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Two SSTs (CK and LC3) were performed in 2018 (EXP2), which confirmed that the yield response of LC3 crops (25.1%) to eCO2 was significantly higher than that of CK (15.9%). Among the different grain positions, yield response to eCO2 of grains attached to the lower secondary rachis was greater than that of grains attached to the upper primary rachis. Reducing the source-sink ratio via leaf-cutting enhanced the net photosynthetic rate response of the remaining leaves to eCO2 and increased the grain filling ability. Conversely, spikelet removal increased the non-structural carbohydrate (NSC) content of the stem, causing feedback inhibition and photosynthetic down-regulation. This study suggests that reducing the source-sink ratio by adopting appropriate management measures can increase the response of rice to eCO2.Phosphorus (P) availability is usually low in soils around the globe. Most soils have a deficiency of available P; if they are not fertilized, they will not be able to satisfy the P requirement of plants. P fertilization is generally recommended to manage soil P deficiency; however, the low efficacy of P fertilizers in acidic and in calcareous soils restricts P availability. Moreover, the overuse of P fertilizers is a cause of significant environmental concerns. However, the use of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF), phosphate-solubilizing bacteria (PSB), and the addition of silicon (Si) are effective and economical ways to improve the availability and efficacy of P. In this review the contributions of Si, PSB, and AMF in improving the P availability is discussed. Based on what is known about them, the combined strategy of using Si along with AMF and PSB may be highly useful in improving the P availability and as a result, its uptake by plants compared to using either of them alone. A better understanding how the two microorganism groups and Si interact is crucial to preserving soil fertility and improving the economic and environmental sustainability of crop production in P deficient soils. This review summarizes and discusses the current knowledge concerning the interactions among AMF, PSB, and Si in enhancing P availability and its uptake by plants in sustainable agriculture.Previous chemotaxonomic studies of cannabis only focused on tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) dominant strains while excluded the cannabidiol (CBD) dominant strains and intermediate strains (THC ≈ CBD). This study investigated the utility of the full spectrum of secondary metabolites in different plant parts in three cannabis chemotypes (THC dominant, intermediate, and CBD dominant) for chemotaxonomic discrimination. Hierarchical clustering, principal component analysis (PCA), and canonical correlation analysis assigned 21 cannabis varieties into three chemotypes using the content and ratio of cannabinoids, terpenoids, flavonoids, sterols, and triterpenoids across inflorescences, leaves, stem bark, and roots. The same clustering results were obtained using secondary metabolites, omitting THC and CBD. Significant chemical differences were identified in these three chemotypes. Cannabinoids, terpenoids, flavonoids had differentiation power while sterols and triterpenoids had none. CBD dominant strains had higher amountical fingerprints for quality standardization or strain identification for research, clinical studies, and cannabis product manufacturing.The inbred "SJ11-3" pepper was cultured in yellow brown soil, paddy soil, fluvo-aquic soil, and pastoral soil, and the factors affecting the absorption of trace elements and fruit quality were analyzed. The results showed that the physicochemical properties of the soils were significantly different, which led to differences in the nutritional quality of pepper fruits. The pH value had a significant effect on the absorption of trace elements in pepper. The increase of pH promoted the absorption of magnesium and molybdenum but inhibited the absorption of zinc, copper, manganese, and iron. The stepwise multivariable regression analysis showed that the amount of molybdenum in soil was the main factor affecting the total amino acid content of pepper. Total nitrogen, zinc, and copper were the main factors that contributed to the soluble sugar content of pepper, and the available potassium was the major determinant of the vitamin C content of pepper. This study provides new insight on the pepper fruit quality grown on different types of soil with varying levels of trace elements.Enormous distinctions of the stem structure and cell types between gymnosperms and angiosperms tree species are expected to cause quite different wood physical and mechanical attributes, however, the molecular mechanisms underlying the differing wood morphology are still unclear. In this study, we compared the transcriptomes obtained by RNA-Seq between Populus alba × P. glandulosa clone 84K, and Larix kaempferi (Lamb.) Carr trees. Available genome resource served as reference for P. alba × P. glandulosa and the Iso-Seq results of a three-tissues mixture (xylem, phloem, and leaf) were used as the reference for L. kaempferi to compare the xylem-specifically expressed genes and their alternative splicing model. Through screening, we obtained 13,907 xylem-specifically expressed genes (5,954 up-regulated, 7,953 down-regulated) in the xylem of P. alba × P. glandulosa, and 2,596 xylem-specifically expressed genes (1,648 up-regulated, 948 down-regulated) in the xylem of L. AZD7648 kaempferi. From the GO and KEGG analyses, sodation for the in-depth investigation of different wood formation mechanisms of angiosperm and gymnosperm species.Given the little variability among commercialised eggplants mainly in developed countries, exploring, and structuring of traditional varieties germplasm collections have become a key element for extending ecotypes and promoting biodiversity preservation and consumption. Thirty-one eggplant landraces from Spain were characterised with 22 quantitative and 14 qualitative conventional morphological descriptors. Landraces were grouped based on their fruit skin colour (black-purple, striped, white, and reddish). Landraces B7, B20, and B24 were left out for their distinctive fruit characteristics. Wide variation for plant, leaf, flower, and fruit phenology traits was observed across the local landraces, and fruit descriptors were considered the most important ones. In a second experiment, landraces, B14, B16, and B17 were selected to determine fruit quality. By contemplating the benefits provided by antioxidants and sugars for human health, pulp antioxidant capacity, total phenolic, ascorbic acid, carotenoid, flavonoid, and total sugar content were determined. Significant differences were observed across these three landraces, and B14 was highlighted for its antioxidant properties, while B17 stood out for its high sugar content. B16 did not stand out for any traits. The results indicate the wide variability in eggplants for their phenotypic and nutritional characteristics, which emphasises the importance of traditional varieties as the main source of agricultural biodiversity.For a first step integrating elicitor applications into the current IPM strategy increasing plant resilience against pests, we investigated repeated elicitor treatments in a strawberry everbearer nursery and cropping cycle under glass. During nursery methyl-jasmonate (MeJA), testing induction of defenses with plant bioassays was applied every 3 weeks. Thrips damage and reproduction by spider mites, whitefly and aphids were strongly reduced upon elicitor treatment. Subsequently, we applied MeJA every 3 weeks or based on scouting pests during a whole cropping cycle. Thrips leaf bioassays and LC-MS leaf metabolomics were applied to investigate the induction of defenses. Leaf damage by thrips was lower for both MeJA application schemes compared to the control except for the last weeks. While elicitor treatments after scouting also reduced damage, its effect did not last. Thrips damage decreased from vegetative to mature plants during the cropping cycle. At the end of the nursery phase, plants in the elicitor treapplication could be deployed as part of an integrated approach for sustainable crop protection by vertical integration with other management tactics and horizontal integration to control multiple pests concurrently. This approach forms a promising potential for long-term crop protection in greenhouses.Fungal species involved in Esca cause the formation of grapevine wood necroses. It results in the deterioration of vascular network transport capacity and the disturbance of the physiological processes, leading to gradual or sudden grapevine death. Herein, for two consecutive growing seasons, a detailed analysis of the structural (wood necrosis and leaf discoloration) and physiological parameters related to the water use of healthy and esca-symptomatic grapevines was conducted. Measurements were carried out on 17-year-old grapevines that expressed, or not, Esca-leaf symptoms in a vineyard of the Bordeaux region (France). Whole-plant transpiration was recorded continuously from pre-veraison to harvest, using noninvasive sap flow sensors. Whole-plant transpiration was systematically about 40-50% lower in Esca-diseased grapevines compared with controls, and this difference can be observed around 2 weeks before the first Esca-foliar symptoms appeared in the vineyard. Unlike grapevine sap flow disruption, structural (e.g., leaf discolorations), functional (e.g., stomatal conductance, photosynthetic activity, phenolic compounds), and genetic (e.g., expression of leaf-targeted genes) plant responses were only significantly impacted by Esca at the onset and during leaf symptoms development. We conclude that sap flow dynamic, which was related to a high level of a white-rot necrosis, provides a useful tool to predict plant disorders due to Esca-grapevine disease.One of the most economically important grapevine diseases is Downy mildew (DM) caused by the oomycete Plasmopara viticola. A strategy to reduce the use of fungicides to compensate for the high susceptibility of V. vinifera is the selection of grapevine varieties showing pathogen-specific resistance. We applied a metabolomics approach to evaluate the metabolic modulation in mono-locus resistant genotypes carrying one locus associated with P. viticola resistance (Rpv) (BC4- Rpv1, Bianca- Rpv3-1, F12P160- Rpv12, Solaris- Rpv10), as well as in pyramided resistant genotypes carrying more than one Rpv (F12P60- Rpv3-1; Rpv12 and F12P127- Rpv3-1, Rpv3-3; Rpv10) taking as a reference the susceptible genotype Pinot Noir. In order to understand if different sources of resistance are associated with different degrees of resistance and, implicitly, with different responses to the pathogen, we considered the most important classes of plant metabolite primary compounds, lipids, phenols and volatile organic compounds at 0, 12, 48, and 96 h post-artificial inoculation (hpi). We identified 264 modulated compounds; among these, 22 metabolites were found accumulated in significant quantities in the resistant cultivars compared to Pinot Noir. In mono-locus genotypes, the highest modulation of the metabolites was noticed at 48 and 96 hpi, except for Solaris, that showed a behavior similar to the pyramided genotypes in which the changes started to occur as early as 12 hpi. Bianca, Solaris and F12P60 showed the highest number of interesting compounds accumulated after the artificial infection and with a putative effect against the pathogen. In contrast, Pinot Noir showed a less effective defense response in containing DM growth.

Autoři článku: Erikssonlomholt6141 (Yang Silver)