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We argue that this fingerprint of the short-time dynamics remains there at all times.This paper presents analytical and numerical results on the energetics of nonharmonic, undamped, single-well, stochastic oscillators driven by additive Gaussian white noises. The absence of damping and the action of noise are responsible for the lack of stationary states in such systems. We explore the properties of average kinetic, potential, and total energies along with the generalized equipartition relations. Dihydroartemisinin It is demonstrated that in frictionless dynamics, nonequilibrium stationary states can be produced by stochastic resetting. For an appropriate resetting protocol, the average energies become bounded. If the resetting protocol is not characterized by a finite variance of renewal intervals, stochastic resetting can only slow down the growth of the average energies but it does not bound them. Under special conditions regarding the frequency of resets, the ratios of the average energies follow the generalized equipartition relations.We consider stochastic dynamics of self-propelled particles with nonlocal normalized alignment interactions subject to phase lag. The role of the lag is to indirectly generate chirality into particle motion. To understand large-scale behavior, we derive a continuum description of an active Brownian particle flow with macroscopic scaling in the form of a partial differential equation for a one-particle probability density function. Due to indirect chirality, we find a spatially homogeneous nonstationary analytic solution for this class of equations. Our development of kinetic and hydrodynamic theories towards such a solution reveals the existence of a wide variety of spatially nonhomogeneous patterns reminiscent of traveling bands, clouds, and vortical structures of linear active matter. Our model may thereby serve as the basis for understanding the nature of chiral active media and designing multiagent swarms with designated behavior.Active fluids containing self-propelled particles are relevant for applications such as self-mixing, micropumping, and targeted drug delivery. With a confined boundary, active fluids can generate bulk flow inside the system, which has the potential to create self-propelled active matter. In this study, we propose that an active droplet is driven by a collective motion of enclosed microswimmers. We show that the droplet migrates via the flow field generated by the enclosed microswimmers; moreover, the locomotion direction depends on the swimming mode of these internal particles. The locomotion mechanism of the droplet can be well explained by interfacial velocity, and the locomotion velocity shows good agreement with the Lighthill-Blake theory. These findings are essential to understand the interplay between the motion of self-propelled particles and the bulk motion response of active matter.As the places where most of the fuel of the cell, namely, ATP, is synthesized, mitochondria are crucial organelles in eukaryotic cells. The shape of the invaginations of the mitochondria inner membrane, known as a crista, has been identified as a signature of the energetic state of the organelle. However, the interplay between the rate of ATP synthesis and the crista shape remains unclear. In this work, we investigate the crista membrane deformations using a pH-dependent Helfrich model, maintained out of equilibrium by a diffusive flux of protons. This model gives rise to shape changes of a cylindrical invagination, in particular to the formation of necks between wider zones under variable, and especially oscillating, proton flux.In this paper, we propose an efficient coupled approach for uncertainty quantification of permeability for randomly reconstructed three-dimensional (3D) pore images, where the porosity and two-point correlations of a realistic sandstone sample are honored. The Joshi-Quiblier-Adler approach and Karhunen-Loève expansion are utilized for quick reconstruction of 3D pore images with reduced random dimensionality. The eigenvalue problem for the covariance matrix of 3D intermediate Gaussian random fields is solved equivalently by a kernel method. Then, the lattice Boltzmann method is adopted to simulate fluid flow in reconstructed pore space and evaluate permeability. Lastly, the sparse polynomial chaos expansion (sparse PCE) integrated with a feature selection method is employed to predict permeability distributions incurred by the randomness in microscopic pore structures. The feature selection process, which is intended to discard redundant basis functions, is carried out by the least absolute shrinkage and selection operator-modified least angle regression along with cross validation. The competence of our proposed approach is validated by the results from Monte Carlo simulation. It reveals that a small number of samples is sufficient for sparse PCE with feature selection to produce convincing results. Then, we utilize our method to quantify the uncertainty of permeability under different porosities and correlation parameters. It is found that the predicted permeability distributions for reconstructed 3D pore images are close to experimental measurements of Berea sandstones in the literature. In addition, the results show that porosity and correlation length are the critical influence factors for the uncertainty of permeability.Subject to an applied electric field, soft dielectrics with intrinsic low moduli can easily achieve a large deformation through the so-called electrostatic Maxwell stress. Meanwhile, the highly nonlinear electromechanical coupling between the mechanical and electric loads in soft dielectrics gives a variety of failure modes, especially pull-in instability. These failure modes make the application of soft dielectrics highly limited. In this paper, we investigate the large deformation, pull-in instability, and electroactuation of a graded circular dielectric plate subject to the in-plane mechanical load and the applied electric load in the thickness direction. The results obtained herein cover, as special cases, the electromechanical behaviors of homogeneous dielectrics. link2 There is a universal physical intuition that stiffer dielectrics can sustain higher electromechanical loads for pull-in instability but achieve less deformation, and vice versa. We show this physical intuition theoretically in different homogeneous dielectrics and graded dielectrics. Interestingly, we find that the ability to sustain a high electric field or a large deformation in a stiff or soft homogeneous circular dielectric plate can be achieved by just using a graded circular dielectric plate. We only have to partly change the modulus of a circular plate, with a stiff or soft outer region. The change makes the same electromechanical behavior as that of a homogeneous dielectric, even increases the maximum electroactuation stretch from 1.26 to 1.5. This sheds light on the effects of the material inhomogeneity on the design of advanced dielectric devices including actuators and energy harvestors.A quantum Otto engine using two-interacting spins as its working medium is analyzed within framework of stochastic thermodynamics. The time-dependent power fluctuations and average power are explicitly derived for a complete cycle of engine operation. We find that the efficiency and power fluctuations are affected significantly by interparticle interactions, but both of them become interaction-independent under maximal power via optimizing the external control parameter. The behavior of the efficiency at maximum power is further explained by analyzing the optimal protocol of the engine.Collective chemotaxis plays a key role in the navigation of cell clusters in, e.g., embryogenesis and cancer metastasis. Using the active nematic continuum equations, coupled to a chemical field that regulates activity, we demonstrate and explain a physical mechanism that results in collective chemotaxis. The activity naturally leads to cell polarization at the cluster interface which induces outward flows. The chemical gradient then breaks the symmetry of the flow field, leading to a net motion. The velocity is independent of the cluster size, in agreement with experiment.Rupture of a liquid bridge is a complex dynamic process, which has attracted much attention over several decades. We numerically investigated the effects of the thermal fluctuations on the rupture process of liquid bridges by using a particle-based method know as many-body dissipative particle dynamics. After providing a comparison of growth rate with the classical linear stability theory, the complete process of thinning liquid bridges is captured. The transitions among the inertial regime (I), the viscous regime (V), and the viscous-inertial regime (VI) with different liquid properties are found in agreement with previous work. A detailed description of the thermal fluctuation regime (TF) and another regime, named the breakup regime, are proposed in the present study. The full trajectories of thinning liquid bridges are summarized as I→V→VI→TF→ breakup for low-Oh liquids and V→I→ Intermediate →V→VI→TF→ breakup for high-Oh liquids, respectively. Moreover, the effects of the thermal fluctuations on the formation of satellite drops are also investigated. The distance between the peaks of axial velocity is believed to play an important role in forming satellite drops. The strong thermal fluctuations smooth the distribution of axial velocity and change the liquid bridge shape into a double cone without generating satellite drops for low-Oh liquids, while for high-Oh liquids, this distance is extended and a large satellite drop is formed after the breakup of the liquid filament occurs on both ends, which might be due to strong thermal fluctuations. link3 This work can provide insights on the rupture mechanism of liquid bridges and be helpful for designing superfine nanoprinting.We discuss the design of interlayer edges in a multiplex network, under a limited budget, with the goal of improving its overall performance. We analyze the following three problems separately; first, we maximize the smallest nonzero eigenvalue, also known as the algebraic connectivity; second, we minimize the largest eigenvalue, also known as the spectral radius; and finally, we minimize the spectral width. Maximizing the algebraic connectivity requires identical weights on the interlayer edges for budgets less than a threshold value. However, for larger budgets, the optimal weights are generally nonuniform. The dual formulation transforms the problem into a graph realization (embedding) problem that allows us to give a fuller picture. Namely, before the threshold budget, the optimal realization is one-dimensional with nodes in the same layer embedded to a single point, while beyond the threshold, the optimal embeddings generally unfold into spaces with dimension bounded by the multiplicity of the algebraic connectivity. Finally, for extremely large budgets the embeddings again revert to lower dimensions. Minimizing the largest eigenvalue is driven by the spectral radius of the individual networks and its corresponding eigenvector. Before a threshold, the total budget is distributed among interlayer edges corresponding to the nodal lines of this eigenvector, and the optimal largest eigenvalue of the Laplacian remains constant. For larger budgets, the weight distribution tends to be almost uniform. In the dual picture, the optimal graph embedding is one-dimensional and nonhomogeneous at first, with the nodes corresponding to the layer with the largest spectral radius distributed on a line according to its eigenvector, while the other layer is embedded at the origin. Beyond this threshold, the optimal embedding expands to be multidimensional, and for larger values of the budget, the two layers fill the embedding space. Finally, we show how these two problems are connected to minimizing the spectral width.

Autoři článku: Emborgcates9104 (Maher Odgaard)