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48) responded to all evaluation moments. At M0, there were no differences between groups on stigma or help-seeking attitudes. Immediately after the intervention, stigma levels significantly decreased, and help-seeking attitudes significantly improved. These effects persisted for the next five months. Video-based depression stigma reduction intervention can be an essential tool to reduce depression stigma and improve help-seeking attitudes.We present data on the incidence of admissions for first episode psychosis in a region of southern Spain. All consecutive cases of admissions to the psychiatric hospitalization unit due to psychosis were selected. The incidence rates for first episode psychosis among immigrants and non-immigrants between two years were calculated. Incidence rate ratio of first episode of psychosis was higher in immigrants (IRR 5.95 95% CI 3.8-9.3 p less then 0.001) and also in individuals from Sub-Saharan Africa (IRR 30.09 95% CI16.2-55.8 p less then 0.001). The results reflect the risk that immigrants have a greater risk of being hospitalized than non-immigrants.Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) is significant challenge humanity faces today, with many patients losing their lives every year due to AMR. It is more widespread and has shown a higher prevalence in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) due to lack of awareness and other associated reasons. WHO has suggested some crucial guidelines and specific strategies such as antimicrobial stewardship programs taken at the institutional level to combat AMR. Creating awareness at the grassroots level can help to reduce the AMR and promote safe and effective use of antimicrobials. Control strategies in curbing AMR also comprise hygiene and sanitation as microbes travel from contaminated surroundings to the human body surface. As resistance to multiple drugs increases, vaccines can play a significant role in curbing the menace of AMR. This article summarizes the current surveillance practices and applied control measures to tackle the hostility in these countries with particular reference to the role of antimicrobial stewardship programs and the responsibilities of regulatory authorities in managing the situation.

Whether risk of exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is influenced by severity of symptoms and maintenance treatment is unclear.

We hypothesized that in addition to history of exacerbations of COPD, the severity of dyspnoea and use of maintenance medications are associated with risk of future exacerbations.

We included 96,462 adults from the Copenhagen General Population Study and assessed risk of moderate and severe exacerbations from 2003 to 2013 according to exacerbation history, dyspnoea score (mMRC), and presence/absence of maintenance treatment with inhaled long-acting bronchodilators and/or inhaled corticosteroids.

Among 13,380 individuals with COPD, we observed 1543 moderate and 348 severe exacerbations. In treatment naïve individuals and in those on maintenance treatment, history of previous exacerbations and to a smaller degree also dyspnoea were associated with a higher risk of future exacerbations; 32% of the treatment naïve individuals with mMRC≥2 and a single modng that this subgroup needs special attention in order to prevent these events.The cassava-alcohol fermentation process employing cassava requires nitrogen source to maximize yields by a commercial strain of S. cerevisiae TG1348. In this study, a factorial experimental design was used to assess a suitable nitrogen source for growth and fermentative performance of S. cerevisiae in cassava-ethanol fermentation. The alcohol fermentation time was about 39 h for urea and ammonium acetate, which was 48 h for ammonium chloride and ammonium sulphate. The fermentation time was reduced by 19 % when using urea and ammonium acetate as nitrogen source. Ammonium acetate leaded to the highest alcohol yield, which was 4% higher than for ammonium sulphate. In addition, byproduct formation differed obviously between the nitrogen sources. The glycerol yields were similar for urea, ammonium sulphate and ammonium chloride but were 24 % lower for ammonium acetate. However, glycerol yield for ammonium carbonate was higher than for other nitrogen sources. Clearly, in batch cultures the ammonium acetate not only increased ethanol generation, but also decreased glycerol generation. AUZ454 In order to understand why ammonium acetate promotes alcohol fermentation, acetic acid was added to different nitrogen sources. The weight loss effect of ammonium sulphate adding acetic acid and ammonium acetate as nitrogen source was the same. The fermentation time was shortened by adding acetic acid. And pH was increased by addition of acetic acid when ammonium sulfate and urea were used as nitrogen sources. The results showed that the acetate root plays an important role in ammonium acetate. The results of this study could facilitate the development of new strategies to control fermentation performance.Micropterus salmoides is an economical important species of freshwater-cultured fish, the in-depth knowledge of its immune system is in urgent development to cope with serious infectious diseases. Piscidin is an important antimicrobial peptide (AMP) family existing in almost all teleosts. However, no piscidin has been reported in largemouth bass. In this study, three novel piscidins (MSPiscidin-1, -2, and -3) were firstly identified and characterized from the largemouth bass. The predicted mature peptides of MSPiscidin-1, -2, and -3 (consists of 24, 27, 25 amino acid residues, respectively) all adopted an amphipathic α-helical conformation representative of cationic AMPs that are important for membrane permeabilization and antibacterial activity. MSPiscidin-2 and -3 indeed displayed strong, broad-spectrum, and highly efficient antimicrobial activities in vitro against aquatic pathogens, but MSPiscidin-1 didn't show direct antimicrobial activity. MSPiscidin-2 and -3 killed bacteria mainly by inducing membrane permeabilization, in addition, they also can interact with bacterial genomic DNA, which might influence the DNA replication and transcription. Besides, MSPiscidin-2 and -3 could effectively inhibit the formation of the bacterial biofilm and eliminate the preformed biofilms. In vivo, MSPiscidin-1-3 genes showed an inducible expression pattern in the tested tissues upon Vibrio harveyi infection, which further indicated the key roles of piscidins in innate immunity in largemouth bass. Overall, this study will supplement the understanding of M. salmoides innate immune system and provide candidates for the design of novel peptide antibacterial agents used in aquaculture.The fungal pathogen Fusarium graminearum (Fg) infects both heads and roots of cereal crops causing several economically important diseases such as head blight, seedling blight, crown rot and root rot. Trichothecene mycotoxins such as deoxynivalenol (DON), a well-known virulence factor, produced by Fg during disease development is also an important health concern. Although how Fg infects above-ground tissues is relatively well studied, very little is known about molecular processes employed by the pathogen during below-ground infection. Also unknown is the role of DON during root infection. In the present study, we analyzed the transcriptome of Fg during root infection of the model cereal Brachypodium distachyon (Bd). We also compared our Fg transcriptome data obtained during Bd root infection with those reported during wheat head infection. These analyses suggested that both shared and unique infection strategies were employed by the pathogen during colonization of different host tissues. Several metabolite biosynthesis genes induced in Fg during root infection could be linked to phytohormone production, implying that the pathogen likely interferes with root specific defenses. In addition, to understand the role of DON in Fg root infection, we analyzed the transcriptome of the DON deficient Tri5 mutant. These analyses showed that the absence of DON had a significant effect on fungal transcriptional responses. Although DON was produced in infected roots, this mycotoxin did not act as a Fg virulence factor during root infection. Our results reveal new mechanistic insights into the below-ground strategies employed by Fg that may benefit the development of new genetic tools to combat this important cereal pathogen.Effects of tray rotation speeds (TRS 0, 20, 40 rpm), temperatures (50, 60, 70 °C) and wavelength spectra (mid and near-infrared) were comparatively evaluated on improving drying kinetics, physicochemical properties and bioactive content of red dragon fruits. Results indicated that successive increases in TRS and temperature led to significant reductions in drying time and increases in drying rates and moisture diffusivity. High TRS (40 rpm) and lower temperatures (50, 60 °C) also improved colour, total soluble solids, rehydration ratio, total phenolics and flavonoid contents, betalain content and antioxidant activity. Meanwhile, NIR drying presented a more energy-efficient approach, but with substantial reductions in quality properties compared with MIR drying. Overall, the results suggested the importance of wavelength absorption properties of plant tissues and potential avoidance of localized overheating for enhanced efficiency during infrared drying and prompted the development of suitable approaches and optimization studies for improving efficiency.We examined how demographic factors (gender, sexual orientation, racial group, age, body mass) were linked to measures of sociocultural appearance concerns derived from objectification theory and the tripartite influence model (McKinley & Hyde, 1996; Schaefer et al., 2015) among 11,620 adults. Men were less likely than women to report high body surveillance, thin-ideal internalization, appearance-related media pressures, and family pressures; did not differ in peer pressures; and reported greater muscle/athletic internalization. Both men and women expressed greater desire for their bodies to look "very lean" than to look "very thin". Compared to gay men, heterosexual men reported lower body surveillance, thin-ideal internalization, peer pressures, and media pressures. Black women reported lower thin-ideal internalization than White, Hispanic, and Asian women, whereas Asian women reported greater family pressures. Being younger and having higher BMIs were associated with greater sociocultural appearance concerns across most measures. The variation in prevalence of sociocultural appearance concerns across these demographic groups highlights the need for interventions.Although the importance of investigating the development of weight bias in young children has been documented, little research has examined potential impacts of children's participation in such research. The purpose of the current study was to assess whether participation in research measuring beliefs about body size may engender changes in the development of weight beliefs in young children. Eighty children (44 boys, 36 girls), ages 3-5 (M = 3.73, SD =0.69) participated in tasks assessing weight bias beliefs and perception of their own body size at two time periods (two weeks apart). Participants' responses at Time 2 were also compared to data collected from a similar sample who completed the measures only once. Results demonstrated main effects of gender (girls reporting greater weight bias) and age (older children reporting greater weight bias)) across time points that are consistent with prior research. Importantly, there was no change in participants' responses from Time 1 to Time 2 and no significant differences between Time 2 data and data collected from participants who only completed the measures at one time period, suggesting that participation in such research may not pose undue risks to young children.

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