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8; 95% CI 5.2, 11.6), for probands and FDR diagnosed at age < 45years (OR 6.9; 95% CI 3.9, 12.4), and for family history of MBC (OR 17.9; 95% CI 7.6, 42.1). Findings were confirmed in a sensitivity analysis of MBC cases who tested negative on a 25-gene pan-cancer panel.

MBC patients without mutations in BRCA1/2 have significantly higher odds of a family history of breast cancer, suggesting the existence of unidentified MBC susceptibility alleles.

MBC patients without mutations in BRCA1/2 have significantly higher odds of a family history of breast cancer, suggesting the existence of unidentified MBC susceptibility alleles.Introduction This case series highlights the condition juvenile spongiotic gingivitis; how to recognise it, where it lies in a list of differential diagnoses and why conservative management is the authors' recommended treatment.Case series The authors present ten cases that were successfully managed conservatively on the Joint Oral Medicine Paediatric Dentistry Clinic at Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust over a six-year period. Follow-ups reached up to 5 years and 11 months to date, with no adverse outcomes observed in any of the cases.Conclusion The pathogenesis of this benign condition and its ideal management is not well understood. Recurrence can occur after surgical treatment and the condition is likely to spontaneously resolve or regress with age. Therefore, particularly in asymptomatic cases, conservative management is recommended.Why metalloenzymes often show dramatic changes in their catalytic activity when subjected to chemically similar but non-native metal substitutions is a long-standing puzzle. Here, we report on the catalytic roles of metal ions in a model metalloenzyme system, human carbonic anhydrase II (CA II). Through a comparative study on the intermediate states of the zinc-bound native CA II and non-native metal-substituted CA IIs, we demonstrate that the characteristic metal ion coordination geometries (tetrahedral for Zn2+, tetrahedral to octahedral conversion for Co2+, octahedral for Ni2+, and trigonal bipyramidal for Cu2+) directly modulate the catalytic efficacy. In addition, we reveal that the metal ions have a long-range (~10 Å) electrostatic effect on restructuring water network in the active site. Our study provides evidence that the metal ions in metalloenzymes have a crucial impact on the catalytic mechanism beyond their primary chemical properties.

To determine whether familial aggregation of status epilepticus (SE) occurs in a large cohort of familial common epilepsies.

We used the Epilepsy Phenome/Genome Project dataset, which consisted of 2,197 participants in 1,043 family units with ≥2 members having a common generalized or nonacquired focal epilepsy (NAFE). We identified participants with a history of traditionally defined SE (TSE) (seizures ≥30 minutes) and operationally defined SE (OSE) (seizures ≥10 minutes) by chart review. We assessed familial aggregation of TSE and OSE using χ

analysis and generalized estimating equations (GEE).

One hundred fifty-five (7%) participants in 1,043 families had ≥1 episodes of TSE. Two hundred fifty (11%) had ≥1 episodes of OSE. In a χ

analysis, the number of family units with ≥2 members having TSE (odds ratio [OR] 4.79, 95% confidence interval [CI] 2.56-8.97) or OSE (OR 4.23, 95% CI 2.67-6.70) was greater than expected by chance. In GEE models adjusted for sex, broad epilepsy class (GE or NAFE), age at onset, and duration of epilepsy, TSE in a proband predicted TSE in a first-degree relative (OR 2.79, 95% CI 1.24-6.22), and OSE in a proband predicted OSE in a first-degree relative (OR 2.91, 95% CI 1.65-5.15). The results remained significant in models addressing epilepsy severity by incorporating the number of antiseizure medications used or epilepsy surgery.

TSE and OSE showed robust familial aggregation in a cohort of familial epilepsy independently of epilepsy severity or class, suggesting that genetic factors contribute to SE independently of the genetic cause of these epilepsies.


NCT00552045.Recently, mouse OFF-α transient (OFF-α T) retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) were shown to display a gradient of light responses as a function of position along the dorsal-ventral axis; response differences were correlated to differences in the level of excitatory presynaptic input. Here, we show that postsynaptic differences between cells also make a strong contribution to response differences. Cells in the dorsal retina had longer axon initial segments (AISs)-the greater number of Nav1.6 channels in longer AISs directly mediates higher rates of spiking and helps avoid depolarization block that terminates spiking in ventral cells with shorter AISs. The pre- and postsynaptic specializations that shape the output of OFF-α T RGCs interact in different ways In dorsal cells, strong inputs and the long AISs are both necessary to generate their strong, sustained spiking outputs, while in ventral cells, weak inputs or the short AISs are both sufficient to limit the spiking signal.Anomalously low winter sea ice extent and early retreat in CE 2018 and 2019 challenge previous notions that winter sea ice in the Bering Sea has been stable over the instrumental record, although long-term records remain limited. Here, we use a record of peat cellulose oxygen isotopes from St. Matthew Island along with isotope-enabled general circulation model (IsoGSM) simulations to generate a 5500-year record of Bering Sea winter sea ice extent. Results show that over the last 5500 years, sea ice in the Bering Sea decreased in response to increasing winter insolation and atmospheric CO2, suggesting that the North Pacific is highly sensitive to small changes in radiative forcing. We find that CE 2018 sea ice conditions were the lowest of the last 5500 years, and results suggest that sea ice loss may lag changes in CO2 concentrations by several decades.Histones carry information in the form of post-translational modifications (PTMs). For this information to be propagated through cell cycles, parental histones and their PTMs need to be maintained at the same genomic locations. Yet, during DNA replication, every nucleosome in the genome is disrupted to allow passage of the replisome. link2 Recent data have identified histone chaperone activities that are intrinsic components of the replisome and implicate them in maintaining parental histones during DNA replication. We propose that structural and kinetic coordination between DNA replication and replisome-associated histone chaperone activities ensures positional inheritance of histones and their PTMs. When this coordination is perturbed, histones may instead be recycled to random genomic locations by alternative histone chaperones.Biogas produced by anaerobic digestion is an important renewable energy carrier. Nevertheless, the high CO2 content in biogas limits its utilization to mainly heat and electricity generation. Upgrading biogas into biomethane broadens its potential as a vehicle fuel or substitute for natural gas. CO2-to-CH4 bioconversion represents one cutting-edge solution for biogas upgrading. In situ bioconversion can capture endogenous CO2 directly from the biogas reactor, is easy to operate, and provides an infrastructure for renewable electricity storage. Despite these advantages, several challenges need to be addressed to move in situ upgrading technologies closer to applications at scale. This opinion article reviews the state of the art of this technology and identifies some obstacles and opportunities of biological in-situ upgrading technologies for future development.

Congenital amusia is a rare neurogenetic and neuropsychological condition which hinders the ability to recognize variations in all aspects of a musical piece. Although previous studies have determined the prevalence of congenital amusia in the general population, few have studied its presence among university students. Findings regarding the association between this condition and academic performance are equivocal, although evidence suggests that musical training improves scholastic achievement.

We conducted a cross-sectional study on a sample of 383 university students, all pursuing health-related degrees, comparing their class rank with their performance on the BRAMS Online Test for amusia.

We found a prevalence of 0.52% for pitch-based amusia. When applying the Off-Scale test failure criterion for the definition of amusia in our sample, we found a prevalence of 4.4%. Logistic models showed an increase in risk of poor academic performance (lowest quartile) in subjects who failed the off-scale test (Odds Ratio 7.14 95% CI 2.59-19.6) and who met any of the described definitions of amusia (Odds Ratio 4.89 95% CI 2.24-10.7).

Both musical training and self-report of musical ability significantly affected test results. Although musical education shows some effect over academic performance, further studies are required to determine if this is due to differential effects in subjects with and without amusia.

Both musical training and self-report of musical ability significantly affected test results. Although musical education shows some effect over academic performance, further studies are required to determine if this is due to differential effects in subjects with and without amusia.

Facilitating access to professional interpretation services is key to equitable hospital care for migrants with limited language proficiency; however, interpreter underuse has been documented. link3 The factors that potentially enable or hinder professional interpreter use are not well understood. We aimed to compare perceptions held by hospital managers and healthcare practitioners of the factors influencing the use of remote video interpretation and in-person interpretation.

This study employed a retrospective qualitative design. Two hospitals, located in Austria and Norway, with adequately similar baseline characteristics were purposively selected. Both hospitals used in-person interpreters, and the Austrian hospital had recently introduced remote video interpretation as an alternative and supplement. Fifteen managers and healthcare practitioners participated in focus groups and individual interviews. Data were thematically analysed with the aid of behavioural system theory.

Across sites, the facilitators nes for interpreter use, educating staff in the appropriate use of video technology, and training staff in communicating with interpreter and patients with limited language proficiency.The drama triangle is a theoretical framework to describe and understand the roles (Victim, Rescuer, and Persecutor) that people assume and perpetuate in interpersonal relationships, especially in contexts of "drama" or conflict. The Drama Triangle scale was developed, validated, and psychometrically scrutinized across three independent samples of adults. In Study 1 (N = 326), the initial pool of items was generated based on reviewing the literature. Exploratory factor analysis supported the three-factor structure of Victim (damsel in distress), Rescuer (hero), and Persecutor (villain) roles. In Study 2 (N = 342), confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) produced satisfactory fit indices. In Study 3 (N = 301), another CFA successfully cross-validated the final set of items. Furthermore, tests of convergent, discriminant, and criterion validities evaluated this scale against previously validated external measures of attachment styles, anxiety, stress, depression, positive emotions, and negative emotions. The drama triangle subscales tended to be associated with non-secure attachment styles and higher anxiety, stress, depression, and negative emotions, but results varied depending on the specific drama subscale.

Autoři článku: Franckbuchanan4947 (Turner Boysen)