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Lingonberry leaves have been proposed as a potential raw material for nutraceutical products and functional food due to the richness of phenolic and triterpenic compounds. However, contents of these bioactive compounds tend to vary greatly with physiological, climatic, and edaphic conditions, resulting in lingonberry leaves' nutritional-pharmaceutical quality changes. In this context, we examined the effects of seasonal and geographical factors on phenolic and triterpenoid contents in lingonberry leaves. Quantitative and qualitative differences between samples were determined using validated HPLC-PDA methods. A total of 43 bioactive compounds were found at a detectable level throughout the year in young and old lingonberry leaves, with the highest contents of most compounds observed in samples collected in autumn-first half of spring. This suggests the potential to exploit the continuous biosynthesis for a longer harvesting season. Considerable variations in phytochemical profiles of lingonberry leaves, obtained from 28 locations in Lithuania, were found. Correlation analyses revealed significant negative correlations between contents of particular constituents and sunshine duration, temperature, and precipitation, and positive correlation with air humidity, longitudes, and altitudes of collecting locations and macronutrients in soil. These results suggest that harsh weather is favorable for most identified compounds and it may be possible to achieve appropriate accumulation of secondary metabolites by adjusting edaphic conditions. Taken together, the accumulation of phenolics and triterpenoids in lingonberry leaves highly depends on phenological and geographical factors and the influence of both variables differ for the particular compounds due to different metabolic processes in response to stresses.Sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.) is a temperate fruit species whose production might be highly impacted by climate change in the near future. Diversity of plant material could be an option to mitigate these climate risks by enabling producers to have new cultivars well adapted to new environmental conditions. In this study, subsets of sweet cherry collections of 19 European countries were genotyped using 14 SSR. The objectives of this study were (i) to assess genetic diversity parameters, (ii) to estimate the levels of population structure, and (iii) to identify germplasm redundancies. A total of 314 accessions, including landraces, early selections, and modern cultivars, were monitored, and 220 unique SSR genotypes were identified. All 14 loci were confirmed to be polymorphic, and a total of 137 alleles were detected with a mean of 9.8 alleles per locus. The average number of alleles (N = 9.8), PIC value (0.658), observed heterozygosity (Ho = 0.71), and expected heterozygosity (He = 0.70) were higher in this study compared to values reported so far. Four ancestral populations were detected using STRUCTURE software and confirmed by Principal Coordinate Analysis (PCoA), and two of them (K1 and K4) could be attributed to the geographical origin of the accessions. A N-J tree grouped the 220 sweet cherry accessions within three main clusters and six subgroups. selleck chemicals Accessions belonging to the four STRUCTURE populations roughly clustered together. Clustering confirmed known genealogical data for several accessions. The large genetic diversity of the collection was demonstrated, in particular within the landrace pool, justifying the efforts made over decades for their conservation. New sources of diversity will allow producers to face challenges, such as climate change and the need to develop more sustainable production systems.Camellia genus (Theaceae) is comprised of world famous ornamental flowering plants. C. japonica L. and C. sasanqua Thunb are the most cultivated species due to their good adaptation. The commercial interest in this plant linked to its seed oil increased in the last few years due to its health attributes, which significantly depend on different aspects such as species and environmental conditions. Therefore, it is essential to develop fast and reliable methods to distinguish between different varieties and ensure the quality of Camellia seed oils. The present work explores the study of Camellia seed oils by species and location. Two standardized gas chromatography methods were applied and compared with that of data obtained from proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H-NMR) for fatty acids profiling. The principal component analysis indicated that the proposed 1H-NMR methodology can be quickly and reliably applied to separate specific Camellia species, which could be extended to other species in future works.The genus Hosta, which has a native distribution in temperate East Asia and a number of species ranging from 23 to 40, represents a taxonomically important and ornamentally popular plant. Despite its taxonomic and horticultural importance, the genus Hosta has remained taxonomically challenging owing to insufficient diagnostic features, continuous morphological variation, and the process of hybridization and introgression, making species circumscription and phylogenetic inference difficult. In this study, we sequenced 11 accessions of Hosta plastomes, including members of three geographically defined subgenera, Hosta, Bryocles, and Giboshi, determined the characteristics of plastomes, and inferred their phylogenetic relationships. We found highly conserved plastomes among the three subgenera, identified several mutation hotspots that can be used as barcodes, and revealed the patterns of codon usage bias and RNA editing sites. Five positively selected plastome genes (rbcL, rpoB, rpoC2, rpl16, and rpl20) were identified. Phylogenetic analysis suggested (1) the earliest divergence of subg. Hosta, (2) non-monophyly of subg. Bryocles and its two sections (Lamellatae and Stoloniferae), (3) a sister relationship between H. sieboldiana (subg. Giboshi) and H. ventricosa (subg. Bryocles), and (4) reciprocally monophyletic and divergent lineages of H. capitata in Korea and Japan, requiring further studies of their taxonomic distinction.Soil flooding severely impairs agricultural crop production. Plants can cope with flooding conditions by embracing an orchestrated set of morphological adaptations and physiological adjustments that are regulated by the elaborated hormonal signaling network. The most prominent of these hormones is ethylene, which has been firmly established as a critical signal in flooding tolerance. ABA (abscisic acid) is also known as a "stress hormone" that modulates various responses to abiotic stresses; however, its role in flooding tolerance remains much less established. Here, we discuss the progress made in the elucidation of morphological adaptations regulated by ABA and its crosstalk with other phytohormones under flooding conditions in model plants and agriculturally important crops.Peaches are well-liked amongst the stone fruits in Pakistan. The peach industry faces significant losses, from harvesting to marketing. The objective of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of foliar sprays of salicylic acid (SA) on the fruit quality of peaches (cv. 'Flordaking') at the harvest and postharvest life or stages. Different concentrations of SA (control, 1, 2 and 3 mM) were sprayed on the plants at three growth stages of fruit, i.e., the cell division, cell enlargement and pit-hardening stages. In general, all the SA treatments improved the fruit quality at harvest and maintained higher levels of flesh firmness, titratable acidity and ascorbic acid during storage. However, fruit weight loss, soluble solid contents, membrane leakage, chilling injury, color development, disease and decay incidence and the climacteric peak of ethylene were lowered by SA treatment after six weeks of low-temperature storage. SA at a 3-mM concentration was proven to be the most effective in maintaining the quality for a longer period of time during low-temperature storage. Based on the results, it can be concluded that the application of SA at fruit development stages can improve the harvest quality and storability of 'Flordaking' peaches.This study investigated the kind of seed dormancy and seed germination of Gentiana triflora var. japonica (Kusn.) H. Hara for developing a seed propagation method. The seeds were collected in October 2020 from plants at Mt. Sobaeksan, Korea. In a water imbibition experiment, seed weights increased by >101.9% of their initial masses over 12 h. Effects of incubation temperature (5, 15, 20, 25, 15/6, or 25/15 °C), cold stratification period (5 °C; 0, 4, 8, or 12 weeks), and gibberellic acid (GA3; 0, 10, 100, or 1000 mg∙L-1) and potassium nitrate treatment (KNO3; 0, 1000, 2000, or 4000 mg∙L-1) on seed germination were investigated to characterize seed dormancy. These seeds exhibited underdeveloped embryos during seed dispersal. The seeds failed to reach the final germination of 15.0% after treatment at 5, 15, 20, 25, 15/6, or 25/15 °C. After cold stratification for 8 weeks, the germination increased dramatically by >90.0% compared to that at 0 weeks. After the GA3 treatment, the germination reached >80.0% within 5 days. The final germination was 90.0% in the 100 mg∙L-1 GA3 treatment group. However, the KNO3 treatment had no effect on seed germination. Therefore, the G. triflora var. japonica seeds exhibited non-deep simple morphophysiological dormancy.Changes in chromosome number and karyotype evolution are important to plant diversification, as they are both major drivers of speciation processes. Herein, chromosome number, karyotype, and genome size of the Korean lady's slipper orchid Cypripedium japonicum Thunb., an endangered species, were investigated in natural populations. Furthermore, all cytological data from this species are reported herein for the first time. The chromosome number of all investigated C. japonicum plants was diploid (2n = 2x = 22), with x = 11 as base chromosome number, whereby the species can now be clearly distinguished from the Japanese lady's slipper orchid. The karyotypes of all studied individuals were of similar length, symmetrical, and rather unimodal. Flow cytometry of the C. japonicum revealed that the genome size ranged from 28.38 to 30.14 pg/1C. Data on chromosome number and karyotypes were largely consistent with previous results indicating that Korean (x = 11) populations of C. japonicum are more closely related to Chinese populations (x = 11) compared to Japanese (x = 10) populations. These comprehensive cytological results will benefit the efforts to discriminate the geographically isolated and endangered Eastern Asian (China, Japan, and Korea) lady's slipper orchid species.Recently, deep-learning techniques have become the foundations for many breakthroughs in the automated identification of plant diseases. In the agricultural sector, many recent visual-computer approaches use deep-learning models. In this approach, a novel predictive analytics methodology to identify Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV) and Pepper Huasteco Yellow Vein Virus (PHYVV) visual symptoms on Jalapeño pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) leaves by using image-processing and deep-learning classification models is presented. The proposed image-processing approach is based on the utilization of Normalized Red-Blue Vegetation Index (NRBVI) and Normalized Green-Blue Vegetation Index (NGBVI) as new RGB-based vegetation indices, and its subsequent Jet pallet colored version NRBVI-Jet NGBVI-Jet as pre-processing algorithms. Furthermore, four standard pre-trained deep-learning architectures, Visual Geometry Group-16 (VGG-16), Xception, Inception v3, and MobileNet v2, were implemented for classification purposes. The objective of this methodology was to find the most accurate combination of vegetation index pre-processing algorithms and pre-trained deep- learning classification models.

Autoři článku: Hovmandgutierrez1053 (Clemensen Dehn)