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While the heat transfer and the flow dynamics in a cylindrical Rayleigh-Bénard (RB) cell are rather independent of the aspect ratio Γ (diameter/height) for large Γ, a small-Γ cell considerably stabilizes the flow and thus affects the heat transfer. Here, we first theoretically and numerically show that the critical Rayleigh number for the onset of convection at given Γ follows Ra_c,Γ∼Ra_c,∞(1+CΓ^-2)^2, with C≲1.49 for Oberbeck-Boussinesq (OB) conditions. We then show that, in a broad aspect ratio range (1/32)≤Γ≤32, the rescaling Ra→Ra_ℓ≡Ra[Γ^2/(C+Γ^2)]^3/2 collapses various OB numerical and almost-OB experimental heat transport data Nu(Ra,Γ). Our findings predict the Γ dependence of the onset of the ultimate regime Ra_u,Γ∼[Γ^2/(C+Γ^2)]^-3/2 in the OB case. This prediction is consistent with almost-OB experimental results (which only exist for Γ=1, 1/2, and 1/3) for the transition in OB RB convection and explains why, in small-Γ cells, much larger Ra (namely, by a factor Γ^-3) must be achieved to observe the ultimate regime.We realize a scanning probe microscope using single trapped ^87Rb atoms to measure optical fields with subwavelength spatial resolution. Our microscope operates by detecting fluorescence from a single atom driven by near-resonant light and determining the ac Stark shift of an atomic transition from other local optical fields via the change in the fluorescence rate. We benchmark the microscope by measuring two standing-wave Gaussian modes of a Fabry-Pérot resonator with optical wavelengths of 1560 and 781 nm. We attain a spatial resolution of 300 nm, which is superresolving compared to the limit set by the 780 nm wavelength of the detected light. Sensitivity to short length scale features is enhanced by adapting the sensor to characterize an optical field via the force it exerts on the atom.Nanoscale surface curvatures, either convex or concave, strongly influence the charging behavior of supercapacitors. Rationalizing individual influences of electrode atoms to the capacitance is possible by interpreting distinct elements of the charge-charge covariance matrix derived from individual charge variations of the electrode atoms. An ionic liquid solvated in acetonitrile and confined between two electrodes, each consisting of three undulated graphene layers, serves as a demonstrator to illustrate pronounced and nontrivial features of the capacitance with respect to the electrode curvature. In addition, the applied voltage determines whether a convex or concave surface contributes to increased capacitance. While at lower voltages capacitance variations are in general correlated with ion number density variations in the double layer formed in the concave region of the electrode, for certain electrode designs a surprisingly strong contribution of the convex part to the differential capacitance is found both at higher and lower voltages.Photoelectron interferometry with femtosecond and attosecond light pulses is a powerful probe of the fast electron wave-packet dynamics, albeit it has practical limitations on the energy resolution. We show that one can simultaneously obtain both high temporal and spectral resolution by stimulating Raman interferences with one light pulse and monitoring the modification of the electron yield in a separate step. Applying this spectroscopic approach to the autoionizing states of argon, we experimentally resolved its electronic composition and time evolution in exquisite detail. Theoretical calculations show remarkable agreement with the observations and shed light on the light-matter interaction parameters. Using appropriate Raman probing and delayed detection steps, this technique enables highly sensitive probing and control of electron dynamics in complex systems.Mirror thermal noise will be a main limitation for the sensitivities of the next-generation ground-based gravitational-wave detectors (Einstein Telescope and Cosmic Explorer) at signal frequencies around 100 Hz. Using a higher-order spatial laser mode instead of the fundamental mode is one proposed method to further mitigate mirror thermal noise. In the current detectors, quantum noise is successfully reduced by the injection of squeezed vacuum states. The operation in a higher-order mode would then require the efficient generation of squeezed vacuum states in this mode to maintain a high quantum noise reduction. In our setup, we generate continuous-wave squeezed states at a wavelength of 1064 nm in the fundamental and three higher-order Hermite-Gaussian modes up to a mode order of 6 using a type-I optical parametric amplifier. We present a significant milestone with a quantum noise reduction of up to 10 dB at a measurement frequency of 4 MHz in the higher-order modes and pave the way for their usage in future gravitational-wave detectors as well as in other quantum noise limited experiments.High-β_θe (a ratio of the electron thermal pressure to the poloidal magnetic pressure) steady-state long-pulse plasmas with steep central electron temperature gradient are achieved in the Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak. An intrinsic current is observed to be modulated by turbulence driven by the electron temperature gradient. This turbulent current is generated in the countercurrent direction and can reach a maximum ratio of 25% of the bootstrap current. Gyrokinetic simulations and experimental observations indicate that the turbulence is the electron temperature gradient mode (ETG). The dominant mechanism for the turbulent current generation is due to the divergence of ETG-driven residual flux of current. Good agreement has been found between experiments and theory for the critical value of the electron temperature gradient triggering ETG and for the level of the turbulent current. The maximum values of turbulent current and electron temperature gradient lead to the destabilization of an m/n=1/1 kink mode, which by counteraction reduces the turbulence level (m and n are the poloidal and toroidal mode number, respectively). These observations suggest that the self-regulation system including turbulence, turbulent current, and kink mode is a contributing mechanism for sustaining the steady-state long-pulse high-β_θe regime.The plasma exit flow speed at the sheath entrance is constrained by the Bohm criterion. The so-called Bohm speed regulates the plasma particle and power exhaust fluxes to the wall, and it is commonly deployed as a boundary condition to exclude the sheath region in quasineutral plasma modeling. Here the Bohm criterion analysis is performed in the intermediate plasma regime away from the previously known limiting cases of adiabatic laws and the asymptotic limit of infinitesimal Debye length in a finite-size system, using the transport equations of an anisotropic plasma. The resulting Bohm speed has explicit dependence on local plasma heat flux, temperature isotropization, and thermal force. Comparison with kinetic simulations demonstrates its accuracy over the plasma-sheath transition region in which quasineutrality is weakly perturbed and the Bohm criterion applies.We examine the possibility that dark matter (DM) consists of a gapped continuum, rather than ordinary particles. A weakly interacting continuum (WIC) model, coupled to the standard model via a Z portal, provides an explicit realization of this idea. The thermal DM relic density in this model is naturally consistent with observations, providing a continuum counterpart of the "WIMP miracle." Direct detection cross sections are strongly suppressed compared to ordinary Z-portal WIMP, thanks to a unique effect of the continuum kinematics. Continuum DM states decay throughout the history of the Universe, and observations of cosmic microwave background place constraints on potential late decays. Production of WICs at colliders can provide a striking cascade-decay signature. PF-04957325 in vitro We show that a simple Z-portal WIC model provides a fully viable DM candidate consistent with all current experimental constraints.With the advent of noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) devices, practical quantum computing has seemingly come into reach. However, to go beyond proof-of-principle calculations, the current processing architectures will need to scale up to larger quantum circuits which will require fast and scalable algorithms for quantum error correction. Here, we present a neural network based decoder that, for a family of stabilizer codes subject to depolarizing noise and syndrome measurement errors, is scalable to tens of thousands of qubits (in contrast to other recent machine learning inspired decoders) and exhibits faster decoding times than the state-of-the-art union find decoder for a wide range of error rates (down to 1%). The key innovation is to autodecode error syndromes on small scales by shifting a preprocessing window over the underlying code, akin to a convolutional neural network in pattern recognition approaches. We show that such a preprocessing step allows to effectively reduce the error rate by up to 2 orders of magnitude in practical applications and, by detecting correlation effects, shifts the actual error threshold up to fifteen percent higher than the threshold of conventional error correction algorithms such as union find or minimum weight perfect matching, even in the presence of measurement errors. An in situ implementation of such a machine learning-assisted quantum error correction will be a decisive step to push the entanglement frontier beyond the NISQ horizon.A new type of self-sustained divertor oscillation is discovered in the Large Helical Device stellarator, where the peripheral plasma is detached from material diverters by means of externally applied perturbation fields. The divertor oscillation is found to be a self-regulation of an isolated magnetic field structure (the magnetic island) width induced by a drastic change in a poloidal inhomogeneity of the plasma radiation across the detachment-attachment transitions. A predator-prey model between the magnetic island width and a self-generated local plasma current (the bootstrap current) is introduced to describe the divertor oscillation, which successfully reproduces the experimental observations.We detail our discovery of a chiral enhancement in the production cross sections of massive spin-2 gravitons, below the electroweak symmetry breaking scale, that makes them ideal dark matter candidates for the freeze-in mechanism. The result is independent of the physics at high scales and points toward masses in the keV-MeV range. The graviton is, therefore, a sub-MeV dark matter particle, as favored by the small scale galaxy structures. We apply the novel calculation to a Randall-Sundrum model with multiple branes, showing a significant parameter space where the first two massive gravitons saturate the dark matter relic density.We show that an open quantum system in a non-Markovian environment can reach steady states that it cannot reach in a Markovian environment. As these steady states are unique for the non-Markovian regime, they could offer a simple way of detecting non-Markovianity, as no information about the system's transient dynamics is necessary. In particular, we study a driven two-level system (TLS) in a semi-infinite waveguide. Once the waveguide has been traced out, the TLS sees an environment with a distinct memory time. The memory time enters the equations as a time delay that can be varied to compare a Markovian to a non-Markovian environment. We find that some non-Markovian states show exotic behaviors such as population inversion and steady-state coherence beyond 1/sqrt[8], neither of which is possible for a driven TLS in the Markovian regime, where the time delay is neglected. Additionally, we show how the coherence of quantum interference is affected by time delays in a driven system by extracting the effective Purcell-modified decay rate of a TLS in front of a mirror.

Autoři článku: Caingill0817 (Padilla Rowland)