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48). The educational level, the type of cognitive tests, and the intelligence factor assessed were relevant moderators of the validity estimates. The validity of a compound of conscientiousness, agreeableness, and intelligence was .42 for predicting overall CAB. Finally, we discuss the theoretical and practical implications of the findings. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2020 APA, all rights reserved).In almost any profession, selecting a good advisor is crucial for success. The current research examines the discrepancy between predicted versus actual advisor selection decisions. We found that individuals make consistent predictions that they would rely primarily on competence-based characteristics (e.g., expertise, experience) when selecting an advisor (Studies 1, 2, and 4). This predicted preference remained even when all potential advisors had relatively similar levels of expertise (Study 4). Using data from the reality competition The Voice, we examined whether this prediction translates into actual, high-stakes decision-making (Study 3). The results showed that, contrary to predictions, individuals were more likely to select advisors who expressed high amounts of positivity toward them. We then extended our investigation by testing predicted versus actual advisor selections in a single experiment, again finding evidence that people failed to anticipate the influence that expressed positivity would exert on their selection of an advisor (Study 5). Finally, we examined the performance consequences of this pattern of advisor selection, demonstrating that reliance on expressed positivity over expertise when selecting an advisor can inhibit advisees' performance improvements (Study 6). (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2020 APA, all rights reserved).OBJECTIVE The U.S. declared the opioid epidemic as a national public health emergency in 2017. Given the strong and bidirectional relationship between trauma and substance misuse, policy responses to this crisis that reflect principles of trauma-informed care are especially salient. This study is the first to use trauma-informed policy analysis to systematically assess the U.S. Congressional response to the opioid epidemic. METHOD We used policy mapping methods to build and analyze a dataset of all opioid-related bills and resolutions proposed in Congress between 2009 and 2017 (N = 188). Following an established trauma-informed policy analysis framework, 2 researchers reviewed these policies and coded their incorporation of trauma-specific language and the principles of safety; choice; trust and transparency; collaboration and peer support; empowerment; and intersectionality. We calculated coding frequencies in these categories and rates of intercoder agreement. RESULTS A minority of policies (10.6%) directly mentioned trauma and 55% of policies incorporated at least 1 trauma-informed principle. Safety was the most commonly coded principle (38.3%), while intersectionality was the least (6.9%). CONCLUSIONS Our analysis found limited attention to trauma in opioid-related federal legislation. Based on these findings and following the example of coalitions such as the Campaign for Trauma-Informed Policy and Practice, advocates can mobilize for better inclusion of trauma-informed principles in opioid policy. Further, this study demonstrates the feasibility of applying the trauma-informed policy analysis framework to code Congressional policies using publicly available data, a replicable methodology with potential application at federal and state levels. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2020 APA, all rights reserved).OBJECTIVES In this study we examine the relationship between contextual factors, that is, perceived multicultural norms, and immigrant well-being. Specifically, we test a model whereby each of the three dimensions of normative multiculturalism, perceived Multicultural Ideology, Multicultural Policies and Practices, and Multicultural Contact, positively predicts immigrant well-being both directly and indirectly via belongingness. METHOD Korean immigrants in New Zealand (N = 306, 56% female) participated in the research. Their average age was 31.17 (SD = 10.46), and the average length of residence was 10.04 years (SD = 7.21). Participants completed a survey that included the Normative Multiculturalism Scale along with measures of belonging and well-being (flourishing, life satisfaction, and positive affect). RESULTS Structural equation modeling showed that perceived normative Multicultural Policies and Practices exerted a direct positive effect on well-being and an indirect positive effect via belongingness; Multicultural Ideology exerted only an indirect effect; and Multicultural Contact did not significantly relate to belongingness or subjective well-being. IMPLICATIONS The results are discussed in terms of everyday experiences of intercultural encounters, social norms and the contextual influences of diversity climates, as well as the importance of distinguishing the defining features of multiculturalism in diversity science research. We also propose that multicultural norm setting and norms marketing may lead to positive social and psychological outcomes for immigrants. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2020 APA, all rights reserved).In psychology, the causal process between 2 variables can be studied with statistical mediation analysis. To make a causal interpretation about the relation between variables, researchers who use the statistical mediation model make many assumptions about the variables in the model, among which are measurement assumptions about the mediator. For example, researchers often assume that the measure of the mediator yields scores that are reliable and that have a valid interpretation. In this article, we address how several measurement challenges affect the conclusions of statistical mediation analysis, and how researchers can use different psychometric models to study theoretically different causal processes. We use simulated data sets to illustrate how 10 well-fitting and theoretically sound statistical mediation models could significantly detect the indirect effect or miss it entirely depending on how the mediator is represented in the model. In the example, power to detect the indirect effect varied by the amount of true mediator variance that the psychometric model of the mediator was able to isolate. Different strategies to incorporate psychometric methods into mediation research are discussed and future directions are considered. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2020 APA, all rights reserved).Retiring is associated with increased risk of cognitive decline (e.g., Bonsang, Adam, & Perelman, 2012; Wickrama, O'Neal, Kwag, & Lee, 2013). However, little is known about the moderating role of motivational and demographic factors that are implicated in adaptive development and the retirement transition process. We used data from the Midlife in the United States Study (n = 732, Mage = 57, SD = 5.76, 50% female) to examine whether the association between retirement and cognitive decline depended on a key motivation factor (goal disengagement) in propensity score matched samples of older retirees and employees. We explored whether these effects were further moderated by gender. Results showed that those who retired (vs. remained employed) experienced steeper 9-year declines in episodic memory (b = -.41, p = .001) only if they were high in goal disengagement and female. Findings are consistent with theories of lifespan development and cognitive aging and provide initial evidence that retirement may be associated with increased cognitive declines for only certain individuals prone to disengage from highly challenging activities and goal pursuits. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2020 APA, all rights reserved).Homeless young adults are more likely than their never-homeless counterparts to abuse substances and engage in sexual risk behaviors. This study evaluated the feasibility and preliminary effectiveness of OnTrack, a smartphone application to self-monitor substance use and sexual risk behaviors, plus a brief motivational intervention (BMI), in reducing substance use and sexual risk among homeless young adults. A randomized controlled pilot trial (N = 60) compared OnTrack + BMI to treatment as usual (TAU) at an inner-city crisis shelter for homeless young adults (aged 18-21 years). Participants were assessed at baseline and 2 weeks, 4 weeks, and 6 weeks after baseline to evaluate substance use and sexual risk behaviors. Kruskal-Wallis tests determined differences between baseline and postintervention assessments. Logistic regression models examined treatment effect on change in outcomes between baseline and postintervention follow-up assessment, controlling for baseline levels. Participants in OnTrack + BMI significantly reduced past 2-week number of drinks (p = .023), times used marijuana (p = .046), times engaged in unprotected sex (p = .012), and times used drugs before sexual activity (p = .019). No reductions of substance use or sexual risk behaviors were found among participants in TAU (all ps > .05). After adjusting for baseline levels of substance use and sexual risk, participants in OnTrack + BMI had significantly lower odds than those in TAU for drinking alcohol (adjusted OR = 0.14; p = .01) and having unprotected sex (adjusted OR = 0.151; p = .032). OnTrack + BMI is feasible and effective in reducing past 2-week alcohol use and unprotected sex among homeless young adults. Fluspirilene A larger randomized trial is warranted to replicate and extend present results. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2020 APA, all rights reserved).OBJECTIVE The present study examined how mothers' personal characteristics, experience with, and attitudes toward the juvenile justice system are associated with their knowledge of the juvenile justice system over time. HYPOTHESES We hypothesized that additional exposure to the system (via sons' rearrests) would be associated with greater legal knowledge. We predicted that White women, women with higher educational attainment, and women who had been arrested would experience greater gains in legal knowledge over time, relative to non-White women, women with lower educational attainment, and women who had not been arrested. Finally, we predicted that mothers' attitudes toward the legitimacy of the justice system would not be associated with their change in legal knowledge. METHOD Mothers (N = 234) of male youth (majority non-White) completed a questionnaire of their knowledge about the juvenile justice system after their sons' 1st arrest (T1) and again 2.5 years later (T2). RESULTS Knowledge did not improve over time, regardless of whether the youth was rearrested. Black mothers displayed less knowledge of the juvenile justice system when their sons were rearrested multiple times. Attitudes toward the justice system were not associated with legal knowledge. CONCLUSIONS These results illustrate the importance of a family educational component to juvenile probation, especially as a vehicle to reduce disproportionate minority contact with the juvenile justice system. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2020 APA, all rights reserved).OBJECTIVE We surveyed a national sample of child forensic interviewers to learn the types of information they wanted to have before interviewing children, their attitudes and beliefs about forensic interviews, the characteristics of their interviews, and their professional experiences. HYPOTHESES We predicted (1) interviewers would want many different types of information before interviewing children, but specifically details about the child, alleged abuse, and disclosure, and that interviewers would find this information helpful and accessible; (2) interviewers would consider their own interviews to be neutral and nonleading and to yield accurate and complete information from children; interviewers' concern about false reports would be related to (3) the amount of preinterview information they wanted and (4) their years of experience and amount of training. METHOD Forensic interviewers (N = 781) from all 50 states and the District of Columbia completed all (n = 754) or part (n = 27) of a questionnaire that consisted of open- and closed-ended questions.

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