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Orv Hetil. 2020; 161(11) 437– English, Hungarian Absztrakt Több mint ezer olyan légúti megbetegedést tart számon a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Atlanta, GA, USA), amelynek köze lehet az elektromos cigaretta használatához. Több mint nyolcszáz esetről bizonyosodott be (közülük 18 halálos kimenetelű volt), hogy vaporizálással összefüggő tüdősérülésről (vaping-associated lung injury – VALI) van szó. Bizonyosnak látszik az is, hogy az e-cigarettákban (mind a nikotin-, mind a kannabiszpatronokban) használt folyadékok több alkotóeleme potenciálisan mérgező. Még nem pontosan tisztázott ugyan, hogy mely komponens(ek) felelősek(ek) az esethalmozódásért, de a vizsgálatok fókuszában főleg olyan folyadékpatronok állnak, amelyek kannabiszszármazékokat tartalmaznak, a betegek nagy része ugyanis legális vagy illegális kannabiszolajat használt. A közegészségügyi hatóságok az e-pöfékelést világszerte mindeddig a dohányzás biztonságos alternatívájaként jegyezték. Azokban az országokban, ahol a kannabisz használata legális, az e-cigaretták English, Hungarian Absztrakt Bevezetés A De Quervain-féle tendinopathia a csukló-kéz régióját érintő betegség. A hüvelykujj mozgatása fájdalmassá válik, a kéz funkciója jelentősen romlik. A betegség a legújabb kutatások szerint inkább degeneratív, semmint gyulladásos eredetű. Első lépésként a kéz sínezése, nemszteroid gyulladáscsökkentő szerek és különböző fizikoterápiás kezelések alkalmazása javasolt. Hatástalanságuk esetén további lehetőség az ínhüvelybe fecskendezett szteroidinjekció és a műtéti úton végzett ínhüvelybemetszés. Célkitűzés Kutatásunkban megvizsgáltuk, hogy az excentrikus tréninggel kibővített konzervatív kezelés megfelelő alternatíváját nyújthatja-e a jelenleg elfogadott kezelési lehetőségeknek. Módszer Az excentrikus tréning 8 hétig tartott, melyet indokolt esetben 12 hetesre bővítettünk. A betegek (n = 9) a betanítást követően naponta többször végezték a tréninget, amit a heti találkozók alkalmával kontrolláltunk. Az 1., a 8., valamint a 12. heti találkozó során az inspekciót követően mja lehet a jelenleg alkalmazott kezeléseknek. Orv Hetil. 2020; 161(11) 419–424.Objective Obesity rates are increasing faster in men than in women, with particular concerns raised regarding older men. However, men are less likely than women to engage in weight-loss activities such as dieting, typically constructed as a feminine practice. Previous research has argued that men's food consumption is notably different and unhealthier than women's. The novel contribution of this article is an analysis of food assessments in order to explore how older men (mostly) undergoing weight management programmes make sense of changes in their nutritional intake. Design Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 30 men who were obese, 27 of whom were engaged in weight loss programmes. Discursive psychology was employed to analyse the data. Results In contrast to other research, participants constructed nutritional advice as enlightening. Participants worked up 'ownership' and pleasure assessments to certain food choices which they contrasted with new, less calorific, eating practices. Moreover, new diets were constructed as acceptable. Conclusion Our study contributes new insights about how nutritional advice impacts upon preconceived (mis)understandings of healthy eating practices. During the interviews, men positioned themselves as educators - health promoters might usefully develop nutritional advice in collaboration with men who have successfully changed their diets for optimum effect.Matam is one of the poorest and most food-insecure regions of Senegal. In the past years, repeated environmental shocks such as drought have limited the access to food and it is unclear whether food insecurity is more a function of food availability (FA) and accessibility at the community level (CL) or more related to FA at the household level (HL). To better understand the FA and food security (FS) situation in this region, in 2018, a cross-sectional study was conducted in 103 households living in four villages. Through focus group discussions and direct observations, data on food available at HL and CL were collected as well as on food affordability and household FS. CPI-203 Overall, between 49 and 64 different foods, mostly from plant source, were identified. Around 75% of households had 0 to 3 foods and 7%, 7 to 10; 64% of all households were severely food insecure. FA at HL and its socioeconomic status were positively associated with household FS whereas FA at the CL was negatively associated. Although food assistance may be required to respond to shocks in the area, investments could be made to improve households` socioeconomic level to enhance their access to food.Self-regulation is studied across various disciplines, including personality, social, cognitive, health, developmental, and clinical psychology; psychiatry; neuroscience; medicine; pharmacology; and economics. Widespread interest in self-regulation has led to confusion regarding both the constructs within the nomological network of self-regulation and the measures used to assess these constructs. To facilitate the integration of cross-disciplinary measures of self-regulation, we estimated product-moment and distance correlations among 60 cross-disciplinary measures of self-regulation (23 self-report surveys, 37 cognitive tasks) and measures of health and substance use based on 522 participants. The correlations showed substantial variability, though the surveys demonstrated greater convergent validity than did the cognitive tasks. Variables derived from the surveys only weakly correlated with variables derived from the cognitive tasks (M = .049, range = .000 to .271 for the absolute value of the product-moment correlation; M = .085, range = .028 to .241 for the distance correlation), thus challenging the notion that these surveys and cognitive tasks measure the same construct. We conclude by outlining several potential uses for this publicly available database of correlations.Aim Our aim was to analyze the clinicopathological features of lung, liver, bone and brain metastasis in patients with endometrial cancer (EC). Patients & methods We screened patients diagnosed with EC between 2010 and 2015 from the Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results database. Results Among 69,027 eligible EC patients, lung metastasis was the most common. Patients with lung or liver metastasis were at higher risk of bone and brain metastases than those without lung and liver metastasis. Brain metastasis has the lowest survival time (5.0 months) in single organ metastasis. Liver and brain metastasis have the highest death rate in two organ metastasis, and lung, liver and brain metastasis had the lowest survival time (1.0 month) in multi-sites metastasis. Conclusion Lung metastasis was the most common in EC patients. Assessing distant organ metastasis may help clinicians to determine appropriate follow-up strategy for patients with EC.Atrial fibrillation (AF), the most common sustained cardiac arrhythmia, is associated with substantial morbidity, mortality, and healthcare use. Great strides have been made in stroke prevention and rhythm control strategies, yet reducing the incidence of AF has been slowed by the increasing incidence and prevalence of AF risk factors, including obesity, physical inactivity, sleep apnea, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and other modifiable lifestyle-related factors. Fortunately, many of these AF drivers are potentially reversible, and emerging evidence supports that addressing these modifiable risks may be effective for primary and secondary AF prevention. A structured, protocol-driven multidisciplinary approach to integrate lifestyle and risk factor management as an integral part of AF management may help in the prevention and treatment of AF. However, this aspect of AF management is currently underrecognized, underused, and understudied. The purpose of this American Heart Association scientific statement is to review the association of modifiable risk factors with AF and the effects of risk factor intervention. Implementation strategies, care pathways, and educational links for achieving impactful weight reduction, increased physical activity, and risk factor modification are included. Implications for clinical practice, gaps in knowledge, and future directions for the research community are highlighted.BACKGROUND Glucose variability is predictive of cardiovascular events and all-cause mortality. However, the association between peripheral artery disease and glucose variability has not been thoroughly investigated. Therefore, the standard deviation of annual haemoglobin A1c was assessed in patients with type 2 diabetes for evaluating the different risks of peripheral artery disease. METHODS A total of 4144 patients underwent an evaluation for the ankle-brachial index and the percentage of mean arterial pressure at the ankle. The first haemoglobin A1c record was retrospectively collected from each year until the ankle-brachial index measurement. RESULTS The standard deviation of annual haemoglobin A1c was higher in patients with ankle-brachial index ⩽0.90 than in those with ankle-brachial index >0.90 (1.1 ± 0.9% vs 1.0 ± 0.8%, p = 0.009) and was higher in patients with percentage of mean arterial pressure ⩾45% than in those with percentage of mean arterial pressure less then 45% (1.1 ± 0.8% vs 1.0 ± 0.8%, p = 0.007). A high standard deviation and mean of annual haemoglobin A1c are associated with high-risk peripheral artery disease, which is defined as a combination of ankle-brachial index ⩽0.90, percentage of mean arterial pressure ⩾45% or both (odds ratio = 1.306; 95% confidence interval = 1.057-1.615; p = 0.014). CONCLUSION Fluctuation in the haemoglobin A1c value indicates higher risk for peripheral artery disease in patients with type 2 diabetes and poor glucose control.Aim There are different methods to identify chronic kidney disease (CKD) in Clinical Practice Research Datalink (CPRD)-Hospital Episode Statistics (HES). Methods Using CPRD-HES, nonvalvular atrial fibrillation patients were classified according to CKD category. Results Using glomerular filtration rate/estimated glomerular filtration rate tests only to identify patients with CKD resulted in 3.5% stage 2, 2.7% stage 3, 0.3% stage 4 and 0.03% stage 5. Using data from diagnostic codes to identify patients with CKD resulted in 1.4% stage 3, 0.4% stage 4 and 0.3% stage 5. Using test records and codes resulted in 3.5% stage 2, 4.0% stage 3, 0.6% stage 4 and 0.4% stage 5. Conclusion To identify CKD status in CPRD-HES, a combination of test records and codes should be used. Using diagnostic codes only significantly underestimates CKD prevalence.Background High blood pressure (BP) is a risk factor for cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. While BP is regulated by the function of kidney, vasculature and sympathetic nervous system, recent experimental data suggest that immune cells may play a role in hypertension. Methods We studied the relationship between major white blood cell types and blood pressure in the UK Biobank population and employed Mendelian randomization (MR) analyses using the ∼750,000 UK-Biobank/International Consortium of Blood Pressure-Genome-Wide Association Studies to examine which leukocyte populations may be causally linked to BP. Results A positive association between quintiles of lymphocyte, monocyte, neutrophil counts and increased systolic (SBP), diastolic (DBP) and pulse pressure (PP) was observed (e.g. adjusted SBP mean±SE for 1st vs 5th quintile respectively 140.13±0.08 vs. 141.62±0.07 mmHg for lymphocyte, 139.51±0.08 vs. 141.84±0.07 mmHg for monocyte, and 137.96±0.08 vs. 142.71±0.07 mmHg for neutrophil counts, all p less then 10-50).

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