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High concentrations of microplastics have been found in sea ice but the mechanisms by which they get captured into the ice and which role ice algae might play in this process remain unknown. Similarly, we do not know how the presence of microplastics might impact the colonization of sea ice by ice algae. To estimate the ecological impact of microplastics for Polar ecosystems, it is essential to understand their behaviour during ice formation and possible interactions with organisms inhabiting sea ice. In this study we tested the interaction between the ice algae Fragillariopsis cylindrus and microplastic beads with and without sea ice present and, in a third experiment, during the process of ice formation. With sea ice present, we found significantly less algae cells in the ice when incubated together with microplastics compared to the incubation without microplastics. However, during ice formation, the presence of microplastics did not impact the colonisation of the ice by F. cylindrus cells. Further, we observed a strong correlation between salinity and the relative amount of beads in the water and ice. With increasing salinity of the water, the relative amount of beads in the water decreased significantly. At the same time, the relative amount of beads in the ice increased significantly with increasing ice salinity. Both processes were not influenced by the presence of F. cylindrus. Also, we found indications that the presence of algae can affect the amount of microplastic beads sticking to the container walls. This could indicate that EPS produced by ice algae plays a significant role in surface binding properties of microplastics. Overall, our results highlight that the interactions between algae and microplastics have an influence on the uptake of microplastics into sea ice with possible implications for the sea ice food web. BACKGROUND Recently, the impact of fine particulate matter pollution on cardiovascular system is drawing considerable concern worldwide. The association between ambient fine particulate and the cardiac arrhythmias is not clear now. OBJECTIVE To study associations of ambient fine particulate with incidence of arrhythmias in outpatients. METHODS Data was collected from the remote electrocardiogram (ECG) system covering 282 community hospitals in Shanghai from June 24th, 2014 to June 23rd, 2016. ECG was performed for patients admitted to above hospitals with complaining of chest discomfort or palpitation, or for regular check-ups. Air quality data during this time period was obtained from China National Environment Monitoring Center. A generalized additive quasi-Poisson model was established to examine the associations between PM2.5 and cardiac arrhythmias. RESULTS Cardiac arrhythmias were detected in 202,661 out of 1,016,579 outpatients (19.9%) and fine particulate matter ranged from 6 to 219 μg/m3 during this risk of arrhythmias in outpatients visiting Shanghai community hospitals, with an immediate or lag effect. The arrhythmogenic effect varies among different types of cardiac arrhythmias. A number of fatty acids have been found in porcine oocytes and early embryos. Recent studies have indicated the importance of fatty acids in the development of pre-implantation porcine embryos, whether derived from in vivo or somatic cell nuclear transfer. However, the effects of fatty acids on porcine embryos produced by in vitro fertilization (IVF) remain poorly defined. This study aimed to investigate the patterns of gene expression and functions of fatty acids in pre-implantation IVF porcine embryos at different stages using transcriptome sequencing. We found that, in IVF porcine embryos, genes related to fatty acid metabolism were positively expressed during early embryonic development. Additionally, the expression of genes related to lipid metabolism changed dramatically during the maternal-to-zygotic transition (MZT), and the genes associated with lipid metabolism were correlated with zygotic genome activation in porcine IVF embryos, suggesting that fatty acid metabolism plays an important role in MZT. In summary, fatty acid metabolism may be an indicator of MZT in porcine IVF embryos, which presents new considerations for exploring the regulatory mechanisms of this process. To interact and penetrate the egg, the spermatozoon must undergo a maturation step called the acrosome reaction (AR) in close proximity to the egg. This process can take place only after a series of biochemical changes to the sperm occur in the female reproductive tract, collectively called capacitation. Spermatozoa can undergo spontaneous-acrosome reaction (sAR) before reaching the vicinity of the egg, preventing successful fertilization. Several mechanisms were shown to protect spermatozoa from undergoing sAR. Here we describe the involvement of the actin cross-linker, Ezrin in the mechanism that protects spermatozoa from sAR. Inhibition of Ezrin stimulates sAR and inhibits actin polymerization. Ezrin is highly phosphorylated/activated during the first hour of the capacitation process, and its phosphorylation rate is subsequently decreased. Ezrin phosphorylation depends on protein kinase A (PKA) and calmodulin kinase II (CaMKII) activities, and to some extent on phosphatidyl-inositol-4-kinase (PI4K) activity. Inhibition of these three kinases stimulates sAR, in which the effect of PI4K inhibition, but not PKA or CaMKII inhibition, can be reversed by increasing p-Ezrin using a phosphatase inhibitor. All together, we showed that three kinases mediate Ezrin activation during spermatozoa capacitation, leading to actin polymerization in a mechanism that prevents sAR. OBJECTIVE Non-hermetically sealed eye protection does not fully protect the eyes from airborne particles. Hermetically sealed eye protection fully protects the eyes from particles, but tend to fog up rendering unusable. The purpose of this study was build and test a filtered eye mask (FEM) to protect the eyes from airborne particles while being usable without excessive fog build up. METHODS The steps performed to build the FEM were described. A hermetically-sealed standard eye mask (SEM) and a FEM were examined at 1minute, 5minutes and 60minute period for performance metrics relating to fog. RESULTS The SEM showed minimal fog at 1-minute, very foggy at 5-minutes and dripping with condensation at 60minutes. The FEM was clear at 1-minute, 5-minutes and showed minimal fog at 60minutes. CONCLUSION The FEM may play an important role in preventing novel coronavirus (COVID-19) exposure by protecting the eyes from airborne particles and preventing fog, rendering it usable. Further research is strongly recommended. OBJECTIVE To explore the clinical value of immune-inflammatory markers to assess the severity of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). METHODS 127 consecutive hospitalized patients with confirmed COVID-19 were enrolled in this study, and classified into non-severe and severe groups. NPS-2143 chemical structure Demographics, symptoms, underlying diseases and laboratory data were collected and assessed for predictive value. RESULTS Of 127 COVID-19 patients, 16 cases (12.60%) were classified into the severe group. High level of interleukin-6 (IL-6), C-reaction protein (CRP) and hypertension were independent risk factors for the severity of COVID-19. The risk model based on IL-6, CRP and hypertension had the highest area under the receiver operator characteristic curve (AUROC). Additionally, the baseline IL-6 was positively correlated with other immune-inflammatory parameters and the dynamic change of IL-6 in the severe cases were parallel to the amelioration of the disease. CONCLUSION Our study showed that high level of IL-6, CRP and hypertension were independent risk factors for assessing the severity of COVID-19. The risk model established upon IL-6, CRP and hypertension had the highest predictability in this study. Besides, IL-6 played a pivotal role in the severity of COVID-19 and had a potential value for monitoring the process of severe cases. In this study, an epidemic model was developed to simulate and predict the disease variations of Guangdong province which was focused on the period from Jan 27 to Feb 20, 2020. To explore the impacts of the input population and quarantine strategies on the disease variations at different scenarios, four time points were assumed as Feb 6, Feb 16, Feb 24 and Mar 5 2020. The major results suggest that our model can well capture the disease variations with high accuracy. The simulated peak value of the confirmed cases is 1002 at Feb 10, 2020 which is mostly close to the reported number of 1007 at Feb 9, 2020. The disease will become extinction with peak value of 1397 at May 11, 2020. Moreover, the increased numbers of the input population can mainly shorten the disease extinction days and the increased percentages of the exposed individuals of the input population increase the number of cumulative confirmed cases at a small percentage. Increasing the input population and decreasing the quarantine strategy together around the time point of the peak value of the confirmed cases, may lead to the second outbreak. OBJECTIVES This study aimed to assess the Thailand Department of Disease Control's (DDC) early responses to COVID-19 in respects to communication with the international community and to identify the manner of Thailand's response during public health emergencies. METHODS Documents and international response communication from 4 to 31 January 2020 were reviewed and dates of responses were collected for descriptive analysis. A questionnaire was submitted to the DDC officers responsible for international coordination. A meeting to identify responses was held to evaluate the self-assessed capacities of the department's international communication. RESULTS Thailand began the COVID-19 screening protocol on 3 January 2020. International correspondence subsequently occurred continually either through the ASEAN or International Health Regulations (IHR) mechanisms. The total score of communication for international response was 88.9%. For IHR reporting duties, the median duration to respond was 2.49hours. Official news was sent within a mean of 9.18hours and the English daily situation reports were always uploaded onto the official website within 24hours. CONCLUSIONS This study provided a benchmark for international coordination and communication capacities and also identified areas for improvement during public health emergencies, such as the need to identify English-speaking spokespeople to communicate at the international level. The novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak and Italy has caused 6088 cases and 41 deaths in Republic of Korea and 3144 cases and 107 death in Italy by 5 March 2020. We modeled the transmission process in Republic of Korea and Italy with a stochastic model and estimated the basic reproduction number R0 as 2.6 (95% CI 2.3-2.9) or 3.2 (95% CI 2.9-3.5) in Republic of Korea, under the assumption that the exponential growth starting on 31 January or 5 February 2020, and 2.6 (95% CI 2.3-2.9) or 3.3 (95% CI 3.0-3.6) in Italy, under the assumption that the exponential growth starting on 5 February or 10 February 2020. Streptococcus oralis is an early colonizer bacterium in dental plaques and is considered a potential pathogen of infective endocarditis (IE) disease. In this study, we built a complete genome map of Streptococcus oralis strain SOT, Streptococcus oralis strain SOD and Streptococcus infantis strain SO and performed comparative genomic analysis among these three strains. The results showed that there are five genomic islands (GIs) in strain SOT and one CRISPR in strain SOD. Each genome harbors various pathogenic genes related to diseases and drug resistance, while the antibiotic resistance genes in strains SOT and SOD were quite similar but different from those in strain SO. In addition, we identified 17 main virulence factors and capsule-related genes in three strains. These results suggest the pathogenic potential of Streptococcus strains, which lay a foundation for the prevention and treatment of a Streptococcus oralis infection.

Autoři článku: Edmondsondamm7034 (Hansen Dalton)