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001) was found. Strike index during uphill running was significantly greater (i.e. landing with a more anterior foot strike) when compared with level (p  less then  0.001, Cohen's d = 1.72) or downhill running (p  less then  0.001, Cohen's d = 1.44) in either MIN or MAX. The majority of habitual rearfoot strike runners switched to midfoot strike during uphill running while maintaining a rearfoot strike pattern during level or downhill running. In summary, wearing either one of the two contrasting footwear (MIN or MAX) demonstrated no effect on impact loading and footstrike pattern in habitual rearfoot strike trail runners running on a natural trail with different English, German Zusammenfassung. Die obstruktive Schlafapnoe ist eine häufige schlafbezogene Atemregulationsstörung, wobei es durch einen Kollaps der oberen Atemwege zu repetitiven Sauerstoffdesaturationen und «micro arousals» kommt. Ist die physiologische Schlafarchitektur beeinträchtigt, sind vermehrte Tagesmüdigkeit und ein erhöhter Blutdruck die Folge. Zentrale Risikofaktoren sind Stammfettsucht, fortgeschrittenes Alter, männliches Geschlecht (und Schnarchen). Mittels Gewichtsabnahme, Alkoholabstinenz, und nächtlicher kontinuierlicher Überdruckbeatmung (CPAP) lässt sich das Schlafapnoesyndrom sehr gut behandeln, wobei eine Unterkieferprotusionsschiene die Therapie der zweiten Wahl English, German Zusammenfassung. Der Lipidstatus dient vor allem der Abschätzung des Risikos für atherosklerotische Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen (ASCVD). LDL-Cholesterin (LDL-C) ist primäres Ziel lipidsenkender Therapien. NonHDL-Cholesterin und Apolipoprotein B sind sekundäre Ziele. Die Europäischen Gesellschaften für Kardiologie und Atherosklerose haben deren therapeutischen Zielwerte für alle Risikogruppen gesenkt. Triglyzeride und HDL-Cholesterin sind ebenfalls für die Risikoschätzung empfohlen, aber keine therapeutischen Ziele. Lipoprotein(a) ist ein stark genetisch determinierter ASCVD-Risikofaktor und beinhaltet einen therapeutisch unbeeinflussbaren Teil des LDL-C. Die Qualität der Labordiagnostik aller Lipid-Risikofaktoren ist wegen zu grosser Methodenabhängigkeit und im Hinblick auf die Indikation neuer und teurer lipidmodifizierender Therapien verbesserungsbedürftig.The usage of finite element method techniques gives a possibility to replace time-consuming experiments or imitate physical process in the ear by numerical simulation. Especially, the research of spatial motion of ossicular chain in the middle ear is of high interest for the oto-surgeons and engineers. It is known that the most affected bone from the ossicular chain is the incus. After the cholesteatoma operation and tympanoplasty, the affected incus is removed or sacrificed; thus, the possibility of transducing noise lays on the stapes, new titanium or other material prosthesis. In this case, the affected incus was removed because of the cholesteatoma that was lying in front of it in the tympanic cavity. The removed incus with the affected long process passed micro-computed tomography. The computer-aided design systems allowed redesigning a 'healthy' incus with an intact long process. In this way, it was possible to evaluate the influence of damaged long process of incus in the vibrational analysis. This article analyses the problems of mechanical behaviour of injured and healthy human incus. The numerical simulation has demonstrated that the features of healthy incus and analysed injured incus do not differ significantly, especially at low (about 500 Hz) frequencies. It explains why there is no impact of cholesteatoma on hearing for a long time in the audiogram.Humans transform their environment in order to regulate their own affect. One way to do so is to avoid situations that come with negative rather than positive affect. This selection might not solely bear on expectations of full-blown emotions, but may also be invoked by anticipating the aversiveness of cognitive conflict, when a situation suggests competing behavioural responses. If cognitive conflict is indeed aversive, it may trigger affect regulation goals, which in turn influence choices of situations depending on the magnitude of conflict they contain. People should prefer actions that produce conflict-free situations to actions that produce conflicting situations. In three experiments, participants had to solve a Stroop task by freely choosing between response keys that were either associated with low-conflict or high-conflict in the subsequent trial. We find that people do not automatically prefer actions associated with conflict-free situations to actions that are associated with conflicting situations. They only do so, when they are explicitly informed about the contingency between action and congruency of an upcoming situation. This suggests that cognitive conflict, at least at the level of a standard conflict task as used here, is insufficient to invoke affect regulation processes.BACKGROUND Recognizing the need for good quality, scientific and reliable information for strengthening mental health policies and programmes, the National Mental Health Survey (NMHS) of India was implemented by National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences (NIMHANS), Bangalore, in the year 2015-2016. AIM To estimate the prevalence, socio-demographic correlates and treatment gap of mental morbidity in a representative population of India. METHODS NMHS was conducted across 12 Indian states where trained field investigators completed 34,802 interviews using tablet-assisted personal interviews. Eligible study subjects (18+ years) in households were selected by a multi-stage, stratified, random cluster sampling technique. Mental morbidity was assessed using MINI 6. check details Three-tier data monitoring system was adopted for quality assurance. Weighted and specific prevalence estimates were derived (current and lifetime) for different mental disorders. Mental morbidity was defined as those disorders as per the Interbidity in India. Survey estimated that nearly 150 million individuals suffer from one or the other mental morbidity in India. This information is to be used for planning, delivery and evaluating mental health programming in the country.

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