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17 ERV lineages are likely to arise from independent retrovirus endogenization events that occurred after the split of mysticetes and odontocetes, indicating that diverse retroviruses infected cetaceans through cross-species transmission from non-cetacean mammals after the transition to aquatic life of cetaceans. Both integration time and synteny analyses support the recent or ongoing activity of multiple retroviral lineages in cetaceans, some of which proliferated into hundreds of copies within the host genomes. Selleck Thapsigargin Although ERVs only recorded a proportion of past retroviral infections, our findings illuminate the complex evolution of retroviruses during one of the most marked macroevolutionary transitions in vertebrate history.

The biological maturation (BM) analyzed by peak height velocity (PHV) and bone age (BA), and lean body mass has been associated with the strength and muscle power of young athletes. However, the ability of BM (PHV and BA) and LM markers to predict muscle strength and power in young athletes remains uncertain.

The Aim was determine the predicting power of BM markers (PHV and BA) and LM in relation to muscle power of upper and lower limbs and muscle strength of upper limbs in adolescent athletes at puberty.

Ninety-two adolescent athletes (both sexes; age 12.4 ± 1.02 years) were assessed for body composition by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA). Power of upper limbs (ULP), force handgrip (HG), vertical jump (VJ) and countermovement jump (CMJ) were recorded. BM was predicted by mathematical models to estimate PHV and BA. Multilayer artificial neural network analyses (MLP's) were used to determine the power of prediction of LM, PHV and BA on muscle power and strength of upper- and lower-limbs of the athletes.

LM, BA and PHV were associated with HG (r>0.74, p<0.05) and ULS (r>0.60, p<0.05) in both sexes. In both sexes BA was associated with VJ (r>0.55, p<0.05) and CMJ (r>0.53, p<0.05). LM indicated associations (r>0.60, p<0.05) with BA and with PHV (r<0.83, p<0.05) in both sexes. MLP's analysis revealed that the LM provides > 72% of probability to predict the muscle power of upper- and lower-limbs, and the strength of the upper limbs; whereas PHV provides > 43% and bone age >64% in both female and male adolescent athletes.

We identified that, like PHV and BA, LM is a strong predictor of low cost of both upper limbs muscle strength and upper and lower limbs power in adolescent athletes.

We identified that, like PHV and BA, LM is a strong predictor of low cost of both upper limbs muscle strength and upper and lower limbs power in adolescent athletes.In humans, several members of the CEACAM receptor family have been shown to interact with intestinal pathogens in an inflammatory context. While CEACAMs have long been thought to be only present in mammals, recent studies have identified ceacam genes in other vertebrates, including teleosts. The function of these related genes remains however largely unknown. To gain insight into the function of CEACAM proteins in fish, we undertook the study of a putative member of the family, CEACAMz1, identified in Danio rerio. Sequence analysis of the ceacamz1 gene product predicted a GPI-anchored extracellular protein containing eleven immunoglobulin domains but revealed no evident orthology with human CEACAMs. Using a combination of RT-PCR analyses and in situ hybridization experiments, as well as a fluorescent reporter line, we showed that CEACAMz1 is first expressed in discrete cells on the ventral skin of zebrafish larvae and later on in the developing gills. This distribution remains constant until juvenile stage is reached, at which point CEACAMz1 is almost exclusively expressed in gills. We further observed that at late larval stages, CEACAMz1-expressing cells mostly localize on the afferent side of the branchial filaments and possibly in the inter-lamellar space. Using immunolabelling and 3D-reconstructions, we showed that CEACAMz1 is expressed in cells from the uppermost layer of skin epidermis. These cells are embedded within the keratinocytes pavement and we unambiguously identified them as proton-pump rich ionocytes (HR cells). As the expression of ceacamz1 is turned on concomitantly to that of other known markers of HR cells, we propose that ceacamz1 may serve as a novel marker of mature HR cells from the zebrafish epidermis.Summer weed species, including Echinochloa colona, are becoming problematic in the eastern grain region of Australia, but cover crops can be useful to suppress weeds during the summer fallow period. The present study evaluated the growth and seed production of E. colona grown alone or with four and eight cover crop plants per pot (i.e., 80 and 160 plants m-2). Four legume (cowpea, lablab, pigeonpea, and soybean) and two grass (forage sorghum and Japanese millet) cover crops were used. Interference by cover crops reduced the height, the number of leaves and tillers, inflorescence number, seed production, and biomass of this weed than when it was grown alone. Cover crops differed in their ability to suppress the growth and seed production of E. colona. The effect of cover crop density on the studied attributes was non-significant in most cases. Pigeonpea as a cover crop was the least effective in suppressing the growth and seed production of E. colona. In general, leguminous cover crops exhibited less suppression of E. colona than grasses. Forage sorghum was most efficient in reducing the growth of this weed. Forage sorghum and Japanese millet reduced E. colona leaf and tiller numbers per plant by 90 and 87%, respectively. These cover crops reduced E. colona leaf number to only 17 per plant as against 160 per plant recorded without cover crops. Inflorescence number per E. colona plant growing alone was as high as 48. However, it was reduced by 20-92% when this weed was grown with cover crop plants. E. colona's seed production was significantly suppressed by all the cover crops, except pigeonpea. Biomass of E. colona was suppressed largely by forage sorghum and Japanese millet compared to other cover crops. Among the cover crops, pigeonpea produced the lowest biomass of 11 g pot-1, and the highest biomass (114 g pot-1) was produced by forage sorghum. The study demonstrated the usefulness of cover crops, especially forage sorghum and Japanese millet, to suppress the growth and seed output of E. colona.

Autoři článku: Kernkragh3559 (Hawley Bowers)