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Salmonella was detected in 1.2% of samples. The AMR gene blaCTX-M (CONV, 4.1 log-normalized abundance; RWA, 3.8 log-normalized abundance; P < 0.01) was more abundant in CONV ground beef. The AMR genes mecA (CONV, 4.4 log-normalized abundance; RWA, 4.9 log-normalized abundance; P = 0.05), tet(A) (CONV, 3.9 log-normalized abundance; RWA, 4.5 log-normalized abundance; P < 0.01), tet(B) (CONV, 3.9 log-normalized abundance; RWA, 4.5 log-normalized abundance; P < 0.01), and tet(M) (CONV, 5.4 log-normalized abundance; RWA, 5.8 log-normalized abundance; P < 0.01) were more abundant in RWA ground beef. Although these results suggest that antimicrobial use during U.S. cattle production does not increase human exposure to antimicrobial-resistant bacteria via ground beef, quantitative microbiological risk assessments are required for authoritative determination of the human health impacts of the use of antimicrobial agents during beef production.

Once pathogens are internalized in fresh produce, they pose a challenging food safety issue because they are not effectively inactivated by conventional rinsing or sanitization. To protect food safety and public health, the objectives of this study were to examine internalized levels of foodborne pathogens in different types of fresh produce and to investigate the effectiveness of photocatalytically enhanced inactivation of internalized pathogens in fresh produce using UV irradiation with titanium dioxide (TiO2). For this, green fluorescent protein-labeled Salmonella Typhimurium and Escherichia coli O157H7 were inoculated on the leaf surface of four types of fresh produce (∼108 CFU per leaf), and varying concentrations of TiO2 suspension (0.50, 0.75, 1.00, 1.25, and 1.50 μg/mL) were applied to the surface of contaminated leaves. Depending on the nature of each vegetable, the internalized bacterial level differed (2 to 5 log CFU/g of leaf). GC376 in vitro When UV irradiation (6,000 J/m2) was applied, the internalized Salmonella Typhimurium and E. coli levels were reduced by 0.8 to 2.4 log CFU per leaf; with TiO2, the reduction was 1.1 to 3.7 log CFU per leaf. The inactivation efficiency increased as the TiO2 concentration increased (up to 1.50 μg per leaf). These results indicate that TiO2 application enhanced the photocatalytic inactivation of internalized foodborne pathogens. The application of TiO2 would be most practical before UV irradiation and before distributing the produce. This study established a platform for future research on the inactivation of various internalized pathogens for protecting public health and scaling up fresh produce treatments by the food industry.

Alopecia is one of the common symptoms after high-dose radiation exposure. In our experiments, neonatal mice that received 7 Gy X-ray exhibited defects in overall hair growth, except for their cheeks. This phenomenon might suggest that some substances were secreted and prevented hair follicle loss in the infant tissues around their cheeks after radiation damage. In this study, we focused on exosome-like vesicles (ELV) secreted from cheek skin tissues and back skin tissues, as control, and examined their radiation protective effects on mouse fibroblast cell lines. We observed that ELV from irradiated cheek skin showed protective effects from radiation. Our results suggest that ELV from radiation-exposed cheek skin tissue is one of the secreted factors that prevent hair follicle loss after high-dose radiation.The contribution of type II alveolar epithelial stem cells (AEC II) to radiation-induced lung fibrosis (RILF) is largely unknown. Cell differentiation phenotypes are determined by the balance between Lin28 and lethal-7 microRNA (let-7 miRNA). Lin28 is activated by β-catenin. The aim of this study was to track AEC II phenotypes at different phases of injury following thoracic irradiation and examine the expression of β-catenin, Lin28 and let-7 to identify their role in AEC II differentiation. Results showed that coexpression of prosurfactant protein C (proSP-C, an AEC II biomarker) and HOPX (homeobox only protein X, an AEC I biomarker) or vimentin (a differentiation marker) was detected in AEC II post-irradiation. The protein expression levels of HOPX and proSP-C were significantly downregulated, but vimentin was significantly upregulated following irradiation. The expression of E-cadherin, which prevents β-catenin from translocating to the nucleus, was downregulated, and the expression of β-catenin and Lin28 was upregulated after irradiation (P less then 0.05 to P less then 0.001). Four let-7 miRNA members (a, b, c and d) were upregulated in irradiated lungs (P less then 0.05 to P less then 0.001), but let-7d was significantly downregulated at 5 and 6 months (P less then 0.001). The ratios of Lin28 to four let-7 members were low during the early phase of injury and were slightly higher after 2 months. Intriguingly, the Lin28/let-7d ratio was strikingly increased after 4 months. We concluded that β-catenin contributed to RILF by promoting Lin28 expression, which increased the number of AEC II and the transcription of profibrotic molecules. In this study, the downregulation of let-7d miRNA by Lin28 resulted in the inability of AEC II to differentiate into type I alveolar epithelial cells (AEC I).Fosfomycin is an antibiotic with a broad spectrum of activity against many multidrug-resistant bacterial strains. It is mainly excreted unchanged by the kidneys, and its half-life therefore depends on kidney function which varies considerably among individuals, and within individuals over time. Proper fosfomycin dosing thus depends on assaying blood concentration of the drug. We developed and validated a simple, sensitive and specific chromatography assay, which was coupled to electrospray ionization mass spectrometry for determination of fosfomycin. Separation of fosfomycin was based on the method of the hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography; specifically, plasma and dialysate samples were acidified and the protein precipitated with acetonitrile. The calibration curves showed excellent coefficients of determination (R2 > 0.999) over the relevant concentration range of 25-700 μg/mL. Intraday precision was 1.1-1.2% and accuracy was -5.9% to 0.9% for quality control samples. Interday precision was 2.9-3.4% and accuracy was -3.7% to 5.5%. Extraction recovery was ≥87% and matrix effects ranged from 2.2% to 4.3%. After laboratory validation, the method was successfully applied to clinical samples.Breast cancer is one of the most common types of cancers and the leading cause of death from malignancy among women worldwide. Tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes are a source of important prognostic biomarkers for breast cancer patients. In this study, based on the tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes in the tumor immune microenvironment, a risk score prognostic model was developed in the training cohort for risk stratification and prognosis prediction in breast cancer patients. The prognostic value of this risk score prognostic model was also verified in the two testing cohorts and the TCGA pan cancer cohort. Nomograms were also established in the training and testing cohorts to validate the clinical use of this model. Relationships between the risk score, intrinsic molecular subtypes, immune checkpoints, tumor-infiltrating immune cell abundances and the response to chemotherapy and immunotherapy were also evaluated. Based on these results, we can conclude that this risk score model could serve as a robust prognostic biomarker, provide therapeutic benefits for the development of novel chemotherapy and immunotherapy, and may be helpful for clinical decision making in breast cancer patients.Emerging viral infections seriously threaten human health globally. Several challenges exist in identifying effective compounds against viral infections (1) at the initial stage of a new virus outbreak, little information, except for its genome information, may be available; (2) although the identified compounds may be effective, they may be toxic in vivo and (3) cytokine release syndrome (CRS) triggered by viral infections is the primary cause of mortality. Currently, an integrative tool that takes all those aspects into consideration for identifying effective compounds to prevent viral infections is absent. In this study, we developed iDMer, as an integrative and mechanism-driven response system for addressing these challenges during the sudden virus outbreaks. iDMer comprises three mechanism-driven compound identification modules, that is, a virus-host interaction-oriented module, an autophagy-oriented module and a CRS-oriented module. As a one-stop integrative platform, iDMer incorporates compound toxicity evaluation and compound combination identification for virus treatment with clear mechanisms. iDMer was successfully tested on five viruses, including the current severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Our results indicated that, for all five tested viruses, compounds that were reported in the literature or experimentally validated for virus treatment were enriched at the top, demonstrating the generalized effectiveness of iDMer. Finally, we demonstrated that combinations of the individual modules successfully identified combinations of compounds effective for virus intervention with clear mechanisms.Exposure to acute, high-dose, whole-body ionizing radiation results in bone marrow failure (hematopoietic acute radiation syndrome with resultant infection, bleeding, anemia, and increased risk of death). Sargramostim (yeast-derived rhu GM-CSF), a yeast-derived, molecularly cloned, hematopoietic growth factor and pleiotropic cytokine supports proliferation, differentiation, maturation and survival of cells of several myeloid lineages. We evaluated the efficacy of sargramostim in non-human primates (rhesus macaques) exposed to whole-body ionizing radiation at a 50-60% lethal dose. The primary end point was day 60 survival. Non-human primates received daily subcutaneous sargramostim (7 mcg/kg/day) or control. To reflect the anticipated setting of a nuclear or radiologic event, treatment began 48 h postirradiation, and non-human primates received only moderate supportive care (no whole blood transfusions or individualized antibiotics). Sargramostim significantly increased day 60 survival to 78% (95% confidence interval, 61-90%) vs. 42% (26-59%; P = 0.0018) in controls. Neutrophil, platelet and lymphocyte recovery rates were accelerated and infection rates decreased. Improved survival when sargramostim was started 48 h postirradiation, without use of intensive supportive care, suggests sargramostim may be effective in treating humans exposed to acute, high-dose whole-body, ionizing radiation in a scenario such as a mass casualty event.Octacalcium phosphate (OCP) Ca8H2(PO4)6×5H2O] has attracted increasing attention over the last decade as a transient intermediate to the biogenic apatite for bone engineering and in studies involving the processes of pathological calcification. In this work, OCP powders obtained by hydrolysis of dicalcium phosphate dehydrate were subjected to X- and γ-ray irradiation and studied by means of stationary and pulsed electron paramagnetic resonance at 9, 36 and 94 GHz microwave frequencies. Several types of paramagnetic centers were observed in the investigated samples. Their spectroscopic parameters (components of the g and hyperfine tensors) were determined. Based on the extracted parameters, the induced centers were ascribed to H0, CO33-, CO2- and nitrogen-centered (presumably NO32-) radicals. The spectroscopic parameters of the nitrogen-centered stable radical in OCP powders were found to be markedly different from those in hydroxyapatite. According to X-ray diffraction data, γ-ray irradiation allowed the phase composition of calcium phosphates to change; all minor phases with the exception of OCP and hydroxyapatite disappeared, while the OCP crystal lattice parameters changed after irradiation.

Autoři článku: Lillelundfarmer7329 (McClure Daugherty)