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Protein aggregates can sequester RNA in neurodegenerative disease, but the exact RNAs sequestered by tau inclusions have remained uncharacterized. In this issue of Neuron, Lester et al. (2021) begin to identify these RNAs and reveal related perturbations in nuclear speckles.Wang et al. (2021) characterize the molecular, cellular, and circuit-level role of Oligophrenin-1 in prefrontal parvalbumin interneurons, demonstrating that loss of Ophn1 function in these neurons is a mechanism for increased susceptibility to stress in intellectual disability caused by OPHN1 mutations.Mitochondria in plant cells exist largely as individual organelles which move, colocalize, and interact, but the cellular priorities addressed by these dynamics remain incompletely understood. Here, we elucidate these principles by studying the dynamic "social networks" of mitochondria in Arabidopsis thaliana wildtype and mutants, describing the colocalization of individuals over time. We combine single-cell live imaging of hypocotyl mitochondrial dynamics with individual-based modeling and network analysis. We identify an inevitable tradeoff between mitochondrial physical priorities (an even cellular distribution of mitochondria) and "social" priorities (individuals interacting, to facilitate the exchange of chemicals and information). This tradeoff results in a tension between maintaining mitochondrial spacing and facilitating colocalization. buy icFSP1 We find that plant cells resolve this tension to favor efficient networks with high potential for exchanging contents. We suggest that this combination of physical modeling coupled to experimental data through network analysis can shed light on the fundamental principles underlying these complex organelle dynamics. A record of this paper's transparent peer review process is included in the supplemental information.Biological organization crosses multiple spatial scales from molecular, cellular, to tissues and organs. The proliferation of molecular profiling technologies enables increasingly detailed cataloging of the components at each scale. However, the scarcity of spatial profiling has made it challenging to bridge across these scales. Emerging technologies based on highly multiplexed in situ profiling are paving the way to study the spatial organization of cells and tissues in greater detail. These new technologies provide the data needed to cross the scale from cell biology to physiology and identify the fundamental principles that govern tissue organization. Here, we provide an overview of these key technologies and discuss the current and future insights these powerful techniques enable.Complexome profiling is a rapidly spreading, powerful technique to gain insight into the nature of protein complexes. It identifies and quantifies protein complexes separated into multiple fractions of increasing molecular mass using mass spectrometry-based, label-free bottom-up proteomics. Complexome profiling enables a sophisticated and thorough characterization of the composition, molecular mass, assembly, and interactions of protein complexes. However, in practice, its application is limited by the large number of samples it generates and the related time of mass spectrometry analyses. Here, we report an improved process workflow that implements tandem mass tags for multiplexing complexome profiling. This workflow substantially reduces the number of samples and measuring time without compromising protein identification or quantification reliability. In profiles from mitochondrial fractions of cells recovering from chloramphenicol treatment, tandem mass tags-multiplexed complexome profiling exhibited migration patterns of mature ATP synthase (complex V) and assembly intermediates that were consistent in composition and abundance with profiles obtained by the label-free approach. Reporter ion quantifications of proteins and complexes unaffected by the chloramphenicol treatment presented less variation in comparison to the label-free method. Incorporation of tandem mass tags enabled an efficient and robust complexome profiling analysis and may foster broader application for protein complex profiling in biomedical research and diagnostics.Viral infections during pregnancy are a considerable cause of adverse outcomes and birth defects, and the underlying mechanisms are poorly understood. Among those, cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection stands out as the most common intrauterine infection in humans, putatively causing early pregnancy loss. We employed murine CMV as a model to study the consequences of viral infection on pregnancy outcome and fertility maintenance. Even though pregnant mice successfully controlled CMV infection, we observed highly selective, strong infection of corpus luteum (CL) cells in their ovaries. High infection densities indicated complete failure of immune control in CL cells, resulting in progesterone insufficiency and pregnancy loss. An abundance of gap junctions, absence of vasculature, strong type I interferon (IFN) responses, and interaction of innate immune cells fully protected the ovarian follicles from viral infection. Our work provides fundamental insights into the effect of CMV infection on pregnancy loss and mechanisms protecting fertility.The precise mechanisms underlying the beneficial effects of regulatory T (Treg) cells on long-term tissue repair remain elusive. Here, using single-cell RNA sequencing and flow cytometry, we found that Treg cells infiltrated the brain 1 to 5 weeks after experimental stroke in mice. Selective depletion of Treg cells diminished oligodendrogenesis, white matter repair, and functional recovery after stroke. Transcriptomic analyses revealed potent immunomodulatory effects of brain-infiltrating Treg cells on other immune cells, including monocyte-lineage cells. Microglia depletion, but not T cell lymphopenia, mitigated the beneficial effects of transferred Treg cells on white matter regeneration. Mechanistically, Treg cell-derived osteopontin acted through integrin receptors on microglia to enhance microglial reparative activity, consequently promoting oligodendrogenesis and white matter repair. Increasing Treg cell numbers by delivering IL-2IL-2 antibody complexes after stroke improved white matter integrity and rescued neurological functions over the long term.

Autoři článku: Jacobsdehn4210 (Lester Falkenberg)