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There were also deficiencies related to provider knowledge, funding, training, and supervision, and were particularly evident at the health facility level. These weaknesses were corroborated with the sustained transmission of polioviruses in the region, where the surveillance systems were not sensitive enough to pick the viruses.

The review teams made useful recommendations that led to strengthening of the surveillance systems in these countries, including the formation and use of village polio volunteers in the south and central zones of Somalia, where security was heavily compromised and surveillance officers lacked regular access to the communities.

The review teams made useful recommendations that led to strengthening of the surveillance systems in these countries, including the formation and use of village polio volunteers in the south and central zones of Somalia, where security was heavily compromised and surveillance officers lacked regular access to the communities.The polio Eradication Initiative (PEI) is one of the most important public health interventions in Africa. Quality data is necessary to monitor activities and key performance indicators and access year by year progress made. This process has been possible with a solid polio health information system that has been consolidated over the years. This study describes the whole process to have data for decision making. The main components are the data flow, the role of the different levels, data capture and tools, standards and codes, the data cleaning process, the integration of data from various sources, the introduction of innovative technologies, feedback and information products and capacity building. The results show the improvement in the timeliness of reporting data to the next level, the availability of quality data for analysis to monitor key surveillance performance indicators, the output of the data cleaning exercise pointing out data quality gaps, the integration of data from various sources to produce rules and information check will avoid multiple entries.

In 1988, the World Health Assembly launched the Global Polio Eradication Initiative. WHO AFRO is close to achieve this goal with the last wild poliovirus detected in 2014 in Borno States in Nigeria. The certification of the WHO African Region requires that all the 47 member states meet the critical indicators for a polio free status. Madagascar started implementing polio eradication activities in 1996 and was declared polio free in June 2018 in Abuja. This study describes the progress achieved towards polio eradication activities in Madagascar from 1977-2017 and highlights the remaining challenges to be addressed.

Data were collected from the national routine immunization services, Country Acute Flaccid surveillance databases and national reports of SIAS and Mop Up campaign. Country complete polio and immunization related documentation provided detailed historical information's.

From 1997 to 2017, Madagascar reported one wild poliovirus (WPV) outbreak and four circulating Vaccine Derived Polio Virus (cVtical program challenges to address in order to maintaining the polio free status. Continuous high-level advocacy should be kept in order to ensure that new government authorities maintain polio eradication among the top priorities of the country.

High national political commitment and support of the Global Polio Eradication Partnership were critical for Madagascar to achieve polio free status. Socio-political instability, weakness of the health system, sub-optimal routine immunization performance, insufficient SIA quality and existing security compromised areas remain critical program challenges to address in order to maintaining the polio free status. Continuous high-level advocacy should be kept in order to ensure that new government authorities maintain polio eradication among the top priorities of the country.The Auto Visual AFP Detection and Response (AVADAR) is a community-based digital platform that deals with the collection and distribution of real-time information. AVADAR makes it possible to report suspected cases of paralysis in the field at the central level. Once a suspected Acute Flaccid Paralysis (AFP) case is detected, a series of reports are sent to the following stakeholders the nearest training officer, the district focal point, the district AVADAR team, the regional focal point, the central level of the Ministry of Health (MoH) and World Health Organization Country Office (WCO) by SMS and email. The health worker will go to the field to join the community informant who notified the case for a clinical investigation. At the end of this investigation, the health worker via a smartphone will submit an investigation report validating or invalidating the suspected case notified as a true case of AFP or False case. A small server called a gateway is positioned at the central level to ensure the information link between community informants and health workers in each district. A large server is placed in Geneva at Novel-T which allows all countries to connect and view the data in real time. The geolocation of all alerts and investigations of AFP cases is the cornerstone of AVADAR data.Polymeric particles with intricate morphologies and properties have been developed based on bioinspired designs for applications in regenerative medicine, tissue engineering, and drug delivery. However, the fabrication of particles with asymmetric functionalities remains a challenge. Janus polymeric particles are an emerging class of material with asymmetric functionalities; however, they are predominantly spherical in morphology, made from non-biocompatible materials, and made using specialized fabrication techniques. Pimasertib We therefore set out to fabricate nonspherical Janus particles inspired by high aspect ratio filamentous bacteriophage using polycaprolactone polymers and standard methods. Janus high aspect ratio particles (J-HARPs) were fabricated with a nanotemplating technique to create branching morphologies selectively at one edge of the particle. J-HARPs were fabricated with maleimide handles and modified with biomolecules such as proteins and biotin. Regioselective modification was observed at the tips of J-HARPs, likely owing to the increased surface area of the branching regions.

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