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Objective We explored the physiological background of the non-linear operating mode of cardiorespiratory oscillators as the fundamental question of cardiorespiratory homeodynamics and as a prerequisite for the understanding of neurocardiovascular diseases. We investigated 20 healthy human subjects for changes using electrocardiac RR interval (RRI) and respiratory signal (Resp) Detrended Fluctuation Analysis (DFA, α1RRI, α2RRI, α1Resp, α2Resp), Multiple Scaling Entropy (MSERRI1-4, MSERRI5-10, MSEResp1-4, MSEResp5-10), spectral coherence (CohRRI-Resp), cross DFA (ρ1 and ρ2) and cross MSE (XMSE1-4 and XMSE5-10) indices in four physiological conditions supine with spontaneous breathing, standing with spontaneous breathing, supine with 0.1 Hz breathing and standing with 0.1 Hz breathing. Main results Standing is primarily characterized by the change of RRI parameters, insensitivity to change with respiratory parameters, decrease of CohRRI-Resp and insensitivity to change of in ρ1, ρ2, XMSE1-4, and XMSE5-10. Slow bcale (α1 vs. MSE1-4) and long scale (α2 vs. MSE5-10) complexity measures had reciprocal interrelation in standing with 0.1 Hz breathing, with specific cardiorespiratory coupling pattern (ρ1 vs. XMSE1-4). These results support the hypothesis of hierarchical organization of cardiorespiratory complexity mechanisms and their recruitment in ascendant manner with respect to the increase of behavioral challenge complexity. Specific and comprehensive cardiorespiratory regulation in standing with 0.1 Hz breathing suggests this state as the potentially most beneficial maneuver for cardiorespiratory conditioning. Copyright © 2020 Matić, Platiša, Kalauzi and Bojić.Exercise and physical activity levels influence myokine release from skeletal muscle and contribute to circulating concentrations. Indeed, many myokines, including interleukin (IL)-6, IL-15, secreted protein acidic rich in cysteine (SPARC), and fibroblast growth factor (FGF) 21 are higher in the circulation after an exercise bout. Since these peptides modulate muscle metabolism and can also be targeted toward other tissues to induce adaptations to energy demand, they are of great interest regarding metabolic diseases. Therefore, we set out to compare, in six women with obesity (BMI ≥30 kg/m2) and five healthy women (BMI 22-29.9 kg/m2), the effect of an acute bout of moderate-intensity, continuous cycling exercise (60 min, 60% VO2peak) on the release of myokines (IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, IL-13, IL-15, SPARC, and FGF21) in plasma for a 24-h time course. We found that plasma IL-8 and SPARC levels were reduced in the group of women with obesity, whereas plasma IL-13 concentrations were elevated in comparison to non-obese women both before and after the exercise bout. We also found that plasma FGF21 concentration during the 24 h following the bout of exercise was regulated differently in the non-obese in comparison to obese women. Plasma concentrations of FGF21, IL-6, IL-8, IL-15, and IL-18 were regulated by acute exercise. Our results confirm the results of others concerning exercise regulation of circulating myokines while providing insight into the time course of myokine release in circulation after an acute exercise bout and the differences in circulating myokines after exercise in women with or without obesity. Copyright © 2020 Garneau, Parsons, Smith, Mulvihill, Sparks and Aguer.Stachydrine, a constituent of Leonurus japonicus Houtt which also called Japanese motherwort has been shown to improve vascular microcirculation and ameliorate endothelial dysfunction. This study investigated the neuroprotective effect of stachydrine. Male Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats were randomly divided into sham, control, and stachydrine groups. The neurological deficit score was evaluated and the infarct size of the brain was measured using 2,3,5-triphenyltetra-zolium (TTC) chloride staining assay, and the pathological changes in the brain tissues were examined by HE staining. Nissl and terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase deoxyuridine triphosphate nick end labeling (TUNEL) staining were performed to assess the numbers of Nissl bodies and the levels of apoptosis in the neurons. The activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and the levels of malondialdehyde (MDA) were also measured. The release of inflammatory factors IL-1β and TNF-α were detected by Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Compared with the control group, the stachydrine group showed a significant prevention of neurological deficit, as indicated by the reduced infarct volume in the brain. Moreover, the stachydrine treatment reduced the activities of SOD, the levels of MDA and decreased the amount of IL-1β, and TNF-α, indicating that it could function to decrease the level of inflammation, thus reducing brain damage. The ischemic stroke model of PC12 cells was prepared via oxygen-glucose deprivation (OGD) protocol for 6 h. The expression of P65 and JAK2/STAT3 signaling pathway related proteins was measured by western blot. The treatment group was found to have the survival rate of PC12 cells improved and the release of inflammatory factors reduced when compared with the OGD group. This study demonstrated that stachydrine could improve nerve function by inhibiting the phosphorylation of P65/JAK2 and STAT3. Copyright © 2020 Li, Sun, Qiu, Zhu, Hu and Mao.The strength of goal-oriented behaviors is regulated by midbrain dopamine neurons. Dysfunctions of dopaminergic circuits are observed in drug addiction and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Compulsive behavior is a feature that both disorders share, which is associated to a heightened dopamine neurotransmission. The activity of midbrain dopamine neurons is principally regulated by the homeostatic action of dopamine through D2 receptors (D2R) that decrease the firing of neurons as well as dopamine synthesis and release. Dopamine transmission is also regulated by heterologous neurotransmitter systems such as the kappa opioid system, among others. Much of our current knowledge of the kappa opioid system and its influence on dopamine transmission comes from preclinical animal models of brain diseases. In 1988, using cerebral microdialysis, it was shown that the acute activation of the Kappa Opioid Receptors (KOR) decreases synaptic levels of dopamine in the striatum. Takinib research buy This inhibitory effect of KOR opposes to the facilitating influence of drugs of abuse on dopamine release, leading to the proposition of the use of KOR agonists as pharmacological therapy for compulsive drug intake.

Autoři článku: Elmorehamann8195 (Dehn Delgado)