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We observed that even though the phosphoglycerate kinase activity had been inhibited, the migration ability induced by PGK1 was maintained. Moreover, our immunofluorescence staining also indicated the translocation of PGK1 from the cytoplasm to the nucleus and its colocalization with HTATSF1. From the results presented in this study, we propose a novel model in which the PGK1 binds to HTATSF1 and exerts functional control of cancer metastasis. In addition, we also showed a nonenzymatic function of PGK1.Dysfunction of adipocytes and adipose tissue is a primary defect in obesity and obesity-associated metabolic diseases. Interferon regulatory factor 3 (IRF3) has been implicated in adipogenesis. However, the role of IRF3 in obesity and obesity-associated disorders remains unclear. Here, we show that IRF3 expression in human adipose tissues is positively associated with insulin sensitivity and negatively associated with type 2 diabetes. In mouse pre-adipocytes, deficiency of IRF3 results in increased expression of PPARγ and PPARγ-mediated adipogenic genes, leading to increased adipogenesis and altered adipocyte functionality. The IRF3 knockout (KO) mice develop obesity, insulin resistance, glucose intolerance, and eventually type 2 diabetes with aging, which is associated with the development of white adipose tissue (WAT) inflammation. Increased macrophage accumulation with M1 phenotype which is due to the loss of IFNβ-mediated IL-10 expression is observed in WAT of the KO mice compared to that in wild-type mice. Bone-marrow reconstitution experiments demonstrate that the nonhematopoietic cells are the primary contributors to the development of obesity and both hematopoietic and nonhematopoietic cells contribute to the development of obesity-related complications in IRF3 KO mice. This study demonstrates that IRF3 regulates the biology of multiple cell types including adipocytes and macrophages to prevent the development of obesity and obesity-related complications and hence, could be a potential target for therapeutic interventions for the prevention and treatment of obesity-associated metabolic disorders.

Indoor environments contain a broad diversity of non-pathogenic Basidiomycota yeasts, but their role in exacerbating adverse health effects has remained unclear.

To understand the role of Vishniacozyma victoriae exposure and its impact on human health.

A qPCR assay was developed to detect and quantify an abundant indoor yeast species, Vishniacozyma victoriae (syn. Cryptococcus victoriae), from homes participating in the New York City Neighborhood Asthma and Allergy Study (NAAS). We evaluated the associations between V. victoriae, housing characteristics, and asthma relevant health endpoints.

V. victoriae was quantified in 236 of the 256 bedroom floor dust samples ranging from less than 300-45,918 cell equivalents/mg of dust. Higher concentrations of V. Isoprenaline cell line victoriae were significantly associated with carpeted bedroom floors (P = 0.044), mean specific humidity (P = 0.004), winter (P < 0.0001) and spring (P = 0.001) seasons, and the presence of dog (P = 0.010) and dog allergen Can f 1 (P = 0.027). V. victoriae concentrations were lower in homes of children with asthma vs. without asthma (P = 0.027), an association observed only among the non-seroatopic children.

V. victoriae was quantified in 236 of the 256 bedroom floor dust samples ranging from less than 300-45,918 cell equivalents/mg of dust. Higher concentrations of V. victoriae were significantly associated with carpeted bedroom floors (P = 0.044), mean specific humidity (P = 0.004), winter (P  less then  0.0001) and spring (P = 0.001) seasons, and the presence of dog (P = 0.010) and dog allergen Can f 1 (P = 0.027). V. victoriae concentrations were lower in homes of children with asthma vs. without asthma (P = 0.027), an association observed only among the non-seroatopic children.The RING-finger protein Pirh2 is a p53 family-specific E3 ubiquitin ligase. Pirh2 also ubiquitinates several other important cellular factors and is involved in carcinogenesis. However, its functional role in other cellular processes is poorly understood. To address this question, we performed a proteomic search for novel interacting partners of Pirh2. Using the GST-pulldown approach combined with LC-MS/MS, we revealed 225 proteins that interacted with Pirh2. We found that, according to the GO description, a large group of Pirh2-associated proteins belonged to the RNA metabolism group. Importantly, one of the identified proteins from that group was an RNA-binding protein ELAVL1 (HuR), which is involved in the regulation of splicing and protein stability of several oncogenic proteins. We demonstrated that Pirh2 ubiquitinated the HuR protein facilitating its proteasome-mediated degradation in cells. Importantly, the Pirh2-mediated degradation of HuR occurred in response to heat shock, thereby affecting the survival rate of HeLa cells under elevated temperature. Functionally, Pirh2-mediated degradation of HuR augmented the level of c-Myc expression, whose RNA level is otherwise attenuated by HuR. Taken together, our data indicate that HuR is a new target of Pirh2 and this functional interaction contributes to the heat-shock response of cancer cells affecting their survival.Obtaining accurate blood pressure readings is vital. However, students and health professionals do not always receive adequate training on blood pressure measurement, especially regarding new technologies, leading to insufficient knowledge. Therefore, the aim of this study is to analyze Brazilian health professionals' perceptions and knowledge about automated blood pressure monitors. This cross-sectional study involved 1734 Brazilian nurses, nursing technicians, and doctors who reported having some experience of using automated monitors. Perceptions about differences between readings obtained through the auscultatory and oscillometric methods, influence of small differences in clinical decision-making, confidence in automated monitors, and knowledge about contraindications for the use of these devices were assessed. Most medical and nursing professionals considered differences of up to 5 mmHg (40.94%) between auscultatory and oscillometric measurements acceptable. Of these, 69.02% reported that even small differences can influence clinical decisions. Confidence in readings obtained using automated blood pressure monitors was reported by 53.92%. Among the motivations for making these devices available in health services, the most frequent was the saving of time (48.85%) and the least frequent, the perception that the use of this technology requires less training (9.40%). Arrhythmia was the most recognized contraindication for the use of automated monitors (28.49%), followed by obesity (28.14%) and blood pressure readings above 160 × 100 mmHg. In conclusion, there is a lack of knowledge about the functionalities and indications of blood pressure monitors and a low tolerance for measurements different from those obtained through manual mercury sphygmomanometers or aneroids.A chronic low-grade inflammation within adipose tissue (AT) seems to be the link between obesity and some of its associated diseases. One hallmark of this AT inflammation is the accumulation of AT macrophages (ATMs) around dead or dying adipocytes, forming so-called crown-like structures (CLS). To investigate the dynamics of CLS and their direct impact on the activation state of ATMs, we established a laser injury model to deplete individual adipocytes in living AT from double reporter mice (GFP-labeled ATMs and tdTomato-labeled adipocytes). Hence, we were able to detect early ATM-adipocyte interactions by live imaging and to determine a precise timeline for CLS formation after adipocyte death. Further, our data indicate metabolic activation and increased lipid metabolism in ATMs upon forming CLS. Most importantly, adipocyte death, even in lean animals under homeostatic conditions, leads to a locally confined inflammation, which is in sharp contrast to other tissues. We identified cell size as cause for the described pro-inflammatory response, as the size of adipocytes is above a critical threshold size for efferocytosis, a process for anti-inflammatory removal of dead cells during tissue homeostasis. Finally, experiments on parabiotic mice verified that adipocyte death leads to a pro-inflammatory response of resident ATMs in vivo, without significant recruitment of blood monocytes. Our data indicate that adipocyte death triggers a unique degradation process and locally induces a metabolically activated ATM phenotype that is globally observed with obesity.Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is a quick-acting and powerful antidepressant treatment considered to be effective in treating severe and pharmacotherapy-resistant forms of depression. Recent studies have suggested that epigenetic mechanisms can mediate treatment response and investigations about the relationship between the effects of ECT and DNA methylation have so far largely taken candidate approaches. In the present study, we examined the effects of ECT on the methylome associated with response in depressed patients (n = 34), testing for differentially methylated CpG sites before the first and after the last ECT treatment. We identified one differentially methylated CpG site associated with the effect of ECT response (defined as >50% decrease in Hamilton Depression Rating Scale score, HDRS), TNKS (q  less then  0.05; p = 7.15 × 10-8). When defining response continuously (ΔHDRS), the top suggestive differentially methylated CpG site was in FKBP5 (p = 3.94 × 10-7). Regional analyses identified two differentially methylated regions on chromosomes 8 (Šídák's p = 0.0031) and 20 (Šídák's p = 4.2 × 10-5) associated with ΔHDRS. Functional pathway analysis did not identify any significant pathways. A confirmatory look at candidates previously proposed to be involved in ECT mechanisms found CpG sites associated with response only at the nominally significant level (p  less then  0.05). Despite the limited sample size, the present study was able to identify epigenetic change associated with ECT response suggesting that this approach, especially when involving larger samples, has the potential to inform the study of mechanisms involved in ECT and severe and treatment-resistant depression.

In recent years, oxytocin (OXT) and polymorphisms in the oxytocin receptor (OXTR) gene have been reported to play roles in obesity pathogenesis. However, there was no study evaluating OXTR gene variants in childhood obesity. The aim of the study was to investigate the relation of OXTR gene polymorphisms and serum OXT levels with metabolic and anthropometric parameters in obese and healthy adolescents.

The study was a multi-centered case-control study, which was conducted on obese and healthy adolescents aged between 12 and 17 years. Serum OXT and leptin levels were measured, and OXTR gene variants were studied by qPCR (rs53576) and RFLP (rs2254298) methods.

A total of 250 obese and 250 healthy adolescents were included in this study. In the obese group, serum OXT level was lower and leptin level was higher than the control group. In the obese group, frequencies of homozygous mutant (G/G) and heterozygous (A/G) genotypes for rs53576 polymorphism were higher than the control group. Homozygous mutant(G/G) and heterozygous (A/G) genotypes for rs53576 polymorphism were found to increase the risk of obesity compared to the wild type (A/A) genotype [OR = 6.

Autoři článku: Chasemarcussen8679 (Houmann Rafferty)