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Therefore, it is essential for policymakers and decision-makers to provide reliable and accurate information to increase awareness and reduce anxiety of women experiencing menopause.

Symptom phrase recognition is essential to improve the use of unstructured medical consultation corpora for the development of automated question answering systems. A majority of previous works typically require enough manually annotated training data or as complete a symptom dictionary as possible. However, when applied to real scenarios, they will face a dilemma due to the scarcity of the annotated textual resources and the diversity of the spoken language expressions.

In this paper, we propose a composition-driven method to recognize the symptom phrases from Chinese medical consultation corpora without any annotations. The basic idea is to directly learn models that capture the composition, i.e., the arrangement of the symptom components (semantic units of words). We introduce an automatic annotation strategy for the standard symptom phrases which are collected from multiple data sources. In particular, we combine the position information and the interaction scores between symptom components to characterize the symptom phrases. Equipped with such models, we are allowed to robustly extract symptom phrases that are not seen before.

Without any manual annotations, our method achieves strong positive results on symptom phrase recognition tasks. Experiments also show that our method enjoys great potential with access to plenty of corpora.

Compositionality offers a feasible solution for extracting information from unstructured free text with scarce labels.

Compositionality offers a feasible solution for extracting information from unstructured free text with scarce labels.

Despite the enormous benefit of exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) to mothers and infants, the practice of exclusive breastfeeding is globally low. In sub-Saharan Africa and Ethiopia, the prevalence of EBF stands at 35% and 59%, respectively. The low EBF practice in Ethiopia as well as in the studied region calls for further study and thus we studied the EBF practice in the study area since little is known about its current magnitude and factors influencing its practice for some programmatic improvements.

A facility based cross-sectional study linked to a community was conducted from June-July 2019 among 412 mothers who had antenatal follow-up and delivered in health facilities of Asosa town over a period of one year prior to the study. Data on socio demographic characteristics and other important variables were collected through face to face interview while gestational age in weeks was recorded from their medical chart by trained health extension workers in accordance with relevant ethical guidelines and regutfed their newborns and about two-thirds had good EBF score, the observed women's retention on the continuum of the maternal care pathway is low with one in four had no antenatal and over half had no postnatal care which are important derivers for EBF practice. To improve the EBF score and narrow the observed maternal and child health disparities, it is essential to promote maternal education and increase the recomended coverage of antenatal and postnatal care for mothers.

While three in four mothers exclusively breastfed their newborns and about two-thirds had good EBF score, the observed women's retention on the continuum of the maternal care pathway is low with one in four had no antenatal and over half had no postnatal care which are important derivers for EBF practice. To improve the EBF score and narrow the observed maternal and child health disparities, it is essential to promote maternal education and increase the recomended coverage of antenatal and postnatal care for mothers.

Patients with multiple myeloma (MM) were excluded from the original SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccine trials, which may influence vaccine hesitancy in this population. We prospectively characterized the safety and immunogenicity of two-dose SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccination in 44 patients with MM, who underwent vaccination from 12/17/2020 to 3/18/2021.

Rates adverse reactions were low and consistent with those documented in vaccine trials. selleck compound Among those on MM therapy, 93% developed detectable anti-receptor binding domain (RBD) antibodies after dose 2, while 94% of patients not on MM therapy seroconverted.

Two-dose SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccination is mildly reactogenic and leads to high rates of seroconversion in patients with MM. These findings can provide reassurance to MM patients who are hesitant to receive SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccines.

Two-dose SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccination is mildly reactogenic and leads to high rates of seroconversion in patients with MM. These findings can provide reassurance to MM patients who are hesitant to receive SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccines.

We aim to further develop an index for detecting disguised paternalism, which might influence physicians' evaluations of whether or not a patient is decision-competent at the end of life. Disguised paternalism can be actualized when physicians transform hard paternalism into soft paternalism by questioning the patient's decision-making competence.

A previously presented index, based on a cross-sectional study, was further developed to make it possible to distinguish between high and low degrees of disguised paternalism using the average index of the whole sample. link2 We recalculated the results from a 2007 study for comparison to a new study conducted in 2020. Both studies are about physicians' attitudes towards, and arguments for or against, physician-assisted suicide.

The 2020 study showed that geriatricians, palliativists, and middle-aged physicians (46-60years old) had indices indicating disguised paternalism, in contrast with the results from the 2007 study, which showed that all specialties (apart frots of competent patients to participate in decision-making, it is important to reveal disguised hard paternalism, which could masquerade as soft paternalism and thereby manifest in practice. Methods for improving measures of disguised paternalism are worthy of further development.Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is a novel type b coronavirus responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic. With over 224 million confirmed infections with this virus and more than 4.6 million people dead because of it, it is critically important to define the immunological processes occurring in the human response to this virus and pathogenetic mechanisms of its deadly manifestation. This perspective focuses on the contribution of the recently discovered interaction of SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein with neuropilin 1 (NRP1) receptor, NRP1 as a virus entry receptor for SARS-CoV-2, its role in different physiologic and pathologic conditions, and the potential to target the Spike-NRP1 interaction to combat virus infectivity and severe disease manifestations.

To investigate the corneal neurotropic phenomenon in patients with lattice corneal dystrophy (LCD) with in vivo laser scanning confocal microscopy (IVCM).

IVCM was performed on a total of 15 patients (28 eyes) with LCD annually at a follow-up. A collection of the data was acquired to be analyzed.

As indicated by the analysis, the LCD patients' normal corneal stromal nerves (Grade 0) presented a decline with the prolongation of the follow-ups, corresponding to a gradual increase in grade I and II involving amyloid-wrapped nerve fibers, which demonstrated that the growing amount of amyloid deposit due to the corneal nerve invasion increased slowly over time.

The neurotropic phenomenon could increase with its severity in the corneal lesion of the patients with LCD, and also reflect the distribution of the corneal nerves, to some extent. IVCM provides a rapid, noninvasive way to observe the corneal nerves, which can be an efficient means of better understanding the development of LCD.

The neurotropic phenomenon could increase with its severity in the corneal lesion of the patients with LCD, and also reflect the distribution of the corneal nerves, to some extent. IVCM provides a rapid, noninvasive way to observe the corneal nerves, which can be an efficient means of better understanding the development of LCD.

Although patients have the potential to provide important information on patient safety, considerably fewer patient-report measures of safety climate (SC) have been applied in the primary care setting as compared to secondary care. Our aim was to examine the application of a patient-report measure of safety climate in an Irish population to understand patient perceptions of safety in general practice and identify potential areas for improvement. Specifically, our research questions were 1. link3 What are patients' perceptions of SC in Irish general practice? 2. Do patient risk factors impact perceptions of SC? 3. Do patient responses to an open-ended question about safety enhance our understanding of patient safety beyond that obtained from a quantitative measure of SC?

The Patient Perspective of Safety in General Practice (PPS-GP) survey was distributed to primary care patients in Ireland. The survey consisted of both Likert-response items, and free-text entry questions in relation to the safety of care. A serfindings indicate that despite being under-utilised, patients' perceptions are a valuable source of information for measuring SC, with promising implications for safety improvement in general practice. Further consideration should be given to how best to utilise this data in order to improve safety in primary care.

Kampala city slums, with one million dwellers living in poor sanitary conditions, frequently experience cholera outbreaks. On 6 January 2019, Rubaga Division notified the Uganda Ministry of Health of a suspected cholera outbreak in Sembule village. We investigated to identify the source and mode of transmission, and recommended evidence-based interventions.

We defined a suspected case as onset of profuse, painless, acute watery diarrhoea in a Kampala City resident (≥ 2years) from 28 December 2018 to 11 February 2019. A confirmed case was a suspected case with Vibrio cholerae identified from the patient's stool specimen by culture. We found cases by record review and active community case-finding. We conducted a case-control study in Sembule village, the epi-center of this outbreak, to compare exposures between confirmed case-persons and asymptomatic controls, individually matched by age group. We overlaid rainfall data with the epidemic curve to identify temporal patterns between rain and illnesses. We co public tap (OR

 = 0.07, 95% CI 0.014-0.304) was protective. Water from a container in one of eight households sampled tested positive for V. cholerae; water from Well C had coliform counts ˃ 900/100ml.

Drinking contaminated water from an unprotected well was associated with this cholera outbreak. We recommended emergency chlorination of drinking water, fixing the broken token tap, and closure of Well C.

Drinking contaminated water from an unprotected well was associated with this cholera outbreak. We recommended emergency chlorination of drinking water, fixing the broken token tap, and closure of Well C.

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