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Epigenetic regulation plays an important role in the development and progression of nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC), but the epigenetic mechanisms underlying NPC metastasis remain poorly understood. Here, we demonstrate that hypermethylation of the UCHL1 promoter leads to its downregulation in NPC. Restoration of UCHL1 inhibited the migration and invasion of NPC cells in vitro and in vivo, and knockdown of UCHL1 promoted NPC cell migration and invasion in vitro and in vivo. Importantly, we found that UCHL1 interacts with CTTN, and may function as a ligase promoting CTTN degradation by increasing K48-linked ubiquitination of CTTN. Additionally, restoration of CTTN in NPC cells that overexpressed UCHL1 rescued UCHL1 suppressive effects on NPC cell migration and invasion, which indicated that CTTN is a functional target of UCHL1 in NPC. Our findings revealed that UCHL1 acts as a tumor suppressor gene in NPC and thus provided a novel therapeutic target for NPC treatment.In contrast to aboveground organs (stems and leaves), developmental events and their regulation in underground organs, such as pioneer and fine roots, are quite poorly understood. The objective of the current study was to achieve a better understanding of the physiological and molecular role of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and ROS-related enzymes in the process of stem and pioneer root development in black cottonwood (Populus trichocarpa), as well as in the senescence of leaves and fine roots. Results of a transcriptomic analysis revealed that primary/secondary growth and senescence are accompanied by substantial changes in the expression of genes related to oxidative stress metabolism. We observed that some mechanisms common for above- and under-ground organs, e.g., the expression of superoxide dismutase (SOD) genes and SOD activity, declined during stems' and pioneer roots' development. Moreover, the localization of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and superoxide (O2•-) in the primary and secondary xylem of stems and pioneer roots confirms their involvement in xylem cell wall lignification and the induction of programmed cell death (PCD). H2O2 and O2•- in senescing fine roots were present in the same locations as demonstrated previously for ATG8 (AuTophaGy-related) proteins, implying their participation in cell degradation during senescence, while O2•- in older leaves was also localized similarly to ATG8 in chloroplasts, suggesting their role in chlorophagy. ROS and ROS-related enzymes play an integral role in the lignification of xylem cell walls in Populus trichocarpa, as well as the induction of PCD during xylogenesis and senescence.Several studies have advanced the understanding of the effects of cannabis on cognitive function. A comprehensive reappraisal of such literature may help in drawing conclusions about the potential risks associated with cannabis use. In summary, the evidence suggests that earlier age of use, high-frequency and high-potency cannabis use, as well as sustained use over time and use of synthetic cannabinoids, are all correlated with a higher likelihood of developing potentially severe and persistent executive function impairments. While the exact mechanisms underlying the adverse effects of cannabis on cognition are not completely clear, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) studies support the presence of both structural and functional alterations associated with cannabis use. Cognitive dysfunction is also a core feature of many neuropsychiatric disorders and care must be taken regarding the effects of cannabis use in these patient populations. Cognitive impairments affect patients' daily functions, sociability, and long-term outcome, posing elevated economic, social, and clinical burdens. There is, thus, a compelling case for implementing behavioral and cognitive rehabilitation therapies for these patients, as well as investigating the endocannabinoid system in the development of new psychopharmacological treatments.The retinoid acid-related orphan receptor α (RORα), a member of the orphan nuclear receptor superfamily, functions as an unknown ligand-dependent transcription factor. RORα was shown to regulate a broad array of physiological processes such as Purkinje cell development in the cerebellum, circadian rhythm, lipid and bone metabolism, inhibition of inflammation, and anti-apoptosis. The human RORα gene encodes at least four distinct isoforms (RORα1, -2, -3, -4), which differ only in their N-terminal domain (NTD). Two isoforms, RORα2 and 3, are not expressed in mice, whereas RORα1 and 4 are expressed both in mice and humans. In the present study, we identified the specific NTD of RORα2 that enhances prostate tumor progression and proliferation via lysine methylation-mediated recruitment of coactivator complex pontin/Tip60. Upregulation of the RORα2 isoform in prostate cancers putatively promotes tumor formation and progression. Furthermore, binding between coactivator complex and RORα2 is increased by lysine methylation of RORα2 because methylation permits subsequent interaction with binding partners. This methylation-dependent activation is performed by SET domain containing 7 (SETD7) methyltransferase, inducing the oncogenic potential of RORα2. selleck chemicals Thus, post-translational lysine methylation of RORα2 modulates oncogenic function of RORα2 in prostate cancer. Exploration of the post-translational modifications of RORα2 provides new avenues for the development of tumor-suppressive therapeutic agents through modulating the human isoform-specific tumorigenic role of RORα2.Natural selection should favor the transfer of immune competence from one generation to the next in a context-dependent manner. Transgenerational immune priming (TGIP) is expected to evolve when species exploit pathogen-rich environments and exhibit extended overlap of parent-offspring generations. Dampwood termites are hemimetabolous, eusocial insects (Blattodea Archeotermopsidae) that possess both of these traits. We predict that offspring of pathogen-exposed queens of Zootermopsis angusticollis will show evidence of a primed immune system relative to the offspring of unexposed controls. We found that Relish transcripts, one of two immune marker loci tested, were enhanced in two-day-old embryos when laid by Serratia-injected queens. These data implicate the immune deficiency (IMD) signaling pathway in TGIP. Although an independent antibacterial assay revealed that embryos do express antibacterial properties, these do not vary as a function of parental treatment. Taken together, Z. angusticollis shows transcriptional but not translational evidence for TGIP.

Autoři článku: Kragmccaffrey6168 (Stensgaard Krarup)