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The adolescents with uni- or bilateral cleft lip and palate presented high levels of religiosity, spirituality, and self-esteem. However, no correlation between these variables was identified.

The adolescents with uni- or bilateral cleft lip and palate presented high levels of religiosity, spirituality, and self-esteem. However, no correlation between these variables was identified.

to analyze the offering of the first graduate certificate program in nursing in the state of Minas Gerais, called "Graduate Certificate Course in Obstetrics" (Curso de Pós-Graduação em Obstetrícia), by the Nursing School Carlos Chagas, in 1966, and its contribution to the professionalization of obstetric nursing.

this is a documentary, socio-historical study, based on the Sociology of Professions by Freidson.

the data collected allowed the following thematic composition academic organization of the graduate certificate program and differentials and discontinuities of the first graduate certificate program at the Nursing School Carlos Chagas, with two categories delineated "Construction of specific knowledge for obstetric nursing" and "Enhancement of specialized knowledge for scientific notoriety".

The first offering of a graduate certificate program in nursing by the Nursing School Carlos Chagas at the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais was a milestone in the history of nursing in Minas Gerais and of the institution itself for being groundbreaking and having attracted students from other states, with repercussions in Brazil. This protagonism supported the professionalization course in the state and in the country, contributing to the scientific notoriety of the institution and of the professional category.

The first offering of a graduate certificate program in nursing by the Nursing School Carlos Chagas at the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais was a milestone in the history of nursing in Minas Gerais and of the institution itself for being groundbreaking and having attracted students from other states, with repercussions in Brazil. This protagonism supported the professionalization course in the state and in the country, contributing to the scientific notoriety of the institution and of the professional category.

To describe the construction of a nursing leadership succession plan for a hospital based on the appreciative reflection of nurses.

Descriptive exploratory study with a qualitative approach carried out with nurses in a federal public teaching hospital. Data collection was carried out in two stages. YUM70 The first was an individual interview, and the second was group mediation conducted based on the 4D Cycle and the assumptions of Appreciative Inquiry. Descriptive analysis of the findings was carried out.

The data showed a highly qualified team of different generations, concerned with succession planning based on scientific evidence, involving teams and carried out carefully for nurses at different stages of their professional careers.

The principles of Appreciative Inquiry allowed the construction of a succession plan to enhance leadership development actions in the hospital. The collaborative environment between generations was valued and planning focused on participatory management was created in the process. This aspect can profoundly change the institution's internal policy in several areas and point out ways to implement succession planning in different contexts.

The principles of Appreciative Inquiry allowed the construction of a succession plan to enhance leadership development actions in the hospital. The collaborative environment between generations was valued and planning focused on participatory management was created in the process. This aspect can profoundly change the institution's internal policy in several areas and point out ways to implement succession planning in different contexts.

To build and validate persuasive audiovisual communication content to reduce salt consumption in the diet of people with heart failure.

Methodological study, of a technological method, based on the Theory of Planned Behavior, in which the stages of pre-production, production and post-production were followed. link2 Content validation was carried out with specialists in the field of health and communication.

Based on the survey of beliefs related to salt reduction, the video contains 42 screens with three minutes and eleven seconds in duration and has animations and motivational arguments with the aim of positively influencing behavioral intention and modeling negative beliefs in positive ones. In content validation, the judges unanimously agreed with the evaluation criteria for the target audience, language, harmony, figures, narration and persuasion strategy. The Content Validity Index was satisfactory with a 97% agreement.

Persuasive audiovisual communication was considered valid in terms of content, becoming a tool to enhance the reduction of salt consumption in the care of people with heart failure.

Persuasive audiovisual communication was considered valid in terms of content, becoming a tool to enhance the reduction of salt consumption in the care of people with heart failure.

To describe the authors' experiences in planning and implementing a training course based on the Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner.

This is an experience report with qualitative characteristics of a descriptive nature and cross-sectional cut. In 2019, nurses were trained to care for victims of sexual violence through a course known in the United States as Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner. The course lasted 40 hours and was offered to nurses. The didactic strategies used were dialogued exposure, group dynamics and realistic simulation for clinical-gynecological examination with volunteers.

For five days, 20 nurses underwent training. The contents covered Brazilian legislation, protocols for assisting victims, anamnesis, physical examination, collection and preservation of forensic remains. The practical classes took place in the last two days of training. At the end of the course, a written assessment was applied.

The course provided the opportunity for the consolidation of important knowledge for nurses to care for victims of sexual violence, collection and preservation of traces and participation in the chain of custody.

The course provided the opportunity for the consolidation of important knowledge for nurses to care for victims of sexual violence, collection and preservation of traces and participation in the chain of custody.

To evaluate the performance of post mortem laboratory analysis in identifying the causes of hemorrhagic fever and/or neuroinvasive disease in deaths by arbovirus infection.

Retrospective cross-sectional study based on the differential analysis and final outcome obtained in patients whose samples underwent laboratory testing for arboviruses at the Pathology Center of the Adolfo Lutz Institute, in São Paulo, Brazil.

Of the 1355 adults clinically diagnosed with hemorrhagic fever and/or neuroinvasive disease, the most commonly attributed cause of death and the most common final outcome was dengue fever. Almost half of the samples tested negative on all laboratory tests conducted.

The failure to identify the causative agent in a great number of cases highlights a gap in the diagnosis of deaths of unknown etiology. Additional immunohistochemical and molecular assessments need to be added to the post-mortem protocol if all laboratory evaluations performed fail to identify a causative agent. While part of our findings may be due to technical issues related to sample fixation, better information availability when making the initial diagnosis is crucial. Including molecular approaches might lead to a significant advancement in diagnostic accuracy.

The failure to identify the causative agent in a great number of cases highlights a gap in the diagnosis of deaths of unknown etiology. Additional immunohistochemical and molecular assessments need to be added to the post-mortem protocol if all laboratory evaluations performed fail to identify a causative agent. While part of our findings may be due to technical issues related to sample fixation, better information availability when making the initial diagnosis is crucial. Including molecular approaches might lead to a significant advancement in diagnostic accuracy.

To estimate the maximum theoretical daily intake of pesticides potentially consumed, chronically, by the Brazilian population.

By using data from the food consumption section of the 2008-2009 Household Budget Survey to characterize the population diet, a database was built to group the foods based on the NOVA classification. Considering the maximum residue limit values of each pesticide authorized in the country until 2016, the limits of all consumed foods were added and multiplied by the amount consumed, resulting in the maximum theoretical intake index, which was compared with the acceptable daily intake.

The results show that, of the 283 pesticides considered in the database, 71 (25%) compounds had estimates of zero intake, 144 compounds (50.8%) reached acceptable daily intake values and 68 compounds (24%) showed median intake that exceeded the acceptable daily value. The pesticide intake estimation according to the different regions of the country showed a variation in the amount of compounds that ezed, which generates data and analyses that allow a detailed risk assessment.

To analyze the results of the use of narratives in group therapy for the qualification process of professionals in the Psychosocial Care Centers on the use of group dynamics.

This is an action research involving 21 workers from 11 Psychosocial Care Centers in the Brazilian Central-West region. link3 For data collection, narratives written by the participants about their work practices with therapeutic groups and theoretical discussion based on in-person workshops were used. Data were subjected to narrative analysis with the support of qualitative analysis software.

The category "Concerns and Questioning" showed the workers' lack of knowledge regarding the concept of group and group dynamics, the group management challenges, and the discomfort with the frustrations experienced by the group. The category "Learning for Group Coordination" showed knowledge acquisition for group planning and functioning, and understanding of the role of the group coordinator for mental health care.

Narrating the scenes of group care allowed participants to exercise critical reflexive thinking, recognize the theory of group dynamics, and develop skills to coordinate groups.

Narrating the scenes of group care allowed participants to exercise critical reflexive thinking, recognize the theory of group dynamics, and develop skills to coordinate groups.

The aim of this study was to investigate the association between chronotype, general health status and sleep quality in a sample of Spanish nurses.

An observational study assessing morningness-eveningness predisposition, general health status and quality of sleep was conducted between January and April 2018. Univariate and multivariate analyses were performed. A linear regression model was carried out to determine the influence of the variables on the morningness-eveningness type.

Morning-type was associated with aging (β = 0.249, p = 0.005), being married (β = 3.970, p = 0.033), and with a self-assessed low daily sleepiness (β = -0.311, p = 0.152). Good quality of sleep was moderately correlated with high values of general health (r = 0.337) and perceived quality of life (r = 0.426).

Anomalies of the circadian rhythm together with the features of shift workers may play an important role in predicting self-assessed general health status or the quality of sleep in nurses.

Anomalies of the circadian rhythm together with the features of shift workers may play an important role in predicting self-assessed general health status or the quality of sleep in nurses.

Autoři článku: Castillorye5750 (McCarthy Bloom)