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Based on "on-off-on" photocurrent response generated by multifunction signal amplification, ultrasensitive aptasensing of AβO was realized in a wider linear range from 10 fM to 0.5 μM with an ultralow detection limit of 5.79 fM. The feasibility of the sensor for AβO determination in human blood serum was demonstrated.Climate change during the last 40 years has had a serious impact on agriculture and threatens global food and nutritional security. From over half a million plant species, cereals and legumes are the most important for food and nutritional security. Although systematic plant breeding has a relatively short history, conventional breeding coupled with advances in technology and crop management strategies has increased crop yields by 56 % globally between 1965-85, referred to as the Green Revolution. Nevertheless, increased demand for food, feed, fiber, and fuel necessitates the need to break existing yield barriers in many crop plants. In the first decade of the 21st century we witnessed rapid discovery, transformative technological development and declining costs of genomics technologies. In the second decade, the field turned towards making sense of the vast amount of genomic information and subsequently moved towards accurately predicting gene-to-phenotype associations and tailoring plants for climate resilience and global food security. In this review we focus on genomic resources, genome and germplasm sequencing, sequencing-based trait mapping, and genomics-assisted breeding approaches aimed at developing biotic stress resistant, abiotic stress tolerant and high nutrition varieties in six major cereals (rice, maize, wheat, barley, sorghum and pearl millet), and six major legumes (soybean, groundnut, cowpea, common bean, chickpea and pigeonpea). We further provide a perspective and way forward to use genomic breeding approaches including marker-assisted selection, marker-assisted backcrossing, haplotype based breeding and genomic prediction approaches coupled with machine learning and artificial intelligence, to speed breeding approaches. The overall goal is to accelerate genetic gains and deliver climate resilient and high nutrition crop varieties for sustainable agriculture.Technological developments and the increased use of the internet have created some risks for adolescents, including problematic internet gaming (PIG). The aim of this study is to investigate the role of age, gender, emotional dysregulation and perceived social support in PIG. The study was conducted with 1,291 adolescents. Participants completed the game addiction scale (GAS), difficulties in emotion regulation scale (DERS), and multidimensional scale of perceived social support (MSPSS) under the observation of their teachers. According to the results of the GAS, participants were divided into two groups those with PIG and those without PIG. The effect of age, gender, DERS scores, and MSPSS scores on PIG was investigated using stepwise logistic regression analysis. The mean age of participants was 14.7 years and the frequency of PIG was 13.5% (n = 144). The frequency of PIG was significantly higher in males than in females. The results showed that male gender, high emotional dysregulation and low perceived social support were significantly associated with PIG. The present study indicate that PIG is highly observed in adolescents, especially in males, and as in other behavioral addictions, emotional dysregulation and perceived social support can play an important role in PIG.

Anhedonia, a deficit in the ability to experience pleasure, is a cardinal symptom of major depressive episodes. In contrast to adolescent major depressive disorder, there is limited research examining anhedonia in the context of depression among adolescents with bipolar disorder (BD). We therefore examined clinical characteristics of anhedonia in a large sample of adolescents with BD.

Participants were 197 adolescents, aged 13-20 years old, with BD type I, II or not otherwise specified. Diagnoses were determined using a semi-structured interview. Anhedonia severity was rated from one to six on the Depression Rating Scale (DRS). Adolescents were divided into "severe" and "non-severe" anhedonia groups based on the DRS item scoring. The association of anhedonia with clinical and demographic variables was evaluated in univariate analyses followed by logistic regression analyses for variables with p≤0.1.

Threshold anhedonia was evident among 90.9% during their most severe depressive episode. Significant factdolescents with BD.

Momentary ecological assessment indicated alleviated abdominal pain in escitalopram treatment of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) with comorbid panic disorder. Hitherto, little is known about symptom formation, i.e., how psychological impact physical symptoms, and vice versa, and about the effect of SSRI-treatment on symptom formation.

To investigate how psychological and somatic symptoms co-vary over time in IBS patients with comorbid panic disorder and how they are affected by escitalopram treatment.

Experience sampling data from 14 IBS patients with panic disorder were obtained from a single-centre, double-blind, parallel-group, randomized controlled trial on escitalopram versus placebo. At baseline, after three and six months, multilevel time-lagged linear regression analysis was used to construct symptom networks. Network connections represented coefficients between various affect and gastrointestinal items.

Connectivity increased up to 3months in both groups. Between 3 and 6months, connectivity dey pointing towards a healthier emotion regulation resulting in alleviation of physical symptoms.Cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterases (PDEs) are a superfamily of enzymes known to play a critical role in the indirect regulation of several intracellular metabolism pathways through the selective hydrolysis of the phosphodiester bonds of specific second messenger substrates such as cAMP (3',5'-cyclic adenosine monophosphate) and cGMP (3',5'-cyclic guanosine monophosphate), influencing the hypertrophy, contractility, apoptosis and fibroses in the cardiovascular system. The expression and/or activity of multiple PDEs is altered during heart failure (HF), which leads to changes in levels of cyclic nucleotides and function of cardiac muscle. Within the cardiovascular system, PDEs 1-5, 8 and 9 are expressed and are interesting targets for the HF treatment. In this comprehensive review we will present a briefly description of the biochemical importance of each cardiovascular related PDE to the HF, and cover almost all the "long and winding road" of designing and discovering ligands, hits, lead compounds, clinical candidates and drugs as PDE inhibitors in the last decade.

This study evaluates the antibacterial activity against mono and multispecies bacterial models and the cytotoxic effects of zinc oxide and copper nanoparticles(ZnO-NPs/Cu-NPs) in cell cultures of human gingival fibroblasts(HGFs).

The antibacterial activities of ZnO-NPs and Cu-NPs against 4 bacteria species were tested according to their minimum inhibitory concentrations(MICs) and against mature multispecies anaerobic model by spectral confocal laser scanning microscopy. The viabilities and cytotoxic effects of ZnO-NPs and Cu-NPs to HGFs cell cultures were tested by MTT, LDH assays, production of ROS, and the activation of caspase-3. The results were analyzed using one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey tests, considering p < 0.05 as statistically significant.

For all strains, MICs of ZnO-NPs and Cu-NPs were in the range of 78.3 μg/mL-3906 μg/mL and 125 μg/mL-625 ug/mL, respectively. learn more In a multispecies model, a significant decrease in the total biomass volume(μ3) was observed in response to exposure to 125 μg/mL of each NPs for which there was bactericidal activity. Significant differences were found between the volumes of viable and nonviable biomass exposed to nanostructures with Cu-NPs compared to ZnO-NPs. Both NPs induced mitochondrial dose-dependent cytotoxicity, ZnO-NPs increases LDH release and intracellular ROS generation. Cu-NPs at a concentration of 50 μg/mL induced production of cleaved caspase-3, activating the apoptotic pathway early and at low doses.

After 24 h, ZnO-NPs are biocompatible between 78-100 μg/mL and Cu-NPs below 50 μg/mL. Antibacterial activity in a monospecies model is strain dependent, and in a multispecies model was a lower doses after 10 min of exposure.

After 24 h, ZnO-NPs are biocompatible between 78-100 μg/mL and Cu-NPs below 50 μg/mL. Antibacterial activity in a monospecies model is strain dependent, and in a multispecies model was a lower doses after 10 min of exposure.The removal of micropollutants from wastewater is an emerging issue that currently concerns the wastewater sector the most. Granular Activated Carbon (GAC) has gained recognition as a suitable technology for dealing with this problem. This study assesses the performance of six GAC-filters for the removal of micropollutants installed as final treatment step at a municipal wastewater treatment plant. The influence of the GAC-type and the Empty Bed Contact Time (EBCT) on the filter performance was evaluated. link2 The breakthrough behaviour of 13 selected micropollutants as well as the removal of the Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC) and UV absorption at 254 nm were investigated. Besides, the adsorbed DOC (qDOC) was introduced as assessment parameter (adsorbed and biodegraded DOC), instead of the commonly used treated bed volume. link3 Finally, Size Exclusion Chromatography (SEC) with online DOC and UV254nm detection was applied for a better understanding of the influent and effluent characteristics. The results showed that the pore size distribution is a crucial feature of the activated carbon. A balanced proportion of macro-, meso‑ and micropores may play a role in the better removal of micropollutants in presence of DOC. Regardless of the GAC-type, a minimum EBCT between 20 - 30 min was necessary. We proved that a short EBCT would not fully use the sorption capacity, whereas a long EBCT would increase the carbon demand without improving of the removal. Lastly, according to the SEC results, after a short operation time no difference between the influent and effluent chromatographable fractions (DOC and UV254nm) was observed.The conventional notions of pseudogenes being 'junk DNA' have largely been offset as research studies have established their role in multiple biological processes. Our studies towards identification of genetic modulators employing C. elegans model, that associate reproductive health and age-related neurodegenerative diseases, led us to identification and functional characterization of a pseudogene T04B2.1, which when knocked down, exacerbates the aggregation of α-Synuclein and β-Amyloid proteins, induces lipid deposition and alters morphometric endpoints in worms. Whole transcriptome analysis of worms under knockdown condition of T04B2.1 revealed an altered expression of 187 sequences, most of these being non-coding RNAs, miRNAs and piRNAs modulating the RNAi regulatory processes. Our gene ontology and pathway enrichment analysis demonstrated the role of T04B2.1 in protein quality control, metabolic pathways and development. We further performed a signature motif search and successfully identified a common motif that is present between all piRNA and miRNA molecules, which are significantly altered upon T04B2.

Autoři článku: Hovmandschulz7032 (Raynor Hopkins)