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Our work demonstrates the usefulness of the trophic incoherence parameter when considering models of social influence dynamics, with widespread consequences in the design and analysis of organisations.The wood adulteration is a common problem and under-studied aspect in the timber industry of Sri Lanka. Hence we conducted a survey to assess the status of timber adulteration and check the applicability of morphometric parameters and DNA barcoding to detect the adulterated timber sources. We interviewed the stakeholders of the timber industry to collect information regarding timber adulterations. We measured the morphometric parameters; wood density and sizes of the xylem elements of the standard and adulterant species. For DNA barcoding, DNA was extracted from the wood of the selected standard and adulterant species and subjected to PCR using the markers, matK-trnT and atpB-rbcL. The PCR products were subjected to DNA sequencing. According to the survey, 92.5% of patrons, 73.7% of manufacturers and 96.7% of carpenters said timber adulteration is taking place in the country. The respondents said that the standard timber species; Tectona grandis, Artocarpus heterophyllus, and Swietenia macrophylla, profoundly undergo adulteration in Sri Lanka. The morphometric parameters did not discriminate the adulterant species from the standard species. The DNA barcodes matK-trnT and atpB-rbcL provided unique polymorphic DNA sequences with specific lengths for each species permitting the precise establishment of species identity and enabling the accurate detection of timber adulterations.In this study, we report an effective approach to tune the crystallization, microstructure and charge transport of solution-processed organic semiconductors by blending with a conjugated polymer additive poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT). AZD9291 inhibitor When 6,13-bis(triisopropylsilylethynyl) pentacene (TIPS pentacene) was used as a model semiconductor material to mix with different amount of P3HT, their intermolecular interactions led to distinctive TIPS pentacene film morphologies, including randomly-oriented crystal ribbons, elongated needles with enhanced long-range order, and grass-like curved microwires with interlinkages. Each type of morphology was found to further correlate to considerably different charge transport and device performance. As compared to pristine TIPS pentacene devices, bottom-gate, top-contact OTFTs with 2% in weight P3HT additive showed a 2-fold and 5-fold improvement of average field-effect mobility and performance consistency (defined as the ratio of average mobility to the standard deviation), respectively. The improvement in transistor electrical performance can be attributed to the combined effect of enhanced crystal orientation and uniformity, as well as increased areal coverage. This work can be applied beyond the particular example demonstrated in this study and to tune the charge transport of other small-molecule organic semiconductors in general.An amendment to this paper has been published and can be accessed via a link at the top of the paper.The retrosplenial cortex (RSC) is implicated on navigation and contextual memory. Lesions studies showed that the RSC shares functional similarities with the hippocampus (HP). Here we evaluated the role of the anterior RSC (aRSC) in the "what" and "where" components of recognition memory and contrasted it with that of the dorsal HP (dHP). Our behavioral and molecular findings show functional differences between the aRSC and the dHP in recognition memory. The inactivation of the aRSC, but not the dHP, impairs the consolidation and expression of the "what" memory component. In addition, object recognition task is accompanied by c-Fos levels increase in the aRSC. Interestingly, we found that the aRSC is recruited to process the "what" memory component only if it is active during acquisition. In contrast, both the aRSC and dHP are required for encoding the "where" component, which correlates with c-Fos levels increase. Our findings introduce a novel role of the aRSC in recognition memory, processing not only the "where", but also the "what" memory component.An amendment to this paper has been published and can be accessed via a link at the top of the paper.Longitudinal studies measuring changes in cortical morphology over time are best facilitated by parcellation schemes compatible across all life stages. The Melbourne Children's Regional Infant Brain (M-CRIB) and M-CRIB 2.0 atlases provide voxel-based parcellations of the cerebral cortex compatible with the Desikan-Killiany (DK) and the Desikan-Killiany-Tourville (DKT) cortical labelling schemes. This study introduces surface-based versions of the M-CRIB and M-CRIB 2.0 atlases, termed M-CRIB-S(DK) and M-CRIB-S(DKT), with a pipeline for automated parcellation utilizing FreeSurfer and developing Human Connectome Project (dHCP) tools. Using T2-weighted magnetic resonance images of healthy neonates (n = 58), we created average spherical templates of cortical curvature and sulcal depth. Manually labelled regions in a subset (n = 10) were encoded into the spherical template space to construct M-CRIB-S(DK) and M-CRIB-S(DKT) atlases. Labelling accuracy was assessed using Dice overlap and boundary discrepancy measures with leave-one-out cross-validation. Cross-validated labelling accuracy was high for both atlases (average regional Dice = 0.79-0.83). Worst-case boundary discrepancy instances ranged from 9.96-10.22 mm, which appeared to be driven by variability in anatomy for some cases. The M-CRIB-S atlas data and automatic pipeline allow extraction of neonatal cortical surfaces labelled according to the DK or DKT parcellation schemes.Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a neurodegenerative disease for which the pathophysiological mechanisms of motor neuron loss are not precisely clarified. Environmental and epigenetic mechanisms such as microRNAs (miRNAs) could have a role in disease progression. We studied the expression pattern of miRNAs in ALS serum from 60 patients and 29 healthy controls. We also analyzed how deregulated miRNAs found in serum affected cellular pathways such as apoptosis, autophagy and mitochondrial physiology in SH-SY5Y cells. We found that miR-335-5p was downregulated in ALS serum. SH-SY5Y cells were transfected with a specific inhibitor of miR-335-5p and showed abnormal mitochondrial morphology, with an increment of reactive species of oxygen and superoxide dismutase activity. Pro-apoptotic caspases-3 and 7 also showed an increased activity in transfected cells. The downregulation of miR-335-5p, which has an effect on mitophagy, autophagy and apoptosis in SH-SY5Y neuronal cells could have a role in the motor neuron loss observed in ALS.

Autoři článku: Chengcurran7838 (Akhtar Wilson)