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This quantification approach was successfully applied and validated with field sample results and is consistent with the well-established environmental stability of these petroleum biomarkers and modern hydrocarbon fingerprinting methodology.Ten global harbours were assessed for sediment quality by quantifying the magnitude of anthropogenic change and ecological risk. Anthropogenic change (enrichment) was high for Derwent River and Sydney estuary, moderate for Santander Harbour, Rio de Janeiro and Dublin Port, slight for Hong Kong, minimal for Darwin. All 10 enrichment indices used showed similar results. Derwent River sediment was rated at high ecological risk, followed by Sydney and Santander estuaries with moderate risk. Auckland and Darwin sediments exhibited minimal ecological risk and sediment in the remaining harbours (Dublin, Hong Kong, Ravenna, Ria de Vigo and Rio de Janeiro) were assessed at slight ecological risk. The extraordinary variety of environments and types/quantities/qualities of data investigated resulted in as much a critique and development of methodology, as an assessment of human impact, including unique techniques for elemental normalisation and contaminant classification. Recommendations for an improved technical framework for sediment quality assessment are provided.Plastic marine debris (PMD) is of global concern. To help address this problem, a novel approach for estimating PMD volumes using a combination of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) surveys and image processing based on deep learning is proposed. A three-dimensional model and orthoscopic image of a beach, constructed via Structure from Motion software using UAV-derived data, enabled PMD volumes to be computed by edge detection through image processing. The accuracy of the method was verified by estimating the volumes of test debris placed on a beach in known sizes and shapes. The proposed approach shows potential for estimating PMD volumes with an error of less then 5%. Compared with subjective methods based on beach surveys, this approach can accurately, rapidly, and objectively calculate the PMD volume on a beach and can be used to improve the efficiency of beach surveys and identify beaches that need preferential cleaning.In early XXth century, the Gulf of Gabes (SE Tunisia) used to host the most extended Posidonia oceanica seagrass beds in the Mediterranean Sea, and a highly productive hotspot of benthic/demersal biodiversity. Sponge harvesting and seabed trawling provoked a first step of seagrass degradation. Subsequently, phosphogypsum releases from Gabes Industrial Complex, since mid-1970s, accelerated the decline of the remaining patches. A sharp reduction of coastal fisheries landings took place with the establishment of the last industrial plant units in 1985. The decrease in coastal commercial species landings was found to be directly correlated with P. oceanica decline. The trophic web system switched from a 'benthic-dominated' to a 'pelagic-dominated' system. The economic loss related to coastal fisheries was estimated at ~60 million € in 2014 and the 1990-2014 cumulated loss exceeded 750 million €. This first economic valuation of the only direct-use consumptive value of the coastal fishing service provided by P. oceanica in Gabes Gulf is a first step towards the assessment of the environmental cost of the negative externalities caused by the local phosphate industry. It may be used as a preliminary decision-making aid to consider alternative industrial solutions.Microplastic pollution represents a serious hazard for the marine environment, including coral reefs. Scleractinian corals can easily mistake microplastics with their natural preys, and ingest them and all the annexed plasticizer additives. Here we selectively searched on field for five phthalates esters (PAEs) namely dibutyl-phthalate (DBP), benzylbutyl-phthalate (BBzP), diethyl-phthalate (DEP), Bis(2-ethylhexyl)-phthalate (DEHP), and dimethyl-phthalate (DMP) in the coral species Pocillopora verrucosa, Porites lutea and Pavona varians. Our data reveal that >95% of corals sampled were contaminated, with a maximum of 172.4 ng/g, a value 7 time-fold higher than those found in a previous study. The Σ5 PAEs showed an average of about 30 ng/g per coral, but no differences in PAEs contamination was detected between species, depth or reef exposure. Despite their effects on coral physiology are not yet known, PAEs should be now considered as a novel, and ubiquitous, form of contamination in corals.Benthic dinoflagellates produce a diverse range of phycotoxins, which are responsible for intoxication events in marine fauna. This study assessed the hemolysis associated toxicities of six species of benthic dinoflagellates from the genera Coolia, Fukuyoa, Amphidinium and Prorocentrum. β-Estradiol Results demonstrated that Amphidinium carterae, Coolia tropicalis and Fukuyoa ruetzleri were the three most toxic species, while Prorocentrum cf. lima did not have significant hemolytic effect. Grouper samples (Cephalopholis boenak) were more tolerant to the hemolytic algae than the blackhead seabream (Acanthopagrus schlegelii), with decreased heart rate and blood flow being observed in medaka larvae after exposure to toxic algal extracts. LC-MS/MS analysis detected a gambierone analogue called 44-methylgambierone produced by the C. tropicalis isolate. This analogue was also detected in the F. ruetzleri isolate. This study provided new information on the hemolysis associated toxicities of local toxic benthic dinoflagellates, which contributes to better understanding of their emerging threats to marine fauna and reef systems in Hong Kong.Benthic foraminifera are sensitive to environmental changes and widely used as tools to monitor pollution. Rising numbers of deformed tests are often used as indicator for elevated levels of heavy metals, but little is known about the relation between heavy metal incorporation into foraminiferal tests and the formation of test deformities. Here, two sediment cores from the south-eastern North Sea are compared, regarding the occurrence of deformed foraminiferal tests, foraminiferal test chemistry (ICP-MS) and bulk sediment Pb content (XRF). The total abundance of deformed foraminiferal tests seems not to align temporarily with historical heavy metal pollution. Therefore, we suggest that foraminifera react with test deformation to other environmental stressors than the studied heavy metals. Test chemistry reflects historical increased bulk sediment heavy metal content, despite a slight temporal offset. We propose that Pb (and Cd) are only incorporated into foraminiferal tests above a yet to be defined threshold of pollution.This paper presents a review around seagrass habitat in Tarawa Lagoon, Kiribati and explores the links between seagrass occurrence and the national priority issues of climate change, urban development, human health, nearshore fisheries, threatened species, ocean policy, research capacity and awareness. The contribution of healthy seagrass habitats to many aspects of these national issues is often overlooked and there is need to establish the knowledge gaps and priority actions that can enable mitigation of issues that impact on valuable seagrass resources and their management. Research data on seagrass habitats in Kiribati, and the wider Pacific Island region, is limited and this hinders informed decisions at local, national and regional levels. We present a comprehensive review on seagrass within a national context to aid prioritisation and uptake of information for resource owners, and wider stakeholders, in Kiribati while acknowledging local expertise. The paper highlights data and knowledge gaps that if addressed, will provide information useful to Kiribati nationals, communities and government stakeholders. Recommendations for actions that fill these gaps and build understanding of seagrass resources in Kiribati are provided.The 2010 Deepwater Horizon (DwH) oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico discharged ~3.19 million barrels of oil into Gulf waters, making it one of the largest marine disasters in history in terms of volume. We report on the results of a study to assess oil impacts to coastal fishes and invertebrates. Using two-decades of fisheries-independent data in coastal Alabama and Mississippi, we document variability following both natural and anthropogenic disturbances from two periods pre-DwH (1997-2001 and 2007-2009), one intra-spill period for acute DwH effects (2010-2012) and one period post-spill for chronic, longer-term impacts (2014-2017). link2 Results indicated significant changes to community structure, relative abundance, and diversity in the intra-spill period. Causation for changes is confounded by variables such as behavioral emigration, altered freshwater inflow, death of consumers, and the mandated fishery closure. Results highlight the need for long-term, comprehensive monitoring/observing systems to provide adequate background for assessing future disturbances.Constructed wetlands (CWs) have been used for wastewater treatment for decades, but research on microorganisms involved, especially long-term changes, is still limited. In this study, we evaluated changes in the substrate microbial community in a pilot-scale horizontal subsurface-flow constructed mangrove wetland during 10-years operation. In the 3rd year of operation, microbial biomass carbon and phospholipid fatty acids (PLFAs) reached peak values in two vegetated belts planted with Aegiceras corniculatum (Ac) and Kandelia obovata (Ko), respectively, then stabilized or declined in the 9th and 10th years of operation. PLFA profiles reflecting microbial community compositions varied significantly in the Ac belt during the operation period. Principal component (PCA) and redundancy analyses (RDA) revealed that microbial community compositions were significantly correlated with organic matter content, especially in the 9th and 10th years of operation, implying that the substrate microbial community in constructed mangrove wetland is sensitive to substrate characteristics and can be used as an indicator for long-term performance of CWs.Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) were quantified in archive samples of dorsal white muscle of the wild Bluefin tuna (BFT) (n = 9) collected in the central Adriatic. PCBs were the predominant organochlorine (OC) compounds (60.8-69.4% of the total OC load) found. The contribution of HCB and ΣHCHs was significantly lower, ranging from less then LOD (α- and β-HCH) to 1.5% (γ-HCH). p,p'-DDE was the predominant OCP compound (60-89% of the ΣOCPs). PCB and DDT levels were comparable to the values previously found for tuna from the Mediterranean Sea, known as one of the areas most polluted by PCBs.St Georges Bay of Lebanon's coast is an open bay to the Mediterranean Sea. It is exposed to numerous anthropogenic activities such as industrial effluent, untreated wastewater discharge and maritime activities resulting in increasing chemical contamination, especially with trace metals. link3 Contamination with trace metals (Cu, Cd, Co, Pb, As, Ag and Hg) and the influence of early diagenesis on their distribution were studied on both sediments and waters. For this purpose, sediment cores were collected, then treated under inert atmosphere to retrieve pore waters and solid fraction. The area appears to be seriously impacted by the materials transported by the Beirut River and/or by direct inputs, and recent land reclamation using dumpsite material. The sediments showed a significant level of contamination. Element mobility was studied by selective extraction on sediments. The mobility of trace elements from solid fraction to pore waters is controlled by the Fe/Mn cycle and organic matter.

Autoři článku: Lehmancoughlin4680 (Mclean Rode)