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The current study investigates whether the types of pronominal errors children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) make are different from those of their TD peers at similar stages of language development. A recent review about language acquisition in ASD argues that these children show relative deficits in assigning/extending lexical meaning alongside relative strengths in morpho-syntax (Naigles & Tek, 2017). Pronouns provide an ideal test case for this argument because they are marked both for grammatical features (case) and features that reflect qualities of the referent itself (gender and number) or the referent's role in conversation (person). The form-meaning hypothesis predicts that children with ASD should struggle more with these latter features. The current study tests this hypothesis with data from a caregiver report, completed by caregivers of 151 children with and without ASD. Reported pronominal errors were categorized as meaning or form and compared across groups. In accordance with the form-meaning hypothesis, a higher proportion of children with ASD make meaning errors than they do form errors, and significantly more of them make meaning errors than TD children do.The importance of PEG architecture on nanoparticle (NP) functionality is known but still difficult to investigate, especially at a single particle level. Here, we apply DNA Point Accumulation for Imaging in Nanoscale Topography (DNA-PAINT), a super-resolution microscopy (SRM) technique, to study the surface functionality in poly(lactide-co-glycolide)-poly(ethylene glycol) (PLGA-PEG) NPs with different PEG structures. Ac-FLTD-CMK We demonstrated how the length of the PEG spacer can influence the accessibility of surface chemical functionality, highlighting the importance of SRM techniques to support the rational design of functionalized NPs.[This corrects the article DOI 10.18502/ijrm.v17i12.5795.].

Advances in recombinant DNA technology led to the development of recombinant follitropin alfa. Recombinant human follicle-stimulating hormone products are used to stimulate follicular maturation.

To compare the efficacy and safety of a biosimilar-candidate recombinant human follicle-stimulating hormone (Cinnal-fⓇ; CinnaGen, Iran) with the reference product (Gonal-fⓇ; Merck Serono, Germany) in women undergoing ovarian stimulation for intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI).

In this randomized controlled trial, a total sample size of 200 women (age


35 yr, candidate for ICSI) was calculated. Participants began a pituitary downregulation protocol with buserelin. They received 150 IU daily of either Cinnal-fⓇ or Gonal-fⓇ from the second day of their cycle. The primary outcome of the study was the percentage of metaphase II (MII) oocytes. The secondary outcomes included the number and quality of oocytes retrieved, duration of stimulation, fertilization rate, embryo quality, the number of clinical and ongoing pregnancies, and the incidence of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (as an important safety marker).

A total of 208 women were enrolled, of whom, 200 completed the study period. Ovarian stimulation with Cinnal-fⓇ resulted in a comparable percentage of MII oocytes as with Gonal-fⓇ (78.64% vs 80.02%, respectively; p = 0.81). No statistically significant difference was seen in the secondary outcomes between the groups.

Cinnal-fⓇ proved non-inferior to Gonal-fⓇ, based on the percentage of MII oocytes in women aged


35 yr undergoing ICSI. Our findings confirm that the efficacy and safety profiles of Cinnal-fⓇ and Gonal-fⓇ are similar.

Cinnal-fⓇ proved non-inferior to Gonal-fⓇ, based on the percentage of MII oocytes in women aged less then 35 yr undergoing ICSI. Our findings confirm that the efficacy and safety profiles of Cinnal-fⓇ and Gonal-fⓇ are similar.

Repeated teenage pregnancy is a major burden on the healthcare system worldwide.

We aimed to compare teenagers with their first and third pregnancies and to evaluate the likelihood of neonatal complications.

This cross-sectional study was performed on female teenagers (aged

19 yr) with singleton pregnancies. The subjects (n = 298) were screened over 12 months. Ninety-six women were excluded, based on the exclusion criteria. The remaining subjects (n = 202) were divided into two groups teenagers with first pregnancy (n = 96) and teenagers with third pregnancy (n = 47). The subjects were observed throughout pregnancy and delivery. The final sample size of the first and third pregnancy groups was 96 and 47, respectively.

There was a significant risk of preeclampsia in the first pregnancy group (p = 0.01). Low birth weight, five-min Apgar score


7, and neonatal intensive care unit admission were the most significant neonatal outcomes in the first pregnancy group. In the third pregnancy group, significant predictors of neonatal complications included very young age in the first pregnancy (

15 yr), an inter-pregnancy interval


2 yr, current anemia, and history of obstetric and/or neonatal complications in previous pregnancies.

Based on the results, teenagers with their first pregnancy had comparable obstetric outcomes (except for preeclampsia) as teenagers with their third pregnancy, whereas neonatal complications occurred more frequently in the first pregnancy group. Overall, we can predict high-risk neonates in the third pregnancy, based on the abovementioned parameters.

Based on the results, teenagers with their first pregnancy had comparable obstetric outcomes (except for preeclampsia) as teenagers with their third pregnancy, whereas neonatal complications occurred more frequently in the first pregnancy group. Overall, we can predict high-risk neonates in the third pregnancy, based on the abovementioned parameters.

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common disease in women. Some plant compounds which have antioxidant properties, such as curcumin, may be useful for these patients when delivered orally or in vitro.

The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of PCOS on oocyte quality and the effect of curcumin on in vitro fertilization of oocytes.

In this experimental study, Naval Medical Research Institute mice aged six to eight wk were used. Mice were divided into five experimental groups (control, experimental PCOS, curcumin 6, 12 and 24 μM). To induce experimental PCOS, estradiol valerate (100 mg/kg, IP) was injected. The total antioxidant capacity and production of malondialdehyde in ovarian tissue and blood serum were evaluated in all groups. Finally, 6, 12 and 24 μM of curcumin were added to the culture medium of the PCOS group oocytes and development in the different groups was evaluated.

A high percentage of oocytes for fertilization were not in good condition in terms of number and quality in the group of PCOS. The addition of curcumin to the embryo culture medium was associated with a higher percentage of fertilized oocytes, two-cells and blastocysts. This increase was significant at a concentration of 24 μM (p


Given that adding curcumin seemed to improve fetal growth and prevent the harmful effects of oxygen free radicals on the culture medium, it is recommended to add a certain concentration of curcumin under normal conditions without oxidative stress.

Given that adding curcumin seemed to improve fetal growth and prevent the harmful effects of oxygen free radicals on the culture medium, it is recommended to add a certain concentration of curcumin under normal conditions without oxidative stress.

The dialogue between oocytes and their surrounding cells plays a major role in the progress of oocyte meiosis and their developmental potential.

This study aimed to evaluate the effect of co-culture of normal granulosa-cumulus cells (GCCs) with oocytes from polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) mice.

Normal GCCs were collected from 10 virgin adult Naval Medical Research Institute female mice (30-35 gr, 7-8 wk old), and were cultured in an alpha-minimum essential medium supplemented with 5% fetal calf serum for 24-48 hr (1




cells/well). Then, germinal-vesicle oocytes from PCOS mice were cultured in the presence of cultured normal GCCs (experimental group) and without GCCs (control group). The maturation rate and quality of the PCOS oocytes were examined by evaluating


gene expression (real-time PCR) and the connection among PCOS oocytes and normal GCCs after 24 hr of culture.

The co-culture of normal GCCs and PCOS oocytes in the experimental group led to the formation of a complex called a PCOS oocyte-normal GCCs complex. The maturation rate of these complexes was significantly increased compared to that of the control group (p

0.001). A significant difference was also found in the expression of


0.001) and



0.05) genes in the experimental group compared with the control group. The connection between PCOS oocytes and normal GCCs was observed in the scanning electron microscope images.

Co-culture with normal GCCs improves the capacity of PCOS oocytes to enter meiosis, which may result in the promotion of assisted reproduction techniques.

Co-culture with normal GCCs improves the capacity of PCOS oocytes to enter meiosis, which may result in the promotion of assisted reproduction techniques.

Research examining the role of vitamin D deficiency and the development of menstrual disorders in women is of widespread interest. Studies have been published showing that supplementation with high-dose vitamin D can lead to the restoration of the menstrual cycle. We lack adequate information regarding the effect of vitamin D levels on the physiology of menstruation and further on fertility in women of reproductive age due to the contradictory results reported by studies.

To study the association of 25-hydroxy vitamin D with menstrual cycle characteristics including long and short cycle length and cycle irregularity.

In this cross-sectional study, serum vitamin D levels of 166 women attending an outpatient department with menstrual irregularities after excluding all obvious causes of menstrual disorders (n = 83) between April-June 2019 were measured and were compared with women of similar profiles with complaints other than menstrual irregularities (n = 83).

A decreased level of vitamin D was associated with a 13.3 times odds of an irregular cycle (OR (95% CI) 13.30 (5.79-30.60), p


0.001). 25-hydroxy vitamin D was not associated with age or body mass index. We found a significant difference (p


0.001) in mean vitamin D levels among the females with irregular cycles vs. regular cycles.

Vitamin D plays a role in the physiology of reproduction specific to the menstrual cycle and ovulation. Long-term prospective studies assessing the exact cutoff value and the exact dose of supplementation required are needed.

Vitamin D plays a role in the physiology of reproduction specific to the menstrual cycle and ovulation. Long-term prospective studies assessing the exact cutoff value and the exact dose of supplementation required are needed.

Autoři článku: Comptonmosley0394 (Bates Moon)