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Our framework learns two adversarial components; a graph embedding network that encodes both the unlabeled and labeled nodes into a common latent space, expecting to trick the discriminator to regard all nodes as already labeled, and a semisupervised discriminator network that distinguishes the unlabeled from the existing labeled nodes. The divergence score, generated by the discriminator in a unified latent space, serves as the informativeness measure to actively select the most informative node to be labeled by an oracle. this website The two adversarial components form a closed loop to mutually and simultaneously reinforce each other toward enhancing the AL performance. Extensive experiments on real-world networks validate the effectiveness of the SEAL framework with superior performance improvements to state-of-the-art baselines on node classification tasks.Tensor-ring (TR) decomposition has recently attracted considerable attention in solving the low-rank tensor completion (LRTC) problem. However, due to an unbalanced unfolding scheme used during the update of core tensors, the conventional TR-based completion methods usually require a large TR rank to achieve the optimal performance, which leads to high computational cost in practical applications. To overcome this drawback, we propose a new method to exploit the low TR-rank structure in this article. Specifically, we first introduce a balanced unfolding operation called tensor circular unfolding, by which the relationship between TR rank and the ranks of tensor unfoldings is theoretically established. Using this new unfolding operation, we further propose an algorithm to exploit the low TR-rank structure by performing parallel low-rank matrix factorizations to all circularly unfolded matrices. To tackle the problem of nonuniform missing patterns, we apply a row weighting trick to each circularly unfolded matrix, which significantly improves the adaptive ability to various types of missing patterns. The extensive experiments have demonstrated that the proposed algorithm can achieve outstanding performance using a much smaller TR rank compared with the conventional TR-based completion algorithms; meanwhile, the computational cost is reduced substantially.Correlation filter (CF) has recently been widely used for visual tracking. The estimation of the search window and the filter-learning strategies is the key component of the CF trackers. link2 Nevertheless, prevalent CF models separately address these issues in heuristic manners. The commonly used CF models directly set the estimated location in the previous frame as the search center for the current one. Moreover, these models usually rely on simple and fixed regularization for filter learning, and thus, their performance is compromised by the search window size and optimization heuristics. To break these limits, this article proposes a location-aware and regularization-adaptive CF (LRCF) for robust visual tracking. LRCF establishes a novel bilevel optimization model to address simultaneously the location-estimation and filter-training problems. We prove that our bilevel formulation can successfully obtain a globally converged CF and the corresponding object location in a collaborative manner. Moreover, based on the LRCF framework, we design two trackers named LRCF-S and LRCF-SA and a series of comparisons to prove the flexibility and effectiveness of the LRCF framework. Extensive experiments on different challenging benchmark data sets demonstrate that our LRCF trackers perform favorably against the state-of-the-art methods in practice.Cell growth is governed by the flow of information from growth factors to transcription factors. This flow involves protein-protein interactions known as a signaling pathway, which triggers the cell division. The biological network in the presence of malfunctions leads to a rapid cell division without any necessary input conditions. The effect of these malfunctions or faults can be observed if it is simulated explicitly in the Boolean derivative of the biological networks. The consequences thus produced can be nullified to a large extent, with the application of a reduced combination of drugs. This paper provides an insight into the behavior of the signaling pathway in the presence of multiple concurrent malfunctions. link3 First, we simulate the behavior of malfunctions in the Boolean networks. Next, we apply the drug therapy to reduce the effects of malfunctions. In our approach, we introduce a parameter called probabilistic_score, which identifies the reduced drug combinations without prior knowledge of the malfunctions, and it is more beneficial in realistic cancerous conditions. The combinations of different custom drug inhibition points are chosen to produce more efficient results than known drugs. Our approach is significantly faster as GPU acceleration has been carried out during modeling the multiple faults/malfunctions in the Boolean networks.In the past few years, the prediction models have shown remarkable performance in most biological correlation prediction tasks. These tasks traditionally use a fixed dataset, and the model, once trained, is deployed as is. These models often encounter training issues such as sensitivity to hyperparameter tuning and "catastrophic forgetting" when adding new data. However, with the development of biomedicine and the accumulation of biological data, new predictive models are required to face the challenge of adapting to change. To this end, we propose a computational approach based on Broad Learning System (BLS) to predict potential disease-associated miRNAs that retain the ability to distinguish prior training associations when new data need to be adapted. In particular, we are introducing incremental learning to the field of biological association prediction for the first time and proposed a new method for quantifying sequence similarity. In the performance evaluation, the AUC in the 5-fold cross-validation was 0.9400 +/- 0.0041. To better assess the effectiveness of MISSIM, we compared it with various classifiers and former prediction models. Its performance is superior to the previous method. These results provide ample convincing evidence of this approach have potential value and prospect in promoting biomedical research productivity.Unsupervised domain adaptation is effective in leveraging rich information from a labeled source domain to an unlabeled target domain. Though deep learning and adversarial strategy made a significant breakthrough in the adaptability of features, there are two issues to be further studied. First, hard-assigned pseudo labels on the target domain are arbitrary and error-prone, and direct application of them may destroy the intrinsic data structure. Second, batch-wise training of deep learning limits the characterization of the global structure. In this paper, a Riemannian manifold learning framework is proposed to achieve transferability and discriminability simultaneously. For the first issue, this framework establishes a probabilistic discriminant criterion on the target domain via soft labels. Based on pre-built prototypes, this criterion is extended to a global approximation scheme for the second issue. Manifold metric alignment is adopted to be compatible with the embedding space. The theoretical error bounds of different alignment metrics are derived for constructive guidance. The proposed method can be used to tackle a series of variants of domain adaptation problems, including both vanilla and partial settings. Extensive experiments have been conducted to investigate the method and a comparative study shows the superiority of the discriminative manifold learning framework.We propose a novel deep visual odometry (VO) method that considers global information by selecting memory and refining poses. Existing learning-based methods take VO task as a pure tracking problem via recovering camera poses from image snippets, leading to severe error accumulation. Global information is crucial for alleviating accumulated errors. However, it is challenging to effectively preserve such information for end-to-end systems. To deal with this challenge, we design an adaptive memory module, which progressively and adaptively saves the information from local to global in a neural analogue of memory, enabling our system to process long-term dependency. Benefiting from global information in the memory, previous results are further refined by an additional refining module. With the guidance of previous outputs, we adopt a spatial-temporal attention to select features for each view based on the co-visibility in feature domain. Specifically, our architecture consisting of Tracking, Remembering and Refining modules works beyond tracking. Experiments on the KITTI and TUM-RGBD datasets demonstrate that our approach outperforms state-of-the-art methods by large margins and produces competitive results against classic approaches in regular scenes. Moreover, our model achieves outstanding performance in challenging scenarios such as texture-less regions and abrupt motions, where classic algorithms tend to fail.We present a deformable generator model to disentangle the appearance and geometric information for both image and video data in a purely unsupervised manner. The appearance generator network models the information related to appearance, including color, illumination, identity or category, while the geometric generator performs geometric warping, such as rotation and stretching, through generating deformation field which is used to warp the generated appearance to obtain the final image or video sequences. Two generators take independent latent vectors as input to disentangle the appearance and geometric information from image or video sequences. For video data, a nonlinear transition model is introduced to both the appearance and geometric generators to capture the dynamics over time. The proposed scheme is general and can be easily integrated into different generative models. An extensive set of qualitative and quantitative experiments shows that the appearance and geometric information can be well disentangled, and the learned geometric generator can be conveniently transferred to other image datasets that share similar structure regularity to facilitate knowledge transfer tasks.In this paper, we first propose a metric to measure the diversity of a set of captions, which is derived from latent semantic analysis (LSA), and then kernelize LSA using CIDEr similarity. Compared with mBLEU, our proposed diversity metrics show a relatively strong correlation to human evaluation. We conduct extensive experiments, finding that the models that aim to generate captions with higher CIDEr scores normally obtain lower diversity scores, which generally learn to describe images using common words. To bridge this "diversity" gap, we consider several methods for training caption models to generate diverse captions. First, we show that balancing the cross-entropy loss and CIDEr reward in reinforcement learning during training can effectively control the tradeoff between diversity and accuracy. Second, we develop approaches that directly optimize our diversity metric and CIDEr score using reinforcement learning. Third, we combine accuracy and diversity into a single measure using an ensemble matrix and then maximize the determinant of the ensemble matrix via reinforcement learning to boost diversity and accuracy, which outperforms its counterparts on the oracle test.

Autoři článku: Hamrickmcallister4326 (Kang Rask)