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Multidrug and toxic compound extrusion (MATE) transporters are ubiquitous ion-coupled antiporters that extrude structurally and chemically dissimilar cytotoxic compounds and have been implicated in conferring multidrug resistance. Here, we integrate double electron-electron resonance (DEER) with functional assays and site-directed mutagenesis of conserved residues to illuminate principles of ligand-dependent alternating access of PfMATE, a proton-coupled MATE from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Pyrococcus furiosus Pairs of spin labels monitoring the two sides of the transporter reconstituted into nanodiscs reveal large-amplitude movement of helices that alter the orientation of a putative substrate binding cavity. We found that acidic pH favors formation of an inward-facing (IF) conformation, whereas elevated pH (>7) and the substrate rhodamine 6G stabilizes an outward-facing (OF) conformation. The lipid-dependent PfMATE isomerization between OF and IF conformation is driven by protonation of a previously unidentified intracellular glutamate residue that is critical for drug resistance. Our results can be framed in a mechanistic model of transport that addresses central aspects of ligand coupling and alternating access.Disagreements about the phenotype of estrogen receptor β (ERβ) knockout mouse, created by removing the DNA-binding domain of the ERβ gene or interruption of the gene with a neocassette (Oliver Smithies ERβ knockout mice [ERβOS-/-]), prompted us to create an ERβ knockout mouse by deleting the ERβ gene with the use of CRISPR/Cas9 technology. We confirmed that the ERβ gene was eliminated from the mouse genome and that no ERβ mRNA or protein was detectable in tissues of this mouse. Overall the phenotype of the ventral prostate (VP) and mammary gland (MG) in ERβcrispr-/- mice was similar to, but more severe than, that in the ERβOS-/-mice. In the VP of 6-mo-old ERβcrispr-/- mice there was epithelial hyperplasia, fibroplasia, inflammation, stromal overgrowth, and intraductal cancer-like lesions. This was accompanied by an increase in Ki67 and P63 and loss in DACH1 and PURα, two androgen receptor (AR) repressors. In the MG there was overexpression of estrogen receptor α and progesterone receptor, loss of collagen, increase in proliferation and expression of metalloproteases, and invasive epithelium. Surprisingly, by 18 mo of age, the number of hyperplastic foci was reduced, the ducts of the VP and MG became atrophic, and, in the VP, there was massive immune infiltration and massive desquamation of the luminal epithelial cells. These changes were coincident with reduced levels of androgens in males and estrogens in females. We conclude that ERβ is a tumor suppressor gene in the VP and MG where its loss increases the activity AR and ERα, respectively. Copyright © 2020 the Author(s). Published by PNAS.Angiogenesis, the formation of new blood vessels, is tightly regulated by gene transcriptional programs. Yin Ying 1 (YY1) is a ubiquitously distributed transcription factor with diverse and complex biological functions; however, little is known about the cell-type-specific role of YY1 in vascular development and angiogenesis. Here we report that endothelial cell (EC)-specific YY1 deletion in mice led to embryonic lethality as a result of abnormal angiogenesis and vascular defects. Tamoxifen-inducible EC-specific YY1 knockout (YY1 iΔEC ) mice exhibited a scarcity of retinal sprouting angiogenesis with fewer endothelial tip cells. YY1 iΔEC mice also displayed severe impairment of retinal vessel maturation. In an ex vivo mouse aortic ring assay and a human EC culture system, YY1 depletion impaired endothelial sprouting and migration. Mechanistically, YY1 functions as a repressor protein of Notch signaling that controls EC tip-stalk fate determination. YY1 deficiency enhanced Notch-dependent gene expression and reduced tip cell formation. Specifically, YY1 bound to the N-terminal domain of RBPJ (recombination signal binding protein for Ig Kappa J region) and competed with the Notch coactivator MAML1 (mastermind-like protein 1) for binding to RBPJ, thereby impairing the NICD (intracellular domain of the Notch protein)/MAML1/RBPJ complex formation. Our study reveals an essential role of endothelial YY1 in controlling sprouting angiogenesis through directly interacting with RBPJ and forming a YY1-RBPJ nuclear repression complex.Like other pentameric ligand-gated channels, glycine receptors (GlyRs) contain long intracellular domains (ICDs) between transmembrane helices 3 and 4. Structurally characterized GlyRs are generally engineered to have a very short ICD. We show here that for one such construct, zebrafish GlyREM, the agonists glycine, β-alanine, taurine, and GABA have high efficacy and produce maximum single-channel open probabilities greater than 0.9. In contrast, for full-length human α1 GlyR, taurine and GABA were clearly partial agonists, with maximum open probabilities of 0.46 and 0.09, respectively. We found that the elevated open probabilities in GlyREM are not due to the limited sequence differences between the human and zebrafish orthologs, but rather to replacement of the native ICD with a short tripeptide ICD. Consistent with this interpretation, shortening the ICD in the human GlyR increased the maximum open probability produced by taurine and GABA to 0.90 and 0.70, respectively, but further engineering it to resemble GlyREM (by introducing the zebrafish transmembrane helix 4 and C terminus) had no effect. selleck products Furthermore, reinstating the native ICD to GlyREM converted taurine and GABA to partial agonists, with maximum open probabilities of 0.66 and 0.40, respectively. Structural comparison of transmembrane helices 3 and 4 in short- and long-ICD GlyR subunits revealed that ICD shortening does not distort the orientation of these helices within each subunit. This suggests that the effects of shortening the ICD stem from removing a modulatory effect of the native ICD on GlyR gating, revealing a new role for ICD in pentameric ligand-gated channels. Published under license by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc.Recent clinical investigations indicate that anthracycline-based chemotherapies induce early declines in heart mass in cancer patients.  Heart mass decline may be caused by a decrease in cardiac cell number due to increased cell death, or by a reduction in cell size due to atrophy. We previously reported that an anthracycline, doxorubicin (DOX), induces apoptotic death of cardiomyocytes by activating cyclin-dependent kinase 2 (CDK2). However, the signaling pathway downstream of CDK2 remains to be characterized, and it is also unclear whether the same pathway mediates cardiac atrophy. Here, we demonstrate that DOX exposure induces CDK2-dependent phosphorylation of the transcription factor forkhead box O1 (FOXO1) at Ser-249, leading to transcription of its pro-apoptotic target gene, Bcl-2-interacting mediator of cell death (Bim). In cultured cardiomyocytes, treatment with the FOXO1 inhibitor AS1842856 or transfection with FOXO1-specific siRNAs protected against DOX-induced apoptosis and mitochondrial damage. Oral administration of AS1842856 in mice abrogated apoptosis and prevented DOX-induced cardiac dysfunction. Intriguingly, the pharmacological FOXO1 inhibition also attenuated DOX-induced cardiac atrophy, likely due to repression of muscle RING finger 1 (MuRF1), a pro-atrophic FOXO1 target gene. In conclusion, DOX exposure induces CDK2-dependent FOXO1 activation, resulting in cardiomyocyte apoptosis and atrophy. Our results identify FOXO1 as a promising drug target for managing DOX-induced cardiotoxicity. We propose that FOXO1 inhibitors may have potential as cardioprotective therapeutics during cancer chemotherapy. Published under license by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc.The liver maintains metabolic homeostasis by integrating the regulation of nutrient status with both hormonal and neural signals. Many studies on hepatic signaling in response to nutrients have been conducted in mice. However, no in-depth study is currently available that has investigated genome-wide changes in gene expression during the normal physiological fasting-feeding cycle in nutrient-sensitive and -insensitive mice. Using two strains of mice, C57BL/6J and BALB/cJ, and deploying deep RNA-Seq complemented with quantitative-RT-PCR, we found that feeding causes substantial and transient changes in gene expression in the livers of both mouse strains. The majority of significantly changed transcripts fell within the areas of biological regulation and cellular and metabolic processes. Among the metabolisms of three major types of macronutrients, i.e. carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids, feeding affected lipid metabolism the most. We also noted that the C57BL/6J and BALB/cJ mice significantly differed in gene expression and in changes in gene expression in response to feeding. In both fasted and fed states, both mouse strains shared common expression patterns for about 10,200 genes, and additional 400-600 genes were differentially regulated in one strain but not the other. Among the shared genes, more lipogenic genes were induced upon feeding in BABL/cJ than in C57BL/6J mice. In contrast, in the population of differentially enriched genes, C57BL/6J mice expressed more genes involved in lipid metabolism than BALB/cJ mice. In summary, these results reveal that the two mouse strains used here exhibit several differences in feeding-induced hepatic responses in gene expression, especially in lipogenic genes. Published under license by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc.SAM and HD domain-containing deoxynucleoside triphosphate triphosphohydrolase 1 (SAMHD1) is a host factor that restricts reverse transcription of lentiviruses such as HIV in myeloid cells and resting T cells through its dNTP triphosphohydrolase (dNTPase) activity. Lentiviruses counteract this restriction by expressing the accessory protein Vpx or Vpr, which targets SAMHD1 for proteasomal degradation. SAMHD1 is conserved among mammals, and the feline and bovine SAMHD1 proteins (fSAM and bSAM) restrict lentiviruses by reducing cellular dNTP concentrations. However, the functional regions of fSAM and bSAM that are required for their biological functions are not well characterized. Here, to establish alternative models to investigate SAMHD1 in vivo, we studied the restriction profile of fSAM and bSAM against different primate lentiviruses. We found that both fSAM and bSAM strongly restrict primate lentiviruses and that Vpx induces the proteasomal degradation of both fSAM and bSAM. Further investigation identified one and five amino-acid sites in the C-terminal domain (CTD) of fSAM and bSAM, respectively, that are required for Vpx-mediated degradation. We also found that the CTD of bSAM is directly involved in mediating bSAM's antiviral activity by regulating dNTPase activity, whereas the CTD of fSAM is not. Our results suggest that the CTDs of fSAM and bSAM have important roles in their antiviral functions. These findings advance our understanding of the mechanism of fSAM- and bSAM-mediated viral restriction and might inform strategies for improving HIV animal models. Published under license by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc.

Autoři článku: Jansenmoesgaard6653 (Otte Deal)