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Karyomegalic interstitial nephritis (KIN), first described in 1974, is a rare form of chronic tubulointerstitial nephritis. It is defined by the presence of markedly enlarged, hyperchromatic nuclei with prominent nucleoli, mainly involving tubular epithelial cells of the kidney, accompanied by marked interstitial fibrosis. The disease presents as asymptomatic proteinuria, gradually progresses to chronic kidney disease and eventually leads to end-stage renal disease by 30-40 years. The etiology of the disease remains unclear; however, genetic risk factors and possible association with HLA (B27/35) is proposed by some. It has also been linked to FAN1 (FANCD2/FANC1- associated nuclease 1) mutation.

We present two cases of KIN with associated focal segmental glomerulosclerosis. Both patients presented with nephrotic range proteinuria. The biopsies demonstrated marked enlargement of tubular nuclei (3-5x larger than the uninvolved tubular nuclei, a metric used by some authors in previous studies) in some tubules, Interestingly, case one had a prior biopsy that showed minimal change disease. In the biopsies done at our institution, H&E sections showed patchy tubular attenuation with readily recognizable tubular cell mitotic figures, indicating concurrent acute tubular injury. Electron microscopy showed diffuse podocyte foot process effacement, along with microvillous transformation, podocyte hypertrophy, and cytoplasmic vacuoles, suggesting podocyte injury. selleck inhibitor This cytoplasmic vacuolization was also observed in the tubular epithelial cells. In both cases, the injury factor appeared to target both podocytes and tubular cells.Mantle cell lymphoma is characterized by t(11;14) with CCND1-IGH fusion and manifests with a spectrum of disease ranging from relatively indolent to aggressive. Here, we present a case of pleomorphic mantle cell lymphoma with three fusion signals that presented with lethal atraumatic splenic rupture. We discuss on the implications of variant CCND1 signal patterns as well as the epidemiology and pathophysiology of atraumatic splenic rupture.Myeloid sarcoma (MS) is a rare extramedullary neoplasm of myeloid cells, which can arise before, concurrently with, or following hematolymphoid malignancies. We report 04 such cases of MS, diagnosed in this institute over a period of 6 years, during various phases of their respective myeloid neoplasms/leukemias. These cases include MS occurring as a relapse of AML (Case 1), MS occurring as an initial presentation of CML (Case 2), MS occurring during ongoing chemotherapy in APML (Case 3), and MS presenting as a progression of MDS to AML (Case 4). In the absence of relevant clinical history and unemployment of appropriate immunohistochemical (IHC) studies, these cases have a high risk of being frequently misdiagnosed either as Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma (NHL) or small round cell tumors or undifferentiated carcinomas, which may further delay their management, making an already bad prognosis worse. This case series has been designed to throw light on the varied presentation of MS and the lineage differentiation of its neoplastic cells through the application of relevant IHC markers along with their clinical correlation.Mucinous adenocarcinoma of the appendix is a rare neoplasm with a low propensity for lymph node metastasis. The present case refers to an appendicular mucinous adenocarcinoma with inguinal lymph node metastasis. A 71-year-old woman underwent an appendectomy due to a clinical presentation of acute appendicitis. However, the histological examination of the surgical specimen revealed a mucinous adenocarcinoma of the appendix. After staging, the patient underwent a right hemicolectomy and was proposed for adjuvant chemotherapy. At the 3rd year of follow-up, inguinal lymphadenopathy was diagnosed, which biopsy confirmed inguinal node metastases from primary colorectal cancer, with areas of extracellular mucin. Restaging revealed liver and peritoneal metastasis, and the patient was proposed for palliative chemotherapy. Appendicular neoplasms, due to their rarity, represent a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge. This clinical case depicts an unusual metastasis pathway for an unusual neoplasm.Leigh syndrome is an inherited neurodegenerative disorder of infancy that typically manifests between 3 and 12 months of age. The common neurological manifestations are developmental delay or regression, progressive cognitive decline, dystonia, ataxia, brainstem dysfunction, epileptic seizures, and respiratory dysfunction. Although the disorder is clinically and genetically heterogeneous, the histopathological and radiological features characteristically show focal and bilaterally symmetrical, necrotic lesions in the basal ganglia and brainstem. The syndrome has a characteristic histopathological signature that helps in clinching the diagnosis. We discuss these unique findings on autopsy and radiology in a young infant who succumbed to a subacute, progressive neurological illness suggestive of Leigh syndrome. Our case highlights that Leigh syndrome should be considered in the differential diagnosis of infantile-onset, subacute neuroregression with dystonia and seizures, a high anion gap metabolic acidosis, normal ketones, elevated lactates in blood, brain, and urine, and bilateral basal ganglia involvement.

Predominantly intraosseous meningiomas are rare entities that include true primary intraosseous meningiomas (PIM), as well as meningiomas that may show extensive bone involvement, such as

meningiomas. Different hypotheses have been proposed to decipher the origin of PIMs, such as ectopic arachnoid cap cell entrapment during birth or after trauma. Surgical resection is the treatment of choice of such lesions.

We present a case of a 65-year-old man with an enlarging mass in the parieto-occipital region that grew slowly and progressively over 13 years, following head trauma during a motor vehicle accident. One year prior to presentation, he started experiencing daily holocranial headaches and blurry vision. CT and MRI studies revealed a permeative midline calvarial lesion measuring 14 cm in greatest dimension with extensive periosteal reaction, extension into the subcutaneous soft tissues, subjacent dural thickening and intracranial extension with invasion of the superior sagittal sinus. The favored pre-operative clinical diagnosis was osteosarcoma. The abnormal calvarium was excised and histopathological examination confirmed the diagnosis of a predominantly intraosseous calvarial meningioma, WHO grade I.

The present case highlights the importance of histopathologic diagnosis in guiding therapeutic decisions and reiterates the necessity of considering PIM or meningiomas with extensive intraosseous component in the differential diagnosis of calvarial masses, even when imaging suggests a neoplasm with aggressive behavior, such as osteosarcoma.

The present case highlights the importance of histopathologic diagnosis in guiding therapeutic decisions and reiterates the necessity of considering PIM or meningiomas with extensive intraosseous component in the differential diagnosis of calvarial masses, even when imaging suggests a neoplasm with aggressive behavior, such as osteosarcoma.Oral diseases are one of the most common pathologies affecting human health. These diseases are typically associated with dental plaque-biofilms, through either build-up of the biofilm or dysbiosis of the microbial community. Arginine can disrupt dental plaque-biofilms, and maintain plaque homeostasis, making it an ideal therapeutic to combat the development of oral disease. Despite our understanding of the actions of arginine towards dental plaque-biofilms, it is still unclear how or if arginine effects the mechanical integrity of the dental plaque-biofilm. Here we adapted a rotating-disc rheometry assay, a method used to quantify marine biofilm fouling, to study how arginine treatment of Streptococcus gordonii biofilms influences biofilm detachment from surfaces. We demonstrate that the assay is highly sensitive at quantifying the presence of biofilm and the detachment or rearrangement of the biofilm structure as a function of shear stress. We demonstrate that arginine treatment leads to earlier detachment of the biofilm, indicating that arginine treatment weakens the biofilm, making it more susceptible to removal by shear stresses. Finally, we demonstrate that the biofilm disrupting affect is specific to arginine, and not a general property of amino acids, as S. gordonii biofilms treated with either glycine or lysine had mechanical properties similar to untreated biofilms. Our results add to the understanding that arginine targets biofilms by multifaceted mechanisms, both metabolic and physical, further promoting the potential of arginine as an active compound in dentifrices to maintain oral health.Infectious osteomyelitis associated with periprosthetic joint infections is often recalcitrant to treatment and has a high rate of recurrence. In the case of Staphylococcus aureus, the most common pathogen in all forms of osteomyelitis, this may be attributed in part to residual intracellular infection of host cells, yet this is not generally considered in the treatment strategy. Osteocytes represent a unique cell type in this context due to their abundance, their formation of a syncytium throughout the bone that could facilitate bacterial spread and their relative inaccessibility to professional immune cells. As such, there is potential value in studying the host-pathogen interactions in the context of this cell type in a replicable and scalable in vitro model. Here, we examined the utility of the human osteosarcoma cell line SaOS2 differentiated to an osteocyte-like stage (SaOS2-OY) as an intracellular infection model for S. aureus. We demonstrate that S. aureus is capable of generating stable intracellular infections in SaOS2-OY cells but not in undifferentiated, osteoblast-like SaOS2 cells (SaOS2-OB). In SaOS2-OY cells, S. aureus transitioned towards a quasi-dormant small colony variant (SCV) growth phenotype over a 15-day post-infection period. The infected cells exhibited changes in the expression of key immunomodulatory mediators that are consistent with the infection response of primary osteocytes. Thus, SaOS2-OY is an appropriate cell line model that may be predictive of the interactions between S. aureus and human osteocytes, and this will be useful for studying mechanisms of persistence and for testing the efficacy of potential antimicrobial strategies.Acinetobacter baumannii is a multidrug-resistant, Gram-negative nosocomial pathogen that exhibits phenotypic heterogeneity resulting in virulent opaque (VIR-O) and avirulent translucent (AV-T) colony variants. Each variant has a distinct gene expression profile resulting in multiple phenotypic differences. Cells interconvert between the VIR-O and AV-T variants at high frequency under laboratory conditions, suggesting that the genetic mechanism underlying the phenotypic switch could be manipulated to attenuate virulence. Therefore, our group has focused on identifying and characterizing genes that regulate this switch, which led to the investigation of ABUW_1132 (1132), a highly conserved gene predicted to encode a LysR-type transcriptional regulator. ABUW_1132 was shown to be a global regulator as the expression of 74 genes was altered ≥ 2-fold in an 1132 deletion mutant. The 1132 deletion also resulted in a 16-fold decrease in VIR-O to AV-T switching, loss of 3-OH-C12-HSL secretion, and reduced surface-associated motility.

Autoři článku: Gadeclemons6723 (Keller Tucker)