s).Oysters and shrimp are abundant and commonly consumed seafood by the indigenous population of the Kongo central region of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). Literature reviews suggest that no data were available for the metal concentrations in these species. Consequently, the purpose of this study is to determine the metal concentrations in tissues of oysters (Egeria congica) and shrimp (Macrobrachium spp., Parapenaeus spp., Penaeus spp.) collected in November 2017 from the Atlantic Ocean Coast of DRC in the territory of Muanda. Metal levels in the seafood species studied here were put into context using international regulation for human consumption set by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA), European Union (EU), and World Health Organization (WHO). Our results demonstrated that the concentration of heavy metals varied considerably between sampling sites and analyzed species (P less then 0.05), with the values (in mg kg1) ranged between 0.05-0.41, 0.03-2.25, less then LOD (limit of detection)-1.39, 4.19-60.46, 46.36-319.27, 0.18-3.74, 0.030.35, less then LOD-0.01, 0.08-0.64, 1.12-25.76, 0.04-3.40 and 9.73-924.33 for Hg, Cr, Ni, Cu, Zn, Se, Cd, Sb, Pb, Mn, Co, and Fe, respectively. High concentrations of Cr, Mn, Co and Fe were found in Egeria congica; Cu in Macrobrachium spp., and Hg and Sb in Parapenaeus spp. Cu levels in 33.3% of Macrobrachium spp. and 16.7% of Egeria congica samples exceeded the FAO permissible limit of 30 mg kg-1 (wet weight (ww)). Vismodegib The concentration of Pb in one of six analyzed Egeria congica exceeded the EU permissible limit of 0.5 mg kg-1 (ww). The average values of Zn in all species exceeded the CFIA permissible limit of 50 mg kg-1 (ww). Metal pollution can be explained by several activities which include but not limited to oil exploitation, fuel traffic and tanker navigation, and erosion. High metal concentrations in investigated organisms present potential consumer human health risks. © 2019 The Authors.Behavioral and neuroscience studies have shown that we can easily identify material categories, such as metal and fabric. Not only the early visual areas but also higher-order visual areas including the fusiform gyrus are known to be engaged in material perception. However, the brain mechanisms underlying visual short-term memory (VSTM) for material categories are unknown. To address this issue, we examined the neural correlates of VSTM for objects with material categories using a change detection task. In each trial, participants viewed a sample display containing two, four, or six objects having six material categories and were required to remember the locations and types of objects. After a brief delay, participants were asked to detect an object change based on the images or material categories in the test display (image-based and material-based conditions). Neuronal activity in the brain was assessed using functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Behavioral results showed that the number of objects encoded did not increase as a function of set size in either image-based or material-based conditions. By contrast, MRI data showed a difference between the image-based and material-based conditions in percent signal change observed in a priori region of interest, the fusiform face area (FFA). Thus, we failed to achieve our research aim. However, the brain activation in the FFA correlated with the activation in the precentral/postcentral gyrus, which is related to haptic processing. Our findings indicate that the FFA may be involved in VSTM for objects with material categories in terms of the difference between images and material categories and that this memory may be mediated by the tactile properties of objects. © 2019 The Authors.In Italy, the problem of asbestos pollution is increasing in severity. In fact, in recent years, the number of people affected by asbestos-related illnesses has been growing because of the fibre's slowly evolving effects and its progressive pollution in the environment adjacent to the places where it is processed. Even though the physical consequences of asbestos are now quite clear, few studies have examined the psychological consequences of this kind of disaster. Since it is difficult to perceive its pathogenicity in daily life, this study was conducted in the affected areas of north-eastern Italy, using the qualitative research in psychology with 51 persons who experienced asbestos-related illnesses (19 sick persons and 37 relatives of sick persons). Their narratives described being rooted in a space contaminated by an invisible enemy. In particular, attention was paid to the consequent solastalgia, a kind of mourning arising from loss of place attachment. Results of the qualitative analysis revealed how the different phases of the Elisabeth Kubler-Ross DABDA (Denial Anger Bargaining Depression Acceptance) model of coping with death constitute such feelings, whereas the dual-process model of Stroebe and Schut emphasised how these people seem to be loss oriented because of their perceived lack of community restoration. A discussion of the relationships between attribution of responsibility, entirely external and mostly inscribed in the DABDA categories of ‛anger' and ‛acceptance', is presented, with further considerations about mourning and the need to improve specific psychological support in this field of environmental disaster. © 2019 The Author(s).Carrier-based sinusoidal pulse-width modulation (PWM) techniques, such as phase disposoed PWM(PD-PWM) and phase shifted PWM (PS-PWM), are widely applied to control the modular multilevel cascaded converters (MMCC) having full H-bridge as sub-modules. This paper evaluates these PWM techniques when controlling a variant of the H-bridge MMCC, i.e. the MMCC five-level flying capacitor converter as sub-modules. This MMCC poses an extra challenge to PWM schemes; namely maintaining two inner floating capacitor voltage balancing. Two novel PWM techniques known as the swapped carrier PWM techniques are introduced for the control of this converter. The paper compares them with the two conventional ones using a performance metrics composed of voltage waveform performance, capability in natural flying capacitor voltage balancing, converter power loss, and switch utilisation. The results show that the proposed new PWM schemes outperform both conventional methods in both switching and conduction power losses and achieve similar performance like the PS-PWM under the three other metrics. © 2019 The Authors.In the preparation of polymer-based functional materials, it is often difficult to express the desired function using a single substance. Thus, multiple materials are often combined to achieve a desired function using methods such as the addition of a filler or lamination. However, when materials are mixed using a filler, the transparency of the polymer decreases. Therefore, a prediction indicator for transparency is needed. In this study, we focused on using the Hansen solubility parameter (HSP) as a predictor of transparency. The value of δ d , which is the dispersion force term of the solubility parameter, is considered to be related to the refractive index of the solvent. Silica particles were selected as model particles, and the HSP value was determined. We examined the possibility of evaluating the transparency in a solvent containing silica particles based on the HSP value, and our results indicated that a smaller difference in δ d between the particles and solvent corresponded with a higher transparency.

Autoři článku: Lureilly0974 (Bennett McClanahan)