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laceum We determined that fur is a conditionally essential gene necessary for proper growth under regular conditions and is fully required for survival under iron and oxidative stresses. Fur also controlled several virulence-associated traits, such as swimming motility, biofilm formation, and siderophore production. Consistent with these results, a C. violaceumfur null mutant showed attenuation of virulence. Therefore, our data established Fur as a major player required for C. violaceum to manage iron, including during infection in the host.Arsenate is a notorious toxicant that is known to disrupt multiple biochemical pathways. Many microorganisms have developed mechanisms to detoxify arsenate using the ArsC-type arsenate reductase, and some even use arsenate as a terminal electron acceptor for respiration involving arsenate respiratory reductase (Arr). ArsC-type reductases have been studied extensively, but the phylogenetically unrelated Arr system is less investigated and has not been characterized from Archaea Here, we heterologously expressed the genes encoding Arr from the crenarchaeon Pyrobaculum aerophilum in the euryarchaeon Pyrococcus furiosus, both of which grow optimally near 100°C. Recombinant P. furiosus was grown on molybdenum (Mo)- or tungsten (W)-containing medium, and two types of recombinant Arr enzymes were purified, one containing Mo (Arr-Mo) and one containing W (Arr-W). Purified Arr-Mo had a 140-fold higher specific activity in arsenate [As(V)] reduction than Arr-W, and Arr-Mo also reduced arsenite [As(III)]. The P. furiosuo use arsenate [As(V)] as a terminal electron acceptor, it also provided the organism with a higher resistance to arsenate and also, surprisingly, to arsenite [As(III)]. In contrast to the tungsten-containing oxidoreductase enzymes natively produced by P. furiosus, recombinant P. aerophilum Arr was much more active with molybdenum than with tungsten. It is also, to our knowledge, the only characterized Arr to be active with both molybdenum and tungsten in the active site.Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium is a prevalent incitant of enteritis in human beings and nonhuman animals. BMS202 manufacturer It has been proposed that host defense responses incited by Salmonella allow the bacterium to overcome colonization resistance. Piglets (n = 24) were orally inoculated with S. enterica serovar Typhimurium DT104 or buffer alone, and the host and microbial responses were temporally examined at the acute (2 days postinoculation [dpi]), subacute (6 dpi), and recovery (10 dpi) stages of salmonellosis. At the acute stage of disease, body temperatures were elevated, and feed consumption and weight gain were reduced. The densities of Salmonella associated with the gut mucosa decreased over time, with higher densities of the bacterium in the ileum and the large intestine. Moreover, substantive histopathological changes were observed as a function of time, with prominent epithelial injury and neutrophil infiltration observed at 2 dpi. Correspondingly, a variety of host metrics were temporally affected in panisms by which the bacterium overcomes colonization resistance to incite salmonellosis. Temporal characterization of a variety of host metrics in piglets (e.g., physiological, histopathological, and immunological) showed the importance of studying the progression of salmonellosis. A number of host responses integrally associated with disease development were identified. Utilization of next-generation sequence analysis to characterize the enteric microbiota was found to lack sufficient resolution; however, culture-dependent and -independent methods in combination identified taxon- and location-specific changes to bacterial communities in infected piglets. The study identified bacterial and host responses associated with salmonellosis, which will be beneficial in understanding colonization resistance and in the development of effective alternatives to antibiotics to mitigate salmonellosis.In the present study, a deep-sea bacterial strain designated Bacillus sp. strain wsm-1 was screened and found to exhibit strong antifungal activity against many plant-pathogenic fungi, and corresponding antifungal agents were thereby purified and determined by tandem mass spectrometry to be two cyclic lipopeptide homologs. These homologs, which were different from any previously reported lipopeptides, were identified to possess identical amino acid sequences of β-amino fatty acid-Asn-Ser-Asn-Pro-Tyr-Asn-Gln and deduced as two novel lipopeptides designated C14 iturin W and C15 iturin W. Electron microscopy observation indicated that both iturin W homologs caused obvious morphological changes and serious disruption of plasma membrane toward fungal cells, while C15 iturin W exhibited more serious cell damages than C14 iturin W did, which was well consistent with the results of the antifungal activity assays. To improve the yield and antifungal activity of iturin W, the effects of different carbon and nitrogen sotably, the structure of iturin W was different from that of any previously reported lipopeptide, suggesting that deep-sea microorganisms might produce many novel natural products and have significant potential in the development of biological products in the future.Contamination of soil and water with heavy metals and metalloids is a serious environmental problem. Cadmium and arsenic are major environmental contaminants that pose a serious threat to human health. Although toxicities of cadmium and arsenic to living organisms have been extensively studied, the molecular mechanisms of cellular responses to cadmium and arsenic remain poorly understood. In this study, we demonstrate that the cell wall integrity (CWI) pathway is involved in coping with cell wall stresses induced by cadmium and arsenate through its role in the regulation of cell wall modification. Interestingly, the Rlm1p and SBF (Swi4p-Swi6p) complex transcription factors of the CWI pathway were shown to be specifically required for tolerance to cadmium and arsenate, respectively. Furthermore, we found the PIR2 gene, encoding cell wall O-mannosylated heat shock protein, whose expression is under the control of the CWI pathway, is important for maintaining cell wall integrity during cadmium and arsenate stresses.

Autoři článku: Gotfredsenmiddleton1803 (McGee Chu)