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Non-thermal plasma (NTP) technology is an emerging advanced oxidation process, which has shown excellent performances in soil organic pollution remediation. Dissolved organic matter (DOM) is one of the most important components in soil, however, investigations on the structural and compositional changes of DOM during NTP process are lacking. Therefore, in the present study, we systematically investigated the soil DOM changes under different discharge voltages, atmospheres or soils with different moisture contents. The results indicated that after NTP treatment, substantial soil organic matters were released and dissolved in water. For instance, the DOC value of DOM increased dramatically from 21.1 to 197.3 mg L-1 after being discharged for 120 min under the discharge voltage of 80 V. The UV-Vis characterization results indicated the significant increase of hydrophilicity, and decreases of aromaticity and molecular weight for soil DOM during the initial discharge period. However, long time discharge resulted iP technique application in practical soil remediation.Plant diseases caused by phytopathogens are a severe threat to global food production. Management of plant diseases mostly rely on the application of pesticides which have several adverse effects on the ecosystem. Innovative and high-performance diagnostic tools are useful for the early detection of phytopathogens. Emerging role of metal and metal oxides nanoparticles (NPs) in plant disease diagnostics to combat crop diseases has been described. These NPs constitute new weapons against plant pathogens and facilitate the early diagnosis/management of crop diseases specifically in resource-poor conditions. The interactions between NPs, phytopathogens and plants showed great diversity and multiplicity which reduces chances of the development of resistant pathogen strains. The present article discusses the available literature as well as challenges and research gaps that are essential in the successful utilization of metal and metal oxide NPs for precise and timely detection and management of plant diseases.The accumulation of trace elements in rice, such as antimony (Sb), has drawn special attention owing to the potential increased risk to human health. However, the effects of two common irrigation methods, alternate wetting and drying and continuous flooding, on Sb behaviors and subsequent accumulation in rice is unclear. In this study a pot experiment with various Sb additions (0, 50, 200, 1000 mg Sb kg-1) was carried out with these two irrigation methods in two contrasting paddy soils (an Anthrosol and a Ferralic Cambisol). The dynamics of Sb in soil porewater indicated that continuous flooding generally immobilized more Sb than alternate wetting and drying, concomitant with a pronounced reduction of Sb(V) in porewater. However, a higher phytoavailable fraction of Sb was observed under continuous flooding. The content of Sb in the rice plant decreased in the order of root > shoot > husk > grain, and continuous flooding facilitated Sb accumulation in rice root and shoot as compared with alternate wetting and drying. The differences of Sb content in root, shoot, and husk between the two irrigation methods was smaller in aboveground parts, and almost no difference in Sb was observed in grain between the two methods. The findings of this study facilitates the understanding of Sb speciation and behavior in soils with these common yet different water management regimes.The residues of antibiotics in the environment pose a potential health hazard, so highly sensitive detection of antibiotics has always appealed to analytical chemists. With the widespread use of new low-dimensional materials, graphene-modified electrochemical sensors have emerged as an excellent candidate for highly sensitive detection of antibiotics. Graphene, its derivatives and its composites have been used in this field of exploration in the last decade. In this review, we have not only described the field using traditional summaries, but also used bibliometrics to quantify the development of the field. The literature between 2011 and 2021 was included in the analysis. Also, the sensing performance and detection targets of different sensors were compared. We were able to trace not only the flow of research themes, but also the future areas of development. Graphene is a material that has a high potential to be used on a large scale in the preparation of electrochemical sensors. How to design a sensor with selectivity and low cost is the key to bring this material from the laboratory to practical applications.Pt single-atom catalysts (SACs) exhibit good performance for oxygen activation, which plays a significant role in the oxidation of Hg0 by O2 in flue gas. Density functional theory calculations are carried out to reveal the interfacial behavior of Hg0, O2 and HgO on Pt SACs (single vacancy and 3 N doped defected graphene, Pt/SV-GN and Pt/3N-GN) and the mechanism of Hg0 oxidation by O2. The results show that the flue gas components are chemically adsorbed and bond with the Pt of the Pt SACs with adsorption energies ranging from -0.555 to -5.154 eV. Electronic structure analysis indicates that Hg0 is an electron donor and transfers 0.114-0.128 e- to the Pt SACs. Both O2 and HgO are electron acceptors and obtain 0.184-0.303 e- from the slabs. Pt/3N-GN has a higher activity than that of Pt/SV-GN for these three flue gas compositions. The significant charge transfer and orbital hybridization between the gas molecules and atomic catalysts lead to a strong interaction. Furthermore, the Pt-3C and Pt-3N states can increase the band gap compared with pristine graphene, corresponding to 0.195 and 0.129 eV, respectively. Narrow band gaps indicate easier electron excitation properties, which enhance the activity of the reaction. Through a transition states (TSs) search, the lower O2 dissociation barrier is found to correspond to the lower Hg0 oxidation barrier. Pt/3N-GN has higher catalytic oxidation performance for Hg0 in the presence of O2, with a rate determining reaction barrier of 2.016 eV. Compared to traditional selective catalytic reduction and Fe-based SACs, the Pt/3N-GN catalyst has a good oxidation reaction capability with a lower activation energy, indicating that it is a promising catalyst for the oxidation of Hg0 by O2.Replacement chemicals for bisphenol A, such as bisphenol F (BPF), are detected in aquatic environments worldwide and can potentially exert negative effects on aquatic organisms. We synthesized peer-reviewed literature reporting molecular and physiological responses in zebrafish following exposure to BPF, as BPF is closely related to BPA structure and is a dominant replacement chemical in the marketplace. Global concentrations of BPF in aquatic environments were compiled and compared to physiological and behavioral impacts reported in zebrafish (e.g., developmental abnormalities, oxidative stress, immunotoxicity, endocrine disruption, and neurotoxicity). Using computational approaches, we elucidate BPF-mediated molecular networks and reveal novel biomarkers associated with BPF exposure. Functional classes of proteins including inflammatory cytokines, ATPases, peroxidases, and aromatic l-amino decarboxylases represent novel, underexplored targets of toxicity. Most revealing of this critical review is that few studies report biological responses to BPF at levels present in aquatic environments. Recommendations for future investigations based on knowledge gaps include (1) Mechanistic studies in the central nervous system of zebrafish to address neurotoxicity; (2) Behavioral assays in zebrafish that assess the effects of BPF on anxiolytic, social, and fear-related behaviors; (3) Studies that broaden understanding of potential endocrine disrupting effects of BPF, for example insulin signaling is predicted to be sensitive to BPF exposure; (4) Studies into metabolic disruption with a focus on glutathione and aromatic amino acids, based upon pathway analysis data; (5) Studies utilizing mixture exposures with other BPA analogs to reflect environmental conditions more accurately.

Atopic dermatitis is a chronic inflammatory skin disease with persistent and severe itch among its hallmark features. click here Significant increases in type 2 cytokines (ie, IL-4, IL-13, IL-31) have been documented in acute atopic dermatitis lesions and lead to multifaceted downstream effects, including inflammation, epidermal barrier dysfunction, and itch.

The primary objective of preclinical studies reported here was to test direct effects of IL-13 and an anti-IL-13 mAb, lebrikizumab, in a human dorsal root ganglion model in itch amplification, neuronal excitability, and transcriptional downstream targets.

Neuroactive effects were assessed via live cell calcium imaging, electric field stimulation, and RNA sequencing of human dorsal root ganglia stimulated with IL-13 alone or in combination with lebrikizumab.

These preclinical findings suggest that IL-13 plays a direct enhancer role in multiple itch and neuroactive pathways as well as transcriptional downstream effects, and provide key insights into the mechanistic basis for lebrikizumab's anti-itch effects.

IL-13 is a potent enhancer of neuronal responses to different itch stimuli, consistent with the neuroimmune axis contributing to chronic itch-associated inflammatory skin disease, and blockade of this cytokine pathway may provide a therapeutic approach.

IL-13 is a potent enhancer of neuronal responses to different itch stimuli, consistent with the neuroimmune axis contributing to chronic itch-associated inflammatory skin disease, and blockade of this cytokine pathway may provide a therapeutic approach.

Thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP) promotes T

2 inflammation and is deeply intertwined with inflammatory dermatoses like atopic dermatitis. The mechanisms regulating TSLP are poorly defined.

We investigated whether and by what mechanisms mast cells (MCs) foster TSLP responses in the cutaneous environment.

Exvivo and invivo skin MC degranulation was induced by compound 48/80 in wild-type protease-activated receptor 2 (PAR-2)- and MC-deficient mice in the presence or absence of neutralizing antibodies, antagonists, or exogenous mouse MC protease 6 (mMCP6). Primary human keratinocytes and murine skin explants were stimulated with lysates/supernatants of human skin MCs, purified tryptase, or MC lysate diminished of tryptase. Chymase and histamine were also used. TSLP was quantified by ELISA, real-time quantitative PCR, and immunofluorescence staining.

Mas-related G protein-coupled receptor X2 (Mrgprb2) activation elicited TSLP in intact skin, mainly in the epidermis. Responses were strictly MC dependente broadly than hitherto suspected. The tryptase/PAR-2 axis is a crucial component of this cross talk, underlying MC-dependent stimulation of TSLP in neighboring kerationocytes. Interference specifically with MC tryptase may offer a treatment option for disorders initiated or perpetuated by aberrant TSLP, such as atopic dermatitis.Adopting healthy lifestyle behaviours is an important component of Type 2 diabetes (T2D) self-management, which can lower risks of further health complications. Monitoring lifestyle risk factors including overweight or obesity, healthy diet and physical activity behaviours, alcohol consumption, smoking and psychological distress remain important. This study examined prevalence trends in these factors and adoption of three diabetes lifestyle self-management strategies in adults (aged 40+) with T2D in New South Wales (NSW), Australia. Analyses were conducted on NSW Adult Population Health Survey data, 2004-2019 (n = 142,168), using predicted probabilities from generalised linear models, weighted to population estimates. Throughout the study period overweight or obesity prevalence remained higher amongst those with T2D (83.1% to 81.7%) compared to those without diabetes (61.0 to 61.2%); only 8.9% of those with T2D were trying to lose weight. During the study period, there were declines in the proportions of those with T2D reporting sufficient fruit consumption [63.

Autoři článku: Frederiksenlarsson6397 (Li Bateman)