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Besides, technological innovations are found to be reducing the total and non-renewable energy demand in Bangladesh while increasing the demand for renewable energy. On the other hand, positive oil price shocks are found to be ineffective in influencing the renewable energy demand but slightly reducing the non-renewable energy demand. Finally, the causality estimates portray the feedback hypothesis in almost all the cases to highlight the inter-relationships between economic growth and energy demand in Bangladesh. Hence, in line with these findings several critically important policy implications are suggested for managing the overall energy demand in Bangladesh.The present study explores the effect of renewable energy consumption and public-private partnership investment in energy on consumption-based carbon dioxide emissions for India from 1990Q1 and 2015Q4 whilst controlling technology innovation and economic growth. The study employs the Maki cointegration, Bayer-Hanck cointegration, fully modified ordinary least squares, dynamic ordinary least squares, and frequency-domain causality tests to explore these dynamics. The outcomes of the present study reveal that (i) there is a long-run cointegration equation between consumption-based carbon dioxide emissions and its possible determinants; (ii) whilst renewable energy consumption is beneficial for lowering consumption-based carbon dioxide emissions, public-private partnership investment in energy makes a positive contribution to consumption-based carbon dioxide emissions in the long-run; and (iii) public-private partnership investment in energy and renewable energy consumption also significantly causes consumption-based carbon dioxide emissions at different frequency levels in India. The present study recommends that policymakers in India should apply a series of policies to discourage the use of non-renewable energy and raise the share of renewable energy in order to reduce consumption-based carbon dioxide emissions in the country. The present study also recommends that public-private partnership investment in renewable energy should increase to achieve cleaner production processes.Herbicides are the most effective tool against weed flora in cereal crops that help to maintain and increase crop yields. This investigation was conducted in the winter season of 2018 to study the stress effect of three post-emergence herbicides including pinoxaden, tribenuron-methyl, and pyroxsulam on the biochemical changes at the molecular cell level of wheat. These herbicides were applied either lonely with a rate of 0.45 L.ha-1, 22.5 gm.ha-1, and 0.16 Ib a.i/A, respectively, or in combinations together on three Egyptian varieties of bread wheat known as Misr 1, Giza17 1, and Gemmiza 11. Firstly, the abovementioned herbicides were used at the recommended and half recommended doses with their combinations for these varieties to investigate DNA-protein linkage as a signal effect of herbicides at the molecular cell level.Our data showed that the treatment of wheat varieties with the tested herbicides induced new bands with low and high molecular weights of 37.49, 40.08, 146.55, and 147.23 KDa with relative mobility of 0.1574, 0.1603, 0.2166, and 0.2168, respectively. These bands were not presented in the control treatment, suggesting that it might be used as a biochemical marker for plant defense genes. Meanwhile, the control treatment exhibited only five or six bands in the three varieties. However, the tested varieties showed that the same number of bands, the molecular weights of bands, and their relative mobility were significantly varied between the single and the combinations treatment of herbicides. The best treatment was achieved by the combination between pinoxaden and tribenuron-methyl at a recommended dose which induced a large number of protein bands compared to the control treatment on the wheat variety cv. Misr 1, which gave one band with low molecular weight 71.44 KDa at Rf 0.1854 and other with the highest molecular weight 147.23 KDa at Rf 0.2168, compared to the control treatment.An unexplored attributing molecular mechanism of Cd toxicity is interference with the epigenetic machinery, such as DNA methylation, processes that are crucial for early fetal development. In order to investigate the effects of Cd on the expression of metallothionein (MT) and Dnmts transcripts, markers of DNA methylation, and signaling pathway gene expression, zebrafish embryos were exposed during 24 hours post-fertilization (starting at maximum 8-cell stage) to 0.0089, 0.089, and 0.89 μM Cd. The results showed that the Cd accumulation in zebrafish embryo reached a stable level after 12 hpf, and the Cd accumulation at individual time points was significantly different among different concentration groups. MT mRNA fold was significantly positive with the Cd content in embryos. We observed that the expression level of DNA methyltransferase (Dnmts) in the 0.089 μM Cd exposure group was significantly up-regulated. Dnmt1 expression was significantly up-regulated in the 0.89 μM Cd exposure group, and Dnmt3s expression and global methylation levels were significantly down-regulated. Cd up-regulated ErbB-3 gene expression, down-regulated ErbB-4 gene expression, and neutralized ErbB-1 gene expression. Cd activated Ca2+, MAPK-JUK, p38 MAP kinase, PI3K-AKT, and VEGF signaling pathway genes, indicating these pathway genes related to Cd exposure level. selleckchem The results are helpful to clarify the molecular mechanism of DNA methylation in zebrafish embryo under metal pressure and further interference with the epigenetic machinery.This study intends to explore India's comparative advantage in the pollution-intensive product export with temporal and spatial analysis by applying an alternative measure of revealed comparative advantage index. The emission-intensive manufacturing commodities are mainly chosen as per the list published by the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) of India to draw some inferences on India's pollution haven characteristics. For the spatial analysis, the 'dirty' comparative advantage is calculated for all the BRICS countries for the year 2017, and for the temporal analysis, the index value is calculated for 42 product groups at 3 digit SITC level from 2009 to 2017 to examine the structure of 'dirty' specialisation in India and its change over time. India is found at the top among the BRICS members for a maximum of 16 in 25 products. Among these 25 sectors, Brazil, Russia, China and South Africa are found having a comparative advantage in 4, 12, 11 and 10 products, respectively. In these comparatively advantageous products, Brazil ranked one in 75% and three in 25% of products. Russia ranked one in 33% and two in 67% of products. India among the BRICS members stood 1st at 62.5, 2nd and 3rd both at 18.75% cases, respectively. Findings reveal that pollution-intensive trade-exposed sectors successfully absorbed the stringent environmental regulation-shocks which brought in an additional burden of compliance cost upon trade competitiveness. The results of this study are more insightful for evaluating India's recent initiatives for stricter environmental regulations.This study describes the application of gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (GC-MS) to evaluate the occurrence of 12 CECs-contaminants of emerging concern (bisphenol A, diclofenac, 17β-estradiol, estriol, estrone, 17α-ethinylestradiol, gemfibrozil, ibuprofen, naproxen, 4-nonylphenol, 4-octylphenol, and acetaminophen) in surface waters from Paraopeba River Basin, Minas Gerais State, Brazil. The analytical procedure was validated and applied to 60 surface water samples collected across four sampling campaigns along the upper and middle watershed. Methods for CECs determination involved sample filtration, and solid-phase extraction (SPE) with subsequent derivatization of the target compounds prior to their analysis by GC-MS. The LOQ varied from 3.6 to 14.4 ng/L and extraction recoveries ranged from 46.1 to 107.1% for the lowest spiked concentration level (10 ng/L). The results showed a profile of spatial distribution of compounds, as well as the influence of rainfall. Ibuprofen (1683.9 ng/L), bisphenol (1587.7 ng/L), and naproxen (938.4 ng/L) occurred in higher concentrations during the rainy season, whereas during the dry season, the concentrations of bisphenol (1057.7 ng/L), estriol (991.0 ng/L), and estrone (978.4 ng/L) were highlighted. The risk assessment of human exposure shows that for most contaminants, the concentration is well below the estimated thresholds for chronic toxicity from water intake. However, estradiol and 17α-ethinylestradiol showed concentrations in the same order of magnitude as the guide values estimated for babies.Alcohol and tobacco use are risky factors that are associated with one another. High alcohol and tobacco use are significant public health problems with social and economic costs and one of the leading causes of preventable death and disease. The aim of this study was to determine the sociodemographic and economic factors on alcohol and tobacco concurrent use. In this study, a bivariate probit model was employed to determine the factors affecting alcohol and tobacco concurrent use among individuals aged 15 and above who were living in Turkey. The data used in this study was obtained from the Turkey Health Survey conducted in 2010, 2012, 2014, and 2016 by the Turkish Statistical Institute. The data were gathered from a total of 77,327 individuals. Empirical findings suggest that factors affecting alcohol and tobacco use were simultaneous. Also, the results revealed that several key variables such as age, gender, educational status, marital status, household monthly income level, and survey year were significant determinants of alcohol and tobacco concurrent use. Psychosocial support is significant for only tobacco use. In the last decade, a number of restrictions aimed to combat alcohol and tobacco use have been associated with reducing the usage habits of individuals. This is the first study that simultaneously compared both alcohol use and tobacco use using a Turkish sample.

I metaiodobenzylguanidine (MIBG) scintigraphy is a useful tool for the diagnosis of neuroblastoma (NB). MIBG uptake is correlated with norepinephrine transporter expression; hence, it is expected that high-MIBG tumors would be more highly differentiated and have a better prognosis than those with lower expression. We have introduced a method of assessing MIBG accumulation semi-quantitatively using SPECT/CT fusion images. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the relationship of

I MIBG uptake measured by semi-quantitative values of SPECT/CT and early relapse of NB.

We studied the cases of 11 patients (5 males and 6 females, age 5-65months, median age 20months) with histopathologically proven NB between April 2010 and March 2015. The early-relapse group was defined as patients who had relapsed within 3 years after the first

I MIBG SPECT/CT exam. Other patients were classified as the delay-relapse group. Uptake of MIBG was evaluated using the count ratio of tumor and muscles. T/Mmax and T/Mmean were defined as follows T/Mmax = max count of tumor/max count of muscle, T/Mmean = mean count of tumor/mean count of muscle.

The average T/Mmean values of the early-relapse group and delay-relapse group were 2.65 ± 0.58 and 7.66 ± 2.68, respectively. The T/Mmean values of the early-relapse group were significantly lower than those of delay-relapse group (p < 0.05). The average T/Mmax of the early-relapse group and delay-relapse group were 8.86 ± 3.22 and 16.20 ± 1.97, respectively. There was no significant difference in T/Mmax values between the two groups.


I MIBG uptake using semi-quantitative SPECT/CT analysis was correlated with early relapse of NB.

Low 123I MIBG uptake using semi-quantitative SPECT/CT analysis was correlated with early relapse of NB.

Autoři článku: Hannatran2315 (Mohamad Salas)