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The top-ranking clinical characteristics varied in each subgroup, such as indices of liver function, renal function and inflammatory markers. Among them, the indices of renal function were highly ranked in all subgroups and displayed significant differences during hospitalization.

Organ functions of COVID-19 patients, particularly renal function, should be cautiously taken care of during management and might be a crucial factor for a poor prognosis of these patients with complications.

Organ functions of COVID-19 patients, particularly renal function, should be cautiously taken care of during management and might be a crucial factor for a poor prognosis of these patients with complications.

Tinnitus is one of the most common otological symptoms that patients experience, and it can be debilitating. No effective drug treatments are available for tinnitus, although considerable research investigating its mechanisms and possible treatments is underway. Electrical stimulation has been considered a promising and well-tolerated therapeutic strategy for tinnitus. This meta-analysis study was aimed to investigate the efficacy, safety and tolerability of electrical stimulation in patients with tinnitus.

Relevant studies were retrieved from the Embase, PubMed, Web of Science, Cochrane Library, China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI), Chinese Biomedical Literature (CBM), Wanfang and Weipu databases. The Tinnitus Handicap Inventory (THI) and the visual analogue scale (VAS) which focus on loudness and distress evaluation (0-10 points) were used to assess perceived tinnitus suppression after treatment. Subgroup analysis was also performed based on different stimulating areas and methods, follow-up t may be an effective and well-tolerated treatment option for tinnitus.

Overall, electrical stimulation may be an effective and well-tolerated treatment option for tinnitus.Recently emerged coronavirus, known as SARS-CoV-2 or Covid-19 is considered as a serious threat for human health. Due to unavailable specific drugs for this virus, there is an urgent need for supportive cares. Epigenetic immune boosting approaches and developing anti-inflammatory agents by gut-associated bioactive macronutrients can be plausible protective cares for COVID-19. Suitable intake of bioactive macronutrients including prebiotics, fatty acids, proteins and branched-chain amino acids may result in anti-viral responses through modulating macrophages and dendritic cells via Toll-like receptors, decreasing viral load, inactivating the enveloped viruses, increasing the anti-inflammatory metabolites and inhibiting the proliferation of microbial organisms. Bioactive macronutrients may help in promotion of immunological responses and recovery acceleration against Covid-19. This review focuses on the mechanisms of bioactive macronutrients and related clinical trials on enveloped viruses with emphasis on gut-microbiome-immune axis. Macronutrients and this axis may be conducive strategies to protect host against the viral infection.

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a life-threatening disease with numerous complications. Hemodialysis (HD) patients are prone to magnesium deficiency due to malnutrition, which can cause cardiovascular complications and increase mortality. The present study aimed to investigate the effects of sevelamer and calcium carbonate, as phosphate binders, on serum levels of magnesium, calcium, and phosphorus in HD patients.

A parallel clinical trial was conducted on 54 patients undergoing HD at Kosar Hospital of Semnan. The inclusion criteria were end-stage renal disease (ESRD), alternative HD treatment for at least 3 months 3 times a week, and serum phosphate levels greater than 4.5 mg/dL. The participants were randomly assigned to two groups of sevelamer (n = 27) and calcium carbonate (n = 27). If the participants were taking a phosphate binder, they were asked to stop it for 3 weeks. Participants in the sevelamer group received 800 mg of sevelamer at most three times a day and those in the calcium carbonate grouer can prevent the likelihood of cardiovascular diseases. However, none of the studied drugs was superior to the other in this regard.

Diarrhea characterized by a frequency increased of defecation more than 3 times/ day accompanied by changes in consistency (becoming liquid). The causes of diarrhea can be divided into 2 parts, which are direct causes and indirect causes that can facilitate or accelerate the occurrence of diarrhea, including bacteria, nutritional conditions, hygiene and sanitation, social culture such as population density, economic status, low birth weight, and immunization.

The purpose of this study to examine the factors that influence the incidence of diarrhea.

This research used secondary data, the prevalence of diarrhea and risk factors in Pasuruan Regency Health Center. Poisson regression approach with maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) estimation and Generalized Method Moment (GMM) used in this study.

The results showed that GMM estimation method in the Poisson regression model gave better performance in terms of significance parameters compared to the MLE method.

Factors affecting the increase of diarrhea oess than 2, the percentage of normal nutritional status, and the percentage of middle class socioeconomic status.

Preventing cancer is better than treating or curing it. Cancer prevention ensures reduced physical, emotional, financial burden to the individual.

The focus of the preventive oncology unit at Healthcare Global (HCG) Enterprise Limited, Bangalore, India, is to increase the understanding of how lifestyle and risk of cancer are related. It also focusses on screening of normal individuals for estimating their risk of developing cancer, which in-turn can lead to earlier detection, improved treatment and outcomes. This unique endeavor started one year back, provides counseling and vaccination services for HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) and HBV (Hepatitis B Virus). Our outreach initiatives in collaboration with the State and City health Departments include screening camps, and awareness sessions focusing on HPV and HBV vaccination.

The focus of research is in the areas of cancer epidemiology, prevention, screening, and control. Such research involves a multidisciplinary approach involving the fields of epidemiology, biostatistics, behavioral science, nutrition, and basic science.

This novel endeavor at a tertiary cancer hospital in a Developing Country is aimed at preventing the development or progression of the malignant cancer process.

This novel endeavor at a tertiary cancer hospital in a Developing Country is aimed at preventing the development or progression of the malignant cancer process.

Anti-oxidant, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic effects have been reported for

Linn. ) Celery( seeds and its active component luteolin. So, this study was carried out to investigate the protective effects of hexane (AGHE) and methanol (AGME) extracts of

seeds and luteolin on acetic acid-induced colitis in rats.

Three doses of AGHE (100, 200, and 400 mg/kg), AGME (200, 400, and 800 mg/kg), and luteolin (5, 10, and 20 mg/kg) were administered orally (p.o.) to separate groups of male Wistar rats, 2 h before ulcer induction (acetic acid 4%) and continued once daily for 4 days. Prednisolone (4 mg/kg) and mesalazine (100 mg/kg) were used as reference and vehicle (2 mL/kg) as control groups. Colon biopsies were taken for weighting, macroscopic and histopathologic evaluation, and measuring myeloperoxidase (MPO) activity.

Our findings showed that AGHE (200 and 400 mg/kg), AGME (400 and 800 mg/kg), and luteolin (10 and 20 mg/kg) were effective to reduce colonic ulcer score, area, and index as well as total colitis index, and MPO activity significantly in comparison with controls. Since the lowest doses of extracts and luteolin were not significantly effective to diminish evaluated parameters of colitis, it is concluded that the ameliorative effect was dose related.

It is also concluded that both extracts and luteolin, as an important ingredient of celery extract, were effective in the amelioration of colitis in rats, but further clinical and detailed mechanistic experiments are required to introduce these natural agents for colitis treatment or prevention in human.

It is also concluded that both extracts and luteolin, as an important ingredient of celery extract, were effective in the amelioration of colitis in rats, but further clinical and detailed mechanistic experiments are required to introduce these natural agents for colitis treatment or prevention in human.In this paper, we inquire into possible differences between children with exceptionally high intellectual abilities and their average peers as regards metacognitive monitoring and related metacognitive strategies. The question whether gifted children surpass their typically developing peers not only in the intellectual abilities, but also in their level of metacognitive skills, has not been convincingly answered so far. We sought to examine the indicators of metacognitive behavior by means of eye-tracking technology and to compare these findings with the participants' subjective confidence ratings. Eye-movement data of gifted and average students attending final grades of primary school (4th and 5th grades) were recorded while they dealt with a deductive reasoning task, and four metrics supposed to bear on metacognitive skills, namely the overall trial duration, mean fixation duration, number of regressions and normalized gaze transition entropy, were analyzed. No significant differences between gifted and average children were found in the normalized gaze transition entropy, in mean fixation duration, nor - after controlling for the trial duration - in number of regressions. Both groups of children differed in the time devoted to solving the task. Both groups significantly differed in the association between time devoted to the task and the participants' subjective confidence rating, where only the gifted children tended to devote more time when they felt less confident. Several implications of these findings are discussed.This study investigated reading comprehension, reading speed, and the quality of eye movements while reading on an iPad, as compared to printed text. 31 visually-normal subjects were enrolled. Two of the passages were read from the Visagraph standardized text on iPad and Print. Eye movement characteristics and comprehension were evaluated. Mean (SD) fixation duration was significantly longer with the iPad at 270 ms (40) compared to the printed text (p=0.04) at 260 ms (40). Subjects' mean reading rates were significantly lower on the iPad at 294 words per minute (wpm) than the printed text at 318 wpm (p=0.03). The mean (SD) overall reading duration was significantly (p=0.02) slower on the iPad that took 31 s (9.3) than the printed text at 28 s (8.0). Overall reading performance is lower with an iPad than printed text in normal individuals. These findings might be more consequential in children and adult slower readers when they read using iPads.The present study investigates effects of conventionally metered and rhymed poetry on eyemovements in silent reading. Readers saw MRRL poems (i.e., metrically regular, rhymed language) in two layouts. In poem layout, verse endings coincided with line breaks. In prose layout verse endings could be mid-line. We also added metrical and rhyme anomalies. We hypothesized that silently reading MRRL results in building up auditive expectations that are based on a rhythmic "audible gestalt" and propose that rhythmicity is generated through subvocalization. Our results revealed that readers were sensitive to rhythmic-gestalt-anomalies but showed differential effects in poem and prose layouts. Metrical anomalies in particular resulted in robust reading disruptions across a variety of eye-movement measures in the poem layout and caused re-reading of the local context. Rhyme anomalies elicited stronger effects in prose layout and resulted in systematic re-reading of pre-rhymes. The presence or absence of rhythmic-gestalt-anomalies, as well as the layout manipulation, also affected reading in general. Effects of syllable number indicated a high degree of subvocalization. The overall pattern of results suggests that eye-movements reflect, and are closely aligned with, the rhythmic subvocalization of MRRL. This study introduces a two-stage approach to the analysis of long MRRL stimuli and contributes to the discussion of how the processing of rhythm in music and speech may overlap.It is generally recognized that lives are saved by administering high-quality cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) to patients in cardiac arrest. A focused assessment with sonography for trauma (FAST) examination is an effective and non-invasive method for detecting rare complications of CPR, such as hemorrhage from abdominal visceral injury. We report the case of a 56-year-old female suffering from intra-abdominal hemorrhage caused by a liver laceration following CPR. The hemoperitoneum was diagnosed by a FAST examination. Although severe complications of CPR are rare, they can be easily detected with the use of a FAST examination. A FAST examination should be considered as a post-resuscitation approach to assess for life-threatening complications in all patients following cardiopulmonary resuscitation.The intussusception of the small bowel is rarely encountered in adult patients and is frequently associated with a lead point that is often malignant. In a 69-year-old female patient with an episode of gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding, computed tomography (CT) showed a duodenal-jejunal intussusception caused by an intraluminal mass. Open polypectomy and reduction of intussusception were performed and the diagnosis of gangliocytic paraganglioma was made at pathological evaluation. It would be important to consider neoplasms like gangliocytic paraganglioma in the setting of adult small bowel intussusception.Contraceptive implant devices are relatively safe devices, but complications arise when implants become nonpalpable, and cannot be safely removed. In this case report, we describe the location of an implant in the subfascial plane of the upper arm, the diagnostic imaging findings we encountered during the workup, and the procedure necessary to remove it. We demonstrated that if the device is in close proximity to the fascia, it may be difficult to distinguish from the fascia on magnetic resonance imaging. Nonetheless, fluoroscopy and ultrasound easily distinguished the device from the surrounding tissue and allowed localization intraoperatively.Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome (PRES) is a rare complication of Takayasu's Arteritis. We report the case of an 11-year-old girl who presented with a tonic-clonic seizure and loss of consciousness, without fever. Imaging revealed characteristic white matter edema of the occipital and parietal lobes, in keeping with PRES. Further imaging demonstrated right renal artery stenosis and wall thickening of the abdominal aorta. The combination of hypertension, the discrepancy of blood pressure recordings between upper limbs, and imaging abnormalities of the aorta and the left renal artery led to the diagnosis of PRES secondary to Takayasu's Arteritis. Treatment with oral corticosteroids, azathioprine, amlodipine, and propranolol resulted in the complete resolution of the patient's symptoms and imaging abnormalities.Corruption is a worldwide phenomenon, but the crisis seems to have no bounds in Sub-Saharan Africa, where the absurdity has penetrated and continues to impair the public service sector. As long as the anomaly continues, two outcomes are inevitable. First, an average member of the public runs the risk of paying more for any government service. Second, some or all resources earmarked for other essential needs might get sacrificed to pay for a needed public service. Such unforeseen adverse shocks could potentially increase the chances of wicked problems such as food insecurity. Consequently, this paper examined the welfare effect of bureaucratic corruption on households' ability to procure food in a safe and socially acceptable manner in sub-Saharan Africa using pooled Afrobarometer micro-level data from Rounds 5, 6, and 7 spanning 2011 to 2018. Estimates from logistic regression and the endogenous dummy variable regression that addressed the endogeneity of bureaucratic corruption in the food insecurity model revealed that bureaucratic corruption induced the experience of household food insecurity. Further analyses showed that some public entities have a more significant debilitating effect than others on household food security conditions. More importantly, any contact with government institutions causes household food security status to spiral downward. These results suggest that public institutions in Sub-Saharan Africa are weak and undoubtedly contribute to household food insecurity. Therefore, there is a need for a paradigm shift in how these entities serve the public or else a lasting solution to food insecurity might remain elusive in the region.Purpose To investigate effectiveness and safety of Chinese herbal injections (CHIs) in conjunction with fluoropyrimidine and oxaliplatin-based chemotherapy (FOBC) for advanced colorectal cancer (CRC). Methods A comprehensive search was conducted in 7 electronic databases for related randomized controlled trials (RCTs) from inception to April 30, 2021. The quality of each trial was assessed according to the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions, the differences in effectiveness and safety outcomes between two groups were evaluated, and the results were expressed as the risk ratios (RRs) and 95% confidence interval (CI). Subgroup analyses were performed according to the types of CHIs, and Review Manager 5 was used to statistically analyze the outcomes. Results 63 studies involving 9 CHIs and 4733 patients were included in this review. The meta-analysis results suggested that compared with FOBC therapy, CHIs plus FOBC therapy showed significant improvements in objective response rate (ORR) (RR=1.34, 95% CI 1.27-1.42, P less then 0.00001), disease control rate (DCR) (RR=1.09, 95%CI 1.06-1.11, P less then 0.00001), 1-year survival rate (RR=2.27, 95% CI 1.23-4.18, P=0.009) and quality of life (QoL) (RR=1.21, 95% CI 1.14-1.28, P less then 0.00001), and decreases in the incidence of chemotherapy-induced leukopenia (RR=0.64, 95% CI 0.50-0.82, P less then 0.0005), nausea and vomiting (RR=0.65, 95% CI 0.51-0.83, P=0.0005) and diarrhea (RR=0.34, 95% CI 0.20-0.58, P less then 0.0001). Conclusion From the evidence available, CHIs could increase ORR, DCR and 1-year survival rate, improve QoL and relieve chemotherapy-induced leukopenia, nausea and vomiting and diarrhea when combined with FOBC in advanced CRC treatment, Nevertheless, on account of the limitations, more rigorous RCTs with high-quality methodology were needed to further confirm the results.Background At present, there is no clinical prediction model for ovarian carcinosarcoma (OCS) that is based on a large sample of real data. This study aimed to construct nomograms using data extracted from the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) database that can be used to predict the overall survival (OS) and cancer-specific survival (CSS) of patients with OCS and further guide the choice of clinical treatment. Methods We selected 2753 cases of OCS from the SEER database from 1998 to 2016. Patients were randomly divided in a 73 ratio into a training cohort (n = 1929) and a validation cohort (n = 824). Cox analysis was used to select prognostic factors for OS and CSS, and nomograms were then established. The performance of nomogram models was assessed using the concordance index, the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve, calibration curves, and by decision curve analysis. Data from 21 OCS patients at Shengjing Hospital from 2001 to 2021 were collected for external verification. Kaplan-Meier curves were plotted to compare survival outcomes between subgroups. Results Nomograms based on independent prognostic factors showed good predictive power and clinical practicality. Internal and external validation indicated that the nomograms performed better than staging and grading systems. Significant differences were observed in the survival curves of different risk subgroups. Conclusions The developed nomograms will enable individualized evaluation of the OS and CSS, thus guiding the treatment of patients with OCS.Gallbladder cancer (GBC) is one of the leading causes of cancer-related mortality worldwide. Researchers have investigated that specific strains of bacteria are connected with growth of different types of cancers in human. Some reports show possible implication of Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) in the etiology of gallbladder cancer (GBC). Their enigmatic mechanisms, nevertheless, are not still well clear. We sought to predict whether various proteins of H. pylori targeted to nucleus of host cells and their implication in growth of gallbladder cancer. GBC is one of the leading causes of cancer mortality worldwide. We applied bioinformatics approach to analyze the H. pylori proteins targeting into the nucleus of host cells using different bioinformatics predictors including nuclear localization signal (NLS) mapper Balanced Subcellular Localization (BaCelLo) and Hum-mPLoc 2.0. Various nuclear targeting proteins may have a potential role in GBC etiology during intracellular infection. We identified 46 H. pylori proteins targeted into nucleus of host cell through bioinformatics tools. These H. pylori nucleus-targeting proteins might alter the normal function of host cells by disturbing the different pathways including replication, transcription, translation etc. Various nucleus-targeted proteins can affect the normal growth and development of infected cells. We propose that H. pylori proteins targeting into the nucleus of host cells regulate GBC growth using different strategies. These integrative bioinformatics research demonstrated several H. pylori proteins that may serve as possible targets or biomarkers for early cure and treatment or diagnosis GBC.Inositol polyphosphate 4-phosphatase type II (INPP4B) negatively regulates PI3K-Akt signalling and plays diverse roles in different types of cancer, but its role in gastric cancer (GC) is still unknown. Our study aimed to investigate the function and clinical relevance of INPP4B in GC. INPP4B expression was detected in GC tissues and nontumour tissues. The effect of INPP4B on the phenotypic changes of AGS and BGC-823 cells was investigated in vitro. The activation of serum and glucocorticoid-regulated kinase 3 (SGK3) and AKT were used to evaluate the specific mechanistic function of INPP4B in GC cells. The messenger RNA (mRNA) and protein expression levels of INPP4B were decreased in GC tissues compared with nontumour tissues. INPP4B expression was associated with tumour-node-metastasis (TNM) stage and histopathological differentiation. In addition, high INPP4B expression in GC patients with large tumour size/low-undifferentiated/TNM's III-IV stage was correlated with a poor prognosis but it was correlated with a better prognosis in patients with small tumour size/high-moderate differentiated/TNM's I-II stage patients. In addition, INPP4B knockdown inhibited proliferation, clonal formation and migration and promoted cell apoptosis in vitro, while INPP4B overexpression led to the opposite effects. Mechanistically, we found that INPP4B overexpression enhanced the phosphorylation of SGK3 (p-SGK3) in AGS cells, whereas INPP4B knockdown enhanced the p-Akt level in BGC823 cells. These findings suggested that the expression of INPP4B in GC is lower than that in normal tissues. Based on stratification survival analysis and in vitro cell experiments, INPP4B may play dual roles as an oncogene and tumour suppressor gene in different tissue grades and clinical stages.Background This study aimed to evaluate the role of plasma microRNA panel (miR-122, miR-192, miR-21, miR-223, miR-26a, miR-27a and miR-801) for prediction and surveillance of early tumor recurrence in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) patients who had undergone liver transplantation (LT). Methods The expression of plasma microRNA panel was assayed in 193 HCC patients (training cohort, n =151; validation cohort, n = 42). Sensitivity and specificity for detecting post-transplant HCC recurrence, and the relationship of microRNA panel expression with clinical characteristics were analyzed accordingly. The prognostic value of microRNA panel was compared with that of AFP (alpha-fetoprotein) and DCP (Des-gamma-carboxyprothrombin). Cox regression analyses were used to evaluate independent prognostic factors. Results In the training cohort, the rate of positive plasma microRNA panel status at 7-14 days after LT (late phase; 44.2%) decreased than that before (76.2%, P less then 0.001) and 1-6 days after LT (early phase;atients who have undergone LT.Background The role of RASGRF2 has been verified in the development of various cancers. However, its roles in stomach adenocarcinoma (STAD) are still under investigation. Methods RASGRF2 transcript-level data and the associated clinical information from patients with STAD were extracted from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA). Diagnostic and prognostic values of RASGRF2 were analyzed using receiver-operator characteristics (ROC) analysis, correlation analysis, and survival analysis in conjunction with a prognostic model. In addition, gene expression profiles, differentially-expressed genes for co-varying expression, and a differential expressed genes (DEG) protein-protein interaction network for influential nodes were also analyzed. To identify the molecular role of RASGRF2 in STAD, gene ontology (GO) term, Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) biological pathway, and gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA)-mediated functional module enrichment analyses were conducted. The relationship between RASGRF2 and ge were identified as influential nodes. The DEG-list was significantly enriched for several GO terms, biological pathways, and functional modules, including MAPK, RAS, ERK, and immunoregulatory pathways. RASGRF2 transcript levels were significantly positively correlated with infiltration levels of Tem, Macrophages, pDCs, and NK cells. Validation analysis showed similar results for the RASGRF2 protein expression level in both in vitro analyses. Conclusion Bioinformatic predictions combined with in vitro validation suggest that RASGRF2 plays diagnostic and prognostic roles and serves as a negative protective molecular factor in STAD patients.Objective This study aimed to describe the risk stratification of squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) and its precursor lesions based on HPV E6/E7 mRNA genotyping. Methods 10647 hrHPV+ women (mean age 40.8 years), who had concurrent cytology and follow-up biopsy results available between September 2016 and May 2020, met the inclusion criteria and were selected for immediate risk analysis. Results In this cohort, HPV-16 or 18/45+ women had significantly higher immediate risk of cervical cancer and precancer compared with other genotypes+ women. The relative immediate risk (RIR) of ASC-H+ was 2.0 (95% CI 1.9-2.4) and SCC was 9.4 (95% CI 5.5-15.6) for HPV-16 or 18/45+ women when compared with women positive for other 11 genotypes. Among follow-up biopsy cases, the RIR of CIN2+ was 2.7 (95% CI 3.0-3.7) and SCC was 10.8 (95% CI 7.2-17.4) for HPV-16 or 18/45+ women than women positive for other genotypes. Similarly, when compared with women positive for other genotypes, the RIR of CIN2+ was 2.9 (95% CI 2.7-4.6) and SCC was 13.8 (95% CI 3.0-66.2) for HPV-16 or 18/45+ women with ASC-US, and RIR of CIN2+ was 3.3 (95% CI 3.1-4.6) and SCC was 22.3 (95% CI 2.8-176.8) for HPV-16 or 18/45+ women with NILM. Conclusions This study supports that hrHPV mRNA genotyping can be an effective risk stratification tool to identify individual at higher risk for cervical cancer or precancer, and provides important evidences for the future modifications for current China cervical cancer screening guidelines.Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the most common digestive neoplasms worldwide, metastasis and recurrence still account for the leading cause for the high mortality rate, but the exact mechanisms remain unclear. More and more evidence has indicated that the deregulation of GOLM1 plays a crucial role in cancer progression. Here, we reported a novel role of GOLM1 in promoting CRC metastasis. In this study, the expression of GOLM1 was detected in human CRC cohort. The function of GOLM1 in CRC metastasis was analyzed by in vivo cecum orthotopic model. We found that the expression of GOLM1 was significantly increased in CRC tissues than adjacent nontumor. Overexpression GOLM1 can promote CRC immune escape and metastasis by recruiting of myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs) at the same time. PF-04136309, a small molecule and specific inhibitor of CCR2 can largely suppressed GOLM1-mediated CRC metastasis. These results suggest that GOLM1 can promote CRC metastasis and is a prognostic biomarker in human CRC.Objective To define the alteration of tweety homolog (TTYH) expression in patients with ovarian carcinoma (OC) and its correlation to prognosis. Methods Kaplan-Meier (KM) plotter was used to evaluate the association between TTYHs expression and clinical outcomes of OC patients. The distribution of 20-year overall survival (OS) and progression-free survival (PFS) was estimated using KM survival plots. The mRNA expression of TTYHs in OC and normal ovarian tissues was confirmed by the Oncomine database. Then, using immunohistochemistry assay, the expression of TTYH1 and TTYH3 proteins in serous OC and normal ovarian tissues was detected. In addition, the protein and mRNA levels of TTYH1 and TTYH3 in human OC cell lines ES-2, A2780 and SKOV3 and normal ovarian epithelial cell lines IOSE80 were assessed by western blotting and real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR). Results TTYH1 possessed meaningful significance in predicting better prognosis in the serous, advanced stage, and well-differentiaerapy regimens (platin, taxol, or platin + taxol).Esophageal cancer (EC) is a lethal cancer with an extremely aggressive nature and poor survival rate. However, the molecular mechanisms driving the occurrence and progression of EC are not well understood. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small RNA molecules that regulate the expression of protein-coding genes. miRNA-mediated gene regulation plays an important role in EC. By cross-referencing studies from NCBI, we found that microRNA-375 (miR-375) is one of the most frequently downregulated miRNAs in EC. We assessed expression of miR-375 in EC cell lines and primary EC tissues and their matched normal tissues. We found significant downregulation of miR-375 in both cell lines and EC tissues. Forced expression of miR-375 attenuated EC cell proliferation and invasion. Human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2, ERBB2), a known proto-oncogene, was identified here as one of the potential target genes of miR-375. Ectopic expression of miR-375 significantly suppressed the expression of ERBB2 and subsequently downregulated one of its target genes, vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGFA), which is related to cancer invasion and metastasis. These findings suggest that miR-375 acts as a tumor suppressor by blocking the ERBB2/VEGFA pathway with the potential to modulate the occurrence and/ or progression of EC.Almost all cervical cancer is associated with persistent infection of high-risk (hr) human papillomavirus (HPV) like HPV16. The E7 oncoprotein encoded by hrHPV plays a crucial role in carcinogenesis. The present study aimed to establish a reliable protocol of immunohistochemistry stains to detect HPV16 E7 protein in formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded tissue specimens of various cervical lesions. Firstly, the HPV16 E7 gene was inserted into a prokaryotic expression vector pGEX-4T2. Then the recombinant plasmid pGEX-4T2-(HPV16-E7) was transformed into Escherichia coli JM109. The fusion protein containing a GST tag was purified, and New Zealand white rabbits were immunized to produce the HPV16 E7 polyclonal antibody. The anti-HPV16 E7 antibody was verified by western blotting and immunofluorescence stains, and applied in 182 HPV16 DNA-positive cervical tissue specimens and matched 36 HPV DNA-negative specimens by immunohistochemistry. Furthermore, A positive correlation between HPV16 E7 protein expression and malignancy grade was observed. But there is no relationship between HPV16 E7 protein expression and tumor sizes, tumor differentiation, lymph node metastasis, International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) stage, or lymphovascular space invasion in cervical cancer. These findings provide a basis for further research focusing on the role of HPV E7 protein in various HPV-related diseases.Background Dysregulation of microRNAs (miRNAs) is associated with the pathogenesis of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). However, the mechanisms through which miR-182-5p regulate NSCLC progression have not been established. This study aimed at evaluating the expression levels of miR-182-5p in human NSCLC and its function in lung cancer cells. Endothelial PAS Domain-containing protein 1 (EPAS1; also referred to as hypoxia-inducing factor 2A, HIF-2α) is a transcription factor that is responsible for induction of genes related to cell survival under hypoxia conditions. Hypoxia, an inherent feature of solid tumors, is associated with aggressive phenotypes, as well as resistance to radiotherapy and chemotherapy, which predict metastasis and poor prognosis. Methods The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) dataset was used to investigate the association between miR-182-5p expression and clinicopathological characteristics as well as prognosis of NSCLC patients. Target genes of miR-182-5p were identified using the PITA, miRmare, a potential indicator of tumor recurrence in NSCLC patients.Gastrointestinal malignant tumor is the fourth most common cancer in the world and the second cause of cancer death. Due to the susceptibility to lymphatic metastasis and liver metastasis, the prognosis of advanced tumor patients is still poor till now. With the development of tumor molecular biology, the tumor microenvironment and the cytokines, which are closely related to the proliferation, infiltration and metastasis, have become a research hotspot in life sciences. Colony stimulating factor-1 (CSF-1), a polypeptide chain cytokine, and its receptor CSF-1R are reported to play important roles in regulating tumor-associated macrophages in tumor microenvironment and participating in the occurrence and development in diversities of cancers. Targeted inhibition of the CSF-1/CSF-1R signal axis has broad application prospects in cancer immunotherapy. Here, we reviewed the biological characters of CSF-1/CSF-1R and their relationship with gastrointestinal malignancies.Purpose At present, how early screening for ccRCC is still a thorny issue for urologists. Probing the mechanisms underlying the development of ccRCC and finding relevant prognostic biomarkers remains crucial. Therefore, we systematically analyzed the APOBEC family in this study and identified APOBEC3D as a prognostic biomarker. Methods In this study, based on the TCGA database, we systematically assessed the expression and prognosis of the APOBEC family and analyzed potential bioinformatic pathways. We then constructed nomograms to predict the prognosis of ccRCC patients better. Afterward, we further focused on APOBEC3D in our data on ccRCC specimens. The APOBEC3D should be extensively studied in ccRCC in the future. Results The results showed that the APOBEC family showed the most significant changes in expression in ccRCC. The pathway enrichment analysis showed that APOBEC3 family members mainly regulated cytidine and cytosine-related processes. Subsequently, the Cox regression was used to construct prognostic signature, and validated in ICGC and GEO databases. Next, a nomogram was created integrating clinical parameters showing good predictive performance. Finally, we screened for APOBEC3D and found in our clinical sample that patients with high expression of APOBEC3D had a worse prognosis. Conclusion Based on these results, APOBEC family members play important roles in the development of ccRCC, and APOBEC3D could serve as the biomarker for predicting patient prognosis.The regulatory mechanism of NLK in the carcinomagenesis and progression of colorectal cancer (CRC) remains unclear. Here, we identified a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) site of NLK (rs2125846) as a new susceptibility locus for CRC risk located within an intron of the human NLK gene in a Chinese population. NLK downregulation led to a decrease in the ability of proliferation and migration of RKO cells in vitro. The proportion of RKO apoptotic cells increased by interfering with the endogenous expression of NLK. We speculate that LncRNA XIST may upregulate NLK expression by downregulating miR-92b-3p, thereby promote the development of CRC. These results provide important information for the identification of novel potential targets for the prevention or treatment of CRC.Purpose To develop and validate a random forest (RF) based predictive model of early refractoriness to transarterial chemoembolization (TACE) in patients with unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Methods A total of 227 patients with unresectable HCC who initially treated with TACE from three independent institutions were retrospectively included. Following a random split, 158 patients (70%) were assigned to a training cohort and the remaining 69 patients (30%) were assigned to a validation cohort. The process of variables selection was based on the importance variable scores generated by RF algorithm. A RF predictive model incorporating the selected variables was developed, and five-fold cross-validation was performed. The discrimination and calibration of the RF model were measured by a receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve and the Hosmer-Lemeshow test. Results The potential variables selected by RF algorithm for developing predictive model of early TACE refractoriness included patients' age, number of tumors, tumor distribution, platelet count (PLT), and neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR). The results showed that the RF predictive model had good discrimination ability, with an area under curve (AUC) of 0.863 in the training cohort and 0.767 in the validation cohort, respectively. In Hosmer-Lemeshow test, the RF model had a satisfactory calibration with P values of 0.538 and 0.068 in training cohort and validation cohort, respectively. Conclusion The RF algorithm-based model has a good predictive performance in the prediction of early TACE refractoriness, which may easily be deployed in clinical routine and help to determine the optimal patient of care.It was recently demonstrated that long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) have key regulation functions in the biology of human cancer. The current study aimed to determine the expression, clinicopathological characteristics and functional roles of lncRNA PCAT18 in gastric cancer (GC). By analysis of (Gene Expression Omnibus) GEO and TCGA data, following experimental verification, we identified the function role and molecular mechanism of PCAT18 in tumorigenesis of GC. We discovered that PCAT18 is significantly decreased in paired GC tissues and correlates with a poor outcome. Mechanistic studies found that suppression of the expression of EZH2 could prevent its binding to the PCAT18's promoter region and decrease H3K27's trimethylation modification. In addition, PCAT18 could adjust cell proliferation of GC in vitro as well as in vivo. Further mechanism research revealed that PCAT18 could regulate the expression of p16 by interacting with miR-570a-3p, thus inhibiting cell proliferation of GC. Our results have shown that the histone modification-mediated epigenetic suppression of PCAT18 and its essential role of PCAT18 in GC oncogenesis, which could provide a theoretical basis for GC therapy.Background Gastric cancer (GC) is the second most prevalent cancer worldwide and the eighth most common cause of tumor-related death in Taiwan. Helminthostachys zeylanica, a flavonoid compound, has anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, and anticancer effects. We examined whether an extract of H. zeylanica (E1 and E2) has potential as a treatment for GC. Methods We investigated the effects (pro-apoptosis, pro-autophagy, and antiproliferation ability) of H. zeylanica-E2 on cell viability in healthy gastric epithelial (GES-1) and GC cells (AGS and BGC823). H. zeylanica-E2 was toxic to GC cells but had little or no toxicity to normal cells. Results In this study, H. zeylanica-E2 induced apoptosis through caspase 3/7, Bcl-2, Bax, cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), and cleaved poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase pathways in GC cells. In addition, it increased autophagy by stimulating autophagy-related protein (ATG)5, ATG7, LC3-I/LC3-II, and inhibiting COX-2 activity in GC cells. We also found that H. zeylanica-E2 exhibited antiproliferation ability through cell cycle arrest in G0/G1 and G2/M and suppressed the migration of GC cells. The anticancer effects of H. zeylanica-E2 in GC cells might be mediated partly through inhibition of tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α)-activated proinflammatory cytosolic phospholipase A2 (cPLA2)-COX-2-prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) pathway. Conclusions Our results suggest that H. zeylanica-E2 has potential as a novel adjunctive agent for the treatment of GC.N6-methyladenosine (m6A) is the most abundant modification in eukaryotic mRNAs, which plays an important role in regulating multiple biological processes. ATM is a major protein kinase that regulates the DNA damage response. Here, we identified that ATM is a m6A-modificated gene. METTL3 (a m6A "writer") and FTO (a m6A "eraser") oppositely regulated ATM expression and its downstream signaling. Mechanically, m6A "readers" YTHDFs and eIF3A suppressed ATM expression in the post-transcriptional levels. We also revealed the oncogenic potential of METTL3 and YTHDF1 related to ATM modulation. This is the first report that ATM, a master in the DNA damage response, is modified by m6A epigenetic modification, and METTL3 disrupts the ATM stability via m6A modification, thereby affecting the DNA-damage response.Tumorigenesis is closely related to the loss of control of many genes. Urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor (uPAR), a glycolipid-anchored protein on the cell surface, is controlled by many factors in tumorigenesis and is expressed in many tumor tissues. In this review, we summarize the regulatory effects of the uPAR signaling pathway on processes and factors related to tumor progression, such as tumor cell proliferation, adhesion, metastasis, glycolysis, tumor microenvironment and angiogenesis. Overall, the evidence accumulated to date suggests that uPAR induction by tumor progression may be one of the most important factors affecting therapeutic efficacy. An improved understanding of the interactions between uPAR and its coreceptors in cancer will provide critical biomolecular information that may help to better predict the disease course and response to therapy.Background Although Chemoradiation (CRT) is the curative treatment for SCCAC, many patients present primary resistance. Since it is a rare tumor, response predictors remain unknown. Methods We performed a prospective cohort study to evaluate biomarkers associated with CRT response, progression-free survival (PFS), and overall survival (OS). The primary endpoint was response at 6 months (m). Tumor DNA and HPV were analyzed by next-generation sequencing, while KI-67 and PD-L1 by immunohistochemistry in tumor tissue. Results Seventy-eight patients were recruited between October/2011 and December/2015, and 75 were response evaluable. The median age was 57 years, 65% (n=49) were stage III and 12% (n=9) were HIV positive (HIV+). At 6m, 62.7% (n=47) presented CR. On multivariate analyses, stage II patients were 4.7 more likely to achieve response than stage III (OR, 4.70; 95%CI, 1.36-16.30; p=0.015). HIV+ was associated with a worse response (OR, 5.72; 95%CI, 2.5-13.0; p less then 0.001). 5-year PFS and OS rates were 63.3% and 76.4%, respectively, with a median follow up of 66m. On multivariate analyses, older age (HR 1.06, p=0.022, 95%IC 1.01-1.11) and absence of CR at 6m (HR 3.36, p=0.007, 95%IC 1.39-8.09) were associated with inferior OS. The 5-year OS rate was 62.5% in HIV+ group compared to 78% among HIV- pts, although this difference was not statistically significant (p=0.4). PIK3CA, MET and TP53 mutations, HPV, Ki-67 expression, and PD-L1 expression, were not associated with PFS and OS. Conclusions Clinical stage III and HIV+ were associated with worse response to CRT at 6m. The absence of CR was the main factor associated with poor 5-year OS.Background Geriatric nutritional risk index (GNRI) and prognostic nutritional index (PNI) are associated with prognosis of various malignancies. Although GNRI and PNI indicates prognosis in some clinical settings, the values of GNRI and PNI on the prognosis of geriatric patients with Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma (DLBCL) is unclear. This retrospective analysis aimed to explore the prognostic values of GNRI and PNI in elderly DLBCL patients. Methods A total of 133 geriatric patients with DLBCL were recruited from Affiliated Hospital of Xuzhou Medical University, and clinicopathological variables were analyzed. X-Tile program, restricted cubic spline (RCS) and time-dependent receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis were used to determine optimal cut-off points of GNRI, PNI and other continuous variables; univariate and multivariate Cox proportional hazards analyses were used for variables selection; Kaplan-Meier curve was utilized to analyze the influence of variables on prognosis; log-rank test was performed for difference evaluation between groups. Results The optimal cut-off points for GNRI and PNI were 106.26 and 47 by using RCS. Multivariate analysis showed that PNI, age, hemoglobin, liver invasion and central nervous system invasion were independent prognostic factors for elderly patients with DLBCL, and PNI was (P = 0.001, HR = 0.413, 95% CI (0.240-0.710) a stronger predictor. Low PNI could predict worse prognosis independently of elderly patients of DLBCL and could re-stratify patients in GCB group, CD5 positive group BCL-2 positive group, and BCL-6 positive group. Conclusions PNI was an independent adverse factor for elderly DLBCL and patients with low PNI in GCB group, CD5 positive group and BCL-6 positive group were with poor survival.In addition to cancer-related death, malignant progression also leads to a series of symptoms and side-effects, which would detrimentally affect cancer patients' the quality of life, adversely influence their adherence to treatments, and, therefore, negatively affect their long-term survival. Acupuncture and electroacupuncture (EA), as two classic treatment methods in traditional Chinese medicine, have been widely employed to cure various diseases. Recently, the clinical application of acupuncture and EA in cancer patients has received great attention. In this review, we summarized the clinical application of acupuncture and EA in alleviating the cancer symptoms, reducing the cancer treatment-related side-effects, and relieving the cancer pain. The symptoms and side-effects discussed in this review include fatigue, insomnia, chemotherapy-associated dyspepsia syndrome (CADS), pain, xerostomia, and anxiety and depression. The underlying mechanisms of the therapeutic effects of acupuncture and EA might be related to the regulation of the mitochondrial function, coordination of the activity of the nervous system, adjustment of the production of neurotransmitters, and alleviation of the immune responses. In conclusion, acupuncture and EA have been proved to be beneficial for cancer patients. More research, however, is required to clarify the potential mechanisms behind acupuncture and EA for widespread adoption in clinical application.Background Mounting evidences have shown the importance of lncRNAs in carcinogenesis and cancer progression. LBX2-AS1 is identified as an oncogenic lncRNA that is abnormally expressed in gastric cancer and lung cancer samples. This study aims to explore the potential role of LBX2-AS1 in regulating proliferation and EMT in glioma, and the underlying mechanism. Methods Relative levels of LBX2-AS1 in glioma samples and cell lines were detected by qRT-PCR and FISH. In vivo and in vitro regulatory effects of LBX2-AS1 on proliferation and EMT were examined in the xenograft glioma model and glioma cells. The interaction between SP1 and LBX2-AS1 was assessed by ChIP. Through bioinformatic analyses, dual-luciferase reporter assay, RIP and Western blot, the regulation of LBX2-AS1 and miR-491-5p on the target gene LIF was identified. Results LBX2-AS1 was upregulated in glioma samples and cell lines, and its transcription was promoted by binding to the transcription factor SP1. As a lncRNA mainly distributed in the cytoplasm, LBX2-AS1 sponge miR-491-5p to further upregulate LIF. The subsequent activated LIF/STAT3 signaling was responsible for promoting proliferation and EMT in glioma. Conclusion LBX2-AS1 is upregulated by SP1 in glioma, which promotes the progression of glioma by targeting the miR-491-5p/LIF axis. In view of this, LBX2-AS1 is suggested as a novel diagnostic biomarker and therapeutic target of glioma.Increasing evidence indicates that Notch signaling regulates multiple intracellular biological processes in malignant melanoma. Whereas how Notch signaling is transduced to influence melanoma cell behaviors remains largely elusive. Here we show that the Notch signaling downstream target Hey1 promotes migration and invasion of melanoma cells via the GRB2/PI3K/AKT pathway. First, bioinformatics tools, immunohistochemistry, and Western blotting analysis showed that the expression of Hey1 is increased in melanoma. Then, both in vivo and in vitro experiments showed that Hey1 promotes the malignant behaviour of the melanoma cells. High-throughput RNA-sequencing analysis revealed that inhibition of Hey1 results in decreased GRB2 expression in melanoma cells. Last, functional experiments confirmed that Hey1 positively regulates GRB2/PI3K/AKT pathway to influence migration and invasion of melanoma cells. In summary, our results suggest that Hey1 promotes the invasion and metastasis of melanoma cells by regulating GRB2/PI3K/AKT pathway. Our study provides potential therapeutics in tumor biology.Objective Cyclin-dependent kinase regulatory subunit 2 (CKS2) plays a vital role in regulation of the cell cycle and cancer progression. However, the role of CKS2 in lung adenocarcinoma (LUAD) remains unkonwn. Here, we examined the prognostic value and biological functions of CKS2 in LUAD by using omics data of 1,235 LUAD samples from TCGA, GEO, and our own cohort as well as data of in vitro experiments. Methods Kaplan-Meier was conducted to evaluate the prognostic value of CKS2 expression. The association between CKS2 expression level and tumor immune infiltration was explored using the single-sample Gene Set Enrichment Analysis (ssGSEA) and TIMER database. Functional enrichment analyses were performed to annotate the biological functions of CKS2 in LUAD. Furthermore, a series of in vitro experiments and immunohistochemistry were performed for validation. Results CKS2 overexpression was correlated with the advanced stage, TP53 status, PD-L1 expression, and DNA hypomethylation. Moreover, patients with LUAD and high CKS2 expression exhibited poor overall survival.

Autoři článku: Lehmandavies2631 (McCabe Maldonado)