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edge and practice scores were correlated, the practices score was lower than that of knowledge indicating the need to encourage correct practices through means other than solely promoting knowledge.Atlantic Halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus) has a X/Y genetic sex determination system, but the sex determining factor is not known. We produced a high-quality genome assembly from a male and identified parts of chromosome 13 as the Y chromosome due to sequence divergence between sexes and segregation of sex genotypes in pedigrees. Linkage analysis revealed that all chromosomes exhibit heterochiasmy, i.e. male-only and female-only meiotic recombination regions (MRR/FRR). We show that FRR/MRR intervals differ in nucleotide diversity and repeat class content and that this is true also for other Pleuronectidae species. We further show that remnants of a Gypsy-like transposable element insertion on chr13 promotes early male specific expression of gonadal somatic cell derived factor (gsdf). Less than 4.5 MYA, this male-determining element evolved on an autosomal FRR segment featuring pre-existing male meiotic recombination barriers, thereby creating a Y chromosome. Our findings indicate that heterochiasmy may facilitate the evolution of genetic sex determination systems relying on linkage of sexually antagonistic loci to a sex-determining factor.Ecological restoration frequently involves the addition of native plants, but the effectiveness (in terms of plant growth, plant survival, and cost) of using seeds versus container plants has not been studied in many plant communities. It is also not known if plant success would vary by species or based on functional traits. To answer these questions, we added several shrub species to a coastal sage scrub restoration site as seeds or as seedlings in a randomized block design. We measured percent cover, density, species richness, size, survival, and costs. Over the two years of the study, shrubs added to the site as seeds grew more and continued to have greater density than plants added from containers. Seeded plots also had greater native species richness than planted plots. However, shrubs from containers had higher survival rates, and percent cover was comparable between the planted and seeded treatments. Responses varied by species depending on functional traits, with deep-rooted evergreen species establishing better from container plants. Our cost analysis showed that it is more expensive to use container plants than seed, with most of the costs attributed to labor and supplies needed to grow plants. Our measurements of shrub density, survival, species richness, and growth in two years in our experimental plots lead us to conclude that coastal sage scrub restoration with seeds is optimal for increasing density and species richness with limited funds, yet the addition of some species from container plants may be necessary if key species are desired as part of the project objectives.

Capability-adjusted life years Sweden (CALY-SWE) are a new Swedish questionnaire-based measure for quality of life based on the capability approach. CALY-SWE are targeted towards use in cost-effectiveness evaluations of social welfare consequences. Here, we first motivate the measure both from a theoretical and from a Swedish policy-making perspective. Then, we outline the core principles of the measure, namely the relation to the capability approach, embedded equity considerations inspired by the fair-innings approach, and the bases for which capabilities should be considered. The aims were to 1) the most vital capabilities for individuals in Sweden, 2) to define a sufficient level of each identified capability to lead a flourishing life, and to 3) develop a complete questionnaire for the measurement of the identified capabilities.

For the selection of capabilities, we used a Delphi process with Swedish civil society representants. To inform the questionnaire development, we conducted a web survey in thr of broader social consequences, specific to the Swedish context.An erratum was issued for Automated, High-Throughput Detection of Bacterial Adherence to Host Cells. The Authors section was updated. The Authors section was updated from Jing Yang1, Qing-Ming Qin1, Paul de Figueiredo1,2 1Department of Microbial Pathogenesis and Immunology, Texas A&M Health Science Center 2Department of Veterinary Pathobiology, Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine to Jing Yang1, Qing-Ming Qin1, Erin Van Schaik1, James E. Samuel1, Paul de Figueiredo1,2 1Department of Microbial Pathogenesis and Immunology, Texas A&M Health Science Center 2Department of Veterinary Pathobiology, Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine.Infection prevention challenges are ubiquitous in healthcare, but some are unique to or more prevalent in low-and middle-income country settings. Despite limited resources, innovative and committed paediatric healthcare providers and infection preventionists have found creative solutions to address the very real and pressing risks their patients face every day. We gathered examples of infection prevention and control challenges faced by clinicians in resource-limited healthcare facilities, and the real-world infection prevention and control solutions they implemented, with the goal of learning broader lessons applicable to low-and middle-income countrie.

Clinically suspected and laboratory-confirmed bloodstream infections are frequent causes of morbidity and mortality during neonatal care. The most effective infection prevention and control interventions for neonates in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC) are unknown.

To identify effective interventions in the prevention of hospital-acquired bloodstream infections in LMIC neonatal units.

Medline, PUBMED, the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, EMBASE and PsychInfo (January 2003 to October 2020) were searched to identify studies reporting single or bundled interventions for prevention of bloodstream infections in LMIC neonatal units.

Our initial search identified 5206 articles; following application of filters, 27 publications met the inclusion and Integrated Quality Criteria for the Review of Multiple Study Designs assessment criteria and were summarized in the final analysis. No studies were carried out in low-income countries, only 1 in Sub-Saharan Africa and just 2 in multiple countries. Oontrol interventions in LMIC neonatal units; bundled interventions targeting device-associated infections were most effective. More multisite studies with robust study designs are needed to inform infection prevention and control intervention strategies in low-resource neonatal units.Antimicrobial resistance is a global health threat and there is an urgent need to manage antibiotic use to slow its development. However, antimicrobial stewardship interventions in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC) have been limited in terms of their resourcing, feasibility and effectiveness in the face of greater challenges in child mortality. We sought to gather together examples of antibiotic use problems faced by clinicians in LMIC, many of which are unique to these settings, and real-world antimicrobial stewardship solutions identified, with the goal of learning broader lessons that might be applicable across LMIC.

Antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) is central to the World Health Organisation Global Action Plan against antimicrobial resistance (AMR). If antibiotics are used without restraint, morbidity and mortality from AMR will continue to increase. In resource-rich settings, AMS can safely reduce antibiotic consumption. However, for children in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC), the impact of different AMS interventions is unknown.

To determine the impact of different AMS interventions on antibiotic use and clinical and microbiologic outcomes in children in LMIC.

MEDLINE, Embase and PubMed were searched for studies of AMS interventions in pediatric population in LMIC settings. Controlled trials, controlled before-and-after studies and interrupted time series studies were included. Outcomes assessed were antibiotic use, multidrug-resistant organism (MDRO) rates, clinical outcomes and cost.

Of 1462 studies, 34 met inclusion criteria including a total population of >5,000,000 in 17 countries. Twenty were iding clinical outcomes. Overall, AMS strategies are important tools in the reduction of MDRO-related morbidity in children in LMIC.

The growth of antimicrobial resistance worldwide has led to increased focus on antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) and infection prevention and control (IPC) measures, although primarily in high-income countries (HIC). We aimed to compare pediatric AMS and IPC resources/activities between low- and middle-income countries (LMIC) and HIC and to determine the barriers and priorities for AMS and IPC in LMIC as assessed by clinicians in those settings.

An online questionnaire was distributed to clinicians working in HIC and LMIC healthcare facilities in 2020.

Participants were from 135 healthcare settings in 39 LMIC and 27 HIC. Formal AMS and IPC programs were less frequent in LMIC than HIC settings (AMS 42% versus 76% and IPC 58% versus 89%). Akt activator Only 47% of LMIC facilities conducted audits of antibiotic use for pediatric patients, with less reliable availability of World Health Organization Access list antibiotics (29% of LMIC facilities). Hand hygiene promotion was the most common IPC intervention in both LMIC and HIC settings (82% versus 91%), although LMIC hospitals had more limited access to reliable water supply for handwashing and antiseptic hand rub. The greatest perceived barrier to pediatric AMS and IPC in both LMIC and HIC was lack of education only 17% of LMIC settings had regular/required education on antimicrobial prescribing and only 25% on IPC.

Marked differences exist in availability of AMS and IPC resources in LMIC as compared with HIC. A collaborative international approach is urgently needed to combat antimicrobial resistance, using targeted strategies that address the imbalance in global AMS and IPC resource availability and activities.

Marked differences exist in availability of AMS and IPC resources in LMIC as compared with HIC. A collaborative international approach is urgently needed to combat antimicrobial resistance, using targeted strategies that address the imbalance in global AMS and IPC resource availability and activities.Remdesivir has been shown to shorten the time to recovery in hospitalized patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Data on its use in pregnancy are limited. In this single-center retrospective cohort study, our objective was to determine whether early remdesivir use in pregnant individuals is associated with decreased risk of admission to the intensive care unit (ICU). Forty-one pregnant patients were included in this study, and outcomes were compared between those who received remdesivir less than 7 days (early group) and 7 or more days (late group) from onset of patient-reported symptoms. Early remdesivir administration was associated with improved clinical outcomes, including lower rates of ICU admission, decreased length of hospitalization, and decreased progression to critical disease in pregnant individuals hospitalized with COVID-19.

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