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Acute kidney injury in patients who suffer a malignancy is a common complication. Due to its high prevalence and effective treatment, one of the most frequent causes that both oncologists and nephrologists must be aware of is acute tubulointerstitial nephritis (ATIN). ATIN is an immunomediated condition and the hallmark of the disease, with the presence of a tubulointerstitial inflammatory infiltrate in the renal parenchyma. This infiltrate is composed mainly of T lymphocytes that can be accompanied by macrophages, neutrophils, or eosinophils among other cells. One of the major causes is drug-related ATIN, and some antineoplastic treatments have been related to this condition. Worthy of note are the novel immunotherapy treatments aimed at enhancing natural immunity in order to defeat cancer cells. In the context of the immunosuppression status affecting ATIN patients, some pathogen antigens can trigger the development of the disease. Finally, hematological malignancies can also manifest in the kidney leading to ATIN, even at the debut of the disease. In this review, we aim to comprehensively examine differential diagnosis of ATIN in the setting of a neoplastic patient.

Atrial fibrillation (AF) occurring after cardiac surgery, post-operative AF (POAF), is a serious and common complication of this treatment. POAF may be life-threatening and the available preventive strategies are insufficient or are associated with significantly increased risk of adverse effects, especially in long-term use. Therefore, more appropriate treatment strategies are needed.

In this paper, the efficacy, safety, and other aspects of using statins in the prevention of POAF focusing on their anti-inflammatory effects are reviewed.

Recent studies have suggested that inflammation has a significant role in POAF, from the first AF episode to its serious complications including stroke and peripheral embolism. On the other hand, statins, the most widely used medications in cardiovascular patients, have pleiotropic effects, including anti-inflammatory properties. Therefore, they may potentially be effective in POAF prevention. Statins, especially atorvastatin, appear to be an effective option for primary prevention of POAF, especially in patients who had coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG), a cardiac surgery treatment associated with inflammation in the heart muscle. However, several large studies, particularly with rosuvastatin, did not confirm the beneficial effect of statins on POAF. One large clinical trial reported higher risk of acute kidney injury (AKI) following high-dose rosuvastatin in Chinese population. In this study, rosuvastatin reduced the level of C-reactive protein (CRP) but did not reduce the rate of POAF.

Further studies are required to find the most effective statin regimen for POAF prevention with the least safety concern and the highest health benefits.

Further studies are required to find the most effective statin regimen for POAF prevention with the least safety concern and the highest health benefits.The Podosphaera tridactyla species complex is highly variable morphologically and causes powdery mildew on a wide range of Prunus species, including stone fruit. A taxonomic revision of the Po. tridactyla species complex in 2020 identified 12 species, seven of which were newly characterised. In order to clarify which species of this complex are present in Australia, next generation sequencing was used to isolate the fungal ITS+28S and host matK chloroplast gene regions from 56 powdery mildew specimens of stone fruit and ornamental Prunus species accessioned as Po. tridactyla or Oidium sp. in Australian reference collections. The specimens were collected in Australia, Switzerland, Italy and Korea and were collected from 1953 to 2018. Host species were confirmed using matK phylogenetic analysis, which identified that four had been misidentified as Prunus but were actually Malusprunifolia. Podosphaera species were identified using ITS+28S phylogenetic analysis, recognising three Podosphaera species on stone fruit and related ornamental Prunus hosts in Australia. These were Po.pannosa, the rose powdery mildew, and two species in the Po. tridactyla species complex Po. ampla, which was the predominant species, and a previously unidentified species from peach, which we describe here as Po. cunningtonii.Bemisia tabaci Gennadius (Hemiptera Aleyrodidae) is among the most economically important insect pests of various vegetable crops in the Southern United States. EGFR inhibitor This insect is considered a complex of at least 40 morphologically indistinguishable cryptic species. Bemisia tabaci Middle East-Asia Minor 1 (MEAM1) was initially introduced in the United States around 1985 and has since rapidly spread across the Southern United States to Texas, Arizona, and California, where extreme field outbreaks have occurred on vegetable and other crops. This pest creates extensive plant damage through direct feeding on vegetables, secreting honeydew, causing plant physiological disorders, and vectoring plant viruses. The direct and indirect plant damage in vegetable crops has resulted in enormous economic losses in the Southern United States, especially in Florida, Georgia, and Texas. Effective management of B. tabaci on vegetables relies mainly on the utilization of chemical insecticides, particularly neonicotinoids. However, B. tabaci has developed considerable resistance to most insecticides. Therefore, alternative integrated pest management (IPM) strategies are required, such as cultural control by manipulation of production practices, resistant vegetable varieties, and biological control using a suite of natural enemies for the management of the pest.Ubiquitination of proteins is a post-translational modification process with many different cellular functions, including protein stability, immune signaling, antiviral functions and virus replication. While ubiquitination of viral proteins can be used by the host as a defense mechanism by destroying the incoming pathogen, viruses have adapted to take advantage of this cellular process. The ubiquitin system can be hijacked by viruses to enhance various steps of the replication cycle and increase pathogenesis. Emerging viruses, including severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), flaviviruses like Zika and dengue, as well as highly pathogenic viruses like Ebola and Nipah, have the ability to directly use the ubiquitination process to enhance their viral-replication cycle, and evade immune responses. Some of these mechanisms are conserved among different virus families, especially early during virus entry, providing an opportunity to develop broad-spectrum antivirals. Here, we discuss the mechanisms used by emergent viruses to exploit the host ubiquitin system, with the main focus on the role of ubiquitin in enhancing virus replication.

Autoři článku: Lauritsenborup2620 (Richard Gallegos)