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on forms of bias in surveys regarding sexual activity among adolescents.

This paper examines whether the usage of the concept of

in Canada-based research aligns with traditional Indigenous notions of health and wellness.

A comprehensive search of the literature was conducted using primary databases, including Scholars Portal, ProQuest Social Science, Sociological Abstracts (ProQuest), OVID Healthstar, Embase, Medline, Pubmed and Google Scholar. Papers discussing

and Indigenous Health were selected and analyzed through Nvivo12 to generate common themes across the studies.

The analysis identified three major themes that focused on

as it relates to climate change, zoonosis, and social relationships between humans and animals. Climate change was seen to have affected the environmental health of Northern latitude areas where many Indigenous communities reside. Infectious diseases within Indigenous communities were a frequent topic of study and indicated that infections transmitted by dogs are likely to be addressed with


interventions are likely to equally address the health of humans, animals, and the environment.

No significant connection between

and Indigenous knowledges was established in the analyzed articles. Articles discussed

as it pertains to epidemiological surveillance and research. The implications of utilizing

towards Indigenous Peoples and culture were not explicitly addressed.

No significant connection between One Health and Indigenous knowledges was established in the analyzed articles. Articles discussed One Health as it pertains to epidemiological surveillance and research. The implications of utilizing One Health towards Indigenous Peoples and culture were not explicitly addressed.Talar neck non-union is a rare complication of talar neck fractures. No guidelines are currently available for the proper management of this complication; thus, it can be hard for orthopaedic surgeons to successfully treat. Here we are reporting a case of talar neck non-union occurring in a 22-year-old male patient after a road traffic accident and presented to our institution 10 months after the initial injury. The non-union was managed surgically with an open reduction and internal fixation with the use of a synthetic bone graft to fill the defects. The patient regained full function and remained without complications after 7 years of follow up.Aggressive angiomyxoma is a rare tumour type with a predilection for the female pelvis, high rates of estrogen and progesterone receptor positivity and local recurrence. A retrospective chart review of patients with aggressive angiomyxoma treated at 2 cancer centres is presented. Nine patients were identified with a mean age of 41. Five patients had deeply invasive tumours that were difficult to surgically resect. Four patients had pedunculated tumours with less complex resections. In only two cases was aggressive angiomyxoma considered before resection one due to classic magnetic resonance imaging findings and one with a preoperative biopsy. Four patients had positive margins after resection, with only one having persistent disease. Two patients were treated with gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonists resulting in tumour regression in one and no recurrence in the other. In this case series, aggressive angiomyxoma presented in deeply invasive and pedunculated forms. Previously reported high rates of recurrence were not observed in this group, perhaps secondary to easier resection in the pedunculated forms. GnRH agonists were successfully used as adjuncts to surgery. Evidence in this case series could be used to provide tailored treatment to patients with aggressive angiomyxoma.Early stage vaginal carcinomas are typically treated with radical surgical procedures or radiation therapy. Both modalities impair the reproductive ability of the patients. We hereby report a case of menstrual function preservation in a 24-year-old patient with an early-stage primary vaginal clear cell carcinoma. We treated the patient with intravaginal brachytherapy after appropriate laparoscopic surgical staging and separate transposition of the ovaries and tubes. The patient is now 6 years without any evidence of disease. She reports minor. complaints during sexual intercourse, while her menstruation and hormonic profile are normal.

Procalcitonin (PCT) testing adds value in the early detection of infection and sepsis, as well as in management of antibiotic therapy. We determined the analytical and diagnostic performance of four PCT assays at POC.

PCT assays on AQT90 FLEX, Getein 1100, mLabs, and Finecare POC analyzers, in whole blood and plasma, were analyzed for repeatability, linearity, accuracy and concordance, by comparing with our reference PCT assay on the Cobas E602 system.

For all assays precision was found higher in plasma than in whole blood. AQT90 showed good performance in all analytical and diagnostic areas, irrespective of test matrix and PCT concentration. The other POC assays demonstrated at least one analytical weakness. The Getein assay showed adequate precision only in plasma at high PCT levels, the mLabs assay only in plasma at low PCT levels. Accuracy, as demonstrated by Bland-Altman and Passing-Bablok analysis, was found adequate only for the AQT90 FLEX and Getein 1100 assay. Diagnostic concordance at 0.5​ng/mL was found excellent for the AQT90 FLEX, Getein 1100, and Finecare assays, much lower for the mLabs assay. At 0.25​ng/mL, only the AQT90 FLEX and Finecare assays showed excellent concordance with the reference assay.

The AQT90 FLEX PCT assay demonstrated excellent analytical performance and diagnostic agreement with the Cobas E602 assay, allowing both stand-alone and side-by-side testing. The other assays demonstrated some analytical deficiencies, potentially limiting their diagnostic use. Any clinical use of PCT results should always be in combination with all other clinical signs and diagnostic information.

The AQT90 FLEX PCT assay demonstrated excellent analytical performance and diagnostic agreement with the Cobas E602 assay, allowing both stand-alone and side-by-side testing. The other assays demonstrated some analytical deficiencies, potentially limiting their diagnostic use. Any clinical use of PCT results should always be in combination with all other clinical signs and diagnostic information.Laboratory toxicity test and field control effect test are important experiments to evaluate the effect of pesticides on disease control. The safety of pesticide application depends on whether the pesticide residue on the fruit complies with the limits related to the good agricultural practices which were assessed by the legislative framework. In addition, many factors may affect the control effect of fungicides in the field experiment, among which one of the most important factors is the precipitation during the application process in the growing season. In this study, raw data of the laboratory toxicity of different fungicides to Colletotrichum fructicola, disease severity after treatment with different agents, the pesticide residue on the fruit after preharvest application, and the precipitation in the growing season are provided. In addition, this study also introduced the method and calculation process of raw data processing. We hope that these raw data will serve as a reference for other researchers who are studying the prevention and control of Glomerella leaf spot (GLS).Fired bricks are on high demand in building constructions because of their cheapness, appearance, robustness, isolation achievement and sustainability. To make fired bricks, Constructions and eco-friendly sector used clay materials. However, the major challenge in their utilization is their thermal and mechanical behavior after exposure. Problems occur mainly when permanently subjected to increased temperature which severely influence its durability, and in this case an overall failure mode calculation is essential. Elamipretide price In this work a simple approach based on the Unified Strength Theory (UST) criterion was used to estimate the thermomechanical damage. Results of thermomechanical damage values are shown.The supplementary dataset presented in this paper was used to measure the level of cybersecurity awareness of cybercrime in Saudi Arabia, presented in detail in [1]. The data were collected during the period of August to October of 2019. The dissemination process took place via an online questionnaire. The survey has four main parts Personal and skill information (10 questions), Cybersecurity Activities (7 questions), Cybercrime Consciousness (8 questions), and Case Reports (6 questions). Two protocols were employed to recruit participants subject must be of Saudi nationality and older than 18 years old. A combination of purposive and snowball techniques was utilized to collect respondents via university emails from 27 Saudi universities and WhatsApp messages to people meeting the requirements, gathering a total of 1230 responses. The data can be used to inform responsible authorities in Saudi Arabia about their roles in solving anticipated problems, as well as raising the awareness through programs, training, and short courses.In highly stressful environments, individuals with diverging stress-reactivity can perform differently. Identification of blood markers of stress-reactivity is of major significance to help human performance during stress. Candidate transcripts were identified between stressed and non-stressed strains of rats' blood and brain, and overlapping significant differentially expressed genes were selected. Serum levels of human orthologues of these proteins, in lieu of blood RNA, in addition to classic stress and general clinical markers, were measured in 33 Battlefield Airmen undergoing a 52 day long preparatory training course before their course of initial entry (COIE). Blood samples and factors of affective state, negative valence "Threat" and positive valence "Challenge", were obtained five times across different days of training which included either routine physical exercise or prolonged and intense physical and mental training. During training, levels of chloride (Cl), dehydroepiandrosterone-sulfate (DHEA-S), creatinine kinase (CK), and total carbon dioxide (TCO2) differed between airmen who subsequently graduated from their COIE and those who did not. Time dependent changes of serum TCO2 and neuropeptide Y (NPY), as well as the affective factor Challenge differed by future graduation status throughout the training. Serum levels of parvin beta (PARVB) correlated with the affective factor Threat, while those of NPY, testosterone, coactosin like F-actin binding protein 1 (COTL1) and C-reactive protein (CRP) correlated with factor Challenge during the extended, intensive periods of training, consistently. These pilot data suggest that the identified panel of blood markers can measure stress responsiveness, which has the potential to advance individualized stress-management strategies.

Previous fMRI studies of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) have investigated region-specific alterations in intrinsic connectivity but connectome-wide changes in connectivity are yet to be characterized. Understanding the neurobiology of this is important to develop novel treatment interventions for PTSD. This study aims to identify connectome-wide disruptions in PTSD to provide a more comprehensive analysis of nseural networks in this disorder.

A functional MRI scan was completed by 138 individuals (67 PTSD and 71 non-trauma-exposed healthy controls [HC]). For every individual, inter-regional intrinsic functional connectivity was estimated between 436 brain regions, comprising intra and inter-network connectivity of eight large-scale brain networks. Group-wise differences between PTSD and HC were investigated using network-based statistics at a family-wise error rate of p<0.05. Significant network differences were then further investigated in 27 individuals with trauma exposure but no PTSD [TC]).

Compared to HC, PTSD displayed

intrinsic functional connectivity in a network of 203 connections between 420 regions within and between mid-posterior default mode, central executive, limbic, visual and somatomotor regions.

Autoři článku: Foremanreynolds8860 (Kring Munch)