This data describes the modern surgical treatment of congenital vallecular cyst in a term newborn infant who developed neonatal stridor on day 1 of life. Diagnosis was made by nasoendoscopy and the infant underwent successful treatment by marsupialization via coblation technique. Images and videos were taken during the procedure both pre and post-operatively. This case highlights the need for an interdisciplinary evaluation of persistent neonatal stridor in newborn infants for early diagnosis and intervention to avoid critical airway obstruction and potentially fatal outcomes, DOI 10.1016/j.epsc.2020.101460[1].KomNet is a face image dataset originated from three media sources which can be used to recognize faces. KomNET contains face images which were collected from three different media sources, i.e. mobile phone camera, digital camera, and media social. The collected face dataset was frontal face image or facing the camera. The face dataset originated from the three media were collected without certain conditions such as lighting, background, haircut, mustache and beard, head cover, glasses, and differences of expression. KomNet dataset were collected from 50 clusters in which each of them consisted of 24 face images. To increase the number of training data, the face images were propagated with augmentation image technique, in which ten augmentations were used such as Rotate, Flip, Gaussian Blur, Gamma Contrast, Sigmoid Contrast, Sharpen, Emboss, Histogram Equalization, Hue and Saturation, Average Blur so the face images became 240 face images per cluster. The author trained the dataset by using CNN-based transfer learning VGGface. KomNET dataset are freely available on https// properties of as-spun, aged and stress-annealed melt-spun poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) (P3HB) fibers are presented in section 1.1. Section 1.2 presents tables with stress/temperature conditions and exposure times during in-situ laboratory WAXD and SAXS experiments, and section 1.3 presents azimuthal profiles of the corresponding WAXD patterns with extracted orientation factors of the α-crystals. Section 1.4 presents the extracted long-spacings, coherence lengths and crystal sizes from SAXS patterns. The corresponding fits of meridional and transversal SAXS profiles are shown in sections 1.5 and 1.6, respectively. In-situ synchrotron measurements during tensile drawing of differently pre-annealed P3HB fibers are presented in section 1.7. A detailed description of the tensile, SAXS/WAXD measurements and analysis is given in the experimental section 2. The laboratory SAXS/WAXD measurements during stress annealing were performed with a Bruker Nanostar U diffractometer (Bruker AXS, Karlsruhe, Germany) and a heating stage H+300 (Bruker AXS, Germany). Different weights were attached to the fibers during heating to apply stress. The synchrotron measurements during tensile drawing were performed at the cSAXS beamline at the Swiss Light Source of the Paul Scherrer Institute in Switzerland. The fibers were drawn with a TS 600 tensile stage (Anton Paar GmbH, Austria) using a 5 N load cell. For more information see 'Structural response of melt-spun poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) fibers to stress and temperature' [1].The presented dataset relates to a research project titled "My Home My Community" undertaken at University of Technology Sydney (UTS) which has been funded by the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) Australia. The dataset reports estimated prevalence rates of Intellectual Disability in NSW by local government area (LGA) from 2010 - 2015. The dataset is a re-examination of a cohort of 92, 542 people with intellectual disability from a larger linked research dataset built by the Department of Developmental Disability Neuropsychiatry, School of Psychiatry, UNSW. The dataset in this paper is presented in a multi-year cross-sectional format. The cohort of people with Intellectual Disability was analysed to estimate, quantify and visualise where people with intellectual disability live in New South Wales (NSW). The cohort analysed in this dataset had been generated in an earlier project undertaken by the UNSW-based authors. This dataset was generated to share with local governments in Australia and has the potential to be more widely used in a range of health policy and planning research, and city and regional planning research environments. It represents one of the only datasets currently available in Australia on Intellectual Disability describing prevalence rates at a local government area level. Selleck FDI-6 This dataset allows for population comparisons in other Australian states and internationally and can be examined in combination with other social and economic datasets to continue to build evidence about disability, planning and geography.Hypoxia, reduced vascularization, elevated oxidative stress, and infection are critical clinical hallmarks of non-healing chronic diabetic wounds. The dataset presented here is in support of the development and evaluation of the exosome laden oxygen releasing OxOBand for treatment and management of diabetic and infectious wounds [1]. It describes the additional results in support of the development of OxOBand and its evaluation for diabetic wound healing. Exosomes were isolated from adipose-derived stem cells (ADSCs) and characterized through dynamic light scattering (DLS) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The encapsulation of exosomes by cells and its effect on migration of NIH3T3 cells under in-vitro condition is described. Further antioxidant polyurethane (PUAO) cryogel and oxygen releasing antioxidant (PUAO-CPO) cryogel scaffolds were fabricated as reported earlier [2,3] and NIH3T3, HaCaT and ADSCs were cultured on these scaffolds. "OxOBand", the calcium peroxide containing oxygen releasing antioxidant polyurethane (PUAO-CPO) scaffold along with exosomes was evaluated in chronic wounds in diabetic rats. The wounds were also infected with Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus), and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (P. aeruginosa) bacteria and OxOBand was further evaluated for the healing of these infectious diabetic wounds. Interpretation of this data can be found in a research article title "Exosome laden oxygen releasing antioxidant and antibacterial cryogel wound dressing OxOBand alleviate diabetic and infectious wound healing, Shiekh et. al., Biomaterials, 2020 [1].