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and Camponotus sp. (Hymenoptera Formicidae); and Trigona spinipes Fabricius (Hymenoptera Apidae) were the most dominant phytophagous insects, natural enemies, and pollinators, respectively, on A. mangium leaves. Knowledge of preferred leaf surfaces could help integrated pest management programs.Hybridization and Polyploidization are most common of the phenomenon observed in plants, especially in the genus Nicotiana leading to the duplication of genome. Poly-D-lysine Although genomic changes associated with these events has been studied at various levels but the genome size and GC content variation is less understood because of absence of sufficient genomic data. In this study the flow cytometry technique was used to uncover the genome size and GC contents of 46 Nicotiana species and we compared the genomic changes associated with the hybridization events along evolutionary time scale. The genome size among Nicotiana species varied between 3.28 pg and 11.88 pg whereas GC contents varied between 37.22% and 51.25%. The tetraploid species in genus Nicotiana including section Polydiclae, Repandae, Nicotiana, Rustica and Sauveolentes revealed both up and downsizing in their genome sizes when compared to the sum of genomes of their ancestral species. The genome sizes of three homoploid hybrids were found near their ancestral species. Loss of large genome sequence was observed in the evolutionary more aged species (>10 Myr) as compared to the recently evolved one's ( less then 0.2 Myr). The GC contents were found homogenous with a mean difference of 2.46% among the Nicotiana species. It is concluded that genome size change appeared in either direction whereas the GC contents were found more homogenous in genus Nicotiana.The possible interference of resistant pest's populations to insecticides in natural enemies in the action thas not been clarified yet. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate Trichogramma pretiosum Riley (Hymenoptera Trichogrammatidae) performance on Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith) (Lepidoptera Noctuidae) eggs with resistance frequency to the Metaflumizone over six generations of product exposure. Egg cards (2.0 x 7.0 cm) containing eggs from two populations of S. frugiperda, (resistant to Metaflumizone and the other susceptible), were exposed to T. pretiosum females for 24 hours in free-choice and no-choice testing in three generations (G1, G4, and G6). A completely randomized experimental design was used with 25 replications, each consisting of an egg card (experimental unit) containing 20 eggs. The parameters evaluated were parasitism (%), emergence (%), sex ratio, number of emerged parasitoids per egg and males/females longevity. ANOVA and Tukey test (P≤ 0.05) were applied on the results. Results showed a reduction in parasitism [41.0% (G1) and 28.4% (G4)], egg emergence (17.5%) and parasitoids/egg [16.2 (G4) and 17.2 (G6)] in eggs originating from the population with resistance frequency. Females emerging from G6 populations eggs without exposure to Metaflumizone had greater longevity (3.5 days more) than the resistant population. The sex ratio and male longevity were not affected. The results indicate a reduction in T. pretiosum activity if S. frugiperda populations have some frequency of resistance to Metaflumizone.Croton argyrophylloides Muell. Arg., from the Euphorbiaceae family, popularly known as marmeleiro prateado or sacatinga, is a plant from the Caatinga biome commonly found in Brazil's northeastern region. The present study aimed to evaluate the antioxidant activity of the species. The phytochemical study was performed through qualitative analysis of chemical constituents and quantitative determination of the total phenol content through the Folin-Ciocalteu test. The qualitative and quantitative antioxidant tests were performed using the DPPH method (2.2 diphenyl-1-picryl hydrazil) and ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP). The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) was determined by microdilution in 96-well plates. The ethanolic extract of the leaves of C. argyrophylloides manifested antioxidant action in the quantitative DPPH test with a significant bioactivity of 84.70 AAO% in 500 µg/mL, with an EC50 of 236.79. The content of total phenolic compounds was 946.06 mg of gallic acid equivalents/g of sample, and total flavonoids was 58.11 mg of quercetin equivalents/g of sample, the result obtained for FRAP was 15294.44 µM Trolox/g of sample and ABTS was 718 μM Trolox of sample. The prospecting of the chemical constituents of the leaves of C. argyrophylloides revealed the presence of the main compounds that manifests the antioxidant activity and it was proven by the DPPH method that there is antioxidant activity in the analyzed sample, in addition to demonstrating a significant content of phenolic compounds and total flavonoid content in the species, which corroborates the antioxidant activity of the plant sample. The leaf extracts presented growth inhibition halos of 10 and 12 mm upon Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923.

to narrate the experience of facing a long economic and political crisis and the experience of the arrival process of the coronavirus pandemic in a Spanish healthcare center.

this is a descriptive qualitative study with ethnographic analysis, with data collection through interviews, participant observation and field diary records.

the immersion in the context allowed us to identify two axes of domain "The crisis, work in the community and the territory in Primary Care"; "The inevitability of being a nurse in facing a health crisis".

the narrative portrays the ethics in field research, tensions and values of nursing work in crisis situations. Nurses' experiences are presented in narratives of dissatisfaction and difficulties, but with the support of values related to guaranteeing assistance to users and cooperation and solidarity in the collective organization of workers to face the COVID-19 crisis.

the narrative portrays the ethics in field research, tensions and values of nursing work in crisis situations. Nurses' experiences are presented in narratives of dissatisfaction and difficulties, but with the support of values related to guaranteeing assistance to users and cooperation and solidarity in the collective organization of workers to face the COVID-19 crisis.

To analyze the scientific production on the decision making of health workers during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Integrative review in the databases CINAHL, MEDLINE, Scopus, ScienceDirect, WoS, and BVS. Inclusion criteria original articles available in full, in any language, related to the object investigated.

During this pandemic, health workers have been making decisions based on ethical/bioethical principles (utility, beneficence, non-maleficence, autonomy, justice, proportionality, flexibility, clinical prognosis, duration of the need, and fair health attention), values (solidarity, equality, equity, utilitarianism, relational autonomy, reliability, reciprocity, maximization of the benefits and resources, and prioritization of those in worse conditions), beliefs and personal motivation, protocols, directives, tools, algorithms, recommendations, and criteria.

Decision making has never been so necessary as in this pandemic. This article is not a recipe for the professionals, since decision making is based on numerous factors. However, it provides them with a foundation that can be helpful in this difficult process.

Decision making has never been so necessary as in this pandemic. This article is not a recipe for the professionals, since decision making is based on numerous factors. However, it provides them with a foundation that can be helpful in this difficult process.

to assess the quality of life of nurse practitioners during the COVID-19 pandemic and analyze related factors.

cross-sectional and analytical study carried out with nurse practitioners. A questionnaire on sociodemographic characterization, work activities and changes perceived with the pandemic and WHOQOL-bref were used. To compare the groups of interest, analysis of covariance was used.

572 professionals participated, who had a mean total quality of life score of 56.79 (SD=13.56). In the relationship of variables with WHOQOL-bref, having two or more jobs and being a nurse were associated with better quality of life, but being a woman and working more than 50 hours a week was associated with a worse perception of the construct.

the factors analyzed indicate a lower perception of quality of life associated with the social domain, requiring interventions that reduce the damage to professionals' health and contribute to quality of care provided.

the factors analyzed indicate a lower perception of quality of life associated with the social domain, requiring interventions that reduce the damage to professionals' health and contribute to quality of care provided.

To investigate the nursing professionals' biosecurity in confronting COVID-19.

This is a Survey type study. Nursing professionals were invited via messaging apps, using self-applied data collection forms. The sample selection (n=693) was non-probabilistic. A descriptive data analysis was conducted.

considering the biosafety aspects in facing COVID-19, 79.0% of the participants had not received training or considered it insufficient, 69.3% reported the lack of personal protective equipment during work, and 81.8% did not feel safe with the internal flux adaptations for handling COVID-19 cases.

Continuous and effective nursing team training and personal protective equipment availability are necessary, as well as internal flow adjustments for attending suspected or confirmed cases.

Continuous and effective nursing team training and personal protective equipment availability are necessary, as well as internal flow adjustments for attending suspected or confirmed cases.A close interaction between basic science and applied medicine is to be expected. Therefore, it is important to measure how far apart the field of cell biology and medicine are. Our approach to estimating the distance between these fields was to compare their vocabularies and to quantify the difference in word repertoire. We compared the vocabulary of the title and abstract of articles available in PubMed in two selected high-impact journals in each field cell biology, medicine, and translational science. Although each journal has its own editorial policy, we showed that within each field there is a small vocabulary difference between the two journals. We developed a word similarity index that can measure how much journals share a common vocabulary. We found a high similarity index between each cell biology (91%), medical (71-74%), and translational journal (65%). In contrast, the comparison between medicine and biology journals produced low correlation values (22-36%), suggesting that their vocabularies are quite dissimilar. Translational medicine journals had medium similarity values when compared to cell biology journals (52-70%) and medicine journals (27-59%). This approach was also performed in 10-year periods to evaluate the evolution of each field. Using the "onomics" strategy presented here, we observed that differences in vocabulary of basic science and medicine have been increasing over time. Since translational medicine has an intermediate vocabulary, we confirmed that translational medicine is an efficient approach to bridge this gap.

Autoři článku: Kingguthrie6614 (Brewer Fitzpatrick)