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This interaction predicted exercise-avoidance motivation after accounting for weight stigma and its interaction with BMI. However, SA did not moderate the relationship between BMI and self-reported exercise. SA may be associated with exercise avoidance among higher weight individuals.Reverse osmosis concentrate (ROC) resulting from treatment of municipal wastewater reclamation involves high concentrations of recalcitrant pollutants. This study evaluated the toxicity of an ROC containing harmful biocides during representative UV synergistic oxidation processes (SOPs) (e.g., UV/hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), UV/persulfate (PS), and UV/PS/Cu2+). Treated ROC exhibited up to 1.3-2.3 times higher toxicity than the parent compounds such as dodecyl trimethyl ammonium chloride (DTAC) and dodecyl dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride (DDBAC). Based on the intermediates identification, the major toxic intermediates were screened through silico assessment using the quantitative Ecological Structure-Activity Relationship (ECOSAR) tool. The transformation products (TPs) of hydroxylation and ketonization were the major formed reactions from the UV/PS/Cu2+. Also, some cytotoxic TPs were accumulated during the UV/H2O2 and UV/PS oxidations, where the carbonaceous-disinfection byproducts were more than the nitrogenous-disinfection byproducts. In the presence of chloride and bromide, chlorate and bromate could be formed during the UV-SOP; they were influenced by the different water matrix in comparison with the different ROC. Also, the formation of the total organic halogen species (TOX) was found to follow this order UV/PS/Cu2+ less then UV/H2O2 less then UV/PS. In this study, the predicted cytotoxicity using the correlation between the TOX and the cytotoxicity was more acceptable than that of the cytotoxicity index method. Further, the R-square of the correlation between the TOX and the cytotoxicity for the UV/H2O2 and UV/PS was 0.82 and 0.79, respectively. The predicted cytotoxicity using the TOX correlation method in the ROC could also be used to monitor and prevent the application of different oxidations in municipal wastewater reclamation treatment plants.There is a growing interest in evaluating the role of concentration changes of contaminants in temporal and spatial gradients. This is often relevant for fast moving environmental phases such as air and water. In this paper, small volumes of rainwater were sampled as proxy for air concentrations of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) rain was collected in three sampling sites (high traffic, restricted traffic and a low traffic zone) in Como. Solid phase micro extraction (SPME) was used for the extraction to reduce required sample volumes, allowing the acquisition of more samples in time. Rain samples highlighted a spatial and temporal variability along a traffic gradient in the Como city, especially for the most abundant PAH, e.g. phenanthrene. Air concentrations were then estimated from rain concentrations. The results show that this is a cheap and promising method, although requiring rainfall/snowfall conditions, that can be used to perform monitoring campaign of air concentrations at a higher temporal and spatial resolution than the adopted standard methods (e.g. high-volume air samplers). The results could be employed for evaluation of the exposure, emission profiles and calibration of fate models.Rice straw is considered as a renewable biomass energy source and its efficient utilization is still a topic worthy of attention. Black soldier fly larvae, Hermetia illucens (L.), (Diptera Stratiomydiae) is a kind of saprophytic insect, which can effectively digest organic wastes. Here we report that alkaline peroxide-pretreatment improves the digestion of rice straw by these larvae, especially the decomposition of cellulose, which was at 70.9% compared to 58.2% without pretreatment. After conversion, the effective conversion rates of rice straw to larvae were 10.7% and 11.4%, for raw rice straw and rice straw with pretreatment, respectively. With pretreatment the composition of larval gut microorganisms was altered where Actinomyces, Dysgonomonas, Devosia and Pelagibacterium were the dominant flora for digesting rice straw. In addition, metabolism, environmental information processing and genetic information processing were the major gut microbial functions. These findings demonstrate that chemical pretreatment for the removal of lignin and hemicellulose was an effective measure for the digestion and consumption of rice straw by black soldier fly larvae.This study presents a novel strategy to accelerate the start-up of aerobic granular sludge (AGS) system and ensure the nutrient removal during cultivation. This new method consists of preparing the chitosan-based sludge aggregates outside the reactor and then seeding the reactor with such sludge aggregates. To prepare chitosan-based sludge aggregates, chitosan was dissolved in acetic acid solution acting as a cationic flocculant to bind negatively charged sludge together, and then the dissolved chitosan was in situ precipitated by readjusting pH to form stable sludge aggregates. The chitosan-induced charge neutralization and water-insolubility of chitosan were the two main reasons for the super-rapid formation of chitosan-based sludge aggregates. The as-prepared chitosan-based sludge aggregates had a much lower sludge volume index at 30 min (SVI30) (90.1 mL/g) than the original sludge (SVI30 = 328.0 mL/g). They also had some AGS-like characteristics such as large particle size (1300 μm) and fast settling velocity (23.8 m/h). Consequently, short settling time can be achieved and excessive biomass wash-out can be avoided in the rapid start-up of AGS system with chitosan-based sludge aggregates as inoculant, which was beneficial to accelerating sludge granulation while maintaining nutrient removal. Additionally, the abundances of filamentous bacteria and Candidatus Accumulibacter and the content of extracellular polymeric substances increased during cultivation, which could also contribute to the AGS formation. By seeding chitosan-based sludge aggregates in the anaerobic/oxic sequencing batch reactor, complete granulation was rapidly achieved in 10 days, and good removals of nitrogen and phosphorus was obtained after 14-18 days of cultivation.Understanding the metabolic function of psychrophilic electroactive bacteria is important for the investigation of extracellular electron transfer (EET) mechanisms under low temperatures (4-15 °C). In this study, Raman activated cell ejection coupled high throughput sequencing was used to accurately generate a mini-metagenome of psychrophilic bacterial community. Hierarchical cluster analysis of the Raman spectrum could accurately select the target Geobacter cluster. The high relative abundance of the membrane transport functional genes ftsEX in the biofilm community indicated an adaptation to reduced temperature, which aided survival of the electroactive bacteria under low temperature. The basal metabolism such as citrate cycle and glycolytic pathway maintained the electron pool for the EET process. The identification of iron (III) transport system genes in high abundance indicated their presence in an active metabolic reaction for potential electron transfer process. It showed the potential involvement c-type cytochromes (coxA and cox1) activity in EET. These results indicated that psychrophilic Geobacter had effective EET mediated by c-type cytochromes at low temperatures.Microplastic plastics (MPs) is an increasingly widely serious global environment problem, which severely threats aquatic organisms and even human beings. However, the potential change trend of MPs abundance over time in natural aquatic ecosystems and the cumulative effects through food webs are unclear. In this research, the model of accumulation effect of MPs through aquatic food webs was established in the example Baiyangdian Lake (China) using the contaminant tracer module Ecotracer in the Ecopath modelling software. The results indicated that the MPs spread and accumulate throughout the food-web fast, and finally to the high trophic level aquatic organisms, Snakehead. The abundance of MPs in aquatic environment and organisms varies periodically with rainfall. The abundance of MPs in snakehead, mandarin fish, common carp, crucian carp, chub, fingerling, grass carp, mollusc, microzoobenthos, zooplankton increased about 3.97, 2.87, 2.35, 1.8, 1.48, 1.8, 1.86, 1.98, 1.99, 3.49 times of the initial abundance of MPs in them, respectively. Since snakehead exists in the highest trophic level in Baiyangdian Lake ecosystem, the cumulative effect of MPs is the most serious through food web. Furthermore, the accumulation of MPs in different trophic levels has a time delay effect, and the higher the nutrient level is, the more obvious the delay effect is. The results also showed that Ecotracer is a good model to explore the enrichment effect of MPs in food web, the accumulation of MPs through food webs is serious, and the phenomenon should arouse serious attention.This commentary is intended to provide a research roadmap for utilizing recent chemical and molecular-biological technological advances for addressing dampness and mold in buildings. The perspective is unique in that both the mold industry practitioners and academic researchers drive the questions. Research needs were derived from a 2018 international workshop attended by practitioners, researchers and governmental representatives, where challenges and opportunities in the mold remediation and restoration field were discussed focusing on the need to develop new tools that improve building diagnosis and clearance certification for mold inspectors and remediators. Suggestions are made on how new technologies surrounding DNA-based sequence analysis for fungal and bacterial identification and real-time chemical sensor technology can be leveraged by practitioners to improve inspection and remediation. The workshop put into effect a logical progression to distill and extract practice-based implications and encourage the process of transfer of the science to practice. Goals for the workshop, and this subsequent paper, are also centered on encouraging US government-funding agencies to better position and define research on the built environment geared for end-user scientists and practitioners to better explore practical solutions to dampness and mold in indoor environments. By facilitating the workshop forum and targeting industry, field practitioners, and government agencies, a sharing of needed commonalities may be infused into future research agendas and outreach efforts.The analysis of the sustainability should be addressed with a holistic approach that facilitates an integral analysis of the social, economic, institutional and environmental factors and their interactions characterizing complex socio-ecological systems (SES). Nevertheless, despite the increasing acknowledgment about the need for such systemic approaches, their application in real SES are less frequent than desirable. Among the difficulties behind this, the need for a new conceptual perspective concerning the relationships between science and the management of real SES, as well as the lack of tools to manage the inherent complexity of such systems should be emphasized. In this work, we further discuss these difficulties and propose an integral methodological framework for the assessment of SES sustainability, with the following key components i) The hierarchical definition of sustainability goals and indicators. ii) A dynamic system model taking into account the key socio-economic and environmental factors and their interactions, in which the most representative indicators and their sustainability thresholds are integrated. iii) The analysis of vulnerabilities to exogenous drivers (scenario analysis) and the exploration of available management and planning options (policy assessment). iv) An uncertainty assessment concerning system behavior and model outcomes to guide decisions for an improved sustainability in complex SES. The whole framework highlights the need to integrate a participative approach, above all at the initial and final steps. In this work, these components are exemplified by means of their application to a real socio-ecological system Fuerteventura island (The Canary Islands, Spain).Despite the growing interest in recreational boating and the increasing number of marinas along the world's coastlines, environmental knowledge of these ecosystems is still very scarce. Detailed data of pollutants in marinas are necessary to provide a global approach of environmental risks in the context of international management strategies. In the present study, a set of 64 variables (30 in seawater and 34 in sediments) were measured to compare marinas from the Southern Iberian Peninsula (SIP). Uni and multivariate analyses showed significant differences among marinas, evidencing the importance of management on a local scale. The most relevant variables determining these differences were turbidity and the biocide Irgarol 1051 in seawater, and granulometry, hydrocarbons and faecal coliforms in sediment. The use of normalization techniques with Al or Fe, and the suitability of different methodologies to measure Total Organic Matter in marinas were also discussed. Additionally, we perform a comprehensive liteagement actions.Triclosan (TCS) is widely used as an antibacterial agent, but its residue in the environment poses a great threat. In this study, Drosophila melanogaster were treated with series concentrations of TCS and the effects on development, behavior, reproduction, and oxidative stress indicators were investigated. The results showed that high concentrations of TCS severely interfered with the metamorphosis, resulting in lower hatching rate and longer development time. The hatching rate was only 75.00% ± 4.08% in 0.80 mg/mL TCS group. TCS also showed dose-dependent damage to the fertility of flies, causing ovarian defects and decreased the number of offspring. Almost no offspring adults hatched when exposed to high concentrations of TCS (0.50 and 0.80 mg/mL), and the hatching rate was 0% in 0.80 mg/mL TCS group. Larvae crawling, adult climbing and anti-starvation ability were also affected to varying degrees and showed hormesis. TCS could damage larval intestinal cells in a dose-dependent manner, and injury was lightened with culture time prolonging to 30 h. It is noteworthy that TCS caused redox imbalance with an increase on catalase (CAT) activity and decrease on reactive oxygen species (ROS) level. Our results conclude that TCS elicits multiple impacts on Drosophila and its rational use should be strengthened.Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) have emerged as promising materials and have attracted researchers due to their unique chemical and physical properties-design flexibility, tuneable pore channels, a high surface-to-volume ratio that allow their distinct application in diverse research fields-gas storage, gas separation, catalysis, adsorption, drug delivery, ion exchange, sensing, etc. The rapidly growing CO2 in the atmosphere is a global concern due to the excessive use of fossil fuels in the current era. CO2 is the prime cause of global warming and should be ameliorated either through adsorption or conversion into value-added products to protect the environment and mankind. Nowadays, MOFs are exploited as a photocatalyst for applications of CO2 reduction. Since the use of semiconductors limits the use of visible light for photocatalytic reduction of CO2, MOFs are promising options. The current review describes recent development in the application of MOFs as host, composites, and their derivatives in photocatalytic reduction of CO2 to CO and different organic chemicals (HCOOH, CH3OH, CH4). Efficient charge separation and visible light absorption by incorporation of active sites for efficient photocatalysis have been discussed. The selection of material for high CO2 uptake and potential strategies for the rational design and development of high-performance catalysts are outlined. Major challenges and future perspectives have also been discussed at the last of the review.Toxicity interaction, synergism and antagonism, may occur when multiple pollutants are exposed to the environment simultaneously, which limits the utility of some standard models to assess toxicity hazards and risks. The development and application of models which can provide an insight into the combined toxicity of pollutants becomes necessary. Therefore, a novel model, area-concentration ratio (ACR) method, was developed to characterize the toxicity interaction within mixtures of three aminoglycoside antibiotics (AGs), kanamycin sulfate (KAN), paromomycin sulfate (PAR), tobramycin (TOB) and one heavy metal copper (Cu) in this study. The inhibition toxicity of single contaminants and mixtures designed by direct equilibration ray method and uniform design ray method to Chlorella pyrenoidosa (C. pyrenoidosa) was determined by the microplate toxicity analysis (MTA). The results showed that the novel method ACR could be used for quantitative characterization of combined toxicity. According to the ACR, all the binary AG antibiotic mixture systems display obvious synergism and weak antagonism. The addition of the heavy metal Cu into binary AG antibiotic mixtures can obviously change toxicity interaction, but toxicity interaction changing trend varies greatly in different ternary mixture systems. Toxicity interaction in the six mixture systems has component concentration-ratio dependence. ACR can be suggested as an effective novel method to quantitatively characterize toxicity interaction when assessing the hazards and risks of the combined pollution.In agricultural lands with selenium (Se) deficiency, bioavailability of Se in plants is low. Residents from large-scale agricultural production areas with Se deficiency often suffer from endemic diseases because of consumption of agricultural products lacking in Se. One such area in Northeast China where Keshan disease and Kashin-Beck disease originated, was selected for investigating the geochemistry, influencing factors, and risks of Se in the agroecosystems. Analysis of field samples indicates that the Se deficiency in soil is significantly reduced compared with that of several decades ago, and 62.6% of soils are now Se-sufficient in the southern Songnen Plain. However, Se in crop products remains low due to weak soil-plant transfer, resulting in high risks of Se deficiency related diseases in the rural population of this area. Structural equation modeling, principal component analysis, and other statistical analyses revealed that climate conditions and soil physical and chemical properties are the key factors influencing the spatial distribution of soil Se. Extensive use of agricultural fertilizers may indirectly inhibit the migration of Se from soil to plants. Ensuring sufficient Se contents in agricultural products to meet the minimum daily requirements of residents remains a challenge in Se-deficient areas, especially in the increased agricultural production environment in China.In this study, laboratory column experiments under water saturated conditions were conducted for over 35 days to investigate the transport of nine pharmaceuticals (nadolol, sulfamethizole, sulfamethoxazole, sulfamethoxypyridazine, carbamazepine, ibuprofen, diclofenac, hydrochlorothiazide, and gemfibrozil) and four artificial sweeteners (acesulfame, saccharin, cyclamate, and sucralose) in two soils (S and C) with similar organic carbon content (between 0.8 and 1.1%) and pH (7.90 and 7.25) but different texture (58.3 and 85.5% of silt+clay, respectively). Ibuprofen and artificial sweeteners reached maximum concentrations at the outlet of the columns and showed a homogenous vertical profile in the aqueous phase, with the same concentration in all sampling ports under flow percolation conditions. Regarding carbamazepine and hydrochlorothiazide, apparent retardation was observed for both and was attributed to sorption. Nadolol, a positively charged beta-blocker, did not show any apparent breakthrough. After 35 days, the columns were washed using tap water for over one week. Soils were then analyzed at different depths and vertical concentration profiles were plotted. Overall, highest concentrations were measured in the top most layers for contaminants in the soil column with higher clay content (C), whereas vertical profiles were more uniform in that with lower clay content (S).In 2008 the Italian government classified the Bussi sul Tirino area (Central Italy) as Site of National Interest destined to remediation which, unfortunately, has not yet begun. The decision followed >20 years of illegal dumping of industrial wastes, lasting from 1984 to 2005, that generated the biggest illegal toxic waste disposal site in Europe. The contamination profile of the site was mainly characterized by PCDD/Fs, PCBs, PAHs, chlorinated solvents, Hg, and Pb. Due to the health concern of the population and local authorities, an extensive monitoring and biomonitoring campaign was carried out in 2017-2018, checking the site-specific pollutants in local food (free-range hens' eggs, milk from grazing sheep and goats, wild edible mushrooms, and drinking water), environmental (air and freshwaters) and biological (human urine) matrices. A total of 314 samples were processed, obtaining 3217 analytical data that were compared with regulatory limits, when available, and values reported by international literature. The sum PCDD/Fs and DL-PCBs ranged from 0.24 to 3.6 pg TEQ g-1 fat, and from 0.46 to 8.3 pg TEQ g-1 fat, respectively in milk in eggs, in line with the maximum levels established by CE Regulations except for an egg sample. As regards PAHs, all our results were lower than the literature data, as well as for Hg and Pb. Outdoor air showed levels of chlorinated solvents ranging from less then LOD to 36 μg m-3, and freshwaters from 0.21 to 2.8 μg L-1. All drinking water samples resulted compliant with the maximum levels established by the current EU directive. Despite the severe pollution of the illegal dumping site and the remediation not yet carried out, the local environment and the population living in Bussi and surroundings seem not to be affected by significant exposure to the toxics characterizing the landfill.Bisphenol S (BPS) is now used as an alternative of bisphenol A (BPA), but has been implicated in male reproductive dysfunction-including diminished sperm number and quality and altered hormonal concentrations. However, the mechanisms of action subserving these effects remains unclear. In the present study, BPS at doses of 50 mg/kg bw and 100 mg/kg bw caused defects in the integrity of the blood-testis barrier (BTB) and apical ectoplasmic specialization (ES), and we also delineated an underlying molecular mechanism of action. BPS induced F-actin and α-tubulin disorganization in seminiferous tubules, which in turn led to the truncation of actin filaments and microtubules. Additionally, BPS was found to perturb the expression of the actin-binding proteins Arp3 and Eps8, which are critical for the organization of the actin filaments. mTORC1 and mTORC2 manifest opposing roles in Sertoli cell junctional function, and we demonstrated that mTORC1/rpS6/Akt/MMP9 signaling was increased and that mTORC2/rictor activity was also attenuated. In summary, we showed that BPS-induced disruption of the BTB and apical ES perturbed normal spermatogenic function that was mediated by mTORC1 and mTORC2. The imbalance in mTORC1 and mTORC2, in turn, altered the expression of actin-binding proteins, resulting in the impairment of F-actin and MT organization, and inhibited the expression of junctional proteins at the BTB and apical ES.Field studies were conducted in a Croatian city supplied by two distinct groundwater sources (referred to as A and B) to investigate both the effects of changing water source on the water quality in the drinking water supply system, as well as to further understand discoloration events that occurred in city locations that switched water from source A to B. The water treatment processes at site A were found to alter organic matter (OM) characteristics, removing humic substances while enhancing protein-derived (tryptophan) content. Although the humic-like component predominated in raw waters, microbially/protein-derived components were found to increase throughout the distribution networks of both systems. Disinfection byproducts (DBPs) such as total trihalomethane (TTHM) and total haloacetic acid (THAA) were prevalent in water distribution system (WDS)-A, which correlated with elevated OM content as well as re-chlorination with hypochlorite (NaOCl). Our field study revealed that THMs were more readily formed tanding of water quality across entire distribution networks in addition to any routine post-treatment monitoring.The Earth is experiencing excessive nitrogen (N) input to its various ecosystems due to human activities. How to effectively and efficiently remove N from ecosystems has been, is and will be at the center of attention in N research. Hyporheic and riparian zones are widely acknowledged for their buffering capacity to reduce contaminants (especially N) transport downstream. However, these zones are usually misunderstood that they can remove N at all spots and at any moments. Here pathways of N removal from hyporheic and riparian zones are reviewed and summarized with an emphasize on their hot spots and hot moments. N is biogeochemically removed by denitrification, anammox, nitrifier denitrification, denitrifying anaerobic methane oxidation, Feammox and Sulfammox. Hot moments of N removal are mainly triggered by precipitation, fire and snowmelt. Finally, some research needs are outlined and discussed, such as developing approaches for multiscale sampling and monitoring, quantifying the effects of hot spots and hot moments at hyporheic and riparian zones and evaluating the impacts of human activities on hot spots and hot moments, to inspire more research on hot spots and hot moments of N removal. By this review, we hope to bring awareness of the heterogeneity of hyporheic and riparian zones to catchment managers and policy makers when tackling N pollution problems.Microplastic pollution is a growing environmental concern among the scientific community. These small particles (15,000 strands that can be detached as MFs. This study aims to evaluate the detachment rate, the acute aquatic toxicity, and the aquatic-, thermooxidative-, and photo-degradability of the MFs generated from SFs. In this way, it was found that SFs detach approximately 100 small MFs ( less then 0.2 mm) per day. In a rough estimation, about 0.3 million tons of potential MFs might be annually reaching aquatic environments from this source. Concerning the eco-toxicity, a statistically significant difference was found when MFs are present in the leachate generated by the SFs, where the Daphnia magna EC100 and EC50 were of 0.620 SF/L and 0.017 SF/L, respectively. Finally, the degradability of the SFs was evaluated by applying two methods (ATR-FTIR analysis and gravimetry). In both of them, a low degradability rate was observed. Thus, it may be concluded that MFs from SFs constitute an important source of microplastics, which might partially explain the high concentration of artificial polymers that have been found in the deep-sea sediments. Yet, the correct management of the SFs is an unsolved issue that should receive urgent attention. CAPSULE This work evaluates the detachment rate, toxicity, and degradability of the microfibers detached from the cigarette butts.Natural attenuation of N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) and NDMA precursors was evaluated in infiltration basins, a riverbed filtration system, and constructed wetlands operated as part of a managed aquifer recharge system. Initial NDMA concentrations up to 9.0 ng/L in infiltration basins (advanced purified, recycled water) before sunrise declined to non-detect ( less then 1.5 ng/L) by 1000 A.M due to natural photolysis (half-life of 33 to 86 min dependent on solar irradiance). NDMA fortified controls adjacent to the infiltration basin showed similar results, while concentrations in dark controls did not change over the basin's hydraulic retention time. NDMA precursor concentrations did not change significantly in the basin containing advanced-treated water from a potable reuse treatment plant, indicating that photolysis did not remove NDMA precursors nor did photolysis produce a significant amount of precursors. For the other environmental buffers evaluated, NDMA removal was variable through laboratory scale soil columns (22 cm height), in full-scale riverbed filtration system that pre-filters water prior to infiltration basin recharge, and in the constructed wetland. Variability in NDMA removal through the wetlands is attributed to high turbidity. In the case of the riverbed filtration system, variability is likely due to short exposure times to sunlight. For the soil columns, limited NDMA removal is attributed to inefficacy of soil aquifer treatment in removing NDMA over short travel times/distances. NDMA precursors were also ineffectively removed in these systems, with effluent concentrations occasionally exceeding influent concentrations. Overall, the removal of NDMA in environmental buffers utilized for planned or de facto indirect potable reuse is dependent on the system's capacity for photolysis, while NDMA precursors are more recalcitrant and unlikely to be removed in such systems without enhancement or sufficient hydraulic residence times.Threats posed to humans - including environmental pollution, water scarcity, food shortages, and resource crises drive a new concept to think about wastewater and its treatment. Wastewater is not only a waste but also a source of energy, renewable and/or non-renewable resources, including water itself. The nutrient in wastewater should not only be removed but also need to be upcycled. Microalgae based wastewater treatment has attracted considerable interests because algae have the potential to efficiently redirect nutrients from wastewater to the accumulated algal biomass. Additionally, microalgae are commercialized in human consumption and animal feed owing to their high content of essential amino and fatty acids, vitamins, and pigments. The whole process establishes a circular economy, totally relying on the ability of microalgae to uptake and store nutrients in wastewater, such as carbon (C), nitrogen (N), and phosphorus (P). It makes the study of the mechanisms underlying the uptake and storage of nutrients in microalgae of great interest. This review specifically aims to summarize C, N, and P metabolisms in microalgae for a better understanding of the microalgae-based wastewater treatment from the nutrient uptake pathway, and examine the key physiological factors or the operating conditions related to nutrient metabolisms that may affect the treatment efficiency. At last, I discuss the potential approaches to enhance the overall treatment performance by adjusting the critical parameters for C, N, and P metabolisms.Particulate matter source apportionment (SA) is the basis and premise for preventing and controlling haze pollution scientifically and effectively. Traditional offline SA methods lack the capability of handling the rapid changing pollution sources during heavy air pollution periods. With the development of multiple online observation techniques, online SA of particulate matter can now be realized with high temporal resolution, stable and reliable continuous observation data on particle compositions. Here, we start with a summary of online measuring instruments for monitoring particulate matters that contains both online mass concentration (online MC) measurement, and online mass spectrometric (online MS) techniques. The former technique collects ambient particulate matter onto filter membrane and measures the concentrations of chemical components in the particulate matter subsequently. The latter technique could be further divided into two categories bulk measurement and single particle measurement. Aerosol Mass Spectrometers (AMS) could provide mass spectral information of chemical components of non-refractory aerosols, especially organic aerosols. While the emergence of single-particle aerosol mass spectrometer (SPAMS) technology can provide large number of high time resolution data for online source resolution. This is closely followed by an overview of the methods and results of SA. However, online instruments are still facing challenges, such as abnormal or missing measurements, that could impact the accuracy of online dataset. Machine leaning algorithm are suited for processing the large amount of online observation data, which could be further considered. In addition, the key research challenges and future directions are presented including the integration of online dataset from different online instruments, the ensemble-trained source apportionment approach, and the quantification of source-category-specific human health risk based on online instrumentation and SA methods.The integration of internal (e.g., stratification) and external (e.g., pollution) factors on a comprehensive assessment of reservoir water quality determines the success of ecosystem restoration initiatives and aids watershed management. However, integrated analyses are scarcer than studies addressing factors separately. Integration is likely more efficient in studies of small well-characterized (experimental) reservoir watersheds, because the isolation of factor contributions is presumably clearer. But those studies are uncommon. This work describes the water quality of two small 5.5 m-deep reservoirs (MD-Main and VD-Voçoroca dams) located in Pindorama Experimental Center, state of São Paulo, Brazil, considering the interplay between reservoir dimension, seasonal thermal stratification, chemical gradients, erosive rainfall events, presence of natural biofilters, and land uses and landscape patterns around the reservoirs and within the contributing watersheds. The monitoring of agricultural activities and watervoir watersheds requiring restoration, where the isolation of factors is more challenging.In this study, the potential sources, scavenging processes, and emission regions for Hg in wet deposition were investigated in rural (Jeju), suburban (Gwangju), and urban sites (Incheon and Seoul) of South Korea. The annual volume-weighted mean concentrations of Hg in wet deposition were four to five times higher in Incheon (16.6 ng L-1) and Seoul (22.5 ng L-1) than in Jeju (4.0 ng L-1) and Gwangju (4.1 ng L-1). The variations in the Hg concentrations in wet deposition of Jeju and Gwangju were related to Cl-, Na+, Mg2+, and K+ originating from marine and crustal sources, and those in Incheon and Seoul were related to SO42-, NO3-, and NH4+ emitted from anthropogenic sources. The below-cloud scavenging was considered a major inclusion process of Hg in Jeju and Gwangju, while the within-cloud scavenging was suggested in Incheon and Seoul, based on the results of correlation analysis with Hg and major ions in wet deposition, and meteorological data. The cluster analysis of backward trajectories demonstrated that the Hg concentration in wet deposition was highest in the cluster transported from Hebei and Shandong of China in Gwangju, but in Seoul, the Hg concentrations of each cluster were comparable. This suggests that regional transport is the major source of Hg in the wet deposition of Gwangju while local transport provides substantial amount of Hg in the wet deposition of Seoul. This was further supported by the results of concentration-weighted trajectories the most probable source region was east China for Gwangju, and the mid-west of South Korea and east China for Seoul. It is noted that the peak methylmercury concentrations were found every spring with simultaneous increases in atmospheric Al, Ca, Mg, and Fe concentrations, indicating a concurrence with Asian dust. The formation process of methylmercury in Asian dust should be confirmed in future studies.The degradation of aquatic ecosystems, induced by worldwide intensification in the use of both land and aquatic resources, has highlighted the critical need for innovative methods allowing an objective quantification and ranking of anthropogenic pressure effects on aquatic organisms. Such diagnostic tools have a great potential for defining robust management responses to anthropogenic pressures. Our objective was to explore how the outputs of three diagnostic tools (based on benthic diatoms, macroinvertebrates and fishes) could be combined to (i) disentangle the temporal effects of multiple pressures over two decades and (ii) provide policy-relevant information for stream managers and decision makers. The diagnostic tools estimated, using taxonomy- and trait-based metrics, the impairment probabilities of biotic assemblages over time by different pressure categories, describing the alteration of water quality, hydromorphology and land use related to anthropogenic activities, in French streams (number of sites should be a priority before implementing evidence-based sustainable conservation and restoration actions.β-Ionone, limonene and longifolene are 3 main components in cyanobacterial volatile organic compounds, which are formed through different pathways and can poison and even kill other algae. To uncover their toxic mechanism from programmed cell death (PCD), the photosynthetic pigments, chlorophyll fluorescence, caspase-like activities, cell size, nuclear variations and DNA ladders were investigated in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii treated with β-ionone (0.2 mM), limonene (0.2 mM) and longifolene (0.4 mM) at lethal concentration during 24 h. In the treatments with the 3 compounds, the photosynthetic pigments in C. reinhardtii cells gradually degraded, and Fv/Fm gradually decreased and disappeared at 24 h, suggesting that the cell death might be a PCD, due to the physiological activities gradually disappearing. During the cell death, the activities of caspase-9-like and caspase-3-like significantly increased, with the highest at 1 h. With prolonging the treatment time, C. reinhardtii cells gradually shrank, and the nuclei concentrated firstly following by a broken process, with moving to the cell edge. For DNA, obvious ladders were detected at 1 h, and then they gradually degraded to fragments of 100-250 bp at 24 h. These hallmarks suggested that β-ionone, limonene and longifolene may poison other algae by inducing PCD.

Migraine is a common neurological disease and is listed second among the most disabling health conditions worldwide. Refractory migraine (RM) is a term used to emphasize the unresponsiveness of migraine to various treatment options, encompassing both episodic refractory and chronic refractory migraine. In this paper we discuss various known and possible mechanisms of pharmacological refractoriness in RM, such as possible involvement of the gut microbiome, the blood-brain barrier, migraine genetics and various mechanisms of pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic tolerance. Development of medication-overuse headache as a secondary disorder following migraine is also considered. We argue that the available literature is insufficient to fully explain the mechanisms of refractoriness and we present our hypothesis.

Refractoriness to drugs in migraine may be the result of developing anti-drug antibodies. Most migraine drugs are small molecules, which cannot elicit an immune response on their own due to their size. ny disorders.

Head and neck free flap reconstruction requires multidisciplinary and coordinated care in the perioperative setting to ensure safe recovery and success. Several institutions have introduced enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) protocols to attenuate the surgical stress response and improve postoperative recovery. With multiple studies demonstrating mixed results, the success of these interventions on clinical outcomes has yet to be determined.

To evaluate the impact of ERAS protocols and clinical care pathways for head and neck free flap reconstruction.

We searched PubMed, SCOPUS, EMBASE, and grey literature up to September 1st, 2020 to identify studies comparing patients enrolled in an ERAS protocol and control group. Our primary outcomes included hospital length of stay (LOS) and readmission. Mortality, reoperations, wound complication and ICU (intensive care unit) LOS comprised our secondary outcomes.

18 studies met inclusion criteria, representing a total of 2630 patients. The specific componentng complex ablation and microvascular reconstruction procedures.DiGeorge Syndrome (DGS) Critical Region 8 (DGCR8) is a primary candidate gene in they DGS. The DGCR8 microprocessor complex subunit is an essential cofactor in the canonical miRNA biogenesis which is involved in diverse cellular functions such as cell fate decisions, apoptosis and different signaling pathways. However, the role of DGCR8 in these processes or development of DGS is not fully understood. Here we present a heterozygous DGCR8 mutant human embryonic stem cell line (HuES9DGCR8+/-) created by the CRISPR/Cas9 system. The generated HuES9DGCR8+/- cells maintain normal karyotype, morphology, pluripotency and differentiation capacity into all three germ layers.We examined tobacco use changes in young adult college students in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, focusing on smoking and vaping. First, we evaluated changes in tobacco use from pre to post campus closure focusing on smoking and electronic nicotine vaping frequency (days) and quantity (cigarettes/cartridges per day). Also, given the potential protective effects of pausing (temporarily or permanently discontinuing) smoking or vaping, we evaluated its predictors. We hypothesized that generalized anxiety and moving home would increase the odds of pausing. We also explored effects of COVID-related news exposure and seeking on tobacco use. We re-contacted young adults two years after they completed a study on alcohol and marijuana co-use. A subset (N = 83; 26.6% of the 312 respondents) were enrolled in college and reported use of cigarettes (n = 35) and/or e-cigarettes (n = 69) in the week prior to their campus closing (PC). Paired sample t-tests compared smoking and vaping frequency and quantity PC to past-week use since closing (SC). Multivariate logistic regression models were fit to examine predictors of pausing. Both smoking and vaping frequency decreased from PC to SC; however, decreased frequency did not correspond to reduced quantity. Twenty-four participants (28.9%) paused past-week use SC. Higher anxiety and moving home (versus living independently) were related to increased odds of pausing, whereas COVID-19 related news exposure and seeking were related to decreased odds of pausing. Characterizing COVID-19 related tobacco use change provides insights into how college students respond to novel health threats and informs potential interventions.

E-cigarette use has increased rapidly over the last 10years, mostly among smokers and ex-smokers. Although there may be some degree of dependency on nicotine via e-cigarette use, the nature of this dependency is poorly understood. The aim of this paper is to use tasks from behavioural economics to compare the value that smokers place on tobacco cigarettes to the value that vapers place on e-cigarettes.

Exclusive current smokers (n=25) and vapers (n=20) attended one session where they completed the Cigarette/e-cigarette Dependence Scale, the Cigarette/e-cigarette Purchasing Task (CPT) and the Concurrent Choice Task (CCT). The CPT requires participants to indicate how many puffs of their chosen product they would purchase at increasing price points. The CCT requires participants to choose between earning a money point or a point towards a cigarette/e-cigarette after being presented with a neutral, money or cigarette/e-cigarette cue.

Overall scores on the self-report scales suggest a comparable level of dependency between smokers and vapers. The CPT revealed that vapers are more sensitive than smokers to escalating costs as consumption declined as costs increased. On the CCT, when primed with money, vapers showed a decrease in choosing e-cigarettes.

These findings suggest that, on behavioural economic tasks, tobacco cigarettes have a higher relative value than e-cigarettes. Vapers appear to place a lower limit on what they will spend to access e-cigarettes and more readily choose money over e-cigarette puffs when primed by money cues.

These findings suggest that, on behavioural economic tasks, tobacco cigarettes have a higher relative value than e-cigarettes. Vapers appear to place a lower limit on what they will spend to access e-cigarettes and more readily choose money over e-cigarette puffs when primed by money cues.A delayed school start time (DSST), achieved by removing zero period, could change students' other time use during school as well as other forms of human capital accumulation. Using difference-in-differences, we find evidence that a DSST in South Korea reduced the time students spent in gym class without worsening students' health status. Combined with previous studies that provided evidence that DSSTs increased students' test scores, our results imply that a DSST can increase students' academic achievement without reducing other forms of human capital accumulation, although schools might change students' other time use.Premature mortality and increased physical comorbidity associated with bipolar disorder (BD) may be related to accelerated biological aging. Sleep disturbances and inflammation may be key mechanisms underlying accelerated aging in adults with BD. To our knowledge, these relationships have not been examined rigorously. This cross-sectional study included 50 adults with BD and 73 age- and sex-comparable non-psychiatric comparison (NC) subjects, age 26-65 years. Participants were assessed with wrist-worn actigraphy for total sleep time (TST), percent sleep (PS), and bed/wake times for 7 consecutive nights as well as completing scales for subjective sleep quality. Within-individual variability in sleep measures included intra-individual standard deviation (iSD) and atypicality of one evening's sleep. Blood-based inflammatory biomarkers included interleukin (IL)-6, C-reactive protein (CRP), and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α). Linear regression analyses tested relationships of mean and iSD sleep variables with inflammatory marker levels; time-lagged analyses tested the influence of the previous evening's sleep on inflammation. BD participants had worse subjective sleep quality, as well as greater TST iSD and wake time iSD compared to the NC group. In all participants, higher TST iSD and lower mean PS were associated with higher IL-6 levels (p = 0.04, ηp2 = 0.042; p = 0.05, ηp2 = 0.039, respectively). Lower mean PS was associated with higher CRP levels (p = 0.05, ηp2 = 0.039). Atypicality of the previous night's TST predicted next day IL-6 levels (p = 0.05, ηp2 = 0.04). All of these relationships were present in both BD and NC groups and remained significant even after controlling for sleep medications. Overall, sleep measures and their variability may influence inflammatory markers in all adults. Thus, sleep may be linked to the inflammatory processes believed to underlie accelerated aging in BD.Hoarding behaviors are positively associated with medical morbidity, however, current prevalence estimates and types of medical conditions associated with hoarding vary. This analysis aims to quantify the medical morbidity of hoarding disorder (HD). Cross-sectional data were collected online using the Brain Health Registry (BHR). Among 20,745 participants who completed the Hoarding and Clutter and Medical History thematic modules, 1348 had HD (6.5%), 1268 had subclinical HD (6.1%), and 18,829 did not meet hoarding criteria (87.4%). Individuals with HD were more likely to report a lifetime history of cardiovascular/metabolic conditions diabetes (HD adjusted odds ratio (AOR)1.51, 95% confidence interval (CI)[1.20, 1.91]; subclinical HD AOR1.24, 95% CI[0.95, 1.61]), and hypercholesterolemia (HD AOR1.24, 95% CI[1.06, 1.46]; subclinical HD AOR1.11, 95% CI[0.94, 1.31]). Those with HD and subclinical HD were also more to report chronic pain (HD AOR 1.69, 95% CI[1.44, 1.98]; subclinical HD AOR 1.44, 95% CI[1.22, 1.69]), and sleep apnea (HD AOR 1.58, 95% CI[1.31, 1.89]; subclinical HD AOR1.30, 95% CI[1.07, 1.58]) than non-HD participants. For most conditions, likelihood of diagnosis did not differ between HD and subclinical HD. Structural equation modeling revealed that more severe hoarding symptomatology was independently associated with increased cardiovascular/metabolic vulnerability. The assessment and management of medical complications in individuals with HD is a fundamental component in improving quality of life, longevity, and overall physical health outcomes.

In early stage non-small cell lung cancer, the optimal surgical approach for lymph node dissection remains controversial. Without a uniform standard for the quality of lymph node dissection, outcomes of nodal upstaging comparing video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) versus open thoracotomy (OPEN) also remain controversial. Thus, we compared the clinical outcomes of nodal upstaging between each approach.

We retrospectively evaluated 1319 surgically resected lung cancer cases between 2008 and 2017 at our institute. Moreover, 348 VATS and 348 OPEN cases were extracted using propensity score matching. We investigated the frequency, prognosis, and post-recurrence course of nodal upstaging between each approach.

A total of 193 nodal upstaging cases were identified. Nodal upstaging was more frequent in the OPEN group (24 %) than the VATS group (9%) (p < 0.001). However, multivariable analysis revealed the surgical approach was not significantly associated with nodal upstaging (OPEN odds ratio, 1.3; 95section with VATS; rather, that difference resulted from selection bias.

Outcomes of nodal upstaging between VATS and OPEN were found to be equivalent. The difference in the frequency of nodal upstaging was not due to inferior quality of lymph node dissection with VATS; rather, that difference resulted from selection bias.

Since data from large retrospective observational studies and cancer registries became available, suggesting a benefit for patients undergoing surgery, the role of surgery in the treatment of small cell lung cancer (SCLC) needs to be reconsidered. The aim of this study was to evaluate outcomes and results of patients with SCLC undergoing intent-to-treat surgery.

We retrospectively analyzed 324 patients (1998-2018) with a diagnosis of SCLC referred to our Institution. 65 patients underwent surgical resection with curative intent. Kaplan-Meier and Cox regression analyses were used to compare overall survival (OS) for all patients.

Among the patients, 39 (60.0 %) patients had surgery upfront, whereas 24 (36.9 %) had surgery after chemotherapy (CT) alone, and 2 (3.1 %) after CT plus radiotherapy (RT). Twenty-nine (44.6 %) patients were stage I or had a complete response to induction treatment, 21 (32.3 %) had stage II, and 15 (23.1 %) stage III. Forty-four (67.7 %) patients underwent adjuvant treatment 21 (32.

Autoři článku: Fultonkaspersen3878 (Pettersson Boel)