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As many as half of people with HIV who are in a long-term sexual relationship have an HIV-negative partner. Data on sexual behavior and contraceptive needs of heterosexual serodiscordant couples are scarce in India. Keeping these facts in mind, it was considered imperative to conduct a study on sexual behavior, contraceptive practices and associated high risk factors among heterosexual serodiscordant couples.

The objective of the study was to assess the sexual behavior, current contraceptive practices and various risk factors of HIV transmission among married heterosexual HIV serodiscordant couples.

Descriptive study conducted at antiretroviral therapy (ART) centre from where 100 discordant couples were included, data were collected related to their sexual practices, knowledge about different contraception methods and high risk factors related to infection transmission were recorded.

All couples had knowledge of use of condoms (100%) while consistent usage was seen only in 18%. The high risk of HIV transmission was seen among recently married serodiscordant couples. Couples engaged in daily intercourse were more likely to have high risk of transmission (

value < 0.05).

This study showed various risk factors for infection transmission to the seronegative partner among serodiscordant couples. Henceforth, given conception that prevention of these factors could reduce overall seroconversion rate among such couples.

This study showed various risk factors for infection transmission to the seronegative partner among serodiscordant couples. Henceforth, given conception that prevention of these factors could reduce overall seroconversion rate among such couples.

Nutrition transition has replaced homemade foods with processed items that increased the prevalence of noncommunicable disease in adult population. But we know little about the food intake pattern of adults specially in urban sector.

The study aimed at describing the food-consumption patterns in a sample of adults residing in urban area.

An observational cross-sectional study was done from April to June, 2019 at urban field practice area of a teaching hospital of Kolkata.

A prevalidated, pretested, 51-item, food-frequency questionnaire was applied to assess the food-consumption pattern of 110 participants.

Adults reported poor dietary intakes; more than half reported no consumption of green-leafy vegetables (GLV) (66.4%), other vegetables (52.8%), and fruits (63.6%). Whereas 72.7% reported consumption of three or more servings of energy-dense foods and 90.9% reported consumption of three or more servings of energy-dense beverages on previous day. Mean intake of food varied from 0.34 (SD = 0.47) for GLV to 8.19 (SD = 2.39) for cereals. Females consumed more servings of GLV, other vegetables, roots-tubers, and fruits than males. Fruit consumption was low in all age groups. Higher socioeconomic class people strikingly consumed no GLV.

Study participants reported consumption of more energy-dense snacks, beverages than healthy food like GLV, fruits. Study findings highlight to design strategies to promote nutrition education and practical application of healthy food habits in target population group.

Study participants reported consumption of more energy-dense snacks, beverages than healthy food like GLV, fruits. Study findings highlight to design strategies to promote nutrition education and practical application of healthy food habits in target population group.

In the prevailing COVID-19 pandemic, the Indian healthcare system has worked hard towards restricting the adverse outcomes to the least possible figures. The present study aims to share the experience of a COVID-dedicated tertiary care government hospital in Northern India of managing COVID-19 patients with comorbidities.

A retrospective, observational study was conducted in a COVID-dedicated tertiary health care government hospital in Northern India. Details on sociodemographic data, hospital admission data, and drug utilization pattern of all laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 patients of all age groups, either gender, having comorbidity (s), and admitted between April and September, 2020 were noted and evaluated.

Among the total study participants (N = 406), 2868 drugs were prescribed. Out of these, 2336 were used for the management of symptoms of COVID-19 and 532 were used for the management of coexistent comorbidity (s). For COVID-19 symptoms, the most commonly prescribed class of drugs were antimicrobials (853, 36.52%), followed by nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (374, 16.01%), proton pump inhibitors (299, 12.80%), antihistamines (232, 9.93%), immunosuppressant drugs (103, 4.41%), and others. For comorbidities most commonly prescribed were antihypertensive (310, 58.60%) drugs, followed by antidiabetic drugs (166, 31.38%), bronchodilators (34, 6.43%), thyroid hormones (11, 2.08%), immunosuppressant drugs (7, 1.32%).

The most frequently prescribed antihypertensives were calcium channel blockers (CCBs) and least prescribed was beta blocker+CCB. Among the antidiabetic drugs, most frequently prescribed was insulin and least prescribed was DPP-4 inhibitors and Biguanide+DPP-4 inhibitor both.

The most frequently prescribed antihypertensives were calcium channel blockers (CCBs) and least prescribed was beta blocker+CCB. Among the antidiabetic drugs, most frequently prescribed was insulin and least prescribed was DPP-4 inhibitors and Biguanide+DPP-4 inhibitor both.

Fatty liver is a disease caused by the accumulation of fat in the liver. It is one of the major risk factors for developing cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. Saudi Arabia is one of the most prevalent countries in diabetes and obesity; the overall prevalence of diabetes is 23.7% and obesity is 35.6%.

To study the correlation between fatty liver finding on abdominal ultrasound (US) and their clinical and biochemical profile including BMI, blood glucose level, lipid profile, liver function tests, and blood pressure in both group lean and obese patients.

Cross-sectional study of 346 fatty liver ultrasound-proven patients were enrolled in the study from January to May 2016 in King Saud Hospital- Qassim, Saudi Arabia.

Mean age of the participants was 50.3 years. Female participants were 55% of the cohort. Participants were divided based on their BMI BMI <25 (lean), BMI of 25-30 (overweight and mild obesity), and BMI >30 (morbid obesity). APD334 We found that cholesterol (

= 0.007) and low-density lipisk of development of fatty liver. However, liver enzymes were within the normal range, except GGT, which was higher in all the groups, with the highest value in mildly obese patients. Therefore, they are not sensitive for diagnosing fatty liver patients.

A traditional African phrase, 'A pregnant woman has one foot in the grave' expresses the immense health risks associated with pregnancy and childbirth. Antenatal care (ANC) is considered an important determinant to alleviate mortalities and morbidities associated with maternal health.

The study aimed to identify the utilization pattern of ANC services by pregnant women in a remote, tribal, and hilly district of Himachal Pradesh and to understand their healthcare needs during antenatal period.

A community based descriptive, cross-sectional study was carried out in 41 far-flung villages of Lahaul and Spiti district in Himachal Pradesh, India, using a mixed-method approach of data collection. Purposive sampling was done to select 103 females who had experienced delivery in the past 2 years and were residents of Lahaul for minimum of 3 years. The participants were interviewed using a semi-structured questionnaire and the data were analysed by SPSS-20.

The study revealed high utilization of ANC services by indigenous women, but it was accompanied by physical, psychological, and financial hardships. The triple challenge of inadequacy of quality antenatal services, transport facilities, and unfavourable weather conditions compelled women to leave their communities in Lahaul and relocate to adjoining districts during the maternity period.

Pregnancy is still a stressful event that disrupts the link between families and communities in such underserved areas. The study recommends the establishment of programs that promote availability of quality ANC services within the rural and remote communities.

Pregnancy is still a stressful event that disrupts the link between families and communities in such underserved areas. The study recommends the establishment of programs that promote availability of quality ANC services within the rural and remote communities.

Consuming larger portion sizes, i.e., in excess of a typically recommended serving size, has been attributed to the obesity epidemic. The workplace acts as an efficient target for health promotion activities.

To assess the effectiveness of a food portion size educational programme in increasing knowledge among the employees of a software company in Puducherry.

An interventional study was conducted with a pre-post design. link2 A single group of software company employees (N = 120), age ≥30 years selected by simple random sampling was included in the study. The intervention consisted of a health education programme on the portion sizes of common food items including fruits and vegetables. link3 A self-administered questionnaire was used to collect information on personal and sociodemographic details. Self-regulation on eating was assessed using the Self-Regulation of Eating Behaviour Questionnaire (SREBQ).

The mean age of the study participants was 27 ± 5 years. Most of the participants were males, i.e., 72 (60%). Of the total, 55 (47.8%) participants were obese and 18 (15.7%) were overweight. The median number of meals and snacks consumed by the participants was 3 (1-3) and 1 (1-2), respectively. The median (interquartile range [IQR]) knowledge scores of the food portion size significantly increased from 9 (0-16) to 14 (5-19) (

< 0.05).

This study has demonstrated that an educational intervention in the workplace setting is feasible and effective in increasing the knowledge of food portion size over a short term.

This study has demonstrated that an educational intervention in the workplace setting is feasible and effective in increasing the knowledge of food portion size over a short term.

Leptospirosis is emerging as one of the growing public health problems in many parts of India. It can occur in both rural and urban areas with varied risk factors. This study was taken up in three districts of Maharashtra namely-Mumbai, Ratnagiri, and Sindhudurg to understand the determinants of leptospirosis in both the urban and rural areas and look for differences if any.

This cross-sectional study was carried out during the year 2017. A pretested validated questionnaire was used to collect data. Field observations were made. Eighty-seven cases from Sindhudurg and 14 from Ratnagiri and 307 cases from Mumbai were included in the study.

A total of 408 cases were included in the study. A total of 63 (62.4%) were males and 38 (37.6%) were females. Most cases belonged to the 20-35 year age group (37%). In rural areas, 32.7% of them visited government facilities first, whereas, in the urban areas, it was 73.9% (

= 0.006). Headache, myalgia, and prostration were more common in cases from rural areas (

= <0.

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