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With this workflow, 2,079 proteins were identified of which 514 proteins were exclusively identified in NMGs and 181 in SN. The present results have been compared with a previous study using a similar LMD-based approach reaching an overlap of 87.6% for both proteomes, verifying the applicability of the revised and optimized protocol presented here. To validate current findings, proteins of interest were analyzed by targeted mass spectrometry, e.g., parallel reaction monitoring (PRM)-experiments.Demyelination has been identified in not only multiple sclerosis (MS), but also other central nervous system diseases such as Alzheimer's disease and autism. As evidence suggests that remyelination can effectively ameliorate the disease symptoms, there is an increasing focus on drug development to promote the myelin regeneration process. Thus, a region-selectable and result-reliable drug delivery technique is required to test the efficiency and specificity of these drugs in vivo. This protocol introduces the osmotic pump implant as a new drug delivery approach in the lysolecithin-induced demyelination mouse model. The osmotic pump is a small implantable device that can bypass the blood-brain barrier (BBB) and deliver drugs steadily and directly to specific areas of the mouse brain. It can also effectively improve the bioavailability of drugs such as peptides and proteins with a short half-life. Therefore, this method is of great value to the field of central nervous system myelin regeneration research.Cardiovascular diseases are the leading causes of death worldwide. A permeable/leaky and dysfunctional endothelium is considered the earliest marker of vascular damage and thought to drive atherosclerosis. A method to identify these changes in vivo would be desirable in the clinic. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)-based tools and other technologies have enabled a profound understanding of the role of the endothelium in cardiovascular diseases and risk in vivo. There is, however, a need for reproducible and simple approaches for extracting quantifiable data reflective of endothelial damage from a single imaging study. A non-invasive, easy-to-implement, and quantitative MRI workflow was developed to acquire and analyze images that allow the quantification of two imaging biomarkers of arterial endothelial damage (leakiness/permeability and dysfunction). Here, the protocol describes the application of this method in the brachiocephalic artery of atherosclerotic ApoE-/- mice using a clinical MRI scanner. First, laplicable for use in humans. This method could be used to diagnose and treat patients with atherosclerosis by adopting a precision-medicine approach.Human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) are an excellent tool for studying early pancreatic development and investigating the genetic contributors to diabetes. hPSC-derived insulin-secreting cells can be generated for cell therapy and disease modeling, however, with limited efficiency and functional properties. hPSC-derived pancreatic progenitors that are precursors to beta cells and other endocrine cells, when co-express the two transcription factors PDX1 and NKX6.1, specify the progenitors to functional, insulin-secreting beta cells both in vitro and in vivo. hPSC-derived pancreatic progenitors are currently used for cell therapy in type 1 diabetes patients as part of clinical trials. However, current procedures do not generate a high proportion of NKX6.1 and pancreatic progenitors, leading to co-generation of non-functional endocrine cells and few glucose-responsive, insulin-secreting cells. This work thus developed an enhanced protocol for generating hPSC-derived pancreatic progenitors that maximize the co-expression of PDX1 and NKX6.1 in a 2D monolayer. The factors such as cell density, availability of fresh matrix, and dissociation of hPSC-derived endodermal cells are modulated that augmented PDX1 and NKX6.1 levels in the generated pancreatic progenitors and minimized commitment to alternate hepatic lineage. The study highlights that manipulating the cell's physical environment during in vitro differentiation can impact lineage specification and gene expression. Therefore, the current optimized protocol facilitates the scalable generation of PDX1 and NKX6.1 co-expressing progenitors for cell therapy and disease modeling.Elasticity is essential to the function of tissues such as blood vessels, muscles, and lungs. This property is derived mostly from the extracellular matrix (ECM), the protein meshwork that binds cells and tissues together. How the elastic properties of an ECM network relate to its composition, and whether the relaxation properties of the ECM play a physiological role, are questions that have yet to be fully addressed. Part of the challenge lies in the complex architecture of most ECM systems and the difficulty in isolating ECM components without compromising their structure. One exception is the zonule, an ECM system found in the eye of vertebrates. The zonule comprises fibers hundreds to thousands of micrometers in length that span the cell-free space between the lens and the eyewall. In this report, we describe a mechanical technique that takes advantage of the highly organized structure of the zonule to quantify its viscoelastic properties and to determine the contribution of individual protein components. The method involves dissection of a fixed eye to expose the lens and the zonule and employs a pull-up technique that stretches the zonular fibers equally while their tension is monitored. The technique is relatively inexpensive yet sensitive enough to detect alterations in viscoelastic properties of zonular fibers in mice lacking specific zonular proteins or with aging. Although the method presented here is designed primarily for studying ocular development and disease, it could also serve as an experimental model for exploring broader questions regarding the viscoelastic properties of elastic ECM's and the role of external factors such as ionic concentration, temperature, and interactions with signaling molecules.Resistance training is a physical exercise model with profound benefits for health throughout life. The use of resistance exercise animal models is a way to gain insight into the underlying molecular mechanisms that orchestrate these adaptations. The aim of this article is to describe exercise models and training protocols designed for strength training and evaluation of resistance in animal models and provide examples. In this article, strength training and resistance evaluation are based on ladder climbing activity, using static and dynamic ladders. These devices allow a variety of training models as well as provide precise control of the main variables which determine resistance exercise volume, load, velocity, and frequency. Furthermore, unlike resistance exercise in humans, this is a forced exercise. GS-4224 chemical structure Thus, aversive stimuli must be avoided in this intervention to preserve animal welfare. Prior to implementation, a detailed design is necessary, along with an acclimatization and learning period. Acclimatization to training devices, such as ladders, weights, and clinical tape, as well as to the manipulations required, is necessary to avoid exercise rejection and to minimize stress. At the same time, the animals are taught to climb up the ladder, not down, to the resting area on the top of the ladder. Resistance evaluation can characterize physical strength and permit adjusting and quantifying the training load and the response to training. Furthermore, different types of strength can be evaluated. Regarding training programs, with appropriate design and device use, they can be sufficiently versatile to modulate different types of strength. Furthermore, they should be flexible enough to be modified depending on the adaptive and behavioral response of the animals or the presence of injuries. In conclusion, resistance training and assessment using ladders and weights are versatile methods in animal research.With the increase of incidence, inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), which are chronic diseases affecting the gastrointestinal tract, impose a considerable health and financial burden on individuals and society. Therefore, it is critical to investigate the mechanisms underlying the pathogenesis and development of IBD. Here, a gut microbiota antigen-specific T cell transfer colitis model is described. CBir1 flagellin has been recognized as the immunodominant gut bacterial antigen in experimental colitis and patients with Crohn's disease. CBir1 TCR transgenic naϊve CD4+ T cells, specific to CBir1 flagellin, can induce chronic colitis after adoptive transfer into immune-deficient Rag1-/- mice. The disease severity is assessed by histopathology. The CD4+ T cell phenotypes in colonic lamina propria are also determined. This model closely resembles the development of IBD, which provides an ideal murine model for investigating the mechanisms driving the pathogenesis of IBD and testing the potential drugs for treating IBD.Protein-bound arginine is commonly methylated in many proteins and regulates their function by altering the physicochemical properties, their interaction with other molecules, including other proteins or nucleic acids. This work presents an easily implementable protocol for quantifying arginine and its derivatives, including asymmetric and symmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA and SDMA, respectively) and monomethyl arginine (MMA). Following protein isolation from biological body fluids, tissues, or cell lysates, a simple method for homogenization, precipitation of proteins, and protein hydrolysis is described. Since the hydrolysates contain many other components, such as other amino acids, lipids, and nucleic acids, a purification step using solid-phase extraction (SPE) is essential. SPE can either be performed manually using centrifuges or a pipetting robot. The sensitivity for ADMA using the current protocol is about 100 nmol/L. The upper limit of detection for arginine is 3 mmol/L due to SPE saturation. In summary, this protocol describes a robust method, which spans from biological sample preparation to NMR-based detection, providing valuable hints and pitfalls for successful work when studying the arginine methylome.Cockroaches, a sanitary pest, are essential species in insect developmental and metamorphic studies due to their easy feeding and hemimetabolous characteristics. Altogether with well-annotated genome sequences, these advantages have made American cockroach, Periplaneta americana, an important hemimetabolous insect model. Limited by the shortage of knockout strategy, effective RNA interference (RNAi)-based gene knockdown becomes an indispensable technique in functional gene research of P. americana. The present protocol describes the RNAi operation techniques in P. americana. The protocol includes (1) selection of the P. americana at proper developmental stages, (2) preparation for the injection setting, (3) dsRNA injection, and (4) gene knockdown efficiency detection. RNAi is a powerful reverse genetic tool in P. americana. The majority of P. americana tissues are sensitive to extracellular dsRNA. Its simplicity allows researchers to quickly obtain dysfunctional phenotypes under one or multiple targeting dsRNA injections, enabling researchers to better use the P.

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