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treated follicles revealed a reduction in the attributes of apoptosis in granulosa cells while PGF

showed an increased in the apoptotic characteristics.

The present study depicted that granulosa cell viability

is dependent on the continuous supply of survival and growth factors and prostaglandin of E series synthesis is a crucial step in the suppression of granulosa cell apoptosis while that of F series induces apoptosis.

The present study depicted that granulosa cell viability in vitro is dependent on the continuous supply of survival and growth factors and prostaglandin of E series synthesis is a crucial step in the suppression of granulosa cell apoptosis while that of F series induces apoptosis.

Analgesic and hemodynamic effects of ketamine in subanesthetic doses during surgical anesthesia and postoperative, are due to the action on the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors (NMDAR).

To evaluate the intraoperative cardiorespiratory effects provided by ketamine compared to lidocaine, both administered epidurally, in bitches submitted to ovariohysterectomy.

Thirty-six dogs of different breeds were used in a randomized, prospective, and blinded clinical trial. Two groups were formed G

(ketamine 3 mg/kg, n=18) and G

(lidocaine 4 mg/kg, n=18). Animals were premedicated with acepromazine 0.05 mg/kg intravenous. Anesthesia was induced with propofol 5 mg/kg intravenous. Anesthetic maintenance was performed with isoflurane in 100% oxygen. Every 5 min during surgery, heart rate (HR), respiratory rate (RR), esophageal temperature (°C), oxygen saturation (SPO

), end tidal carbon dioxide (ETCO

) and mean arterial pressure (MAP) were monitored.

Cardiorespiratory variables during anesthesia were within normal ranges. Heart rate was significantly higher at 5 (108 ± 12

95 ± 11) and 10 (110 ± 11

97 ± 11) min in G

compared to G

after the start of surgery (P=0.03 and P=0.01, respectively). Mean arterial pressure was higher in G

, (100 ± 23, 105 ± 35, and 103 ± 35 mmHg) in comparison with G

(66 ± 7, 74 ± 10, and 67 ± 9 mmHg) at 20, 25 and 30 min (P=0.01, P=0.004, and P=0.002, respectively). Mild hypothermia at 25 (36.5 1.3C) and 30 (36.5 1.4C) min in the G

was recorded.

Epidural administration of ketamine provides better hemodynamic stability, compared to the use of epidural lidocaine.

Epidural administration of ketamine provides better hemodynamic stability, compared to the use of epidural lidocaine.

Newcastle disease (ND) causes devastating economic losses in poultry industry.

This study evaluates the plausible effect of prior or post challenge vaccination with a live commercial vaccine on some pathogenic aspects of velogenic Newcastle disease virus (vNDV) infection in broilers with an emphasis on elucidating type I interferons (IFNs) response trends.

Chicks (n=250) were randomly allocated into 5 equal groups including negative control (NC), positive control (PC) (challenged with vNDV), and treatment (T1-T3) groups (T1) only received Villegas-Glisson/University of Georgia (VG/GA) strain of NDV vaccine, (T2) vaccinated 24 h prior to vNDV challenge, and (T3) vaccinated 24 h post vNDV challenge. Samples from trachea, cloacal content, and serum were collected at different time points to evaluate virus shedding or IFNs levels.

Although clinical signs and lesions were not completely blocked by administration of vaccine prior to or post vNDV inoculation, the disease severity diminished as demonstrated by an increase in bird's survival rate and median survival days (MSDs). learn more Moreover, prior to or post challenge VG/GA live vaccine administration, modified viral shedding patterns by decreasing the vNDV shedding period especially from the gastrointestinal (GI) system. Strong early type I IFNs response was observed in the trachea and sera of chickens vaccinated prior to or post-infection (pi) as compared to birds that received vaccine or vNDV alone. In trachea, IFN-α response was more pronounced than IFN-β, while both IFNs showed a considerable change in serum.

It seems that vaccination after challenge with vNDV can improve bird's health similar to prior administration and reduces virus shedding which may be due to type I IFNs production.

It seems that vaccination after challenge with vNDV can improve bird's health similar to prior administration and reduces virus shedding which may be due to type I IFNs production.

Globally, immunization is among the major contributors to public health, preventing 20% of childhood mortality annually. The highest fatality rates from vaccine preventable diseases are usually among children under five. Despite immunization guidelines put in place by the World Health Organization, globally, 1.5 million children die annually related to inadequate vaccination coverage. Existing literature indicate that there is an increase in nonadherence to immunization schedule in developing countries, and therefore, there is an increased demand to improve adherence to immunization schedule.

To explore strategies that will improve adherence to immunization schedule among children under 24 months attending the Maternal and Child Health clinic at Kenyatta National Hospital.

A cross-sectional mixed method study involving caregivers (

= 214) of well babies attending the Maternal and Child Health clinic. Data was collected using semistructured questionnaires, focus group discussions, and key informant inttors to current strategies of improving adherence to immunization schedule were having more health facilities near residential areas, using text messages reminders a day before the clinic date to remind caregivers of the due date for the clinic, and constant availability of vaccines. The health system strategies that would improve adherence to immunization schedules were more flexible clinic hours, availability of vaccines on daily basis, phone call reminders by health care providers, and increasing awareness on the importance of both vaccinations and adherence to immunization schedule.

It is unknown whether the presence of

malaria parasites in umbilical cord blood denotes activation of complement and oxidative stress to affect the duration of pregnancy and birth weight.

In a cross-sectional study conducted from January to April 2019 in Bamenda, Cameroon, cord blood samples were collected from 300 women at delivery. Parasitaemia was determined microscopically. Babies' weight and age of gestation were recorded. Plasma levels of complement and oxidative stress were measured by specific tests.

Cord blood malaria prevalence was 21.33%. Babies with an infected cord showed a low birth weight and gestation age than those with uninfected cords. More babies with infected cords had LBW (6.25%) compared to the counterparts (5.50%). The levels of parasitaemia and the babies' weight showed a weak positive correlation. The prevalence of preterm and postterm birth was 4.33% and 24.33% respectively, with a weak negative correlation between the age of gestation and the umbilical cord parasitaemia. There was correlation between cord parasitaemia and levels of complement haemolytic activity titter (CH

) and specific classical pathway activity (CPA) in cord blood.

Autoři článku: Denckercruz4651 (Peacock Adair)