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Therefore, the IAU block enables the feature to incorporate the globally spatial, temporal, and channel context. It is lightweight, end-to-end trainable, and can be easily plugged into existing CNNs to form IAUnet. The experiments show that IAUnet performs favorably against state of the art on both image and video reID tasks and achieves compelling results on a general object categorization task. The source code is available at https// this article, we propose a general model for plane-based clustering. The general model reveals the relationship between cluster assignment and cluster updating during clustering implementation, and it contains many existing plane-based clustering methods, e.g., k-plane clustering, proximal plane clustering, twin support vector clustering, and their extensions. Under this general model, one may obtain an appropriate clustering method for a specific purpose. The general model is a procedure corresponding to an optimization problem, which minimizes the total loss of the samples. Thereinto, the loss of a sample derives from both within-cluster and between-cluster information. We discuss the theoretical termination conditions and prove that the general model terminates in a finite number of steps at a local or weak local solution. Furthermore, we propose a distribution loss function that fluctuates with the input data and introduce it into the general model to obtain a plane-based clustering method (DPC). DPC can capture the data distribution precisely because of its statistical characteristics, and its termination that finitely terminates at a weak local solution is given immediately based on the general model. The experimental results show that our DPC outperforms the state-of-the-art plane-based clustering methods on many synthetic and benchmark data sets.Deep learning has achieved incredible success over the past years, especially in various challenging predictive spatiotemporal analytics (PSTA) tasks, such as disease prediction, climate forecast, and traffic prediction, where intrinsic dependence relationships among data exist and generally manifest at multiple spatiotemporal scales. However, given a specific PSTA task and the corresponding data set, how to appropriately determine the desired configuration of a deep learning model, theoretically analyze the model's learning behavior, and quantitatively characterize the model's learning capacity remains a mystery. In order to demystify the power of deep learning for PSTA in a theoretically sound and explainable way, in this article, we provide a comprehensive framework for deep learning model design and information-theoretic analysis. First, we develop and demonstrate a novel interactively and integratively connected deep recurrent neural network (I²DRNN) model. I²DRNN consists of three modules an input modulth classical and state-of-the-art models on all data sets and PSTA tasks. More importantly, as readily validated, the proposed model captures the multiscale spatiotemporal dependence, which is meaningful in the real-world context. Furthermore, the model configuration that corresponds to the best performance on a given data set always falls into the range between the necessary and sufficient configurations, as derived from the information-theoretic analysis.Body bio-impedance is a unique parameter to monitor changes in body composition non-invasively. Continuous measurement of bio-impedance can track changes in body fluid content and cell mass and has widespread applications for physiological monitoring. State-of-the-art implementation of bio-impedance sensor devices is still limited for continuous use, in part, due to artefacts arising at the skin-electrode (SE) interface. Artefacts at the SE interface may arise due to various factors such as motion, applied pressure on the electrode surface, changes in ambient conditions or gradual drying of electrodes. This paper presents a novel bio-impedance sensor node that includes an artefact aware method for bio-impedance measurement. The sensor node enables autonomous and continuous measurement of bio-impedance and SE contact impedance at ten frequencies between 10 kHz to 100 kHz to detect artefacts at the SE interface. Experimental evaluation with SE contact impedance models using passive 2R1C electronic circuits and also with non-invasive in vivo measurements of SE contact impedance demonstrated high accuracy (with maximum error less than 1.5%) and precision of 0.6 Ω. The ability to detect artefacts caused by motion, vertically applied pressure and skin temperature changes was analysed in proof of concept experiments. Low power sensor node design achieved with 50mW in active mode and only 143 μW in sleep mode estimated a battery life of 90 days with a 250 mAh battery and duty-cycling impedance measurements every 60 seconds. Our method for artefact aware bio-impedance sensing is a step towards autonomous and unobtrusive continuous bio-impedance measurement for health monitoring at-home or in clinical environments.The rapid growth in biological sequence data is revolutionizing our understanding of genotypic diversity and challenging conventional approaches to informatics. Due to the increasing available genomic data, traditional bioinformatic tools require substantial computational time and the creation of ever-larger indices each time a researcher seeks to gain insight from the data. To address this, we pre-computed important relationships between biological entities spanning the Central Dogma of Molecular Biology and captured this information in a relational database. The database can be queried across hundreds of millions of entities and returns results in a fraction of the time required by traditional methods. We describe IBM Functional Genomics Platform, a comprehensive database relating genotype to phenotype for bacterial life. Continually updated, the platform contains data derived from 200,000 curated, self-consistently assembled genomes. The database stores functional data for over 68 million genes, 52 million proteins, and 239 million domains with associated biological activity annotations from Gene Ontology, KEGG, MetaCyc, and Reactome. It maps the connections between each biological entity including the originating genome, gene, protein, and protein domain. We describe the data selection, the pipeline to create and update, and the developer tools.Physical interactions within virtual environments are often limited to visual information within a restricted workspace. A new system exploiting a cable-driven parallel robot to combine visual and haptic information related to environmental physical constraints (e.g. shelving, object weight) was developed. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact on user movement patterns of adding haptic feedback in a virtual environment with this robot. Twelve healthy participants executed a manual handling task under three conditions 1) in a virtual environment with haptic feedback; 2) in a virtual environment without haptic feedback; 3) in a real physical environment. Temporal parameters (movement time, peak velocity, movement smoothness, time to maximum flexion, time to peak wrist velocity) and spatial parameters of movement (maximum trunk flexion, range of motion of the trunk, length of the trajectory, index of curvature and maximum clearance from the shelf) were analysed during the reaching, lowering and lifting phases. Our results suggest that adding haptic feedback improves spatial parameters of movement to better respect the environmental constraints. However, the visual information presented in the virtual environment through the head mounted display appears to have an impact on temporal parameters of movement leading to greater movement time. Taken together, our results suggest that a cable-driven robot can be a promising device to provide a more ecological context during complex tasks in virtual reality.Human sensory processing is sensitive to the proximity of stimuli to the body. It is therefore plausible that these perceptual mechanisms also modulate the detectability of content in VR, depending on its location. We evaluate this in a user study and further explore the impact of the user's representation during interaction. We also analyze how embodiment and motor performance are influenced by these factors. In a dual-task paradigm, participants executed a motor task, either through virtual hands, virtual controllers, or a keyboard. Simultaneously, they detected visual stimuli appearing in different locations. We found that, while actively performing a motor task in the virtual environment, performance in detecting additional visual stimuli is higher when presented near the user's body. This effect is independent of how the user is represented and only occurs when the user is also engaged in a secondary task. We further found improved motor performance and increased embodiment when interacting through virtual tools and hands in VR, compared to interacting with a keyboard. This study contributes to better understanding the detectability of visual content in VR, depending on its location in the virtual environment, as well as the impact of different user representations on information processing, embodiment, and motor performance.Early screening of PDAC (pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma) based on plain CT (computed tomography) images is of great significance. Therefore, this work conducted a radiomics-aided diagnosis analysis of PDAC based on plain CT images. We explored a novel MSTA (multiresolution-statistical texture analysis) architecture to extract texture features and built machine learning models to classify PDACs and HPs (healthy pancreases). We also performed significance tests of differences to analyze the relationships between histopathological characteristics and texture features. The MSTA architecture originates from the analysis of histopathological characteristics and combines multiresolution analysis and statistical analysis to extract texture features. The MSTA architecture achieved better experimental results than the traditional architecture that scales the coefficient matrices of the multiresolution analysis. In the validation of the classifications, the MSTA architecture achieved an accuracy of 81.19% and an AUC (area under the ROC (receiver operating characteristic) curve) of 0.88 (95% confidence interval 0.84-0.92). In the test of the classifications, it achieved an accuracy of 77.66% and an AUC of 0.79 (95% confidence interval 0.71-0.87). Moreover, the significance tests of differences showed that the extracted texture features may be relevant to the histopathological characteristics. The MSTA architecture is beneficial for the radiomics-aided diagnosis of PDAC based on plain CT images. Its texture features can potentially enhance radiologists' imaging interpretation abilities.Photon counting detectors (PCDs) are classically described as being either paralyzable or nonparalyzable. When the PCD is paralyzed, it is no longer sensitive to the detection of additional flux. A recent strategy in PCD design has been to compensate for detector paralysis by embedding specialized paralysis compensation electronics into the application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC). One such compensation mechanism is the pileup trigger, which places an additional energy bin at very high energy that is triggered only during pileup. Olaparib nmr Another compensation mechanism is the retrigger architecture, which converts a paralyzable PCD into a nonparalyzable PCD. We propose a third mechanism that modifies the retrigger architecture using dedicated secondary counters. We studied the incremental benefit of these three paralysis compensation mechanisms in simulation. We modeled the spectral response using Monte Carlo simulations and then estimated the variance in basis material decomposition of a single pixel using the Cramér-Rao lower bound (CRLB).

Autoři článku: Knoxhenningsen7385 (Boyette Medina)