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98 95% CI 0.58-1.66, p = 0.95), hematuria (OR 1.01 95% CI 0.30-3.42, p = 0.99), postoperative fever (OR 0.70 95% CI 0.41-1.19, p = 0.19) and sepsis (OR 1.03 95% CI 0.10-10.35, p = 0.98), immediate (OR 0.40 95% CI 0.13-1.24, p = 0.11) and overall stone-free rate (OR 0.76 95% CI 0.43-1.32, p = 0.33), and retreatment rate (OR 1.35 95% CI 0.57-3.20, p = 0.49) between the groups.

This systematic review infers that urologists can safely use either option of fragmentation and basket extraction or dusting without extraction to achieve similar outcomes as both techniques are similar for efficacy and safety.

This systematic review infers that urologists can safely use either option of fragmentation and basket extraction or dusting without extraction to achieve similar outcomes as both techniques are similar for efficacy and safety.This research paper focuses on the political participation of students from the University of Puerto Rico in Cayey (UPR-Cayey) after Hurricane María. The culture, perspective, politics, and resistance of these students are researched in light of other sub-contexts, such as the protests pressuring the former governor of Puerto Rico Ricardo Rosselló to resign. The ages of the participants ranged from 19 to 23 years old; they were all students from UPR-Cayey, and they were interviewed. The researchers are also students from the UPR-Cayey. The perspective of this research project is an anthropological one and uses analytical coding tools with interviews followed up with field notes from the protests of July 2019. We found that most of the people interviewed for this research project were very interested in the government's corruption and Puerto Rican resistance. Our investigation indirectly illustrates the aspects of our Puerto Rican culture that become salient during the protests.Serial crystallography at conventional synchrotron light sources (SSX) offers the possibility to routinely collect data at room temperature using micrometre-sized crystals of biological macromolecules. However, SSX data collection is not yet as routine and currently takes significantly longer than the standard rotation series cryo-crystallography. Thus, its use for high-throughput approaches, such as fragment-based drug screening, where the possibility to measure at physio-logical temperatures would be a great benefit, is impaired. On the way to high-throughput SSX using a conveyor belt based sample delivery system - the CFEL TapeDrive - with three different proteins of biological relevance (Klebsiella pneumoniae CTX-M-14 β-lactamase, Nectria haematococca xylanase GH11 and Aspergillus flavus urate oxidase), it is shown here that complete datasets can be collected in less than a minute and only minimal amounts of sample are required.Electron diffraction patterns unavoidably contain in-plane distortions introduced by electromagnetic lens systems. Geometric correction of different distortion types allows the accuracy of lattice parameter determination to be improved in 3D electron diffraction data.Commentary is given on a paper [Urzhumtsev & Lunin (2022). IUCrJ, 9, 728-734] proposing a new method for the analytic modelling of inhomogeneous resolution in electrostatic potential volumes and electron density maps for improved real-space refinement.De novo structure determination from single-wavelength anomalous diffraction using native sulfur or phospho-rus in biomolecules (native-SAD) is an appealing method to mitigate the labor-intensive production of heavy-atom derivatives and seleno-methio-nyl substitutions. The native-SAD method is particularly attractive for membrane proteins, which are difficult to produce and often recalcitrant to grow into decent-sized crystals. Native-SAD uses lower-energy X-rays to enhance anomalous signals from sulfur or phospho-rus. However, at lower energies, the scattering and absorption of air contribute to the background noise, reduce the signals and are thus adverse to native-SAD phasing. We have previously demonstrated native-SAD phasing at an energy of 5 keV in air at the NSLS-II FMX beamline. Here, the use of a helium path developed to reduce both the noise from background scattering and the air absorption of the diffracted X-ray beam are described. The helium path was used for collection of anomalous diffraction data at 5 keV for two proteins thaumatin and the membrane protein TehA. Although anomalous signals from each individual crystal are very weak, robust anomalous signals are obtained from data assembled from micrometre-sized crystals. The thaumatin structure was determined from 15 microcrystals and the TehA structure from 18 microcrystals. These results demonstrate the usefulness of a helium environment in support of native-SAD phasing at 5 keV.The development of serial crystallography over the last decade at XFELs and synchrotrons has produced a renaissance in room-temperature macromolecular crystallography (RT-MX), and fostered many technical and methodological breakthroughs designed to study phenomena occurring in proteins on the picosecond-to-second timescale. However, there are components of protein dynamics that occur in much slower regimes, of which the study could readily benefit from state-of-the-art RT-MX. PKR-IN-C16 research buy Here, the room-temperature structural study of the relaxation of a reaction intermediate at a synchrotron, exploiting a handful of single crystals, is described. The intermediate in question is formed in microseconds during the photoreaction of the LOV2 domain of phototropin 2 from Arabidopsis thaliana, which then decays in minutes. This work monitored its relaxation in the dark using a fast-readout EIGER X 4M detector to record several complete oscillation X-ray diffraction datasets, each of 1.2 s total exposure time, at different time points in the relaxation process. Coupled with in crystallo UV-Vis absorption spectroscopy, this RT-MX approach allowed the authors to follow the relaxation of the photoadduct, a thio-ether covalent bond between the chromophore and a cysteine residue. Unexpectedly, the return of the chromophore to its spectroscopic ground state is followed by medium-scale protein rearrangements that trigger a crystal phase transition and hinder the full recovery of the structural ground state of the protein. In addition to suggesting a hitherto unexpected role of a conserved tryptophan residue in the regulation of the photocycle of LOV2, this work provides a basis for performing routine time-resolved protein crystallography experiments at synchrotrons for phenomena occurring on the second-to-hour timescale.Refinement of macromolecular atomic models versus experimental maps in crystallography and cryo-electron microscopy is a critical step in structure solution. For an appropriate comparison, model maps should mimic the imperfections in the experimental maps, mainly atomic disorder and limited resolution, which are often inhomogeneous over the molecular region. In the suggested method, these model maps are calculated as the sum of atomic contributions expressed through a specifically designed function describing a solitary spherical wave. Thanks to this function, atomic contributions are analytically expressed through their atomic displacement parameter and local resolution, a value now associated with each atom. Such a full analytic dependence of inhomogeneous-resolution map values on model parameters permits the refinement of all of these parameters together.The 2022 meeting of the American Crystallographic Association in Portland was an inspiring event, addressing a range of both conventional and emerging themes in structural biology. The increasing emphasis at the conference on methods outside the conventional envelope of crystallography, especially cryo-electron microscopy, is discussed.Tripartite motif (TRIM) proteins constitute one of the largest subfamilies of the RING-type E3 ubiquitin ligases that play a role in diverse processes from homeostasis and immune response to viral restriction. While TRIM proteins typically harbor an N-terminal RING finger, a B-box and a coiled-coil domain, a high degree of diversity lies in their C termini that contain diverse protein interaction modules, most of which, both structures and their roles in intermolecular interactions, remain unknown. Here, high-resolution crystal structures of the NHL domains of three of the four human TRIM-NHL proteins, namely TRIM2, TRIM3 and TRIM71, are presented. Comparative structural analyses revealed that, despite sharing an evolutionarily conserved six-bladed β-propeller architecture, the low sequence identities resulted in distinct properties of these interaction domains at their putative binding sites for macromolecules. Interestingly, residues lining the binding cavities represent a hotspot for genetic mutations linked to several diseases. Thus, high sequence diversity within the conserved NHL domains might be essential for differentiating binding partners among TRIM-NHL proteins.Determination of lattice parameters from 3D electron diffraction (3D ED) data measured in a transmission electron microscope is hampered by a number of effects that seriously limit the achievable accuracy. The distortion of the diffraction patterns by the optical elements of the microscope is often the most severe problem. A thorough analysis of a number of experimental datasets shows that, in addition to the well known distortions, namely barrel-pincushion, spiral and elliptical, an additional distortion, dubbed parabolic, may be observed in the data. In precession electron diffraction data, the parabolic distortion leads to excitation-error-dependent shift and splitting of reflections. All distortions except for the elliptical distortion can be determined together with lattice parameters from a single 3D ED data set. However, the parameters of the elliptical distortion cannot be determined uniquely due to correlations with the lattice parameters. They can be determined and corrected either by making use of the known Laue class of the crystal or by combining data from two or more crystals. The 3D ED data can yield lattice parameter ratios with an accuracy of about 0.1% and angles with an accuracy better than 0.03°.What is the purse-string suture (PSS) technique?When should this technique be used?What are the benefits and risks of the PSS technique?What are other clinical applications of the PSS technique in plastic reconstructive surgery?This study sought to make a literature review of the medicinal plants Origanum majorana, Origanum vulgare L., Thymus vulgaris L., Cuminum cynimum L., and Rosmarinus officinalis L. with antiparasitic potential. Articles and theses were selected from the LILACS, PubMed, and Google Scholar databases, which comprised the period from 2000 to 2021 (22 years). In all, 49 studies were selected, and the majority were with the plant Origanum vulgare L. (oregano), followed by Thymus vulgaris L. (thyme). Twenty-five genera of parasites were detected, which were described being tested with phytotherapic. The nematode Haemonchus spp. was the most evaluated in these studies, followed by the parasite genera Leishmania, Trichostrongylus, and Toxocara. All plants showed antiparasitic effects, with more or less action, therefore with the potential to continue research in the search for biomolecules to control these parasites.

Autoři článku: Hendersonhawley0125 (Avery Kinney)