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The proposed architecture achieves qualitative results with 31.57 average precision on the COCO dataset, while its speed-oriented variations achieve speeds of up to 66.25 frames per second on the Jetson AGX Xavier module.Tissue engineering has attracted significant attention since the 1980s, and the applications of tissue engineering have been expanding. To produce a cell-dense tissue, cell sheet technology has been studied as a promising strategy. Fundamental techniques involving tissue engineering are mainly introduced in this review. First, the technologies to fabricate a cell sheet were reviewed. Although temperature-responsive polymer-based technique was a trigger to establish and spread cell sheet technology, other methodologies for cell sheet fabrication have also been reported. Second, the methods to improve the function of the cell sheet were investigated. Adding electrical and mechanical stimulation on muscle-type cells, building 3D structures, and co-culturing with other cell species can be possible strategies for imitating the physiological situation under in vitro conditions, resulting in improved functions. Finally, culture methods to promote vasculogenesis in the layered cell sheets were introduced with in vivo, ex vivo, and in vitro bioreactors. We believe the present review that shows and compares the fundamental technologies and recent advances for cell-sheet-based tissue engineering should promote further development of tissue engineering. The development of cell sheet technology should promote many bioengineering applications.The aim of this study was to develop a disposable, simple, fast, and sensitive sensor for the simultaneous electrochemical detection of doxorubicin (DOX) and simvastatin (SMV), which could be used in preclinical studies for the development of new pharmaceutical formulations for drug delivery. Firstly, the electrochemical behavior of each molecule was analyzed regarding the influence of electrode material, electrolyte solution, and scan rate. After this, the proper electrode material, electrolyte solution, and scan rate for both active substances were chosen, and a linear sweep voltammetry procedure was optimized for simultaneous detection. Two chronoamperometry procedures were tested, one for the detection of DOX in the presence of SMV, and the other one for the detection of DOX and SMV together. Finally, calibration curves for DOX and SMV in the presence of each other were obtained using both electrochemical methods and the results were compared. The use of amperometry allowed for a better limit of detection (DOX 0.1 μg/mL; SMV 0.7 μg/mL) than the one obtained in voltammetry (1.5 μg/mL for both drugs). The limits of quantification using amperometry were 0.5 μg/mL for DOX (dynamic range 0.5-65 μg/mL) and 2 μg/mL for SMV (dynamic range 2-65 μg/mL), while using voltammetry 1 μg/mL was obtained for DOX (dynamic range 1-100 μg/mL) and 5 μg/mL for SMV (dynamic range 5-100 μg/mL). This detection strategy represents a promising tool for the analysis of new pharmaceutical formulations for targeted drug delivery containing both drugs, whose association was proven to bring benefits in the treatment of cancer.Reactions of cyclometalated compounds are numerous. This account is focused on one of such reactions, the exchange of cyclometalated ligands, a reaction between a cyclometalated compound and an incoming ligand that replaces a previously cyclometalated ligand to form a new metalacycle + H-C*~Z ⇄ + H-C~Y. Originally discovered for PdII complexes with Y/Z = N, P, S, the exchange appeared to be a mechanistically challenging, simple, and convenient routine for the synthesis of cyclopalladated complexes. Over four decades it was expanded to cyclometalated derivatives of platinum, ruthenium, manganese, rhodium, and iridium. The exchange, which is also questionably referred to as transcyclometalation, offers attractive synthetic possibilities and assists in disclosing key mechanistic pathways associated with the C-H bond activation by transition metal complexes and C-M bond cleavage. Both synthetic and mechanistic aspects of the exchange are reviewed and discussed.Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) are supramolecular nanomaterials, in which metal ions or clusters are connected by organic ligands to form crystalline lattices with highly ordered periodic porous network structure. MOFs have been widely applied in various fields, such as catalyst, sample preparation, and sensing. In recent years, MOFs based surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) substrates have attracted much attention since MOFs can largely improve the performance of metallic SERS substrates toward target enrichment and signal enhancement. MOFs have been exploited in SERS analysis to tackle some challenges that bare metal substrates cannot achieve. Combination of MOFs and SERS improved the sensitivity of traditional SERS analysis and extended the application scope of SERS. With the increasing exploration of MOFs based SERS substrates, there is a great demand to review the advances in these researches. Herein, this review concentrated on summarizing the preparation and applications of MOFs based SERS substrates. Representative researches were discussed to better understand the property of MOFs based SERS substrates. HC-1119 The advantages of MOFs based SERS substrates were highlighted, as well as their limitations. In addition, the challenges, opportunities, and future trends in MOFs based SERS analysis were tentatively discussed.The role of endogenous hydrogen sulfide (H2S) as an antioxidant regulator has sparked interest in its function within inflammatory diseases. Cigarette and alcohol use are major causes of premature death, resulting from chronic oxidative stress and subsequent tissue damage. The activation of the Nrf2 antioxidant response by H2S suggests that this novel gasotransmitter may function to prevent or potentially reverse disease progression caused by cigarette smoking or alcohol use. The purpose of this study is to review the interrelationship between H2S signaling and cigarette smoking or alcohol drinking. Based on the databases of cellular, animal, and clinical studies from Pubmed using the keywords of H2S, smoking, and/or alcohol, this review article provides a comprehensive insight into disrupted H2S signaling by alcohol drinking and cigarette smoking-caused disorders. Major signaling and metabolic pathways involved in H2S-derived antioxidant and anti-inflammatory responses are further reviewed. H2S supplementation may prove to be an invaluable asset in treating or preventing diseases in those suffering from cigarette or alcohol addiction.

Autoři článku: Klosterhaastrup4706 (Munoz Berg)