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Using a series of Robo1/SAX-3 chimeras, we show that the SAX-3 cytoplasmic domain can signal midline repulsion to the same extent as Robo1 when combined with the Robo1 ectodomain. We show that SAX-3 is not subject to endosomal sorting by the negative regulator Commissureless (Comm) in Drosophila neurons in vivo, and that peri-membrane and ectodomain sequences are both required for Comm sorting of Drosophila Robo1.Gene expression differences among individuals are shaped by trans-acting expression quantitative trait loci (eQTLs). Most trans-eQTLs map to hotspot locations that influence many genes. The molecular mechanisms perturbed by hotspots are often assumed to involve "vertical" cascades of effects in pathways that can ultimately affect the expression of thousands of genes. Here, we report that trans-eQTLs can affect the expression of adjacent genes via "horizontal" mechanisms that extend along a chromosome. Genes affected by trans-eQTL hotspots in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae were more likely to be located next to each other than expected by chance. These paired hotspot effects tended to occur at adjacent genes that also show coexpression in response to genetic and environmental perturbations, suggesting shared mechanisms. Physical proximity and shared chromatin state, in addition to regulation of adjacent genes by similar transcription factors, were independently associated with paired hotspot effects among adjacent genes. Paired effects of trans-eQTLs can occur at neighboring genes even when these genes do not share a common function. This phenomenon could result in unexpected connections between regulatory genetic variation and phenotypes.Oat (Avena sativa L.) seed is a rich resource of beneficial lipids, soluble fiber, protein, and antioxidants, and is considered a healthful food for humans. Little is known regarding the genetic controllers of variation for these compounds in oat seed. We characterized natural variation in the mature seed metabolome using untargeted metabolomics on 367 diverse lines and leveraged this information to improve prediction for seed quality traits. buy DOTAP chloride We used a latent factor approach to define unobserved variables that may drive covariance among metabolites. One hundred latent factors were identified, of which 21% were enriched for compounds associated with lipid metabolism. Through a combination of whole-genome regression and association mapping, we show that latent factors that generate covariance for many metabolites tend to have a complex genetic architecture. Nonetheless, we recovered significant associations for 23% of the latent factors. These associations were used to inform a multi-kernel genomic prediction model, which was used to predict seed lipid and protein traits in two independent studies. Predictions for 8 of the 12 traits were significantly improved compared to genomic best linear unbiased prediction when this prediction model was informed using associations from lipid-enriched factors. This study provides new insights into variation in the oat seed metabolome and provides genomic resources for breeders to improve selection for health-promoting seed quality traits. More broadly, we outline an approach to distill high-dimensional "omics" data to a set of biologically meaningful variables and translate inferences on these data into improved breeding decisions.Collagen-enriched cuticle forms the outermost layer of skin in nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. The nematode's genome encodes 177 collagens, but little is known about their role in maintaining the structure or barrier function of the cuticle. In this study, we found six permeability determining (PD) collagens. Loss of any of these PD collagens-DPY-2, DPY-3, DPY-7, DPY-8, DPY-9, and DPY-10-led to enhanced susceptibility of nematodes to paraquat (PQ) and antihelminthic drugs- levamisole and ivermectin. Upon exposure to PQ, PD collagen mutants accumulated more PQ and incurred more damage and death despite the robust activation of antioxidant machinery. We find that BLMP-1, a zinc finger transcription factor, maintains the barrier function of the cuticle by regulating the expression of PD collagens. We show that the permeability barrier maintained by PD collagens acts in parallel to FOXO transcription factor DAF-16 to enhance survival of insulin-like receptor mutant, daf-2. In all, this study shows that PD collagens regulate cuticle permeability by maintaining the structure of C. elegans cuticle and thus provide protection against exogenous toxins.The protein molecular chaperone Hsp90 (Heat shock protein, 90 kilodalton) plays multiple roles in the biogenesis and regulation of client proteins impacting myriad aspects of cellular physiology. Amino acid alterations located throughout Saccharomyces cerevisiae Hsp90 have been shown to result in reduced client activity and temperature-sensitive growth defects. Although some Hsp90 mutants have been shown to affect activity of particular clients more than others, the mechanistic basis of client-specific effects is unknown. We found that Hsp90 mutants that disrupt the early step of Hsp70 and Sti1 interaction, or show reduced ability to adopt the ATP-bound closed conformation characterized by Sba1 and Cpr6 interaction, similarly disrupt activity of three diverse clients, Utp21, Ssl2, and v-src. In contrast, mutants that appear to alter other steps in the folding pathway had more limited effects on client activity. Protein expression profiling provided additional evidence that mutants that alter similar steps in the folding cycle cause similar in vivo consequences. Our characterization of these mutants provides new insight into how Hsp90 and cochaperones identify and interact with diverse clients, information essential for designing pharmaceutical approaches to selectively inhibit Hsp90 function.The gram-negative bacterium Coxiella burnetii is the causative agent of Query (Q) fever in humans and coxiellosis in livestock. Host genetics are associated with C. burnetii pathogenesis both in humans and animals; however, it remains unknown if specific genes are associated with severity of infection. We employed the Drosophila Genetics Reference Panel to perform a genome-wide association study to identify host genetic variants that affect host survival to C. burnetii infection. The genome-wide association study identified 64 unique variants (P  less then  10-5) associated with 25 candidate genes. We examined the role each candidate gene contributes to host survival during C. burnetii infection using flies carrying a null mutation or RNAi knockdown of each candidate. We validated 15 of the 25 candidate genes using at least one method. This is the first report establishing involvement of many of these genes or their homologs with C. burnetii susceptibility in any system. Among the validated genes, FER and tara play roles in the JAK/STAT, JNK, and decapentaplegic/TGF-β signaling pathways which are components of known innate immune responses to C. burnetii infection. CG42673 and DIP-ε play roles in bacterial infection and synaptic signaling but have no previous association with C. burnetii pathogenesis. Furthermore, since the mammalian ortholog of CG13404 (PLGRKT) is an important regulator of macrophage function, CG13404 could play a role in host susceptibility to C. burnetii through hemocyte regulation. These insights provide a foundation for further investigation regarding the genetics of C. burnetii susceptibility across a wide variety of hosts.We propose a novel Bayesian approach that robustifies genomic modeling by leveraging expert knowledge (EK) through prior distributions. The central component is the hierarchical decomposition of phenotypic variation into additive and nonadditive genetic variation, which leads to an intuitive model parameterization that can be visualized as a tree. The edges of the tree represent ratios of variances, for example broad-sense heritability, which are quantities for which EK is natural to exist. Penalized complexity priors are defined for all edges of the tree in a bottom-up procedure that respects the model structure and incorporates EK through all levels. We investigate models with different sources of variation and compare the performance of different priors implementing varying amounts of EK in the context of plant breeding. A simulation study shows that the proposed priors implementing EK improve the robustness of genomic modeling and the selection of the genetically best individuals in a breeding program. We observe this improvement in both variety selection on genetic values and parent selection on additive values; the variety selection benefited the most. In a real case study, EK increases phenotype prediction accuracy for cases in which the standard maximum likelihood approach did not find optimal estimates for the variance components. Finally, we discuss the importance of EK priors for genomic modeling and breeding, and point to future research areas of easy-to-use and parsimonious priors in genomic modeling.We propose an extended Gaussian mixture model for the distribution of causal effects of common single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) for human complex phenotypes that depends on linkage disequilibrium (LD) and heterozygosity (H), while also allowing for independent components for small and large effects. Using a precise methodology showing how genome-wide association studies (GWASs) summary statistics (z-scores) arise through LD with underlying causal SNPs, we applied the model to GWAS of multiple human phenotypes. Our findings indicated that causal effects are distributed with dependence on total LD and H, whereby SNPs with lower total LD and H are more likely to be causal with larger effects; this dependence is consistent with models of the influence of negative pressure from natural selection. Compared with the basic Gaussian mixture model it is built on, the extended model-primarily through quantification of selection pressure-reproduces with greater accuracy the empirical distributions of z-scores, thus providing better estimates of genetic quantities, such as polygenicity and heritability, that arise from the distribution of causal effects.Because gene expression is important for evolutionary adaptation, its misregulation is an important cause of maladaptation. A misregulated gene can be incorrectly silent ("off") when a transcription factor (TF) that is required for its activation does not binds its regulatory region. Conversely, a misregulated gene can be incorrectly active ("on") when a TF not normally involved in its activation binds its regulatory region, a phenomenon also known as regulatory crosstalk. DNA mutations that destroy or create TF binding sites on DNA are an important source of misregulation and crosstalk. Although misregulation reduces fitness in an environment to which an organism is well-adapted, it may become adaptive in a new environment. Here, I derive simple yet general mathematical expressions that delimit the conditions under which misregulation can be adaptive. These expressions depend on the strength of selection against misregulation, on the fraction of DNA sequence space filled with TF binding sites, and on the fraction of genes that must be expressed for optimal adaptation. I then use empirical data from RNA sequencing, protein-binding microarrays, and genome evolution, together with population genetic simulations to ask when these conditions are likely to be met. I show that they can be met under realistic circumstances, but these circumstances may vary among organisms and environments. My analysis provides a framework in which improved theory and data collection can help us demonstrate the role of misregulation in adaptation. It also shows that misregulation, like DNA mutation, is one of life's many imperfections that can help propel Darwinian evolution.

Autoři článku: Hayeszimmerman6845 (Stender Bay)