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Thus, establishment of glaucoma diagnosis can induce physician to look for possible presence or high probability of development of prostate neoplasm that implies periodic control of prostate-specific antigen. The presented results demonstrate how EMR data can be used to identify, estimate prevalence and risk of comorbidity and also reveals pathogenic mechanisms of interaction between primary and recurrent diseases that can be applied in clinical practice.The article analyzes the demographic situation in the Republic of Dagestan and presents analysis of indices of population mortality and life expectancy. It is established that number of deaths per 1000 people of the Republic of Dagestan is one of the lowest not only in the Northern Caucasus, but in the country at large. At the same time, high mortality indices are determined in elder age groups both in Dagestan and on average in Russia. The main causes of death in the Republic of Dagestan are diseases of circulatory system and respiratory system, neoplasms, accidents, poisoning and traumas, which account almost three quarters of all cases of deaths. However, mortality indices in Dagestan from diseases of circulatory system, neoplasms, digestive system diseases, infectious and parasitic diseases are significantly lower as compared to the national average level. In Dagestan, one of the highest indices of life expectancy is observed as compared with other subjects of the Russian Federation (2nd place in the Russian Federation) - on 6 years exceeding the national average level (in males, difference in values of indicator amounted to 7.5 years). In Dagestan, during analyzed period, life expectancy at birth increased more than on 5 years.The study was carried out to analyze detection of rare diseases that are not included into listings of rare (orphan) diseases to be treated at the expense of budget resources of the Russian Federation Russian Federation (hereinafter referred as rare diseases out of reimbursement). The analysis of detection of patients with rare diseases out of reimbursement in Russian Federation was carried out. The information was collected and summarized on the basis of open sources by the way of formalized personal request to the heads of patient and public organizations providing care of patients with rare diseases out of reimbursement. It is established that in the Russian Federation (85 subjects) reside patients with more than 250 forms and groups of rare diseases and only 28 out of them are included into the Federal registries of patients. Actually, there are more than 8 000 nosologic forms of rare diseases that are known thus far. The monitoring permitted to collect data concerning 30 particular nosological forms and groups of rare diseases out of reimbursement. Among them, 23 out of 30 analyzed pathologies have genetic nature. And only for 24 out of 30 diseases the registration of patients is applied. It is necessary to organize modern system of registration of patients within the framework of the Federal registry that includes full and actual data about patients, course of disease, therapeutic interventions that will permit to determine prevalence, disability, mortality, lethality, necessary medicinal maintenance and also to establish spectrum of diseases that are to be included into drug reimbursement programs.The gene therapy is totally new approach to treatment of patient. It has significant therapeutic potential for wide range of diseases, including those caused by genetic disorders. The in vivo therapy is one of types of gene therapy meaning that impact on gene apparatus of somatic cells occurs straight within organism of patient. Among significant advantages of of this kind of therapy is potential opportunity of treatment of diseases which previously had no effective therapy or only supportive symptomatic therapy was administered. The article describes international approaches to classification of gene therapy preparations. The review of in vivo gene therapy preparations currently registered in different countries. Also, the features of their development, production and registration are analyzed. For many in vivo gene therapy preparations, due to small number of patients, clinical evidence base is limited, especially in terms of long-term clinical effect that complicates process of registration and economic evaluation for subsequent their inclusion in the system of state funding. It should also be noted that gene preparations currently registered abroad have extremely high cost that limits their widespread implementation into clinical practice. The production of gene therapy preparations requires a number of additional measures targeted to supporting product quality that complicates process of their production and registration. Due to absence of necessity in large production capacities, gene therapy preparations are produced centrally that results in their logistic complexities. It is actual to analyze international experience of distribution of in vivo gene therapy preparations in order to optimize approaches to regulation, assessment and financing of gene technologies in the Russian Federation.In 2005-2018, marked decreasing of morbidity of trauma, intoxications and other outcomes of impact of external causes in the Russian Federation was registered. In the Ural Federal Okrug, the rate of decreasing was the lowest and made up to 1.3%. In the subjects of the Federal District, the highest rates are registered in the Kurgan and Chelyabinsk Oblast. In 2010-2017, mortality from external causes decreased most intensively in the North Western Federal Okrug - up to 40.6% and least intensively in the South Federal Okrug up to 28.4%. The mortality of traffic accidents decreased most markedly up to 2.1 times from 22.4 to 10.5 cases per 100 thousand of the population. There is decreasing in indices of traumatism and trauma mortality in most territories of the Russian Federation. In recent years, slowdown of this trend is present that testifies the necessity of further development of measures targeting organization of medical care of the injured based on organization of traumatological centers for all injured, and not only those ones of traffic accidents.Nowadays, the most important place in medicine is occupied by ethical and legal aspects of organization of medical care and the provision of qualitative medical services to citizens. The main mechanism of functioning of the patient-centric health care system is implementation of the rights of patients as described in our country within the framework of international legal acts, the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Civil, the Civil Procedure and Criminal Codes of the Russian Federation, as well as the Legislation on the protection of health of citizen. Since the mid of twentieth century, in many countries was widely discussed possibility of ensuring one of the most controversial and non-obvious rights of patient - the right to death. click here In medical practice, the mechanisms implementing this right are the acts of euthanasia, the assisted suicide, the voluntary death (refusal of water and food), "murder out of sympathy", terminal sedation and the phenomenon of "double effect" as well. The article presents review of scientific publications presented in national and international databases, highlighting prerequisites of implementation of euthanasia into practice and international experience of applying this mechanism of demise as well.An increasing number of studies indicate air pollutants infiltrate into the brain. link2 We aimed to find the association of cumulative air pollution exposure in the main body of primary brain tumor glioblastoma (GBM). In this double-cohort, retrospective analysis study with a protocol, we compared the health effect of air pollution on the GBM patients from the SEER (Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results Program) in 27 U.S. counties from 10 states and GBM patients of Severance cohort of Korea. From 2000 to 2015, 10621 GBM patients of the SEER were individually evaluated for the cumulative average exposure for each pollutant, and 9444 (88.9%) mortality events were reported. From 2011 to 2018, 398 GBM patients of the Severance with the same protocol showed 259 (65.1%) mortality events. The multi-pollutant models show that the association level of risk with CO is increased in the SEER (HR 1.252; 95% CI 1.141-1.373) with an increasing linear trend of relative death rate in the spline curve. The Severance GBM data showed such a statistically significant result of the health impact of CO on GBM patients. The overall survival gain of the less exposure group against CO was 2 and 3 months in the two cohorts. Perioperative exposure to CO may increase the risk of shorter survival of GBM patients of the SEER and the Severance cohort.China has a long history of pig rearing, and it currently raises and consumes approximately half of the pigs in the world. Major improvements have been made in pig farming in China in the last four decades with the growing application of new livestock farming technologies. Among the new improvements, the use of antibiotics in pig farming is a common but not well-documented practise. In order to understand the behaviour of the farmers regarding antibiotic use in pig farming, we conducted a household survey in four townships of L County in Yunnan Province, China, during August 2014 and April 2015. In this survey, 404 farmer households were interviewed using a questionnaire. Among the farmers interviewed, 89% reported easy access to antibiotics, 83.7% reported experience of self-purchasing antibiotics, and 40.3% reported that they often used antibiotics in pig farming mainly for the prevention and treatment of pig diseases. These farmers identified 20 antibiotics that they had used in pig farming 6 months before the survey. Of these, 11 and 8 antibiotics have been categorised under 'critically important' and 'highly important' antimicrobial groups, respectively, by the World Health Organization (WHO), and 12 and 8 have been categorised under the 'Watch' and 'Access' groups, respectively, as per the 2019 WHO AWaRe classification of antibiotics. Factors associated with the behaviour of self-purchasing antibiotics included types of farms, sources of antibiotics, and previous experiences of pig diseases those who were smallholders, buying antibiotics from veterinary drugstores and village vets, and whose pigs had suffered diseases previously were more likely to self-purchase antibiotics for their pigs. Farmers who cleaned their pigsties less frequently and those whose pigs had suffered from diseases used antibiotics more frequently as compared to their peer farmers.We describe the case of a 58-year-old man presenting with myocardial infarction complicated by cardiogenic shock, treated with Impella CP which was escalated to an axillary 5.0 due to lack of cardiac recovery. Weaning from Impella 5.0 failed, and the patient was evaluated for heart transplantation (HTx) or left ventricular assist device (LVAD). link3 HTx was excluded because of a rectal adenocarcinoma. The patient underwent colorectal surgery while on Impella. Perioperative course was uneventful. After 61 days of Impella, when the LVAD implantation was scheduled, the patient died due to K. pneumoniae infection.

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