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% for this cohort. CONCLUSIONS This prospective study demonstrated that frenotomy had a modestly positive effect on breastfeeding ability from the mother's perspective in infants referred for ankyloglossia. It is important to educate patients on the multi-factorial nature of breastfeeding and to set realistic expectations prior to recommending the procedure. This study examined whether somatic symptoms and sleep quality can be indicators of depression and suicide risk in Korean military conscripts. In October and November of 2016, a total of 1,937 conscripts completed a survey that included the patient health questionnaire (PHQ) 9, PHQ15, the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview Plus suicidality module, and the Pittsburgh sleep quality index. Four groups were formed by depression and suicide risk status. Results from analyses of covariance indicated that overall, the severity of somatic symptoms and aspects of sleep quality were higher in conscripts with both depression and suicide risk, and greater associations of depression with somatic symptoms and sleep quality. The results of logistic regression analyses indicated that moderate to high levels of somatic symptoms and poorly perceived health were associated with the risk of depression and suicide, respectively. Poor sleep quality was associated with a higher risk of depression, but it was not significantly related to suicide risk after accounting for depression, which showed a greater association with suicide risk. Monitoring somatic and sleep complaints along with perceived health are needed as potential markers of depression and suicide risk among military conscripts. V.Research shows that North Korean refugee youths are exposed to early traumatic events and are, therefore, vulnerable to mental health problems. We investigated the relationship between early trauma and emotion regulation strategies with symptoms of depression and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) among North Korean refugee youths. In 2017-2018, we surveyed youths attending alternative schools for North Korean refugees in Seoul. One hundred and fifty-seven students (54 boys, 103 girls; 18.66 ± 2.82 years) completed questionnaires assessing early trauma experiences, emotion regulation strategies, depressive symptoms, and ADHD symptoms. Descriptive, correlation, and moderation analyses were conducted. Early trauma experience directly and negatively affected both the depressive and ADHD symptoms of North Korean refugee youths. The use of expressive suppression strategy significantly aggravated these effects of early trauma on both depressive and ADHD symptoms, indicating that it might be a risk factor for mental health problems among them. Selleckchem Irinotecan Contrarily, cognitive reappraisal seemed to buffer the effect of the expressive suppression strategy on depressive symptoms. A tailored intervention promoting emotion regulation strategies to prevent depressive and ADHD symptoms among this group is necessary. To study the interactions between remediation agent injection and hydrodynamic dispersion as well as the expansion of a contamination plume, a two-dimensional sandbox experiment was conducted to simulate and monitor the mixing of a remediation agent in the contamination plume and the expansion of the contamination plume over time. Potassium permanganate is a purple solution, and it represents the remediation agent; Perchloroethylene (PCE), is dyed green and was used to observe the migration and diffusion of the contaminant and the overlap of contamination and the agent-plume. Six quantitative characterization parameters migration distance, (dM), migration area, (AM), initial area ratio, (Ki), spreading speed difference, (SSD), area ratio, (KA) and migration distance ratio, (Kd), are proposed to comprehensively analyse the influence of the three factors of injection pressure, particle size and viscosity change on the mixing of a remediation agent and the expansion of the contamination plume over time. The resunditions are injection pressure = 20 cm, use of a coarse sand medium, and added polymer concentration = 400 mg/L. Artificial freshwater recharge has been considered as a feasible and effective procedure to mitigate seawater intrusion in coastal regions. The efficiency of freshwater infiltration through a check dam reservoir on saltwater recession (SWR) is investigated using two physical models. The results demonstrate the apparent tendency of recharge freshwater to move horizontally toward the boundaries rather than flowing downward to influence saltwater wedge toe. Thereby, it would affect the saltwater wedge tip instead of its toe due to the new establishment of a positive hydraulic gradient from a dam reservoir to the boundaries. Moreover, numerical dispersive simulations have been carried out on a large-scale aquifer to find the optimum location of the dam as well as the aquifer characteristics impacts on SWR efficiency. The results show that the best location to construct a check dam is immediately above the saltwater wedge toe. It is found that when saltwater head declines, the steeper hydraulic gradient between boundaries is established and the efficiency of recharge performance will be improved. Moreover, the reduction of hydraulic conductivity in vertical direction improves SWR, while higher hydraulic conductivity in the homogeneous cases only accelerates the infiltration rate but has no meaningful effect in the long term. The considered recharge method also works better in scenarios with higher dispersivity. However, the construction of check dams on floodways might be a practical and low-cost solution but it can be concluded that as the dominant direction of the recharged freshwater is toward boundaries, it cannot promptly retreat saltwater around toe position. In this study, gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (GC-MS/MS) using an atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI) source was applied for the quantitative analysis of pesticide residues in tea. To determine the optimum ionization conditions for multiresidue analysis, the full-scan mass spectra and peak intensities of pesticides were compared in the presence and absence of water as a modifier. When water was added as a modifier in the ion source, most of the target compounds formed [M+H]+ ions and exhibited enhanced intensities. However, compounds consisting of only carbon, hydrogen, and chlorine, such as aldrin, γ-hexachlorocyclohexane, and p,p'-dichlorodiphenyldichloroethane, typically formed M+· or fragment ions, whose intensities were significantly decreased by the addition of water. GC-MS/MS methods using APCI (without modifier addition) and electron ionization (EI) were validated for 16 pesticides in tea at spiking levels of 0.01 and 0.1 mg/kg. Unlike EI, signal suppression was observed for most compounds at a spiking level of 0.

Autoři článku: Elliotthaynes1492 (Lodberg Maddox)