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High-stakes decision-making should have sound validation evidence; reliability is vital towards this. A short exam may not be very reliable on its own within didactic courses, and so supplementing it with quizzes might help. But how much? This study's objective was to understand how much reliability (for the overall module-grades) could be gained by adding quiz data to traditional exam data in a clinical-science module.

In didactic coursework, quizzes are a common instructional strategy. However, individual contexts/instructors can vary quiz use formatively and/or summatively. Second-year PharmD students took a clinical-science course, wherein a 5-week module focused on cardiovascular therapeutics. Generalizability Theory (G-Theory) combined seven quizzes leading to an exam into one module-level reliability, based on a model where students were crossed with items nested in eight fixed testing occasions (mGENOVA used). Furthermore, G-Theory decision-studies were planned to illustrate changes in module-graditems lent to higher reliability. However, using quizzes predominantly formatively had little impact on reliability, while using quizzes more summatively (i.e., increasing their relative-weight in module-grade) improved reliability further. Thus, depending on use, quizzes can add to a course's rigor.COVID-19 is an infectious respiratory and vascular disease caused by SARS-CoV-2. This virus was first identified in Wuhan, China and caused an ongoing pandemic. The World Health Organization (WHO) declared the outbreak a public health emergency of international concern in January 2020 and a pandemic in March 2020. Reports suggest that patients experience persistent deficits in pulmonary and cognitive functioning, as well as multifaceted health issues and worsened quality of life. From records in Italy and France, COVID-19 survivors experience the return of symptoms. COVID-19 survivors need specialist investigation once they have been discharged from hospital. No proper guidelines are recommending that COVID-19 survivors should be under assessment. We intended to provide a model to assist local healthcare systems to establish post-COVID recovery assessment clinic(s) for CVOID-19 survivors. Our model will enable COVID-19 patients' access to multi-professional advice, so that they are put onto the right clinical pathway to treat their symptoms. Furthermore, the findings of different specialties in post-COVID recovery assessment clinic(s) may help doctors determine the best discharge plan for COVID-19 patients.It has been noted on numerous occasions that modeled claims for cost-effectiveness, if driven by assumption for the lifetime of a hypothetical patient population, can be easily 'gamed' to create a required claim. These marketing exercises to support product entry are all too common in the literature. The institute for Clinical and Economic Review (ICER) in its launch of the ICER Analytics platform has provided a framework to support precisely these activities. Following the mainstream methodology in health technology assessment, the ICER Analytics platform facilitates the creation of approximate information to support formulary decisions. This is an odd development because it undercuts ICERs belief that it is the key arbiter in health technology assessment in the US, setting the stage for pricing and access recommendations. With the release of the ICER Analytics platform, others can now customize the 'backbone' ICER model in a disease area (i.e., change assumptions) to develop alternative and competing value assessments and 'fair' price claims. The problem is, of course, that without a reference point, there is no basis for comparing modeled claims other than through challenging assumptions. Indeed, ICER has made this easy by reducing barriers to lifetime model building so that manufacturers and others can create competing (and confusing) claims within, literally, a few minutes. ICER will then become one of a multitude of competing voices for the attention of formulary committees and other health decision makers; letting a thousand imaginary models bloom where no model can be judged on the basis of credible, empirically evaluable and replicable product claims.

Community pharmacy practice needs to demonstrate services beyond traditional dispensing roles to continue to function in a changing marketplace. Pharmacists have established themselves as being capable of improving patient outcomes and saving healthcare dollars by providing disease management services to patients. selleck chemicals llc This paper describes a sustained community pharmacy-run disease management program that continued after a grassroots grant-funding effort in 2007.

The city of Colorado Springs recognized the successes shown by the pharmacy during the Ten City Challenge funded project, and decided to financially support pharmacy diabetes care services. Partnering with the local School of Pharmacy, the pharmacist obtained advanced training and continued to deliver individualized counseling and management to approximately 100 patients per year for the past 14 years. Objective lab measurements (systolic and diastolic blood pressures, A1C values, total lipid profiles) were obtained or performed, and clinical goals wea disease management program for patients for over 14 years, demonstrating high patient enrollment, health outcomes at or near clinical guidelines for control, and positive financial outcomes associated with the program.

The current global coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic has once again highlighted the need to enhance the role of community pharmacists in public health. In 2012, the World Health Organisation (WHO) estimated that global deaths due to non-communicable diseases (NCDs) as about 38 million (68%). Most of these conditions are preventable through public health initiatives involving community pharmacists. This study aims to explore strategies enhancing the public health role of community pharmacists.

Data was collected through telephone interviews, supported by Skype (audio), and recorded using the 'HD Call Recorder for Skype'. The qualitative data software package NVivo (version 10) was used for the storage, retrieval and analysis of data. The constant comparative method of data analysis was used. In addition, the Theoretical Domains Framework (TDF) was used to underpin the research throughout.

This study identified a number of strategies that could enhance the public health role of community pharmacists, some of which include integrating undergraduate healthcare programmes; broadening the public health knowledge of students and pharmacists; pharmacists working alongside other healthcare professionals; teaching communication methods to students and pharmacists; teaching the use of new technologies and social media; etc.

Autoři článku: Lanierlancaster1642 (Hancock Levine)